Your GOP Open borders Open rectums Open to invasion.

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Your GOP Open borders Open rectums Open to invasion.

Your GOPOpen bordersOpen rectums

Open to invasion.

Your GOPOpen bordersOpen rectums

Open to invasion.




Signing America’s unconditional surrender.

Because YOU need representation.



Signing America’s unconditional surrender.

White National Congress

Tapping Kin-Spirit to Defeat the Jews

Secure white power in white nations.

Pull the Jews out of political power and influence in the Western World.

Black Pete!Purim Slime

Jews use Purim to celebrate the deaths of thousands of non-Jews.And Americans can’t celebrate the Holocaust??!

HYPOCRISY. If Jews can celebrate our death, we can celebrate theirs. This Holocaust, have a Happy Hitler, everyone!


Dancing Israelis

MAN Versus JEW


Jews Aren’t Done Yet

“Launch the TALKING POINTS!”

“WE’RE ALL ISRAELIS NOW!”Jew-Media Talking Points

MAN Versus JEW

Sex changes sooth anger.

I can get you a deal.

MAN Versus JEW

Sex changes sooth anger.

I can get you a deal.


Jews are the evil empire.

Jews started mass murder communism. It stopped when they left.

COUNTER-SEMITISM is the answer.

What’s the Problem? Communism is slavery of mankind to the Jews. Secular and religious Jews have this Talmudic vision. Today, Jews use Cultural Marxism—a grab-bag of

tricks to agitate and subvert the dignity and stature, history, role, and place of whites in white nations. Jews have no army. They set institutions on auto-pilot that effect white genocide.

Set it and forget it. It’s a boa-constrictor strategy.

We have to beat this off or it will overtake us.

What’s is Nazi?


• No communism


• No slavery


• No Jews

Communism is slavery of mankind to the Jews.

Nazism is your escape.

Stop the Jews. Stop the GOY-KILLERS.

Conspiracy to Commit Goyicide

“The Jews!” Envy is hatred of the Goy for being the Goy. A Jew is a Goyicidal maniac—Freud, Einstein, Netan-Yahoo! Judaism is avowed Goyicide; that’s not a religion; it’s a menace. Jews poison Goy; Jews are Goyicide “The Jews” refers to the various cadres of self-aligning self-serving

Semites who envision, rationalize, organize, fund, celebrate, and wink at the slavery and death of non-Jews.

By their hands, or by their hired hands of dupes, allies, and executioners, Jews use a variety of institutional and financial strategies (gate-keeping, co-promotion, fraud, FED), and related legal, media, and cultural tactics (demonization, deconstruction, dictatorship, revolution, and war) to effect slavery and goyicideToxic Global Fungus

What’s the Solution?

Strong-Form Classical Liberalism Like thieves, Jews forfeit their rights by subverting

our rights. You cannot demand the right to access our social fabric only to tear it to pieces. This is an existential threat to us. We have a right to protect our rights and the integrity of our institutions. We have a will to live; we have the right to ban Jews in self-defense and self-preservation.

There is no room in America for goy-whipping, goy- slavery, goy-killing. Goy-whipping stops now.

We can rip Jews and Cultural Marxism out of our society in self-defense; that’s national security.

Strong-Form Wins

Weak Form: anything goes and nothing can be done. Strong Form: subversion of social fabric is cast out. Jews spread Cultural Marxist goy-slavery. In Strong-

Form, Jew subversion has no legal standing. This burns off Jew political influence. Muslim-Jews spread Sharia-SLAVERY and have no standing either.

Strong Form sustains itself because evil aims have no protection. Weak Form falls to Obamunism and Jew wars.

Rage Against Hypocrisy

Racial Basis of Liberty What is the racial basis of liberty? White Europeans. 40,000 years of history can’t be denied. White countries are free countries. To assure a free society, you must have a dominant white

majority genuinely in power. Why liberty? To innovate and respond to nature’s demands;

from the Ice Age to the present. Respect for liberty is a survival trait. There is more than one way to start a fire. Options offer survival. Whites select for excellence in man and method. When you seek the best in all things—arete—you’ll be the most robust man/race/nation/culture/civilization on earth.

To subvert white dominance subverts survival.

No Room For JEWS

Rights exist for self-preservation. Subversion of rights is NOT a right. Contradiction of purpose can’t exist.

Congruence of purpose beats the Jews.

There is no room for GOY-KILLERS.No room for white genocide; no room for its agents.

There’s no right to it. No freedom to do it.

Strong-Form BANS JEWS

We survive on unity and congruence of purpose. Citizens in-good-standing respect the social fabric. Jews don’t. Jews invert the purpose of an anus from exit to entry and a state from protector to destroyer. Jews are the “statists.”

Give mass rape communists what they want: if they hate our rights, take their rights away. Preserve ours.

Jew-hypocrisy has no legal standing. Guns for Israel; gun control for you. Media control for the Jews; speech controls for you. Borders for Israel; Ebola for you. Big families for Jews; you get condoms. Not in our America!

Give-to-get-test: If Jews deny free speech, they loose speech. If Jews deny guns, they lose guns. If Jews deny our right to exclude, Jews lose their freedom to associate. If you deny property rights, you loose your property. If you deny whites the right to a white dominant society, you are cast out of white society. Very simple.

