Woolridge presentation 201005

Post on 02-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Woolridge presentation 201005

Developing and Implementing a Social Media Strategy…

where we began

Social marketing campaignlaunched in 2006 with baseline research in hand

P a r l i a m e n t a r y e n g a g e m e n tA d v e r t i s i n gP a r t n e r s h i p sW e b

I n t e r n a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n sM e d i a r e l a t i o n sE v e n t m a r k e t i n gS o c i a l m e d i a

existing content

D i s a s t e r - s p e c i f i c g u i d e sO n l i n e v i d e o sP o s t e r s

E m e r g e n c y p r e p g u i d eN a t u r a l h a z a r d s m a pB a n n e r s

overall objectives

target audience

Parents of school aged children, living in urban areas, $60K household income

key issues

Reachtraditional channels alone are not fully penetrating the target audience

Sustainabilitytraditional channels are only good for the length of the campaign

desired outcome

Improved target market penetration (based on objectives)

Increased online visibility of the “Get Prepared” campaign

Ongoing “conversation” surrounding EP in Canada

what we did…


7 hands-on social media sessions taught over 2 months

social media 101social media monitoringcollaborative toolsstrategic thinkingtactical decision makingfinding the influencersperformance measurement


“72 hrs” AND “emergency”“emergency preparedness” “emergency kit” “disaster preparedness” “Public Safety Canada” AND “emergency”“get prepared” AND “emergency”

Created a topic profile…

Gauged existing levels of conversation on various channels

blogospheremicroblogspodcastsphoto sharing sitesvideo sharing sitessocial networks

Google Insights

Technorati Blog Search Graph

YouTube Search

Flickr Search

Facebook Search

Twitter Search


Strengths Internal social media knowledgeManagement supportCo-op student accessExisting interesting contentStrong partnershipsExisting social marketing strategy

Weaknesses Lack of clear guidelines & policiesLimited human resourcesLack of IT support

Opportunities High social media usage in CanadaPopularity of online videoPopularity of online news Growing mobile popularity Influencer communityGov 2.0 momentum

Threats Lack of partner capacity to helpCriticismSecurity/privacy issues

swot development

“There are over 36 million “mommy bloggers” of which nearly 50% have contributed to a cause or political campaign. They are one of the most politically active groups online. Moms have been calculated to spend

over 2 trillion dollars on products and services in a given year.”

targeted influential Canadian mommy bloggersidentified through various top 10 liststechnorati “authority” scorescompete.com traffic rankingsaverage commentsinbound links


chose select few

Made-for Web “Common Craft” Video


Social Media Press Release

Identified influencersBecame part of their communitySent personalized emailsSent out emergency kitsSent them the SMPR

Mommy Blogger Relations


Word Cloud


Leveraging Existing Partners

Other metricsSMPR listed in 3640 locations8572 video views on GetPrepared.ca2500+ on Youtube (English + French)average website session length has increased (2min 6 min)

Channel Metric ToolsVideo posted to YouTube

•Total mentions•Org-initiated mentions•Consumer-initiated mentions•Total impressions•Org-initiated impressions•Consumer – initiated impressions•Embeds•Rating•Comments•Links to•Favourited•Tags•Responses•Honours•Spoofs

YouTube Statistics & Insights Tool

Blog Engagement •Total links pointing to “getprepared.ca” in the blogosphere•Total blog posts tagged with a pre-determined tag such as “getprepared”.•Overall conversation level surrounding the set topic profile.

Technorati and Google Blog Search

Twitter Participation

•Number of followers•Number of @ references•Number of “Direct” messages•Number of “re-tweets”

Twitter & Twitter Counter

next steps…

more engagement

monitoring platform

lessons learned…

start with the LHF

begin by listening

start connecting

develop a planStep 1: Clearly Define the Key Issue(s) and Desired Outcome(s)Step 2: Gauge Your Existing Web PresenceStep 3: Conduct a SWOT AnalysisStep 4: Determine Your Online CompetitionStep 5: Align Your Objectives with the Organization’s ObjectivesStep 6: Understand Your Target AudienceStep 7: Choose Relevant Social Media ToolsStep 8: Engage The Influencers SeparatelyStep 9: Measure PerformanceStep 10: Ongoing Social Media Monitoring and Engagement

And then do what is within your means…

work as a team


Theresa WoolridgePhone: 613.946.7055E-mail: theresa.woolridge@ps-sp.gc.caTwitter: twoolridge

Special thanks to our consultant:

Mike KujawskiE-mail: mike.kujawski@publicsectormarketing.ca Blog: www.mikekujawski.ca Twitter: mikekujawskiWebsite: www.cepsm.ca

where to reach me…