Workshop, social media bestaan niet

Post on 03-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Workshop, social media bestaan niet

  • 1. Social media bestaan nietStef Heutink, internetstrateeg since 1993marketing- & communicatieprofessionalsMonday, October 8, 12

2. Monday, October 8, 12 3. Monday, October 8, 12 4. Monday, October 8, 12 5. Monday, October 8, 12 6. Monday, October 8, 12 7. Monday, October 8, 12 8. Monday, October 8, 12 9. Monday, October 8, 12 10. Monday, October 8, 12 11. Monday, October 8, 12 12. Monday, October 8, 12 13. Monday, October 8, 12 14. Monday, October 8, 12 15. Monday, October 8, 12 16. Monday, October 8, 12 17. Monday, October 8, 12 18. Monday, October 8, 12 19. Monday, October 8, 12 20. Monday, October 8, 12 21. Monday, October 8, 12 22. ?Monday, October 8, 12 23. Monday, October 8, 12 24. social media gaat overmensenMonday, October 8, 12 25. VanavondMonday, October 8, 12 26. Vanavond: de themas Verandering Ontstaan social Social media strategie De plek van online in de mix VoorbeeldenMonday, October 8, 12 27. Thema 1: de veranderingMonday, October 8, 12 28. Alles verandert!Monday, October 8, 12 29. Seth Godin: By 2011 90%of your sales will comefrom word of mouth ordigital promotionMonday, October 8, 12 30. change? change is neither good or bad, it simply is Don Draper, creative director sterling cooperMonday, October 8, 12 31. ontwikkelingen in media & technologieenbehoefte, mogelijkheden en gebruikMonday, October 8, 12 32. Monday, October 8, 12 33. Monday, October 8, 12 34. Monday, October 8, 12 35. Monday, October 8, 12 36. Monday, October 8, 12 37. Monday, October 8, 12 38. Monday, October 8, 12 39. Monday, October 8, 12 40. Monday, October 8, 12 41. Monday, October 8, 12 42. 1952Monday, October 8, 12 43. 1967Monday, October 8, 12 44. 1988Monday, October 8, 12 45. 1988Monday, October 8, 12 46. 1990Monday, October 8, 12 47. 1990Monday, October 8, 12 48. 2005Monday, October 8, 12 49. tv department in een reclamebureauMonday, October 8, 12 50. Mad Men, tv department, October 8, 12 51. #tvoh, second screenMonday, October 8, 12 52. verandering is niet interessant, mogelijkheden welMonday, October 8, 12 53. Thema 2: het ontstaan van social media (bestaan ze wel?)Monday, October 8, 12 54. 1993Monday, October 8, 12 55. 1996 interactive marketing communicationsMonday, October 8, 12 56. 1998Monday, October 8, 12 57. 2000 interactive marketing communicationsMonday, October 8, 12 58. 2004 interactive marketing communicationsMonday, October 8, 12 59. second life2006interactive marketing communicationsMonday, October 8, 12 60. second life20082008interactive marketing communicationsMonday, October 8, 12 61. 2011Monday, October 8, 12 62. 15 jaar internet het was even wennen nog nooit had een nieuw medium zo snel impact nog nooit had een nieuw medium zoveel invloed op de wereldeconomie kanaal met prachtige mogelijkheden en veel misverstandenMonday, October 8, 12 63. en social media? dat is dus gewoon internet zoals het bedoeld isMonday, October 8, 12 64. zon misverstandMonday, October 8, 12 65. Monday, October 8, 12 66. prachtige mogelijkheden?Monday, October 8, 12 67. probleemstelling Grootste klant meer dan de helft van de omzet Onbekend maakt onbemind Positionering En: interactive marketing communicationsMonday, October 8, 12 68. interactive marketing communicationsMonday, October 8, 12 69. interactive marketing communicationsMonday, October 8, 12 70. interactive marketing communicationsMonday, October 8, 12 71. interactive marketing communicationsMonday, October 8, 12 72. interactive marketing communicationsMonday, October 8, 12 73. interactive marketing communicationsMonday, October 8, 12 74. Fd artikelinteractive marketing communicationsMonday, October 8, 12 75. RememberIt must be considered that there is nothing moredifficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of success, normore dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new orderof things. For the reformer has enemies in all those whoprofit by the old order, and only lukewarm defenders inthose who would profit by the new order.. This arisespartly from the incredulity of mankind who do not trulybelieve in anything new until they have an actualexperience of it..niccolo macchiavelli il principeMonday, October 8, 12 76. Social media is dus internet zoals internet bedoeld isMonday, October 8, 12 77. Thema 3: een social media strategieMonday, October 8, 12 78. HerstelMonday, October 8, 12 79. Thema 3: een content strategie voor marketing,communicatie en prMonday, October 8, 12 80. Internet strategieContent strategieSocial media strategieMonday, October 8, 12 81. Relevante content op relevante schermen van relevante doelgroepen op relevante momentenMonday, October 8, 12 82. Het gebouw van de social media strategieMonday, October 8, 12 83. Merken in decennium 2merkproducten mensenconversatieMonday, October 8, 12 84. De verdiepingen en het fundament 1. POST by Forrester 2. ACCESS by Content Connections 3. 4 pillars of a social media strategyMonday, October 8, 12 85. 