Wiveton - The Knitting Shed

Post on 02-Jun-2022

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Transcript of Wiveton - The Knitting Shed


Finished measurements: 16 cm circumference, un-stretched across the palm and 20 cm long in 4ply yarn. You will need Debbie Bliss Rialto 4ply (100% merino 50g = 180m) 1 ball in Teal. Needles One set of 2.75mm double pointed needles One set of 3mm double pointed needles Or size to obtain tension Cable needle

Stitch markers Waste yarn Tension 21 sts and 41 rounds = 10 cm measured over cable rib using the larger needles. When tension is mentioned I begin to look a little shifty. With a small project like theses gloves rather than knitting a separate tension square I start knitting the glove and try it on after a few inches to see if it fits. The cables are very stretchy.

Using only one ball these fingerless gloves are knitted in Debbie Bliss Rialto 4ply. Cabled ribbing keep the gloves snug at the wrists with a central stag’s horn cable to admire along the back of the hand. The cables are quite stretchy so one size will fit most women.

Abbreviations k: knit p: purl k1tbl: knit through back loop p1tbl: purl through the back of the loop r: round pm: place marker st(s): stitch(es) 2/2RC: slip the next 2 sts purlwise to a cable needle and hold at the back of the work, k2 then k2 from cable needle. 2/2LC: slip the next 2 sts purlwise to a cable needle and hold at the front of the work, k2 then k2 from cable needle. 2/1PC: slip the next 2 sts purlwise to a cable needle and hold at the front of the work, K1tbl, return the purl stitch from the cable needle to the left hand needle and purl, k1tbl from cable needle. M1: make 1 st. Pick up the strand between the 2 needles from front to back with the tip of the left needle, knit in to the back of the loop. Written instructions for Stag’s Horn Cable R1: K4, 2/2RC, 2/2LC, k4 R2: Knit R3: K2, 2/2RC, k4, 2/2LC, k2 R4: Knit R5: 2/2RC, k8, 2/2LC Stag’s horn cable chart

Left Hand Glove Using the long-tail method cast on 61 sts. Divide as follows over 3 needles, Needle1: 19sts Needle 2: 23sts Needle 3: 19sts Join to work in the round being careful not to twist the knitting. Cable Ribbing R1: P1, (k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p3) 3 times, k3, p3, k4, p3, k3, p3, (k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p3) 3 times, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p2. R2: As round 1. R3: P1, (2/1PC, p3) 3 times, k3, p3, k4, p3, k3, p3, (2/1PC, p3) 3 times, 2/1PC, p2. R4: As round 1. Repeat rounds 1-4 5 more times giving 6 cables in total then work rounds 1 and 2 again. Change to larger needles. R1: P1, (2/1PC, p3) 3 times, work round 1 of stag’s horn cable, p3, (2/1PC, p3) 3 times, 2/1PC, p2. Continue in pattern as set until you have completed 12 rows (2 stag’s horn cable repeats).










16   15   14   13   12   11   10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1      



Left Thumb Gusset R1: work 7 sts in pattern as established, pm, m1, 2/1PC, m1, pm, p3, continue in pattern as established. R2: Work in pattern purling the stitches made in the previous round. Continue in pattern as established increasing 1 st just after the 1st marker and 1 st just before the 2nd marker on every 4th round (2/1PC round) until you have 17 sts between the markers. Next Row: Work in pattern to first marker, remove marker, transfer the next 17 sts to waste yarn, cast on 3 sts using the backward loop method, remove second marker, continue in pattern. Next Row: Work in pattern until you reach the 3 sts cast on in the previous round, k1tbl, p1tbl, k1tbl, continue in pattern. The 3 sts are now worked as cable rib for the following rounds. Work in pattern until you have completed 8 stag’s horn cable repeats in total. Change to smaller needles R1: P1, (k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p3) 3 times, k3, p3, k4, p3, k3, p3, (k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p3) 3 times, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p2. R2: As round 1. R3: P1, (2/1PC, p3) 3 times, k3, p3, k4, p3, k3, p3, (2/1PC, p3) 3 times, 2/1PC, p2. R4: As round 1. Repeat rounds 1 to 4 once more. Cast off loosely in pattern.

Thumb Return the sts on the waste yarn to 2 of the smaller needles. With the 3rd needle pick up 2 sts before the cast on sts, 3 sts across the cast on edge and 2 sts after the cast on edge. 24 sts. R1: P1, k3, p3, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p3, k3, p3, k1tbl, p1, k1tbl, p2. R2: As round 1 R3: As round 1 R4: P1, k3, p3, 2/1PC, p3, k3, p3, 2/1PC, p2. Work round 1 and 2 once more and then cast off loosely in pattern. Right Hand Glove Work as left hand glove until thumb gusset. Right Thumb Gusset R1: Work 44 sts in pattern as established, pm, m1, PCL, m1, pm, p3, continue in pattern as established. R2: Work in pattern purling the stitches made in the previous round. Continue in pattern as established increasing 1 st just after the 1st marker and 1 st just before the 2nd marker on every 4th round (2/1PC round) until you have 17 sts between the markers. Complete as for left hand glove. Sew in ends and block.