yful NoiseletterSt. Peter’s Reformed Church 320 E. Grandview Avenue Zelienople, PA 16063 (724)...

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Transcript of yful NoiseletterSt. Peter’s Reformed Church 320 E. Grandview Avenue Zelienople, PA 16063 (724)...

St. Peter’s Reformed Church

320 E. Grandview Avenue

Zelienople, PA 16063

(724) 452-8120


The J


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“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be

prosperous and successful. “ Joshua 1:8

Summer Greetings,

Where has the summer gone? My goodness, time is certainly moving at a pace I care not to think about, but just go along for the ride. As many of you know, I really enjoy nice cars and I love watching the Barrett-Jackson Auto Auctions and the Mecum Auto Auction shows that are televised on the cable networks. I get so excited when I see classic cars like the 1955 Chevy BelAir—2 Door Hardtop or the 1963 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray—Split Window. The BelAir reminds me of my dad and his love of the classics and the Stingray is my dream car. I sit in amazement when I watch the potential buyers battle for either of these makes, and the auctioneer continues to ramble as the ticket price climbs into the six-figure range. Wow … how things like this hold their value.

Speaking of cars, do you remember your first car? I sure do. I remember turning sixteen one day and going for my drivers test the very next day and passing on the first try. I also remember my dad telling me, that if I wanted a car, I had to buy it myself and I had to make sure it was insured and maintained. Now, with my dad being in the ’car business’ - running a service station and later an auto body shop, he was always on the look-out for inexpensive cars. The day I turned sixteen, he told me he had a car for me for only two-hundred dollars. Needless to say, I was pretty stoked! That is until I found out it was a 1973 Chevrolet Vega—in a robin’s egg blue color. Are you kidding me? But my pop said, “trust me—just check out the interior (like new) and take it for a spin (ran like a top!).” So I shelled out the two-hundred bucks and enjoyed the freedom that owning my own car afforded.

That is until I realized that Chevy Vega’s were oil-burners. I had to keep a case of oil in the trunk and add a quart daily if I expected to keep the

August 2018

Running Smooth!

’sporty hot rod’ running so I could get to school and work. The only thing that kept my car ’running smooth’ was that daily dose of Pennzoil. Without it, the ride would be rough and sluggish and often times produce puffs of white smoke to pour out the tailpipe. And as I was watching the auto auction and thinking about the maintenance of those beautiful cars and the frustration I endured with my first car, it struck me that there is a correlation to our spiritual walk.

If we expect our walk with Jesus and our daily living to ’run smooth’ we need to have a daily dose … not of Pennzoil, but of God’s Word. You see, just as the oil protects our engines from the wear and tear of daily driving, so the Word of God protects us from the daily wear and tear of the world around us. And just as the oil in the engine keeps it running smooth and avoids overheating and seizing up, so the Word of God keeps us running smooth, helps us battle the rage that may cause overheating, and encourages us from seizing up when times get rough. My little robin’s egg blue Vega was reliable and I could trust it to get me from location to location, as long as I took care of her. The same is true of our lives. If we maintain our lives by eating healthy, getting proper doses of exercise, and staying close to God by reading His Word daily, we too can expect the vessels God entrusted us with to run smoothly and carry us from location to location.

The world, when not following the ways of God, is determined to do whatever it can to make sure that our souls and our bodies don’t run smooth. The world is more interested in what it looks like on the outside, where God is more interested in what is happening on the inside. When we stay close to God, taking in daily doses of His Word; living for others by reaching out to help the least, the lost, and the lonely; sharing the good news of Jesus with those who need to feel love and accepted; and worshiping with fellow believers exalting our Sovereign God, life will run more smoothly.

Now be sure of this, God never promises that we will not endure some rust, a few knocks, potholes, and detours in life. But He does promise that we will not travel this journey alone. You see, God LOVES us and He loves to see His children taking care of themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. Just as Joshua’s words instruct us to stay close to the Word of God and meditate on it daily, so should we stay close to God by reading our bibles daily. For if we do, we will prosper and be successful. Trust God in this!

