Yoyage Wrapup

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Yoyage Wrapup

John Citizen555 3340 9888 44109Johnc@abc.net

1 Smith St.Atlanta, Georgia

“I think it’s important to remember that any scientist, when they look at empirical data, they look at that with preconceived ideas, with various assumptions, with their own worldview, and that can have a big impact on how they interpret that data.”

“Darwin himself says that, as a child, he used to lie, or at least he…used to fabricate big stories, bit imaginative stories. The ability to theorize, to fantasize, to bring stories to life out of nowhere is one of the great gifts of a scientist.”

“As scientists we have to be really careful because it’s very easy to get locked in by your ideas or by the search image that you have…In spite of the fact that you think you have an open mind, very often your perceptions of what things should be…or your cultural beliefs…will actually be working on your mind so that your eyes are open but they’re not really open. They’re missing something that can take you in an entirely new direction.”

Assumptions about the past

Assumptions about the past

65 millionyears old

Evidence observed

today Interpretation

Glasses series

Ev vs science-repeatablePresent





Not seen

Ichthyosaur, giving birth!

‘snap-frozen in time’

2 metres

Web of life -fish

Grand Canyon low shot

Mt St Helens eruption

Mt Saint Helens—rapid layer formation

Mt St Helens layers with hand

Mt St Helens Layers

Mt Saint Helens—rapid canyon formation

Fossil Hat

Creation magazine June 1986 pp 10-11

Barbed wire Shark BayCreation June 1998 pp 6

Barbed wire-cross section

Rocks form quickly with the right conditions

“By the way, Lyell in Volume 1 of the Principles of Geology really attacked this point of view of trying to use Genesis as a guide to geology.”

“Darwin, and Lyell for that matter, believed in the fixity of continents and just vertical movements, and very very slow ones.”


bent while soft

Photo: Wikipedia.org

Psalm 104:8

‘The mountains rose up; the valleys sank down… ‘


“These are the most abject and miserable wretches I anywhere beheld. Viewing such men, one can hardly makes oneself believe that they are fellow creatures.” (similar to quotes from Darwin’s Origin of Species and his Journal of Researches)

“By the time he writes the Descent of man in 1871, it’s pretty clear that he…shares the growing suspicion or conviction of many Europeans that the non-white races simply do not have the capacity to be elevated properly into civilized human beings, that they are mentally and morally at a more limited level. In a sense, they are stuck at an earlier stage in the biological evolution of the human species.”

‘Boxgrove’ man

What was Adam and Eve’s

Skin Color?

A living cell is incredibly complex

The most complex information storage mechanism in the known universe!

Information specifies living things

DNA forsingle-celled


DNA for horse

(Lots of books)

How variation occurs in offspring

Xmale female


male female


Natural selection reduces information!

Result: loss of genes for short and medium length hair

“Because he was so influenced by Lyell’s ideas on centers of creation, he didn’t bother writing down which islands he collected particular specimens from...he hadn’t realized that he was collecting so many different species of finch…until he returned home to England…this was one of the few occasions where Darwin was allowed a theoretical viewpoint to influence how he gathered data.”

Darwin didn’t know his own finches!

Photo: www.Wikipedia.com

“More and more we’re finding that hybridization does indeed occur…we saw hybridization between a land iguana and a marine iguana…they’re so different physically that is was thought completely impossible for them to hybridize…it was pretty much an amazing occurrence.”

What happens when you mix a Marine Iguana (top left) with a Land Iguana (top right)?

Hint: They are in different genera and are not supposed to be able to interbreed!

Photos: me

“The finches in the Galapagos they change rapidly, but the species doesn’t [sic] change. It is the morphology that changes rapidly…they thought these were different species, but actually it is the same species…The phenotype of the finches is cyclic.”

“Biologists still have a problem with this...gradualism is still an important part of biology and the demonstration that finch evolution could occur very rapidly is, was, shocking in itself…”

“There’s this common misconception that Darwin came up with the theory of evolution according to natural selection while he was here on the Galapagos, but this is not true.”

“In this context, we are talking about evolution turning molecules to man, and in this grand scale I don’t see any evidence, really. I think that nature has been created to be able to modify itself…we see a lot of variation potential in nature…”

Genesis 1

“After his kind”

“After their kind”

“After his kind”

“After their kind”

10 times in total10 times in total

“Modern biology is information science, and, as far as we know, information always has an intelligent source…so when we look at biology, we are looking at an automatic question, ‘Where does that information come from?’”

“I think if he was here today he would be very disappointed in the evidence for his whole theory of evolution. I think there hasn’t been the evidence showing that the whole theory works in the way we thought it did.”

“Without the bedrock of accepting the truth of Genesis, you can’t rely on the other aspects of the Bible’s teaching about moral values and indeed about the salvation of the human race.”

“…it’s only beliefs that are supported by science that are respectable or worth holding. But then the irony is, that belief itself is not supported by science. You can’t give empirical evidence for that belief. That belief is a piece of philosophy, or it might even be a kind of a piece of theology, but it’s not a piece of science.”

“The alternative idea that God created the universe is excluded by ridicule, which is hardly scientific.”

“It’s not religion versus science, it’s religion versus the materialistic worldview... ”

“About 40 years ago, I first time [sic] heard that evolution might not be true, and I reacted very violently. I was furious. I was angry about this kind of proposition. And [when] I went back to think about my reaction, I realized that it was really a faith commitment from my side. ”

“One hundred fifty years later, it’s clear that Darwin’s theory of evolution is really not about science; It’s about God.”

‘God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.’

(day 6—Gen:1:31)

The fossil record

‘Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, because all sinned.’

Romans 5:12

Literal sin = literal death

If Genesis is not real literal history

with a literal very good creation and

with a literal Adam and Evethen sin did not literally enter the world through their actions,

and therefore you and I don’t literally need to be saved.

Should we take Genesis Literally?

The History Book of the Universe!

“Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.” KJV

Psalm 119:160“All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal. “ NIV

“The entirety of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever. “ NJKV



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Some friends recently lent me a copy of your Creation magazine. I was instantly “hooked.” I have long believed the book of Genesis, as well as the rest of the Bible, to be the true and infallible Word of God, but didn’t know how to answer or refute creation antagonists from a scientific standpoint. You have given me a wonderful tool with which to:

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