Writing op eds 2016 media relations summer camp

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Transcript of Writing op eds 2016 media relations summer camp

How to Write Op-Eds That People Want to Read9th Annual Media Relations Summer Camp

June 27, 2016

Establish yourself as a thought leader.

Get widely read (200,000+ readers).

Write about what people are talking about.

Make it local.

- = +Less is more when writing an op-ed.

750Know your limit. Stay within it.

3 questions to answer before writing a word.

1. What do you want readers to know?

Build your op-ed around ONE big idea. Not 10, six or three.

2. What do you want readers to feel?

Excited. Re-energized. Optimistic. Proud. Appreciated.

Dissatisfied with the status quo. Itching for change.

Hope trumps despair.

Spare us a hopeless opus.

Problems are a burden. Solutions are a gift.

3. What do you want readers to do?


JoinSpeak upStand upShow up

Here’s a problem (or opportunity) for our community.Here’s a solution we’re working on.

Here’s how you can help – call to action.

Spend ½ your time writing the lede. Write it last.

Keep it simple. Write an op-ed that a six-year-old would understand.

Don’t scold or lecture us. We’ll stop reading.

Appeal to our head and our heart.

Spare us the humblebragging. It’s about us, not you.

Tell us an inspiring story about a real person.

No lazy writing. Strip out adverbs, adjectives. Active voice only.

Banish these from your op-ed.

Write. Edit. Write. Edit. Write. Edit.

If you don’t have it, we won’t read it.