So as I watched as the 1963 Steel Blue Corvette Split Window Stingray brought in $127,000 —a value that just blew my mind, imagine how much more valuable you are to God. It’s up to us to take care of what He has entrusted us with by staying close to Him and reading His Word daily, so that life might run smooth!

Enjoying life with you,

Pastor Jim

Strategic Coaches Meeting

Thursday, August 9th, 2018

6:30 PM ~ Educational Building

If you are on the Strategic Planning Leadership Team and are one of the Coaches for the upcoming new year, we will be having an organizational meeting to rally the

teams, prepare our game plan, and get ready to

‘Score with Jesus’.

Your participation and enthusiasm is vital to moving the

ball forward to put us into scoring position!

2018-2019 Confirmation Meeting

For Confirmands, Parents, Mentors

August 13, 2018

6:30 PM

Education Building

If you are interested in being part of this year’s Confirmation Class, beginning in September 2018, please join us to find out the requirements and how you can

become a member of St. Peter’s!

September 9th is Rally Day!

“Score with Jesus”

“I press on toward the goal to win the prize …” Philippians 3:14

In cooperation with the Strategic Planning Committee, our Fall Theme / Kick-off is “Score with Jesus”. During the month of September we will be looking at our Vision Statement to determine how we can catch the “Spirit” and Score BIG with Jesus. Join us for Sunday School and Worship. Be sure to get your “Score with Jesus” T-shirts and wear them that morning to show your Christian Spirit!

Adult T-Shirts (S– XXL) $ 8.00

Kids T-Shirts (S-XL) $ 8.00

Some shirts have been ordered and we will take orders. I can just see a Sea of Blue T-Shirts in our Sanctuary that morning as we praise God for His continual love and blessings on our church.


St. Peter’s is looking for a new point person to help with Marketing for the church.

Including, but not limited to:

Social Media

Advertising (community signs, social ads, etc.)


All other areas deemed necessary

Please contact Sara Jacobs if interested or need further information at sarajj1103@gmail.com

Women’s Ministry News

I hope everyone has been enjoying the summer weather and finding some time to relax and enjoy time with family and friends. During this time Women's Ministry has been collecting purses and items to place in them for VOICe (Victims Outreach Intervention Center). Thank you to everyone for the purse donations and for items to be placed in the purses! We have had a very good response again with this project and I am sure the organization will be very appreciative for these items. We will meet on Saturday, August 11th at 10 am until 12 noon in the Basics Classroom, upper level of the educational building to pack the purses and to discuss our plans for the upcoming year. One idea that I would like us to do again is to prepare and deliver a meal for the women's shelter at Bethlehem Haven in Pittsburgh, either in October or November. Please plan to come and join us and share your ideas on ways to minister to others. September 8th will be a mini retreat day that I have planned! We will meet in the Fellowship Room at 9 am for a continental breakfast and a social time; followed by a Bible study on a few Women of the Bible. We will conclude our time together with a salad luncheon. What a great time this will be to get together to share our summer events with each other and learn about some women of the Bible. Blessings, Marla Clouse

Summer Communion ~ Sunday, August 5th The Uganda mission team will be traveling from December 30 through January 12, 2019 this year. We will be spending approximately 10 days in the city and surrounding villages of Hoima. After our trip last year, we have discovered a great need for our help in the local villages. There are health related issues that we as a team can provide. We have set up with a local area doctor and a team of helpers to treat and administer medicines needed for children who suffer from ringworm and jiggers. Ringworm affects the scalp and jiggers affects the feet. We will cut hair and wash the scalp and apply ointment to the infected child and with jiggers we will wash the feet and apply a topical solution to kill the jigger. Jiggers are our biggest concern because they can lead to the loss of toes and possibly the entire foot. St. Peter’s August communion offering will go entirely to this phase of our trip. The money will be spent on medicines and for the doctor to be with us when we treat the children. The Uganda mission team is greatly appreciative of this generous offering.

