Year 10 Yearly Overview 2019 - · 1 . ENGLISH TERM 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9...

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Transcript of Year 10 Yearly Overview 2019 - · 1 . ENGLISH TERM 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9...

Year 10 Yearly Overview




English ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1


Mathematics ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2


Agriculture ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Science ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4


History and Geography ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5


Child Studies.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6 French ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Pass ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 PDHPE ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 PDHPE (Practical) .................................................................................................................................................................................... 10


Food Technology ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Industrial Technology Automotive .......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Industrial Technology Timber ................................................................................................................................................................. 13


Dance ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Drama ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Music ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Photography and Digital Media .............................................................................................................................................................. 17 Visual Arts ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 18



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Unit 1: Read More Write Better Students intensify their understanding of the concept of quality texts and quality writing, make connections between text forms and their features, refine understanding of language conventions, logical thinking skills, formal oral and written response skills. Outcomes: EN5-1A, EN5-2A, EN5-3B, EN5-4B Assessment: Class portfolio / multimodal presentation / written transcript / Premier’s Debating Challenge Assessment due: Week 10, Term 1



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Unit 2: Representation in prose fiction and film in Australia and Beyond Students learn about representation and film techniques; contextual influences; journalism text and techniques. Students study one prose fiction and 2 films (one Australian and one non-Australian). Outcomes: EN5-2A, EN5-6C, EN5-8D, EN5-9E Assessment: Portfolio including high order film review composition comparing influence of film contexts, purposes, audiences Assessment due: Week 10, Term 2



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Unit 3: Comparative Study of Shakespearean Tragedy Students examine Renaissance Aristotelean/ Shakespearean tragic conventions; appropriation and intertextuality; purpose, audience and context, essay writing. Outcomes: EN5-5C, EN5-7D, EN5-8D Assessment: Portfolio including comparative essay – submission of drafts and final copy for marking. Question: How does the contemporary text appropriate Shakespeare’s playscript to engage a modern teenage audience? Assessment due: Week 10, Term 3



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Unit 4: Close Study of an Australian Composer Students undertake a close, critical analysis of several texts by one composer; language features of text form; representation of cultural assumptions; critical close analysis of relationships between and among texts; evaluation of specific features of composer’s style. Outcomes: EN5-4B, EN5-7C, EN5-9E Assessment: Portfolio of critical analysis extended responses; performance of excerpts; own composition in composer’s style. Assessment due: Week 10, Term 4



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Unit 1: 5.1 – Algebraic Techniques and Indices 5.2 – Algebraic Techniques and Indices 5.3 – Algebraic Techniques and Indices

Unit 2: 5.1 – Single Variable Data 5.2 – Single Variable Data 5.3 – Single Variable Data

Unit 3: 5.1 – Ratios and Rates 5.2 – Ratios and Rates 5.3 – Ratios and Rates



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Unit 4: 5.1 – Equations 5.2 – Equations (Simultaneous) 5.3 – Equations (Simultaneous)

Unit 5: 5.1 – Linear Relationships 5.2 – Linear Relationships 5.3 – Linear Relationships

Test Unit 5 continued Unit 6: 5.1 – Trigonometry 5.2 – Trigonometry 5.3 – Trigonometry



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Unit 6 continued Unit 7: 5.1 – Non-linear 5.2 – Non-linear 5.3 – Non-linear

Unit 8: 5.1 – Area, Surface Area, Volume 5.2 – Area, Surface Area, Volume 5.3 – Area, Surface Area, Volume



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Unit 9: 5.1 – Financial Management 5.2 – Financial Management 5.3 – Financial Management

Yearly Test Unit 10: 5.1 – Probability 5.2 – Probability 5.3 – Probability

Unit 11: 5.1 – Algebra Revision 5.2 – Algebra Revision 5.3 – Polynomials and Logs



