World War I Study Guide. Factors that led to WWI Militarism - policy of building up strong military...

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Transcript of World War I Study Guide. Factors that led to WWI Militarism - policy of building up strong military...

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World War I Study Guide Slide 2 Factors that led to WWI Militarism - policy of building up strong military forces to prepare for war Alliances - agreements between nations to aid and protect one another Nationalism - pride in or devotion to ones country Imperialism - when one country takes over another country economically and politically Assassination - murder of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand Slide 3 Opposing Forces Great BritainGermany FranceAustria-Hungary RussiaOttoman Empire later USAItaly Allied Powers vsCentral Powers Slide 4 The Western Front The German advance was stopped about 30 miles from Paris. The war bogged down as both sides dug a long series of trenches, creating the Western Front. Slide 5 New Deadly Technology Slide 6 Public Opinion Groups Isolationists -Favored staying out of the war Interventionists - Favored fighting on the Allies side Internationalists - Wanted the U.S. to play a role for peace but not fight Isolationists -Favored staying out of the war Interventionists - Favored fighting on the Allies side Internationalists - Wanted the U.S. to play a role for peace but not fight Slide 7 Why/When did the US enter the war? Congress responded with a declaration of war on April 6,1917 and the United States entered World War I. Slide 8 Hoover Led The Food Administration Encouraged farmers to grow more crops Slide 9 Whats my role Women entered the workforce Mexican-Americans became farmers Slide 10 CPI? Committee on Public information encouraged public support for the war Stressed the enemys cruelty Slide 11 Time to ACT Selective Service Act law that established a military draft in 1917 Sedition Act - outlawed speech that went against the government or the military. Slide 12 The Great Migration more than a million African Americans moved north, hoping to escape poverty and Jim Crow laws and find better jobs. Slide 13 Backlash Some schools stopped teaching the German language. People stopped listening to music by German composers. They called hamburgers liberty steaks and Dachshunds liberty pups. Slide 14 Convoy group of ships that traveled together for protection against German U-boats Slide 15 Reparations payments for war damages Slide 16 U-boat attacks When the United States entered the war in 1917, Germany increased U-boat attacks, hoping to win the war before American troops could make a difference. Slide 17 Fourteen Points Goal: peace without victory Slide 18 Treaty of Versailles (not so good) Its harsh terms left Germany with a strong desire for revenge Soviet Russia threatened worldwide revolution Slide 19 Red Scare Widespread fear of radicals and communists The emergence of the Soviet Union as a communist country Slide 20 New Countries Slide 21 Inflation Rising prices Slide 22 Sacco and Vanzetti Italian anarchists charged with murder committed during a robbery in Massachusetts. looked Italian. Slide 23 The FLU The flu killed 550,000 Americans and more than 50 million people around the world. Slide 24 USA after WWI The United States became the worlds economic center and largest creditor nation.