Thanks again,

Randy Herbe and the entire mission team

QUARTERLY BAPTISM: The next quarterly baptism is scheduled for Sunday, August 26

th in our Sanctuary during the church service. If you are interested in

having your child baptized on this day, please let Pastor Jim know by no later than August 12


Volunteer Ministry News

From the pen of Pam

SPOTLIGHT ON: OUR VOLUNTEER MINISTRIES Romans 12:4-6a says: "For just as each of us has one body with many members, and those members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us." What a powerful statement from the apostle Paul! I thought I would write this month about the need that is always there to have our church members take on the opportunity to be involved (or stay involved) with one or more of our volunteer ministries. There have been years when we have had a Volunteer Ministry Fair in September and have showcased our volunteer ministries in the Gathering Area in an attempt to explain what all is available at church for people to take part in. This year we will not be having a Fair, but beginning on September 9th, there will be sign-up sheets in the Gathering Area that you can look over and sign-up if you'd like to become a part of a particular ministry (or more than one). You might wonder why I am writing about something that won't be occurring for more than a month from this time, and the answer is that the Lord prompted me to make sure that our membership is aware of what each person can be doing to help Him, and also to give everyone a chance to pray about what He might be calling you to do at His church. In this article, I am listing all of our volunteer ministries and the leaders' names so that you know what all is available - and as you read (and pray), I want you to be centered on the fact that volunteer service here at St. Peter's is not something that you are asked to do for Pastor Jim or to help the leaders out or to just be busy doing something - while volunteering in a ministry has a bit of all of those facets, the primary reason to volunteer is so that you can use some of your time and talent to serve the Lord, thereby living out the truth of the verses from Romans that are printed above. There are those who get weary of hearing the phrase 'being the hands and feet of Jesus', but that's exactly what we in His church are all called to do! We have such a wide variety of skills, abilities, and talents represented within our church family, and I can personally tell you that I admire so many of you who can do the things that I am not at all good at doing. It proves the point that we all need each other! So once again I ask that you will take a look at this list and prayerfully consider what needs doing at St. Peter's and how you can help be a part of serving our great God while you use those skills and talents He has blessed you with, while in the company of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. One of the things you might be surprised about is that many of our ministries don't require a significant involvement of time; some ministries are seasonal, some are activated when there is a particular need, and some are designed so you can work on projects while you are at home. Please see me or any of the volunteer ministry leaders if you have any questions or would like any more information. MINISTRY NAME LEADER (or LEADERS) Ding-a-Lings Kendra Bertoti Senior Choir (contact Pam North or Pastor Jim) Sound System/Tech Team Scott McMaster/Eddie Crosson Brother-2-Brother Ministry Pastor Jim/Randy Herbe Caps for Kids Ruth Gross Dorcas Circle Betty Lighthiser Funeral Luncheons Judy Double Intercessory Prayer Bea Barna Mom-to-Mom Ministry Becky Bichler Monthly Community Dinners Randy Herbe Parking Lot Greeters Lynn and Rick Meyers We Care Sally Hamilton Women's Ministry Marla Clouse I'll close with a question - it won't be very hard to come up with the answer: "What's missing in the following word - VOLNTEER?"

Youth Ministry Updates As I write this, we are in the final stages for preparing for our Mission Trip. By the time you read it, though, we will already be back and reminiscing about our time in Erie. Make sure to be in church on August 19 th, as we will be

sharing pictures, stories, testimonies, and memories from our trip during the service. We look forward to sharing our journey with you!

Again, a HUGE thank you to all that participated in our fundraisers, offered prayers, made donations, and

supported this trip. Be on the lookout this fall for the Summer 2019 Mission Trip announcement. Coming up in August: Youth Group:

Meetings Wednesday 8/8 and 8/22, 6-8pm (dinner provided) Assisting with Feed My Sheep Wednesday 8/15 (making PBJ and going downtown), 430-8pm Junior High Breakfast Sunday 8/12, 8:30am Mission Presentation during service 8/12 Senior High Breakfast Sunday 8/19, 8:30am Eracers and Debbie Lee’s Friday 8/24 1-3pm