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Unit 1: Interaction and Planning Students explore the measures taken by farm managers to successfully grow produce and increase yields, students plan to implement strategies for a plant enterprise at the school ag plot. Outcomes: AG5-6, AG5-8, AG5-9, Assessment: Applied Skills – Processing data and climate graphing 20% Assessment due: Term 1, Week 10



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Unit 2: Winter Cropping Enterprise Students examine winter cropping as an enterprise with the aim to students to implement and adjust plans and undertake practical tasks as farm managers to grow winter fruits and vegetables. Outcomes: AG5-6, AG5-9, AG5-12, AG5-14 Assessment: Examination – Semester 1 – 15% Assessment due: Term 2, Week 4 Assessment: Applied Skills – Student Research Project – 15% Assessment due: Term 2, Week 9



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Unit 3: Sheep and Lambing Enterprise Investigation of the sheep and lambing enterprise with focus on the historical significance the wool and meat industry for the time when ‘Australia was built on the sheep’s back throught o the role that the industry has in today’s economy. Outcomes: AG5-7, AG5-9, AG5-10, AG5-12, AG14 Assessment: Practical Task – 10% Multiple Choice Quiz, Practical Tractor Operation Component 15% Assessment due: Term 3, Week 9



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Unit 4: Management and Marketing Students study the role that farm managers have in value adding to products on the farm, from marketing and branding as well as quality control and improvement. Outcomes: AG5-4, AG5-5, AG5-9, AG5-10 Assessment: Examination – Semester 2 – 15% Assessment: Diligence in conducting practical tasks at the ag site 10% Assessment due: Term 4, Week 4



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Unit 1: Going Extinct Explains how scientific knowledge about global patterns of geological activity and interactions involving global systems can be used to inform decisions related to contemporary issues Outcomes: SC5-13ES/SC5-7WS Assessment: Practical Task – Using Data and Drawing Conclusions – 15% Assessment due: Term 1, Week 3

Unit 2: Science and Society Processes, analyses and evaluates data from first hand investigations and secondary sources to develop evidence-based arguments and conclusions



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Unit 3: The Chemical Jigsaw Explains how models, theories and laws about matter have been refined as new scientific evidence becomes available Outcomes: SC5-16CW/SC5-10PW Assessment: Applied Skills – Student Research Project – 30% Assessment due: Week 1 Assessment: Examination – Semester 1 – 15% Assessment due: Term 2, Week 3

Unit 4: Crash Test Applies models, theories and laws to explain situations involving energy, force and motion



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Unit 5: Pass It On Explains how biological understanding has advanced through scientific discoveries, technological developments and the needs of society Outcomes: SC5-15LW/SC5-12ES Assessment: Literacy Research Task – Biotechnology Report – 25% Assessment due: Term 3, Week 5

Unit 6: Think Global Describes changing ideas about the structure of the Earth and the universe to illustrate how models, theories and laws are refined over time by the scientific community



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Unit 7: The Right Stuff Explains how biological understanding has advanced through scientific discoveries, technological developments and the needs of society Outcomes: SC5-17CW/SC5-11PW Assessment: Examination – Semester 2 – 15% Assessment due: Term 4, Week 2

Unit 8: Tomorrow’s World Explains how scientific understanding about energy conservation, transfers and transformations is applied in systems



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(History) Historical Overview: The modern world and Australia 10% of teaching time may be integrated or taught separately. The impact of the War around the world Depth Study 6: School Developed Topic – The Holocaust Students explore the origin and key features of the German Holocaust of World War II and the lasting impact on society. They will examine evidence from the period and gain insight into the different perspectives. Outcomes: HT5-1, HT5-3, HT5-7 Assessment: Holocaust Research Task Assessment due: Term 1, Week 6

Start Core study



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(History) Core Study: Depth Study 4 – Rights and Freedoms (1945 – present) Students will examine the origin, structure and power of the United Nations. They will also investigate the impact of the declaration of Human rights on Civil Rights Movement on Aboriginal and Indigenous peoples in Australia in comparison to the United States. Outcomes: HT5-2, HT5-8, HT5-9 Assessment: Research Task Assessment due: Term 1, Week 10 Assessment task 3: Online Skills Test Assessment Due Date: Term 2, Week 3

