X rays in ent

Post on 15-Jan-2017

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Transcript of X rays in ent

Dr. Juveria Majeed,MS ENT

How to Read an X Ray??

Plain Xray or Contrast?

Which part? What is the view? Findings? Provisional

Diagnosis? Management of the


Xray Mastoids

Plain xray mastoids rt and left. Schullers view Showing cellularity of mastoid

air cells on rt and sclerosis on left.

Ch. Left mastoiditis Mastoid exploration.

Why do you take X ray mastoids? What are the advantages of taking X ray mastoids?

What are the views for temporal bone? Which is the common view for mastoids? What are the various types of mastoids? What is mastoiditis? Coalescent

mastoiditis? How do you manage it? Advantages of CT Mastoids over xrays?


X Ray Para Nasal Sinus

Plain X ray Para nasal sinuses

Waters view showing haziness in the left maxillary sinusitis.

What are the views for PNS? What is the view with open mouth? Open

mouth is for what? What is the other name for waters view? What is the other view to see frontal

sinusitis? Air fluid level is seen in _____ sinusitis

where as complete haziness is seen in chronic sinusitis.

What is the treatment for acute sinusitis? What is the treatment for chronic

sinusitis? Destruction of the walls of the sinuses is

seen in 1. 2.


X Ray Nasal Bones

Plain X ray Skull Lateral View R and L showing fracture.

Diagnosis: #Nasal Bones. Treatment : Correction under


Classify fractures of the face? What are symptoms and signs of

fracture nasal bones? Lateral view Rt and Lt. why? What are the complications of # ? What is open book fracture? What is closed and open




Plain X Ray Skull Lateral View Showing soft tissue

shadow in the roof and posterior wall of nasopharynx.

For Adenoid hypertrophy

Occluding the airway Ch. Adenoiditis

What are the symptoms of Acute and Chronic Adenoiditis?

What is adenoid facies? How do you manage Chronic

Adenoiditis? What is crescent sign? How AC

polyp/masses/tumors of nasopharynx differentiated from adenoid hypertrophy?

Management of adenoid hypertrophy?


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Fig 1 Fig 2

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Fig 1

Plain X Ray neck , chest and abdomen AP view.

Showing a round radio opaque foreign body in the esophagus.

Probably a coin.

Fig 2

Plain X Ray neck Lateral view.

Showing edge on view in lateral view suggesting of FB in oesophagus (in contrast to FB trachea)

Foreign Body Oesophagus (Coin)

Foreign Body Trachea

How to differentiate FBs of oesophagus from trachea?

What are the common FBs in the food passages?

Complications of FBs? How it is managed? Management of FBs in air passages? Indications of O’scopy and Bronchoscopy Complications of O’scopy and



Achalasia Cardia

Contrast X ray showing narrowed distal end of oesophagus( bird beak appearance)

Proximal dilated part above.

Ca. Oesophagus

Contrast X ray –Barium swallow.

Showing Irregular filling defects in the middle 1/3rd of the oesophagus.