Pool Party Saturday 8/11, 1-4pm Meeting Monday 8/20, 6:30-8pm

By His Grace, Aubrey Rader, Director of Youth Ministries

Consistory Update August Newsletter Consistory Status Report

Youth Mission Trip Finalization (July 22 – 27, 2018)

Vacation Bible School Finalization (July 29 – August 2, 2018)

Sunday School Purchasing Picture Bibles for students aged 4 to 2nd grade and student bibles for students in 3rd grade. – Distribution on Sunday, September 9th

Planning a Car Cruise – September 30th in the Church Parking Lot 3:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Confirmation Class starts September 16th – 10 potential students

Planning a Couples Retreat – Marriage Enrichment – October/November timeframe

Mission 22 (designates 22 soldiers die by suicide every day due to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) – Suicide Awareness Event – standing 660 (22 soldiers x 30 days) flags in the side yard of the church for the month of September representing the forgotten soldiers. Coordinated by Deb Smith – Possible fundraising event to purchase the flags

Looking for a volunteer to head the “Usher Volunteer Program” Identify volunteers and coordinate the ushering weekly schedule Project started to replace the sidewalk in front of the church due to unsafe cracks Project started to remove the trees on the east side of the church parking lot August 5th Communion Offering will benefit the Uganda Mission Trip CPR Program supporters to meet to determine a move forward plan John Pietrusinski has resigned as the Chair of the Security Committee – need a replacement Contracted Jeff DiBiagio to maintain the church lawn If you have any questions, please contact me at 724-316-0676 or via email at wgrubbs@p-r-i.org. Thank you, Wendy Grubbs Consistory Secretary

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION NEWS Happy August St. Peters, As I’m writing this I am a week away from my first official VBS, as director. I must be honest and tell you this scares me to death. Thank you all for you donations of material, time, prayers and financially. As we all know VBS is such a great ministry and brings lots of new faces to our church. What a privilege it has been to work with Park Curch to make the Rolling River’s Rampage come alive. I will report next month on the outcome of the week. Look for the coin machine in the Meet and Greet Area. This is a great way to get rid of that loose change and for a great cause. During the week of VBS as well as the next month we will collect your change. Our outreach ministry for VBS will be for the Allegheny Aquatic Program. This program helps provide cleanup to local creeks. The Connoquenessing Creek is the 2nd dirtiest creek in PA. What a great way to not only help our community but to show the children how a few coins can make a difference right here in our home town. As this month continues on please prayerfully consider joining a Sunday School Class. If you need information on a class that would fit your needs please just ask me. It’s a great way to grow friendships as well as a closer relationship with the Lord. Our final summer family dinner/movie night will be August 3rd at 6:00. We will be watching Paddington 2. Due to outside (non–member) attendance I will continue this in the fall. We will continue with the 1st FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH. These movies are NOT just for children they are for everyone to attend. Stay tune for titles. Serving HIM Together, Heather Zeigler



Please remember to always clean up space after you are done on your assigned schedule. Place nursery items in bins/shelves. All Jr. Church supplies/material belong in the hallway closet, please do not leave lay on tables/desks in rooms. Jr. Church lesson will be emailed to you the week of your assigned date. Switch among yourselves if the date assigned does not work with your schedule. We ALL need to keep this commitment, families are counting on you to show up. Please do everything in your power to stay for a short parent/volunteer meeting August 12


right after church.

NURSERY JR. CHURCH 8/5 Crosson TEEN Holly 8/5 Marley 8/12 Jacobs TEEN Julia 8/12 Williams 8/19 Cogliano TEEN Colten 8/19 Maust 8/26 Bertoti TEEN Lucy 8/26 Hill 9/2 Bichler 9/2 Kraynik TEEN Ethan 9/9 Hill 9/9 Palmer TEEN Jenna 9/16 Rader 9/16 Crosson and Zalar TEEN Lucy 9/23 Bertoti 9/23 McGuinness and Butcher TEEN Megan 9/30 Jacobs 9/30 Kniess and Geis TEEN Carly