Timetable Change Geography Start Environment Change and Management



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(Geography) Environmental Change and Management Students develop an understanding of the functioning of environments and the scale of human induced environmental change challenging sustainability. They explore worldviews influencing approaches to environmental use and management Outcomes: GE5-3, GE5-4, GE5-7 Assessment: Research and composition task: Great Pacific Garbage Patch – Campaign proposal Assessment due: Term 3, Week 3

Start Human Wellbeing



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(Geography) Human Wellbeing Students examine the nature of, and differences in, human wellbeing and development that exist within and between countries. They describe ways of measuring human wellbeing and development to reveal spatial variations and develop explanations for differences. Outcomes: GE5-1, GE5-6, GE5-8 Assessment: Research and data analysis task: Human Development Indicators – Country comparison Assessment due: Term 3, Week 7 Final Assessment: Online skills test inclusive of all topics and skills taught over the semester. Final assessment due: Term 4, Week 1

TBD Personal Interest project OR Joint History/Geography Unit.



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Unit 1: Preparing for Parenthood The purpose of this unit is for students to evaluate strategies and factors to create a supportive environment to promote growth and development of children. Students will analyse reasons for beginning a family and evaluate differing parenting styles. Outcomes: CS 2.2, CS 3.1, CS 3.2, CS 3.3, CS 4.2, CS 4.3 Assessment: Survey Analysis of Pregnancy Wellbeing Assessment due: Term 1, Week 8



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Unit 2: Newborn Care The purpose of this unit is for students to understand the characteristics of newborns, and the needs and requirements for infants. Students will evaluate appropriate care and support for a newborn and new mother including physical, social and emotional care. Outcomes: CS 1.1, CS 1.2, CS 2.2, CS 2.3, CS 3.1, CS 3.2, CS 4.1 Assessment: Newborn Care Diary (week long) Assessment due: Term 2, Week 6



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Unit 3: Aboriginal Cultures and Childhood The purpose of this unit is for students to understand the importance of cultural heritage, identity and kinship, and explore equity and access issues for Aboriginal children. Students will research and identify health status and care services for Aboriginal families. Outcomes: CS 1.2, CS 2.2, CS 3.2, CS 3.3, CS 4.2 Assessment: Research Project of Aboriginal Health Status Assessment due: Term 3, Week 8



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Unit 4: Childcare Services and Career Opportunities The purpose of this unit is for students to understand the range of childcare services available in the community and the rights and responsibilities of childcare providers. Students will identify and explore the skills, qualifications and knowledge required for career opportunities in childcare. Outcomes: CS 1.3, CS 2.2, CS 3.1, CS 3.2, CS 3.3, CS 4.1 Assessment: Create a Preschool Activity Assessment due: Term 4, Week 5



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Unit 1: Une journee dans ma vie The purpose of the unit is for students to learn the differences between a school day in France, Noumea and Australia. Students will speak about the differences and comparisons, exploring French colloquialisms. Students will also learn how to describe a day in their life. Outcomes: 5UL.1, 5UL.3, 5MLC.1, 5MBC.2 Assessment: Debate Assessment due: Week 9



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Unit 2: A l´aeroport Outcomes: 5UL.3, 5UL.4, 5MLC.2, 5MBC.2 Assessment: Recorded script Assessment due: Week 6



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Unit 3: Au restaurant Unit info: Students will learn the vocabulary necessary to visit a restaurant, book a table and order from a three course menu. Students will learn how to create a menu in French and the cultural differences between French and Australian cuisine. Outcomes: 5UL.1, 5UL.3, 5UL.4, 5MLC.1, 5MBC.2 Assessment: Restaurant role play Assessment due: Week 8



