World Religions Final

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Transcript of World Religions Final


Synchronicity: A World Religion?Tyler Grey


Carl Jung - 1951

Definition: the acausal connection between two or more psycho-physic phenomena

In other words, there is a connection between humans that goes beyond anything physical

There is some sort of higher power drawing certain humans and objects together for one reason or another

+The Trend

Taking Jung theory and applying it to World Religions

Religions drawn to each other beyond coexisting, but somehow interconnected

Church attendance declining across America

Cathy Lynn Grossman USA Today “More Americans Tailoring Religion to Fit Their

Needs” More and more Americans molding their faith to what they


+The Trend Abroad

UK Students in grade school

taught numerous different religions and rituals within those religions

Eastern Asia Popular religion Confucianism, Daoism,

Buddhism Creating new religions all


+What does the media think?

Synchronicity is the trend More exciting than liberal religion More exciting to have control of your own religion and


Embrace the way religion is changing

Blending of religions is a good thing Makes it easier for everyone to live together in the “melting


+What does the media think? Pt. 2

Synchronicity is fine

You can believe what you want to believe

Not recognized as a true religion, but still acceptable for people to take what they believe from different religions to fit what they believe

+What does the media think? Pt. 3

No way!

Synchronicity not considered an actual religion

Traditionalist viewpoint

No scripture to believe in, so there is no religion

+Synchronicity as a World Religion

Definition of World Religion: no true definition of religion

To be considered a World Religion, must have: Scriptures Institutions Clergy Rituals

By definition, Synchronicity not a World Religion

+Synchronicity Considered Spirituality Instead?

“I’m spiritual, but not religious”

Carl McColman Huffington Post “Interspirituality: A Meaningful Alternative

to ‘Spiritual Not Religious’” Could not consider himself religious because he explored

his spirituality through learning about and practicing traditions from other religions

“Interfaith friendly”


Synchronicity can be a great thing

Significance in religions being interconnected Coexist Common ground for different cultures

Can be considered spiritual, but not considered a World Religion because it does not contain the criteria necessary


Banks, Adelle M.  ”Report says trends for U.S. churches mostly pointing down.”  The Washington Post.  9/28/11.

Blake, John. “Four Ways 9/11 Changed America’s Attitude Toward Religion.” CNN. 9/3/11.

Goldberg, Philip. “America the Mystical: Oh Beautiful for Spacious Minds.” Huffington Post. 7/2/11.


Goldsmith, Rabbi Mark. “The Power of Unity: Religious Pluralism in the U.K.” Huffington Post. 5/7/11.

Grossman, Cathy Lynn. “More Americans Tailoring Religion to Fit Their Needs.” USA Today. 9/13/11.

Heilland, Russell. “Inner Vision and Synchronicity 9 – Jungian Religion.” 6/18/11.


McColman, Carl. “Interspirituality: A Meaningful Alternative to ‘Spiritual Not Religious.’” Huffington Post. 12/1/11.

McDaniel, Justin. “Thai Buddhism: Magic, Money, and Murder.” Huffington Post. 10/19/11.

McMaddish. “Synchronicity Explained Through Film.” 7/19/11.


Miller, Susan Katz. “8 Reasons My Interfaith Family Celebrates Hanukkah and Christmas.” Huffington Post. 12/13/11.

Nauert, Rick. “Identity Shifts for Teens, But Not Their Religion.” Psych Central. 7/1/11.

Potter, Mark. “How to Start a Religion.” Wikihow. 11/15/11.


RealCatholicTV. “Ther IS a Difference.” 9/14/11.

UnificationDotCom. “Spiritual But Not Religious. 11/13/09.

“What is Synchronicity?” Carl Jung Resources. 2011.

Yoffie, Rabbi Eric H. “Ecstasy and the Future of Liberal Religion.” Huffington Post. 7/10/11.