Youth text

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Youth text

Decree for the Youth

I AM THAT I AM the Mighty Victorious Presence of God, Beloved Alpha and Omega, Beloved Jesus Christ, Beloved Regent Mother of the Flame Clara Louise and Amen Bey, the Immaculate Heart of Beloved Mother Mary and the Divine Mother, Beloved Mother Purity, Beloved Archangel Michael

Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Portia, Beloved El Morya, Beloved Lady Master Nada, the Sponsors of Youth, Beloved Ascended Masters Rex, Nada, Bob and Pearl, Beloved Lady Master Leto, Beloved Kuthumi, Beloved Mighty Astrea and Purity, Beloved Queen of Light, Beloved Goddess of Light, Beloved Goddess of Purity, Beloved God Maximus

Beloved God and Goddess Meru, Beloved Cha Ara, Beloved Sanat Kumara, Beloved Shiva, Beloved Goddess of Liberty, Beloved Lady Master Meta, Beloved K-17, Beloved Afra, Beloved Padma Sambhava, Beloved Ascended Masters Daniel and Nada Rayborn, Beloved Mighty Victory, the Great Divine Director, the Lords of Karma, the five Dhyani Buddhas

all Great Beings, Powers and Activities of Light serving the youth of God, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life – fire, air, water and earth, angels and Archangels.

I AM You Being the Power of the Presence of God which I AM, and by the Power of the Sacred Fire vested in me, I AM the Mighty Presence and Power of your full gathered momentum of service to the Light of God that never fails, and I command that it be directed throughout the entire consciousness, being and world of all youth of God.

In Thy Name O God I call, blaze Thy dazzling Light of a thousand suns throughout their lives, bodies, relationships, forcefields, activities, affairs, families, jobs, schools and all places of education, places of recreation and socialization, hospitals and all places of healing, churches and all places of worship, families and communities, and transmute all that is not of the Light into the God Victorious Light All Glorious, flaming Jesus Christ perfection.

TAKE DOMINION NOW over all forces and energies burdening our youth, causing them to lose or abort their Christ potential for this lifetime! I call for your enfolding love and the action of your unique flames to blaze forth now! Blast through and annihilate all that stands in the way of Christ Victory for each youth! Cut all youth free from all darkness! Cut them free! 3X

Protect all youth from the hoards of darkness that would steal their light and thwart their Christ potential. Protect them from all forms of abuse and exploitation - physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and sexual, and cut them free from all forms of addictions.

Blessed Holy angels, deliver all youth from all dark forces and black magicians! Mighty Astrea, encircle the youth of the world with your mighty circle and sword of blue flame! Encircle the sinister attack on youth and their future through population control, vaccination and the poisoning of their minds and bodies!

Protect the youth from being influenced by dark forces to commit suicide, hurt themselves or others, indulge in unhealthy eating practices, engage in promiscuous or homosexual sex, take drugs, drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, dip tobacco, lose themselves in video games, television, texting or internet activity such as Facebook, and listen to rock music.

Beloved Sanat Kumara, take command of the youth of the world! Take command of drug, rock music, alcohol, nicotine, video game, television, internet, cell phone and sugar addictions. Sanat Kumara, bind the entire sinister force of the attack on the youth of the world!

Beloved Dhyani Buddhas, clear all youth of all spiritual poisons, especially the non-will and non-being that keeps them from being active in the world! Beloved Afra, help all youth feel their unity and equality with each other, and establish true brotherhood on earth. Beloved Saint Germain, inspire all youth with the consciousness of Victory to strive for their Freedom in the Light and to contribute their Beings to the raising up of planet earth into the great Golden Age.

I call that all schoolhouses, colleges, universities, day care centers, hospitals and churches be exorcised of the seed of Satan and Lucifer, and saturated in the Light of Truth and Purity.

I call that all who influence the lives of youth, such as parents, guardians, caregivers, teachers, coaches, social workers, counselors, mentors, doctors, nurses, leaders in government, religion, spirituality and education, as well as all family members of all youth, be protected from all dark force influence to abuse, exploit or mislead the youth in any way. I call that they be nurtured and educated in the Light of Christ so that they may give the youth the best possible care and support to grow and be healthy in body, mind and spirit.

I especially call for the Divine support of all teachers and parents. I call for the Divine education of all youth on the principles of Freedom and Ascended Master Law. I call for the proper methods of teaching, and I call for a Divine revolution in early education for all youth.

I pray that all children learn reading, writing and arithmetic. I pray that they learn the four blocks of the geometry of life – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I pray that all children learn to write by love and that they learn printing, cursive writing and spelling.

I pray that all children learn how to write a poem, how to write a story and how to bring forth from their hearts what they are feeling, whether it be pain or bliss. I pray that all children learn art by love – art as the creative flow from their hearts, and that through art they express themselves and get out on paper what they are suffering from within.

I pray that all children have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. I pray that they be allowed to develop a love for God-inspired music and that they be protected from the effects of all inharmonious and discordant music.