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Unit 4: Emploi Students will learn about life issues affecting young French people. Students will also look at the changing profile of employment in France. Outcomes: 5UL.1, 5UL.2, 5UL.4, 5MLC.1 Assessment: Yearly examination Assessment due: Week 6/7



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Unit 1: Skill Development The purpose of the unit is for students to gain knowledge and understanding of the nature of sporting skills, their development and the transfer across different sporting activities. They will study the basic theoretical foundations of skill development including physical and mental practice. Outcomes: 1.1, 1.2, 4.1, 4.3 Assessment: Plan a Training Session Assessment due: Week 8



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Unit 2: Lifestyle, Leisure & Recreation The purpose of the unit is for students to examine perception of, patterns of participation in leisure and recreation activities. Outcomes: 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.3, 4.4 Assessment: Research Assignment Assessment due: Week 8



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Unit 3: Coaching The purpose of this unit is for students to gain knowledge and understanding of effective coaching methods and the roles and responsibilities. Outcomes: 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 Assessment: Research a professional coach Assessment due: Week 8



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Unit 4: Technology in Sport This purpose of this unit is for students to gain knowledge and understanding of the contribution/impact of technology on modern sport. Outcomes: 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 Assessment: Evaluate tech research Assessment due: Week 5



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Unit 1: The Party Students will explore a range of relevant topics by engaging in a meaningful end of Year 10 Formal Scenario. The Party unit will encourage students to take a positive approach to their lives and equips them with skills for current and future challenges. Students will have the opportunity to learn about respectful relationships, drug use, sexual health, road safety, decision making and risky behaviour. Outcomes: 5.2, 5.3, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.11, 5.12, 5.13 Assessment: Party Crashes Video Assessment due: Term 2, Week 4



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Unit 2: The Party Continued Students will explore a range of relevant topics by engaging in a meaningful end of Year 10 Formal Scenario. The Party unit will encourage students to take a positive approach to their lives and equips them with skills for current and future challenges. Students will have the opportunity to learn about respectful relationships, drug use, sexual health, road safety, decision making and risky behaviour. Outcomes: 5.2, 5.3, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.11, 5.12, 5.13 Assessment: Party Crashes Video Assessment due: Term 2, Week 4



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Unit 3: Relationships/Sexual Health/Domestic Violence Students will learn and understand the importance of positive relationships. Students will examine how they can use strategies to support themselves in different situations and analyse the range of ways they can provide support to others. Outcomes: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.6, 5.7, 5.11, 5.12, 5.13 Assessment: Brochure Assessment due: Term 3, Week 10



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Unit 4: Taking Responsibility Students will have the opportunity to engage with health information, products and services to ensure they effectively understand the health care system, healthy food habits and balancing adolescent/adult life including work, employment and unemployment. Outcomes: PD 5.2, PD 5.7, PD 5.8, PD 5.11, PD 5.12



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Striking/Fielding Games (Softball/Baseball/Cricket) (5%) Students will participate in a variety of striking and fielding games including Softball/Baseball and Cricket. Students will become familiar with the rules and basic officiating duties. Outcomes: PD 5.4, PD 5.5, PD 5.8, PD 5.11 Assessment: Practical Assessment due: Week 6

Boot Camp/Fitness Testing (10%) Students will engage in a variety of fitness based activities to improve fitness and will understand the importance of regular physical activity. Outcomes: PD 5.4, PD 5.5, PD 5.8, PD 5.11 Assessment: Practical Assessment due: Week 11



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Athletics (10%) Students will participate in a variety of Athletics based events and become familiar with correct technique including how to judge athletic events such as Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump, Shot Put and Javelin. Outcomes: PD 5.4, PD 5.5, PD 5.8, PD 5.11 Assessment: Practical Assessment due: Week 6

Recreational Games (5%) Students will have the opportunity to engage in fun, less traditional sporting activities include table tennis, bocce. Students may also learn other modified games in a less competitive environment. Outcomes: PD 5.4, PD 5.5, PD 5.8, PD 5.11 Assessment: Practical Assessment due: Week 10



