Year 1 - Home Learning t Week Beginning Monday 13th July 2020 1... · Year 1 - Home Learning t Week...

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Transcript of Year 1 - Home Learning t Week Beginning Monday 13th July 2020 1... · Year 1 - Home Learning t Week...

Year 1 - Home Learning – Week Beginning Monday 13th July 2020

Dear Parent/Carer, Please find our weekly recommended learning activities, guidance, suggested timetable and links to resources. Please scroll down to find the relevant explanations, worksheets and resources. Please do not forget to allow time for breaks, snacks and physical exercise. Additional reading is always beneficial. ENGLISH

x Phonics Online lesson. Moving onto phonics phase 5 digraph activities. x Reading Reading the books on Bug Club. Reading the text and answering the questions. x Writing Completing the different tasks. x Spelling Look at the word, cover it up, try and write it spelt correctly without looking. x Punctuation Completing the tasks.

MATHS This week in Maths the focus is enjoying it and completing fun and exciting activities! WIDER CURRICULUM

x PHSE Getting ready for Year 2!

EXTERNAL RESOURCES Please remember our array of online resources (Bug Club, My Maths, Espresso) which will provide you with plenty of exciting material. For the last time… / If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher via the school office using the office email address Please title your message: Home Learning Year 1. Thank you so much for your continued support and being a wonderful group of parents for my first class! From Miss Richards - You will find the suggested timetable on the next page.

W/B 13.07.20

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Maths – Lesson 1 15 minutes on MyMaths Phonics (online lesson) Lesson 1 Reading (bug club) Lesson 1 Spellings – Lesson 1 Writing – Lesson 1

Maths – Lesson 2 15 minutes on MyMaths Phonics (online lesson) Lesson 2 Reading (bug club) Punctuation – Lesson 1 Writing – Lesson 2

Maths – Lesson 3 15 minutes on MyMaths Phonics (online lesson) Lesson 3 Reading (bug club) Lesson 2 Spellings – Lesson 2 Writing – Lesson 3

Maths – Lesson 4 15 minutes on MyMaths Phonics (online lesson) Lesson 4 Reading (bug club) Punctuation – Lesson 2 Writing – Lesson 4

Maths – Lesson5 15 minutes on MyMaths Phonics (online lesson) Lesson 5 Reading (bug club) Lesson3 Spellings – Lesson 3 Writing – Lesson 5


PHSE – Activities

PE – Cosmic Kids Yoga

PHSE – Activities

PE – PE with Joe Wicks

Extra – Complete any unfinished work

How to find the home learning tasks on Google Classroom

Dear Parent/Carer,

In the Year 1 Google Classroom, in the Classwork section, this home learning pack is split into four assignments which are filed under the following headings:

Headings x Weekly Overview and Timetable x English x Mathematics x Wider Curriculum

Assignments Under each heading, you find the corresponding assignment. x Y1 - Overview - WB 13/7/20 x Y1 - English - WB 13/7/20 x Y1 - Maths - WB 13/7/20 x Y1 - Wider Curriculum - WB 13/7/20

Please encourage your child/children to go to Weekly Overview and Timetable first to find and study the timetable.

To retrieve the current week’s learning, it is important that children look for the subject pack with the correct date (Week Beginning/WB) as sometimes there might be more than one pack stored here. The short date in the title of the file is always Monday’s issue date. Another way to recognise the current pack are the two red !! before its name. Within these three sections (!! Y1 - English - WB XX/XX/XX, !! Y1 - Maths - XX/XX/XX and !! Y1 - Wider Curriculum - XX/XX/XX), you will also find additional resources, video, clips, links to online lessons, etc. Read the instructions in the message box and learn to your heart’s content!

Other Headings In the Y1 Google Classroom, in addition, you find various other subfolders, e.g.: x Assembly

Weekly assembly clips from Mrs Coleman

x Announcements Watch this space...

x Additional Goodies These are optional materials, resources and links that complement the children’s learning across a wide range of topics: some give you extra practice, some are for fun...! Keep looking as we keep adding!

x Messages to and from 1 Children and their class teacher can communicate her privately.

x Learning from Previous Weeks This is an archive of previous learning packs for easy reference if needed.


Year 1 - Home Learning – Week Beginning Monday 13th July 2020

Please find our weekly recommended learning activities, guidance and links to resources.

For those who need it, below are suggestions on how to complete this week’s activities without printing the worksheets/activities.

English activities – Please use lined paper or you can create some using a ruler and pencil if you can’t print out the work.


English - Phonics

Lesson 1 (Monday)

Write two sentences including two of the words.





Lesson 2 (Tuesday)

Write two sentences including two of the words.






Sheet 3 (Wednesday)



Lesson 4 (Thursday)



Lesson 5 (Friday)



English - Reading

Read each text and then answer the questions.

Lesson 1 (Monday)

The Cheese Challenge

It was a blustery day when Christopher the badger looked out of his window and saw Philippa the pigeon and Andrew the hedgehog having fun trying to chase and dodge leaves that were blowing in the wind.

“Could you come and help me please? Christopher asked. “I have a large wedge of cheese in my kitchen, but it is big and won’t slide in the fridge! Whoever helps me will get a shiny badge.” he said.

Philippa was first to offer to help, Andrew soon decided to help too and they wandered into Christopher’s house.

“What tools do you have for the job?” asked Philippa keenly.

Christopher went to the drawer and had a look.

“I have found tissues, screws, an oyster shell, crayons and a tray.” he replied.

“A tray would be perfect!” said Andrew. “We could slide it under the cheese then lift it carefully into the fridge.”

“Oh good, what a smart idea!” agreed Philippa and Christopher.