I pray that all youth remember and honor the Purity of the Divine Feminine within themselves and others. I pray that they be inspired and supported in being sexually pure and in holding as sacred the sacrament of marriage. I pray that they be educated on the holiness and proper use of the Sacred Fire within them and on seeking Wholeness within. I pray that all youth be freed and protected from the wiles and ways and energetic pull of the consciousness of the Great Whore, as well as the control of the entities and beasts of lust and sexual perversion.

I pray for the Divine support of all children and youth affected by divorce or the abandonment or death of a parent. I call for the Divine support of all single parents – especially single mothers, who are struggling to get by and be the best parents possible without the help and support of a partner.

I call for the rising up of all who have agreed on inner levels to be Christ-directed leaders and examples for youth to awaken to their calling and fulfill their heavenly dharma and most important purpose on this planet. Take up the cause of the youth! I call to the Great Divine Director for Divine Direction in my own life so that I may fulfill my service to the youth of God according to God’s Holy Will and my own Divine Plan.

I call for the protection of the peace and harmony within all families and communities; I call for the restoration of the Holy Order of the family. I call to Ascended Masters Daniel and Nada Rayborn to assist in the expansion of the 3-fold flame in family life. I call for the protection of the Holy Christ Light within each youth. I pray that all youth be taught about the love, support and guidance of their own Holy Christ Self, and I pray that they might contact their Holy Christ Self as soon as possible in their lives. I pray that all youth realize how important they are to God and to the world.

I call to the Great Divine Director, the Committee for Child Guidance, the Sponsors of Youth, and to the Christ Selves, body elementals, Guardian Angels, Higher Selves and sponsoring masters of each youth to give them all the inspiration, guidance, direction, support, education, protection and supply they need in order to win their freedom in the Light. I call to God Reserve on behalf of all youth of God for an abundance of God’s treasures to flow to them, and I pray for their ability and willingness to receive all that God would give to them.

I call to the Christ Selves of all youth to take them to the true spiritual retreats at night and to protect them from going to the false retreats. I call for the protection of their bodies and souls as they travel to and from the retreats. I call to their Higher Selves to help them remember the instructions they receive and to help them use them wisely.

I call that all clubs, projects, institutions - such as Central Asia Institute, foundations – such as Yo Creo En Mi, organizations such as The Anscombe Society, literature, websites, music, entertain-ment, educational material and anything else sponsored and inspired by God and the Ascended Host to serve the youth, be sealed in the Light of Christ, in the blue flame of protection and in the violet flame of transmutation, and thereby made invulnerable to any kind of infiltration, influence or interference from dark forces, black magicians or fallen angels.

I call for the sealing in the Light and the protection of all those bringing forth and implementing these ideas and inspirations, and I call to God Reserve on their behalf to be supplied with all they need in order to be God Victorious. I call for the Divine protection of all those serving the youth. I call that all youth be given positive images and examples to inspire and uplift them.

Personal prayers and calls.

I call that the souls of all yet unborn and newborn babies be protected from all dark and imperfect energies and forces as they are preparing to be born and are born on earth, and that they be protected from all dark force influence and nurtured and educated in the Light of Christ throughout their lives.

I call for the divine protection and nurturance of all premature babies and the sealing in the Light of all hospitals and Neonatal Intensive Care Units.

I call that all pregnant women and girls be protected from all dark force influence to have abortions, and encouraged in the Light of Christ to bring forth the souls they have agreed to bring forth. I call that all souls of aborted babies residing in the etheric octave and on the astral plane be cut free from all the scars that are upon them for having gone through the grave trauma of being murdered in their mother’s womb. I call forth legions and legions of angels to comfort, support and nurture these souls.

I AM You Archangel Michael sending forth legions and legions of blue flame angels to bind and consume all darkness within the consciousness, being and world of all youth of God. I AM You Archangel Michael and legions and legions of blue flame angels defending and protecting the youth and cutting them free from all forms of darkness.

Archangel Michael, defend all youth from the sinister attack of the fallen angels, the black magicians and all those trapped in the consciousness of anti-Christ.

Defend the youth from all forces and energies that would seek to tear them away from their faith in the Divine Direction from the inner and outer guru. Defend them from all forces and energies that would seek to trap them in the consciousness of materialism, intellectualism, Satanism and atheism.

Protect them from all doubt and fear. Give them the strength to resist all peer pressure to succumb and conform to the fallen ways of the world. Give them the courage to stand up for and speak up about the Truth, to act with integrity and to Be. Bless them with an abundance of Faith and Trust in the Love and Goodness of God. Help them reconnect to the Divine Direction and Will of God within them. Kindle within them the flame of the Will to Be More. Nurture within them the desire of their hearts to Be More.

Protect and Guard the youth from all unconscionable material and from all media, movies, DVDs, internet material, video games, websites, television, books, music, art work, unseemly conversations, beings and situations not of Christ perfection.

Protect all latchkey children. Protect and uplift all children and youth affected by poverty, war and homelessness. Give them the Faith to carry on, and the Vision and Courage to strive for their Victory. Help them to know that in God they are never alone. Give them all the support they need to overcome their circumstances. Send them angels to comfort and love them.