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Stick Sports (5%) Students will have the opportunity to participate and learn the basics of a variety of stick sports. Outcomes: PD 5.4, PD 5.5, PD 5.8, PD 5.11 Assessment: Practical Assessment due: Week 6

Just Dance: (10%) Students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of movement skills utilising music. Students will participate in individual and group dances. m Outcomes: PD 5.4, PD 5.5, PD 5.8, PD 5.11 Assessment: Practical Assessment due: Week 10



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European Handball/ Volleyball (5%) Students will participate in both European Handball and Volleyball. Outcomes: PD 5.4, PD 5.5, PD 5.8, PD 5.11 Assessment: Practical Assessment due: Week 6

Frisbee Games Students will participate in fun frisbee games and learn the basic rules of ultimate frisbee. Outcomes: PD 5.4, PD 5.5, PD 5.8, PD 5.11 Assessment: Practical Assessment due: Week 10



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Unit 1: Food Service & Catering Investigating food service types, commercial and domestic. Implementing a variety of food service types through practical experiences. Outcomes: 5.3.2 / 5.5.1 / 5.5.2 / 5.6.1 Assessment: Research Assignment and practical Assessment due: Term 1, Week 8



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Unit 2: Food Product Development Investigating and designing innovations in food product development. Outcomes: 5.3.2 / 5.5.1 / 5.5.2 / 5.6.1 Assessment: Assignment (Report-packaging) and practical Assessment due: Term 2, Week 7



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Unit 3: Food Trends Investigating innovative food trends and looking to the past as to what were the trends then and now. Outcomes: 5.3.2 / 5.5.1 / 5.5.2 / 5.6.1 Assessment: Portfolio and Practical Assessment due: Term 3, Week 9



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Unit 4: Food Equity Investigating and delving into solutions regarding food equity within the community and outwards including equity issues around the world. Outcomes: 5.3.2 / 5.5.1 / 5.5.2 / 5.6.1 Assessment: Research assignment and practical Assessment due: Term 4, Week 8



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Unit 1: Two Stroke Smoke The safe use and handling of hand, power and machine tools, the use of personal protective equipment in the workshop, and elementary first aid procedures. Outcomes: 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.4.2s 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.5.1 Assessment: knowledge safety test theory test part 1 Practical Assessment: Joining metals task Assessment due: Ongoing Term 2, Week 5



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Unit 2: Chassis and Braking Braking systems, chassis construction methods, automotive electrical systems and links to industry. Traditional, current and emerging technologies that relate to the automotive industry. Outcomes: 5.2.2, 5.4.2, 5.5.1 Assessment: Knowledge safety test theory test part 2 Assessment due: Ongoing Term 2, Week 5



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Unit 3: Alternative Energy Systems (AES) – Wind Power & Sustainable Architecture Traditional, current and emerging technologies that relate to engineering. Outcomes: 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.2.1, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.4.1, 5.6.1 Assessment: Presentation and Design Assessment due: Ongoing Term 3, Week 10



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Unit 4: Alternative Energy – Sustainable Architecture Use of AES for industrial/commercial applications and relationships between structure, properties and the application of materials. Outcomes: 5.1.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.4.2, 5.5.1, 5.6.1, 5.7.1, 5.7.2 Assessment: Report and Presentation Assessment due: Ongoing Term 4, Week 9



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Unit 1: Industry Practices, Quality Products, Safety Outcomes: 5.1.1, 5.1.2, 5.2.1, 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.6.1 Assessment: Adirondack chair Assessment due: Term 1, Week 11



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Unit 2: Cabinetry and Safety Outcomes: 5.2.1, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.4.1, 5.4.2, 5.6.1, 5.7.1 Assessment: Bedside table and time plan Assessment due: Term 4, Week 10