So the three animals carefully slid the wooden tray under the cheese then placed it into the fridge.

“Thank-you so much for helping me, I feel proud and lucky to have such nice friends.” said Christopher.

“Not a problem, you’re welcome.” his friends replied cheerily.

Christopher gave his friends a badge each to thank them for being so helpful. Then they all had meat and cheese pie for tea.


What was the problem with the cheese?


Who offered to help Christopher first?


What question did Philippa ask Christopher?


What did Christopher not have in the drawer?

What did Philippa and Christopher think of Andrew’s idea for moving the cheese?


What did Christopher give to his friends to say thank-you for helping him?


-dge -ou -ew -ea Green Blue Yellow orange

screws beads glue tissue tray cheese shirt


Lesson 2 (Wednesday)

Funny rhymes

2. My bird may bite you: my bird is mean.

My bird may bite you and make you scream.

I do not think you should play with my bird, maybe you will get hurt.

3. I try to put my lunch on a tray, I try to take my lunch


I try, I try, I try, but the tray is far too big for my size.

1. Tom plays all day in the mud and dirt.

He plays so hard it is just like work.

He plays with his large red truck, He plays with his little, and blue car. He plays all day out in the park.


Target: To answer comprehension questions about a text.

Is the person that plays in the park a boy or girl?


List the things that Tom plays with


Which text writes about food time?


Write a pair of rhyming words from text 2.

________________ rhymes with __________________

Why might the bird make you scream?


Why can’t I carry the tray outside?


Draw and colour the toys from text 1.


- Write in full sentences with capital letters and full stops.

- A full sentence includes some information from the question.

- You cannot start sentences with ‘and’ or ‘because’.


Lesson 3 (Friday)

Laurie’s day at the zoo

There was a once a girl called Laurie, she was eight years old. It was a cloudy

day and Laurie went to the zoo with her mum and brother James. They visited

the stripy young zebras, saw three tigers play in the grass and watched the

giraffe as it ate green leaves quickly. Laurie’s favorite animals were the little

monkeys, she liked to watch them play on the swings, and they jumped from tree

to tree chasing butterflies and things. Laurie was sad when the day had ended.

“Please mum may I stay at the zoo,” said Laurie, “me

and the monkeys will make mud cakes for dinner and

drink cups of warm tea, oh what fantastic fun it will

be! “ “I’m not sure” I hear mum say. “Laurie, there is no

shelter and the clouds are grey, I think it will rain today. I’m afraid you cannot

stay. Come home for dinner, and we’ll have lemon cake after tea.”

ay ai ey a-e (split digraph) Other spellings of

‘ai sound?


1. Where did Laurie, her mum and brother James go on their day trip?

2. Can you name all of the animals that they saw there?

3. Who did Laurie want to stay with?

4. What did Laurie say she would have for dinner at the zoo? Circle your answer.

Lemon cake and cream Mashed potatoes, sausages and beans

Mud cakes and warm tea Green leaves and milk

5. List 3 pairs of rhyming words in the boxes

-------- rhymes with --------

-------- rhymes with --------

-------- rhymes with --------


- Write in full sentences with capital letters and full stops.

- A full sentence includes some information from the question.

- You cannot start sentences with ‘and’ or ‘because’.


6. Why did mum disagree with Laurie’s idea to stay at the zoo?

English - Punctuation Lesson 1 (Tuesday)




Lesson 2 (Thursday)



English - Writing –

This week’s writing focus is all about having fun and moving forward to year 2.

These are 5 fun activities to do! I hope you enjoy them!


Leeson 1 – Monday


Leeson 2 – Tuesday


Leeson 3 – Wednesday



Leeson 4 - Thursday


Leeson 5 - Friday

Please write me a story of your favorite memory of year 1!

It could be when we went to Chiswick house!

It could be our harvest festical assesmbly!

It could be our Chrsitmas production!

It could be World Book Day!

It could be our experiments on Science Day!











Spellings – Lesson 1 (Monday)

Please read the word.

Say it out loud 3 times

Cover the word up.

Write it down in the next box.

Repeat it 3 times.

How many did you get right?

you like was love same

After you have done that. Please choose 2 of the words and write a sentence including them both.

Did you spell them right again?


English - Spellings - Lesson 2 (Wednesday)

Please read the word.

Say it out loud 3 times

Cover the word up.

Write it down in the next box.

Repeat it 3 times.

How many did you get right?

come have house some made

After you have done that. Please choose 2 of the words and write a sentence including them both.

Did you spell them right again?


English - Spellings - Lesson 3 (Friday)

Please read the word.

Say it out loud 3 times

Cover the word up.

Write it down in the next box.

Repeat it 3 times.

How many did you get right?

make said very what called

After you have done that. Please choose 2 of the words and write a sentence including them both.

Did you spell them right again? Friday



From Monday – Wednesday I have made/found a variety of activities for you to complete during the week. Feel free to tweak these to work better for you and your child.

For Thursday and Friday I have provided a link to 2 websites which are filled with different fun games and activities for you do to enjoy!


Lesson 1 (Monday)


Lesson 2 (Tuesday)


Lesson 3 (Wednesday)


Lesson 3 (Wednesday)


Lesson 4 (Thursday)

Lesson 5 (Friday)



Wider Curriculum - PHSE

Thank you for being such wonderful, enthusiastic and fun children. You have taught me so much and I will miss our good times.

Although I will miss you a lot I know you will enjoy Year 2 and it will be amazing!

Below are some activities to remind you how wonderful you are all and to get you ready as you take your next step moving to Year 2!










If you do have any questions you can contact your child’s class teacher via the School Office by emailing us at Please title your message Home Learning – Year 1

Thank you so much for your continued support.

From Miss Richards