It's August, it's hot, and it's a great time to take a break from anything else you might be doing, so pick up one of our church library books, and read, read, read!!! Here's an exciting new trilogy in the Christian fiction realm - it's called the 'Montana Rescue' series, written by Susan May Warren. The following are blurbs from the jackets of all three books: Book One: "Wild Montana Skies" - 'The last thing Search and Rescue helicopter pilot Kacey Fleming needs upon returning home to Mercy Falls, Montana, is to run into her mistakes. After a devastating crash during her recent military tour in Afghanistan, she is emotionally broken but ready to start putting her life back together. She just wants to reconnect with her teenage daughter and spend the summer working as the new lead pilot of PEAK Rescue in Glacier National Park. But her mistakes aren't so easily forgotten because Ben King is also back in town. Country music star Ben King abandoned his past when he moved to Nashville thirteen years ago to start his career. He hoped to heal his broken heart, caused by losing the woman he loved. But when his father is injured, Ben is called home to help manage PEAK Rescue during his recovery. He doesn't realize his father has ulterior motives until his old flame, Kacey, walks into his house and back into his heart. Now, with Mercy Falls in a state of emergency due to flash floods, Kacey and Ben will have to work together to save lives. But when secrets are uncovered and old hurts rise to the surface, will they walk away again? Or can they find a different ending to their country love song?' Book Two: "Rescue Me" - 'When Deputy Sam Brooks commits to something, nothing can sway him - not just on the job but in his private life. He's the one who stuck around to take care of his mother after his father's accidental death. And he's the one - perhaps the only one - who believes Sierra Rose is the perfect girl for him. Safe, practical, and organized, she's nothing like her hippie, impulsive, bleeding-heart sister, Willow. Willow, however, has been in love with Sam Brooks for as long as she can remember. But she wants her sister to have a happy ending. Besides, Willow has other things to focus on - namely, nabbing the job of her dreams. Best thing for her to do is to purge Sam from her heart. Neither can predict the events that will bring them together in a fight for their lives in the forbidding wilderness of Glacier National Park. Stranded, injured, and with the winter weather closing in, Sam and Willow will have to work together to save a crew of terrified teenagers. As they fight to survive, they might just discover a new hope for love.' Book Three: "A Matter of Trust" - 'Champion backcountry snowboarder Gage Watson has left the limelight behind after the death of one of his fans. After being sued for negligence and stripped of his sponsorships, he's remade his life as a ski-patrol in Montana's rugged mountains, as well as serving on the PEAK Rescue team. But he can't seem to find his footing or forget the woman who betrayed him. Senator and former attorney Ella Blair spends much of her time in the public eye as one of the youngest senators in the country. But she has a secret, one that cost Gage his career. More than anything, she wants to atone for her betrayal of him in the courtroom and find a way to help him put his career back on track. When Ella's brother goes missing on one of Glacier National Park's most dangerous peaks, Gage and his team are called in for the rescue. But Gage isn't so sure he wants to help the woman who destroyed his life. More, when she insists on joining the search, he'll have to keep her safe while finding her reckless brother - a recipe for disaster when a snowstorm hits the mountain.' Another great new novel is written by Brandilyn Collins and is titled "Plummet", guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat! The synopsis reads as follows: 'Cara Westling, a newcomer to the small town of Payton, Idaho, is grateful she's landed employment with the highly respected J.L. Larrett. A victim of abuse both from her father and ex-husband, Cara is struggling to build her self-esteem, and also a new life for herself and her troubled 13 year old daughter Riley. But J.L. Larrett is not the man they think they know. One week into the job, J.L. forces Cara to do the unthinkable - help hide the body of a woman he's murdered. If she refuses, she could pay with her life. If she obeys, the stain on her soul may be more than she can bear.' The last two are from best-selling author Colleen Coble - "Beneath Copper Falls" is the sixth book in the 'Rock Harbor' series, and the book jacket states: ' As a 911 dispatcher, Dana Newell takes pride in being calm in tough circumstances. In addition to her emotionally charged career, she's faced enough emergencies in her own life. She recently escaped her abusive fiancé to move to tranquil Rock Harbor where

Thank You’s

Dear St. Peter’s ,

Thank you for the lovely flower arrangement for my 90th Birthday.