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Unit 3: Portfolio and Time Plan, Major Project Outcomes: 5.2.1, 5.3.2, 5.4.1, 5.6.1, 5.7.2 Assessment: Project proposal Assessment due: Term 3, Week 3



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Unit 3 continued Outcomes: 5.2.1, 5.3.1, 5.4.1, 5.5.1, 5.6.1 Assessment: Major project and portfolio Assessment due: Term 4, Week 4



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Unit 1: Pioneers of Modern Dance Students investigate the origins of modern dance, including where it came from and who was leading the development of these styles. Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the variety of pioneers: Isadora Duncan, Loie Fuller, Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn, Martha Graham, Alvin Ailey, William Forsythe and Graeme Murphy. Students will explore PowerPoint presentation presentations, youtube clips and practical workshops within the style being studied. Students will explore the development of each of these styles throughout time while gaining knowledge of the importance and significance of the pioneers. Outcomes: 5.3.1; 5.3.2; 5.3.3 Assessment: Pioneer of modern Dance research task Assessment due: Week 9, Term 1



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Unit 2: Manipulating the elements of Dance in Composition Unit info: Students begin to investigate the elements of dance: space, time and dynamics, and how they assist the process of composition. Students will work through the attached PowerPoint presentation, developing their knowledge and understanding of the elements of dance, exploring each area individually, and analysing their effectiveness within performance works. Outcomes: 5.2.1; 5.2.2; 5.3.1 Assessment: 1 minute choreography and process journal submission Assessment due: Week 9, Term 2



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Unit 3: Dance through the ages Students investigate the origins of dance, including each significant style and the era it began. Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the variety of styles, exploring ballet, the 1950s, 60s and 70s dance, social dance and street dancing. Students will explore powerpoint presentations, youtube clips, a kahoot activity, and practical workshops within the styles being studied. Students will explore the development of each styles throughout time, gaining knowledge of the importance and significance of how they began, while appreciating what they have developed to now. Outcomes: 5.3.1; 5.3.2; 5.3.3 Assessment: Ballet research presentation and in class practical assessment Assessment due: Week 9, Term 3



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Unit 4: Aboriginal Dance in Australia Students investigate the history of Aboriginal dance in Australia, from traditional styles to Bangarra fusing contemporary and Aboriginal dance together. Students will explore how Aboriginal cultures, languages and traditions are maintained through our ever-changing society. Students will explore powerpoint presentations, youtube clips and practical workshops within Aboriginal dance. Students will explore the development of this style in Australia throughout time while gaining knowledge of the importance and significance it holds. Outcomes: 5.3.1; 5.3.2; 5.3.3 Assessment: Summative in class, Final journal mark for the year Assessment due: Week 5 Term 4



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Unit 1: Basics of Improvisation Overview of Live vs Filmed Theatre. Basic Stagecraft. Why Improvise. Introduction to Elements of Drama. Later in the term, rehearsal for CAPA night will be incorporated. Outcomes: S1.1, S1.2, S1.4, S2.3 Assessment: Small Group Performance (playbuilt) based on choice of six elements. Assessment due: Week 9, Term 1



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Unit 2: Greek Theatre Looks at historical context of this style. Focus on the value of gesture, chorus and mask. Outcomes: S3.1, S3.3 Assessment: N/A Experiential

Unit 3: Melodrama Explore the conventions of this style including stock characters, Tableaux and Emotive Music. Outcomes: S1.1, S1.2, S1.4, S2.3 Assessment: Scriptwriting based on their playbuilding. Submission of final draft on Google Classroom. Assessment due: Week 9 Term 2



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Unit 4: Study of Text “Honey Spot” by Jack Davis Scriptwriting, production elements, dramaturgy. Students will rehearse and perform the play for a chosen audience. Outcomes: S3.1,S3.3 Assessment: Digital Diary on Google Classroom platform. Assessment due: Week 9, Term 3