Protect all youth from all practices of child labor, child pornography, prostitution, slave trade, abduction, molestation, rape, incest , forced marriage, beatings, criticism, condemnation , and any other form of the exploitation and abuse of children and youth.

Protect their third-eye from all dark and astral images. Bind all entities, discarnates and fallen angels who prey upon the youth. Protect our youth from all attempts to brainwash them in the schools. Protect and Guard them from all violence and warfare, including bullying and gangs.

In Oneness with my I AM Presence and the Buddha of the Ruby Ray, and as the living Christ on Earth, I demand and command the judgment of the entire system of education, in this nation and beyond!

I demand and command the judgment of abortion and the abortionist, and all who support the practice of abortion in government, media and all aspects of society!

I demand and command the binding and the judgment of the entire production and distribution of vaccinations that are filled with toxins and poisons, and all who promote them and attempt to make these vaccinations for children mandatory!

I demand and command the judgment of all perpetration of abuse and exploitation upon the youth!

I demand and command the judgment of all feeding of anti-Christ lies to youth in churches, schools, government and the media!

I demand and command the judgment of the entire sugar industry and the peddling of sugar to children and youth in candies, sodas, cookies, flavored waters and any other form of enticement. I demand and command the judgment of the school lunch program in this nation and beyond!

I demand and command the judgment of the entire illegal drug industry and trade - the cultivating, manufacturing, distributing, pushing, peddling and selling of illegal drugs to children and youth. I furthermore demand and command the judgment of the practice of adults buying alcohol and tobacco products for minors!

I demand and command the judgment of all anti-Christ manipulation of society and human law by the power elite with the motive of keeping the youth from realizing their Christ potential!

I demand and command the judgment of all who have murdered the Holy Innocents of each nation!

I demand and command the judgment of the persecution and desecration of the Divine Mother and Her Children!

I demand and command the judgment of the perversion of the image of the Holy Father !

I demand and command the binding and the judgment of all practices, actions, organizations and movements that attempt or seek to destroy the Holy Order of the Family, and the unity, love and cohesiveness of the family structure.

I AM You in Unity with the Ruby Ray, the Buddha of the Ruby Ray, and legions and legions of Ruby Ray angels raising my right hand for Righteous Judgment that all beings entertaining the serpent may choose this day whom they will serve and the wicked ones be removed from this planetary body!

I AM You Saint Germain and legions and legions of violet flame angels infusing the Violet Fire that transmutes and transforms all records of darkness, turning them into the Golden Treasury of Light in Father Mother God.

All youth are beings of violet fire. All youth are the purity God desires. 3X, 9X, 33X

I AM YOU the Purity, Love, Truth, Power, and Divine Direction of my threefold flame, I call forth the action of transmutation by the fire of my Being, multiplied by the violet flame, multiplied by the fire of the Great Central Sun and the Great Central Sun magnet! I call forth this action on behalf of the youth of the world.

I call forth that portion of the flame I invoke and all that I AM to go forth now to heal and cut free millions upon millions of youth. This I decree in the name of my own Christhood, in the name of my own becoming the ascended master who I shall be and who I am already.

For the seed is within itself and the seed of I AM is with me in my heart. And therefore, I dedicate these percentages allowed me by the Lords of Karma of the fire of my lifestream to the fulfilment and protection of the Christ potential within all youth of God embodied or preparing to be embodied on earth.

I affirm that all darkness within the energy fields of all youth is replaced by Light.

I affirm that all youth are free from all unreal and imperfect senses of identity.

I affirm that all youth are connected to their Holy Christ Selves and know that they can receive inspiration, guidance, love and support from within.

I affirm that Heavenly Angels surround each youth to protect them from all harm.

I affirm that all youth are free of all lower thoughts and imperfect ideas and the consciousness of anti-Christ.

I affirm that all youth are now healed of all emotional wounds and attachments, and are free from depression and emotional control.

I affirm that the physical bodies of all youth are healthy and sound and free of all afflictions and addictions.

I affirm that all youth are free of all spiritual poisons and that they are balanced in the energies of Father Mother God.

I affirm that the souls of all youth are healed and whole.

I affirm that high quality, spiritually creative and supportive education is now readily available to all youth.

I affirm that all youth are provided with pure, wholesome and nutritious food in their homes, schools and any other place they may frequent.

I affirm that the entertainment industry produces only spiritually wholesome and harmonious music, movies, television shows, and games, and that all youth are free from the influence of dark and imperfect energies and forces working through the media.

I affirm that all youth are protected, supported and nurtured by their governments, religions, families,communities and society.

I affirm that all youth are protected and freed from the hypnotic effect and mesmerism of all television, video games and the internet.

I affirm that the Holy Order of the Family is re-established on earth.

I affirm that all youth live in peace, harmony and safety.

The youth of the world are now sealed in the Light of Christ.

I AM the Victory of Christ for all youth! 3X

I AM the Wholeness of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother. And in full faith and gratitude I accept this manifest right here and now as an ever onward, ever expanding, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, world-enfolding movement of the Light into the Victory for this, our planetary home, for our Youth and for the restoration of the Father-Mother God within each temple of the Light on earth! It ISIS done according to the Holy Will of God! Amen.