Kate Steeb

Dear Youth Group,

On July 13 we had a downsizing auction at our house. We asked the youth

group to come to it and sell hot dogs and hamburgers to benefit their youth trip to

Erie. With the help of Carly and Colton and their leaders, they did an excellent job

and made some extra funds for their trip. All you have to do is ask them and they

will come through!

Many thanks again!

Joanne and Buck Majors

Dear Pastor & St. Peter’s,

It was a delight to sing for your congregation. We so appreciated your warm

welcome, friendliness and kind remarks. We truly felt we were among brothers and



Don, Micki & Jan Richter

Dear PJ and St. Peter’s Family,

On behalf of Catherine “Kate” Deemer we her family thank you for your

warmest thoughts, concerns, prayers and visits during our trying times. We also

thank you for the beautiful blanket.


Catherine “Kate” Deemer Family

Church Library News, Continued

she hopes life will be more peaceful. But the idyllic town hides more danger than it first appeared. Dana is continually drawn to her new friend Boone, who has scars inside and out. Then she answers a call at her job only to hear a friend's desperate screams on the other end. Soon the pain in her past collides with the mys-teries of her new home - and threatens to keep her from the future she's always wanted.' Coble's other novel is the first one in the 'Lavender Tides' series and is called "The View from Rainshadow Bay". The book jacket's blurb reads: 'After her husband Jack dies in a climbing accident, Shauna has only her 5 year old son and her helicopter charter business to live for. Every day is a struggle to make ends meet and she lives in constant fear of losing even more than she already has. When her business partner is murdered, his final words convince Shauna that she's in danger, too. But where can she turn? Zach Bannis-ter was her husband's best friend and is the person she blames for his death. She's barely spoken to Zach since - but right now he seems her only hope for protecting her son. Zach is only too happy to assuage his guilt over Jack's death by helping Shauna any way he can. But there are secrets involved dating back to Shauna's childhood that more than one person would prefer to stay hidden.' You could easily lose yourself in the pages of one of these novels or any other book - fiction or non-fiction - that we have in our church library. Come on in and check anything out and you will probably discover that your August days will be filled with literary satisfaction - that's what well-written books always seem to bring!! Happy reading!!!!

Happy August Birthday to:

Sidney Schiever ~ August 7 ~ 83 years young

Mary Jean Szakelyhidi ~ August 15 ~ 93 years young

Dayne Wahl ~ August 25 ~ 86 years young

Dee Graham ~ August 27 ~ 84 years young

Birdetta Kennedy ~ August 27 ~ 85 years young

Happy August Anniversary to:

Rick & Lynn Meyers ~ August 16 ~ 50 years

Dayne & Shirley Wahl ~ August 25 ~ 62 years

Alex & Bea Barna ~ August 29 ~ 59 years

Sidney & Joan Schiever ~ August 29 ~ 61 years

Community Fellowship Dinner

Jesus didn't come to be served, HE came to SERVE.




Friday, August 10th ~ 5:00-6:30pm in our Fellowship Room

August’s menu: Pot Roast, Salad, Rolls and Butter, Drinks and Desserts.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED on Saturday, August 18

th starting at 8:00am to help with some jobs

around the church: such as moving the nursery cubbies to their new location downstairs in the Educational Building; removing trees along the parking lot; and putting a clear coat of varnish (for weather protection) on the front doors of the church. If you are interested and willing to help, please contact either Darrin Kaelin at (724) 944-5154 or Steven Frederick at (724) 814-1346.


557 Perry Highway

Harmony, PA 16037

Phone: 724.453.4184

Website: www.swbfoodcupboard.org


Below you will find the current food needs for the Southwest Butler Food Cupboard. Canned Fruit Beans Helper Meals Condensed soup Chef Boyardee Mac & Cheese Pasta Pasta sauce Egg noodles Oatmeal Single serve snack items for kids Shelf stable pizza crust Pizza sauce Cereal PB Jelly Dessert mixes (brownie, cake, cookie) Juice boxes Thank you for your continued support and generosity to the Southwest Butler Food Cupboard.