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Unit 5: Short Film Devising, producing, editing a short piece of filmed theatre. Students to negotiate storyline in small groups, script, cast, rehearse, produce/shoot short film. Outcomes: S3.1, S3.3 Assessment: Final cut of film marked against curriculum criteria. Assessment due: Week 8 Term 4



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Unit 1: Rock School Students will study Grade 1 performance pieces from the Rock School grades while studying the Grade 1 Musicianship. Outcomes: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Assessment: Performance Assessment due: Term 1, Week 10 - 11



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Unit 2: Music in Education Students will study music as used in a primary school setting, used as the basis for a inter school event with Stage 3 students from feeder schools. Outcomes: 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 Assessment: Composition Assessment due: Term 2, Week 8-9



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Unit 3: Australian Music Outcomes: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 Assessment: Performance / Aural Assessment due:



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Unit 4: Film Music Identifying and discussing the use of musical elements and how they function in films. A focus on contemporary musicians as film composers. Student will create a portfolio of short compositions to accompany a selection of short films. Outcomes: 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 Assessment: N/A Assessment due: N/A



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Unit 1: Drawing with the Camera/David Hockney This unit explores the notion of the local landscape/seascape in a variety of ways – some self-directed Photography/Computer based digital manipulation based on the work of artists like David Hockney and Ansel Adams. Outcomes: 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6 Assessment: Portfolio Assessment due: Week 10, Term 1



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Unit 2: Human Figure/Fantasy This unit explores the notion of applying classical and modern principles to photographic forms. Photography/Computer based digital manipulation around the work of Spencer Tunick/Rosemary Laing/Lewis Caroll/Dodson. Outcomes: 5.2,5.5, 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 Assessment: Artist study Assessment due: Week 9, Term 2



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Unit 3: Film A unit where Students explore the work of contemporary filmmakers like that of Spike Jonez and produce their own soundscapes, stop motion and music video. Using a variety of digital forms e.g. computer video, photography. Outcomes: 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8, 5.10 Assessment: Artist study/ Body of Work Assessment due: Week 9, Term 3



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Unit 4: Every Picture Tells a Story This unit is based on the idea of images telling stories and narratives. Students take on the role of film critic in their research task and discuss the ways the world is represented in film through Structural and cultural viewpoints. Students apply their understanding of Photography/Computer based digital manipulation after looking at the work of artists like Andrew Quilty, Ben Lowy. Outcomes: 5.1-5.10



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Unit 1: Coast to Country This unit explores the notion of the local landscape/seascape in a variety of ways. Students will develop confidence in media experimentation and study of the works of related artists like Brett Whiteley, Jeffery Baker, and Katsushika Hokusai. Outcomes: 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 5.5 Assessment: Portfolio Assessment due: Week 11, Term 1



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Unit 2: Netsuke This unit explores the conventions and traditions of Japanese sculptural carving. Students will explore the ideas of totems and iconography, developing designs which appropriate concepts and styles to reflect a personal viewpoint. Artists covered will be reflective of student interest and come from a range of cultures to allow diverse levels of complexity within student work. Outcomes: 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.9 Assessment: Art study/ Body of Work Assessment due: Week 1, Term 3



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Unit 3: Human Form This unit is a study of the human form, including the development of drawing and painting skills. Student will examine contemporary interpretations by artists across genres and styles of artistic practice. They will produce drawings in charcoal, multi-layered glazed paintings and digital artworks which examine the expressive quality of the body. Artists covered will include Shaun Barber, Ah Xian. Outcomes: 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10 Assessment: Written Exam Assessment due: Week 8, Term 3



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Unit 4: Body of Work (BOW) This unit is an opportunity for students to explore artists who are of particular interest to them. The unit will commence with a directed study of 2-3 different artists who will demonstrate a strong artistic practice and relate to class interests. Students will then respond by collecting information and work samples which then inspire the students to make a series of artworks. Outcomes: 5.1 - 5.10 Assessment: N/A Assessment due: N/A