1. POST by ForresterMonday, October 8, 12 86. POST People Objectives Strategy ToolsMonday, October 8, 12 87. P (people)Monday, October 8, 12 88. Welke mensen willen we bereiken?Monday, October 8, 12 89. Foto en overtitelMonday, October 8, 12 90. Essentieel voor socialMonday, October 8, 12 91. O (objectives)Monday, October 8, 12 92. KPIsMonday, October 8, 12 93. S (strategy)Monday, October 8, 12 94. procesMonday, October 8, 12 95. T (tools)Monday, October 8, 12 96. bijvoorbeeldMonday, October 8, 12 97. luisteren, praten, zenden, praten?Monday, October 8, 12 98. Video content wel of niet, eigen kanaalMonday, October 8, 12 99. Communicatie, community faciliterenMonday, October 8, 12 100. Collaboratie en content aggregatieMonday, October 8, 12 101. 2. ACCESSMonday, October 8, 12 102. ACCESS Audience Concept Competition Execution Social media Sales viabilityMonday, October 8, 12 103. 3. 4 pijlers van een social media strategieMonday, October 8, 12 104. 4 pijlers Communication Collaboration Education EntertainmentMonday, October 8, 12 105. Het social media gebouwMonday, October 8, 12 106. strategiecontent pijlersMonday, October 8, 12 107. POST (Forrester)ACCESS communication, education, collaboration &entertaimentMonday, October 8, 12 108. Thema 4: de plek van internet (social) in de mixMonday, October 8, 12 109. Internet is een mentaliteitMonday, October 8, 12 110. Al 20 jaar een strijd: internet en reclameMonday, October 8, 12 111. Reclame is letterlijk schreeuwen. Campagnes met korte termijn doelstellingen.Monday, October 8, 12 112. Internet is lange termijn, google vergeet niets, het is ook business en interactie.Monday, October 8, 12 113. Alles begint altijd met het merkMonday, October 8, 12 114. Voorbeeld: JWT XMonday, October 8, 12 115. Monday, October 8, 12 116. De strijdMonday, October 8, 12 117. The Break Up, October 8, 12 118. Communicatieproces Propositie Communicatiestrategie Campagnes en acties Conversie Mensen = retentiemerkConversatieprofielMonday, October 8, 12 119. Communicatieproces Propositie Communicatiestrategie Campagnes en acties Conversie Mensen = retentiemerkConversatieprofielMonday, October 8, 12 120. Middelen en tools Propositie Communicatiestrategie Campagnes en en .com twitter actiessales sales facebook facebook appslinkedinyoutubeyoutube actiesites/landings pptmobiele appsonline video google googlelinkedinmobiele appsDialoog (overtuiging en relevantie) twitteremail marketing, facebook, twitterMonday, October 8, 12 121. De conversatie, de content en de social mediaMonday, October 8, 12 122. Merken in decennium 2merkproducten mensenconversatieMonday, October 8, 12 123. Reichheld net promotor score: 8Maar let op: wel faciliteren!Monday, October 8, 12 124. Centraal uitgangspunt: the why question. Simon Sinek: people dont buy what you do but why you do itMonday, October 8, 12 125. 99.9%Monday, October 8, 12 126. En dit ook nietMonday, October 8, 12 127. De waarom vraagMonday, October 8, 12 128. VoorbeeldenMonday, October 8, 12 129. Waarom?Monday, October 8, 12 130. Monday, October 8, 12 131. Apple, people like using the mac, October 8, 12 132. Monday, October 8, 12 133. whatMonday, October 8, 12 134. whathowMonday, October 8, 12 135. whathowactionMonday, October 8, 12 136. whathowactionMonday, October 8, 12 137. whathowactionMonday, October 8, 12 138. what howwhyMonday, October 8, 12 139. what howwhyMonday, October 8, 12 140. Meer voorbeeldenMonday, October 8, 12 141. Monday, October 8, 12 142. Social media en dialoogMonday, October 8, 12 143. Monday, October 8, 12 144. KLM Surprise, October 8, 12 145. Maar...................Monday, October 8, 12 146. Monday, October 8, 12 147. Monday, October 8, 12 148. Monday, October 8, 12 149. Tot nu toe is Transavia nog niet echt op het probleemingegaan, door alleen te melden dat jullie feedback isbij ons niet onopgemerkt gebleven. De slogans hebbenveel bij jullie los gemaakt.Monday, October 8, 12 150. Social media en merkMonday, October 8, 12 151. Monday, October 8, 12 152. champions leagueMonday, October 8, 12 153. Video, Heineken CL, October 8, 12 154. Advertising is about one thing only: happiness Don Draper, creative director SCDPMonday, October 8, 12 155. The entrance, October 8, 12 156. Monday, October 8, 12 157. Monday, October 8, 12 158. Monday, October 8, 12 159. Monday, October 8, 12 160. Monday, October 8, 12 161. Monday, October 8, 12 162. Social media en het gebouw, perfecte voorbeeld!Monday, October 8, 12 163. Voorbeeld: willitblend.comMonday, October 8, 12 164. Video, will it blend, iPhone4, October 8, 12 165. Denk niet te traditioneel, probeer niet te vertalenMonday, October 8, 12 166. Monday, October 8, 12 167. Monday, October 8, 12 168. Monday, October 8, 12 169. Monday, October 8, 12 170. Monday, October 8, 12 171. Dwing jezelf om 360 te blijven denkenMonday, October 8, 12 172. Monday, October 8, 12 173. Monday, October 8, 12 174. Social media is lange termijn denkenSocial media gaat over content en community rondom jemerkMensen zijn voor 99,9% niet op jouw website, daarkomen ze maar 1 keerGewoon toepassen, maak het niet te ingewikkeldDenk niet te traditioneelMaak onderscheid tussen de korte en lange termijnHeb wel een plan: beleid!Werk aan je organisatieMonday, October 8, 12 175. Online is een mentaliteit!Monday, October 8, 12 176. houd me niet voor de gekMonday, October 8, 12 177. interactive marketing communicationsMonday, October 8, 12 178., October 8, 12