That ejects the existential threat. That secures our existence.

Borders All your organs filter. If they don’t you die.

Jews deny our freedom to filter, so we die To survive, we must deny entry to Jews.

Jews are pathological hypocrites.Deny their hypocrisy legal standing and

you ban the Jews automatically.

“Freedom is not a Jewish ideal. Freedom means nothing to us.”

-Maurice Samuel

How can you let Jews run your nation? You can’t. Ban Jews.

Jews Can’t be First Class Citizens

Jews qua Jews can never integrate, respect, support, defend, or enhance our social fabric. Jews will always have hostility to societies they can’t dominate, control, and feed on.

Hypocrisy Forfeits Citizenship

Jews deny our national security; Jews deny themselves citizenship.

Hypocrites to the social fabric cannot have standing. They reject our social contract/social compact/social fabric.


If you reject Israel’s national security, it pulls your Israel citizenship.

White Nations have equal rights.

No Jew Wars.

NO Traitors.NO Jews.

NO Jews.

Nazis are the True Friends of Mankind

Nazis don’t want anyone to be slaves to the Jews. That’s why EVERYONE likes Hitler. Jew media hysterics aside—EVERYBODY likes Hitler. He didn’t play footsie with the GOY-KILLERS. Heroic Nazis Zapped GOY-KILLERS, until FDR-Jew saved Jew ass.

Inside every white man is a Nazi; your conscience has a first name—A.D.O.L.F.

White Nationalists do not want Jews as slaves; a dog or fish makes a better friend.

We want to be left alone and our society un-accosted by the Jewish revolutionary venom. The Jew-acid attack on our social fabric must be stopped.

Rules For WhitesTo overthrow the present culture, it must be repudiated: 1. Letting the Jews hijack our military is a national security failure.

As such, the US must forfeit and renounce the sham victory of WWII. In truth, Jews invaded our base and hijacked the military to serve Jew Stalin against the will of the people. That’s a loss, a coup, despite battle field success. A Jew war is a lost war.

2. The Catholic Church should make Hitler, the SS, and the German soldiers saints. Without them, the Jews would have turned the Vatican to dust. They prevented that. That’s a moral and practical victory.

3. Now we can celebrate the Bolshevik Fumigation as an bold act of self-defense that protected Europe from Jew mass-murder. The SS were victorious heroes in Europe’s desperate hour. Leonidas would honor them. We all will.

Holocaust Pride Hitler LEAD Europe’s noble self-defense against communist-slavery

of mankind to the Jews Yet, Jews are given pride of place in our cultural memory and are

free to pontificate, while everyone else gets goy-whipped with speech controls. Kin of the Gulag Keepers are the venerated. Saint OYMA SAVOYVA is free to molest children with guilt, lies, homo promo, and dehumanization.

This imagined guilt is grease under our feet that lets Jews push and win mass immigration $hakedowns. Whites will be outnumbered by hostile foreigners in their own nations. Jews cause civil war. That’s evil. Jews are evil.

Let’s take pride in the Holocaust. Cheer it on. “Work it Himmler! Work it!” “Go Hitler Go Hitler Go!” This subverts the power of the holohoax. EMBRACE IT TO DEFEAT IT.

To undermine that, Jews will deny it happened.

Congruent Culture

Each part of our trinity should support the next to have a congruent culture.

Congruent Culture

Each part of the trinity should support the next to have a congruent culture.

XIt all starts herebeautify


Aryans strive for the healthy in mind in the healthy body. Aryans have a sense of beauty, which is their sense of honor, which is their sense of decency. Healthy whites seek excellence in man and method. That’s Aryan Appeal.

Intuitive Intelligence

Aryan Appeal

Aryan used for alliteration purposes denoting congruent European culture.



Genocidal Jewish Culture

Open borders

Guilt White- Genocideiconoclasm

Genocidal Jewish Culture

Open borders

White genocideiconoclasm

No Standards

No Beauty No Whites

Genocidal Jewish Culture

Open borders

White genocideiconoclasm

No Standards

No Beauty No Whites

Because imaginary idiots might feel offended.It’s all disingenuous.

Jews just want us dead or kept as slaves.

Jew-modern art

Jews vilify and displace whites and Aryan Appeal with J-art. This preceded open borders. Jews replace your family pictures with their “no-graven images.” Vilify and displace.

Saving Western Man and Civilization.

Sense of beauty, Sense of honor, Sense of decency

UP or DOWN White Man?!

Genocidal Jewish Culture

Open borders

White genocideiconoclasm



Our Enemies are a Joke

“You’re making me feel uncomfortable.”

“You’re diminishing my experience.”

“You’re making me feel silenced.”

You want to lose to this? That’s not an army. That’s whining.

Tired of Losing to the Jews?

Organization Leadership Message Money Manpower Name the Jews to Beat the Jews

You can win if you want to.

Jewish culture is insanity, guilt, paranoia, and terror.

You’re tired of their

Holocaust Privilege


White National Congress

Tapping Kin-Spirit to Defeat the Jews

White National Congress

Institutionalize and RewardCounter-Semitism

White National Congress

White Power in White Nations


White National Congress

We preserve posterity to build a perfectly fine union that insures domestic tranquility.

Liberty within Posterity.

White National Congress

A Project