Yahoo! News - Editors Lab EL PAIS Hackdays

Post on 26-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Yahoo! News - Editors Lab EL PAIS Hackdays

Live Mosayc

Global Editors Network 2014

The idea

To create a stream of information around any given event. Generate a mashup of different news sources, curated and filtered, first by our algorithms, detecting trends, in a second phase using the user feedback and finally by the editor’s curation.

How it works?

1. Detect, Filter and rank with Algorythms

(timesense, summly,…)

2. Editorial criteria 3. User feedback

Interface and Responsive Design

What is the benefit for the user?

● All the news sources aggregated in only one point

● Curated and trusted information pieces

● Easy accesible from any mobile device

● It gives a high level view of all the event, in a way that gives the user the opportunity to dive deep only in the content that suits him the best. Considering the limitations of a mobile experience it seems to be a big advantage compared with existing solutions

● It gives the opportunity to colaborate, and add voice to the live coverage of the event

What is the benefit for the editor?

● The algorythms do part of the tedious curation proccess

● The editor works directly over the product. Does not have to switch from a cms to the product and back*.

● In addition, editor can filter: use sources or not, add more relevant and write comments or upload media

● The gap between user & editor is shortened because they share the same interface almost at the same time**

* The system weights different the editors interaction (remove, add,…) than the user’s

** Users flow is served with a delay of some seconds, that way the editors have a some time to edit and curate the ingested pieces

What is the benefit for the Media company?

● 1 interface (less production & implementation costs, less maintenance and headackes) (More money)

● Real time = reduce the distance we actually have with new information sources

● Better mobile access means higher reach (More revenue!!)

● Real time + interaction = Increased engagement (PROFITS!!!)

● Media keeps its own ‘voice’ through editors curation