Sharon Klaiber, LPC NCC


For those of you who are classical music lovers - and even those of you who aren't - you are in for a real treat on Saturday, September 15th, when St. Peter's will be hosting for the second time the Butler County Recital Series under the leadership of Tanya Satteson, concertmistress of the Butler Symphony Orchestra. The recital will begin at 7:00pm in the sanctuary and in addition to Tanya playing violin, pianist Nancy DeSalvo and mezzo-soprano Raquel Winnica Young will also be featured. This first recital of the 2018-2019 season is titled: 'Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms', who many of you might also know as 'The Three B's', all of whom were considered to be pillars of Western Classical music. Their compositions helped to define the ideals that shaped the Baroque, Classical, and Romantic eras of music. The ladies who are performing will be presenting some of the best-loved works written by this trio of renowned composers, so you won't want to miss what they will be playing and singing! Tickets for the recital are $16.50 for adults and $11.50 for children, and you can buy your tickets on the website at www.butlercountyrecitalseries.org or purchase them at the door (if you purchase them at the door, you will need to pay cash). Hope to see many of you here at the church for this inspiring evening of music from the Masters!!

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Sunday School

9:00 am


10:15 am

Head Usher



Rex Brown

1 9am Prayer Group

6-8:30pm VBS (Rolling River


2 5:30pm Video


6-8:30pm VBS

(Rolling River


3 6pm Dinner & A Movie Night for ALL Ages ~ Fellowship Room & Sanctuary

4 12:30pm Pair, Care & Share Sundae Matinee ~

Fellowship Room




6 6:30pm Elder’s Mtg.

~ Ed. Bldg.


8 9am Prayer Group

4pm Feed My Sheep

6-8pm Youth Group Mtg. ~ Youth Rm.

7pm The Journey

9 5pm Krista Allmann’s

Wedding Rehearsal ~


6:30pm Strategic

Coaches Mtg. ~ Ed.


10 5pm Community

Dinner ~ Fellowship


11 10am Women’s Ministry Mtg. ~ Ed. Bldg.

12-6 pm Krista Allmann Wedding ~ Fellowship Room & Sanctuary

1-4pm TNT Pool Party ~ Rader Grandparents' house

12 8:30am Jr. High

Breakfast w/ Aubrey

11:30am Jr.


Volunteer Mtg. ~

Fellowship Rm.

13 6:30pm Confirmation Mtg. (Student/Parent and

Mentor) ~ Ed. Bldg.

14 1:30-3pm 500 Card

Club ~ F.R.

6:30pm COF Board

Mtg. ~ F.R.

7pm Consistory

Mtg. ~ Ed. Bldg.

(All Welcome)

15 9am Prayer Group

4:30-8pm Youth Group assisting w/ Feed My Sheep

7pm AFSP Support Group ~ Ed. Bldg.

7pm The Journey


5:30pm Video



18 8am-2pm Volunteer Work Day at the Church

4:30pm Rader Baptism ~ Sanctuary


8:30am Sr. High

Breakfast w/ Aubrey

20 6:30-8pm TNT Mtg.

~ Youth Room

7pm Strengthening Relationships Committee Mtg. ~

Ed. Bldg.


6pm Choir Dinner ~

Fellowship Room

22 9am Prayer Group

4pm Feed My Sheep

6-8pm Youth Group Mtg. ~ Youth Room

7pm The Journey

23 5:30pm Video


24 1-3pm Youth Group Event ~ Eracers &

Debbie Lee’s

6pm Tanya Satteson practicing

~ Sanctuary

25 9am Volunteer Ministry Mtg. ~

Fellowship Room


Quarterly Baptisms


28 1:30-3pm 500 Card

Club ~ F.R.

5:30pm COF Bell

practice ~ Bell Room

7pm COF Choir

practice ~ F. R.

29 9am Prayer Group

4pm Feed My Sheep

7pm The Journey ~ Fellowship Room

30 5:30pm Video



August 2018