Winter Show 2

Post on 01-Aug-2022

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Transcript of Winter Show 2


Francisca Aninat | Thomas Broomé | Alberto Cont | Mauro Giaconi | Christiane Pooley | Matthias Reinmuth | Julio Rondo

Contact > Juan Carlos Bendana-PinelT > + 33 (0) 1 42 74 22 97P > + 33 (0) 6 14 71 21

Winter Show 2

15 January > 19 March 2022

4, RUE DU PERCHE | 75003 PARIS | MARDI > SAMEDI 11H > 19H tél. > + 33 (0) 1 42 74 22 97 | mail > |



> ARCO, 23 > 27 February 2022, Madrid, Spain> artgenève, 2 > 6 March 2022, Geneva, Switzerland

> Mauro Giaconi’s exhibition, March > April 2022, Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain

Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain is pleased to present «Winter Show 2» a group exhibition of works by artists from Europe and Latin America dedicated to painting and drawing that revolves around current events or memories. The exhibition seeks to create tension between the different and eclectic styles of the artists who work on corporality, colors and the search for light in order to give a further dimension to their work.

Francisca Aninat’s work brings together different raw materials of everyday life, collected, the artist puts forward the corporality of the work and reconsiders our relationship to art. This double-sided work Hummingbird descents is impregnated with many symbols. On the front, wax drawings, written texts and embroidered codexes allude to a universe of ancestral practices. The key to interpretation is provided by the reverse side of the work, where embroidery and writings from mythological beliefs refer to the unknown and outside forces, in a mental journey into our unconscious.

The singularity of Thomas Broomé’s approach is repetition as a recurring technique, with him the word is the image and the image is the word, they are both content and form. Broomé believes that the rooms we live in are self-portraits, not of who we really are, but of who we want to be. The work Watcher, watcher combines various historical and modern architectural elements of the 450-year-old Hotel de Marle in Paris and reconstructs them in his own dreamy way as a «portrait».

For almost thirty years, Alberto Cont has been exploring and working on the question of painting and the canvas, his work is focused on color and light. These lines of color are obtained from wider vertical strips that the artist will cover with several layers of resin. The thin and translucent layers of paint literally «veil» the initial composition, obscuring it more or less intensely depending on the chosen tonality. Infinite aerial or spatial perspectives are then born, transforming his canvases into luminous vibrations, whose power varies according to the dominant tone of the painting.

Mauro Giaconi imagines, in his method of «blurring», an enlarged drawing, leaving the usual format, which influences the energy and the senses that emerge from a space. To do this, he superimposes and connects layers of drawings with decomposed, erased and redrawn strokes, which together constitute a new image in which each element cannot be fully considered if taken individually. It focuses on experiences that create tension between opposing concepts such as construction and destruction; birth and death; depth and surface; confinement and freedom; dream and awakening.

Christiane Pooley purposely depicts indeterminate landscapes in this series of works in order to absorb the viewer into her paintings or to project herself into them without being completely involved. These landscapes often refer to her country of origin allowing for a very open narrative as well as an expanded space of projection. Pooley elaborates compositions that mix different temporalities and, through distance, also deals, as if in an underlay or in a double surface, with a burning actuality referring to all the uprooted people that the world knows today.

In his latest series, Matthias Reinmuth paints emotional landscapes that reflect the constant flow of sounds and images that are disseminated by the media, social networks, which are mixed with our daily lives. His paintings are made of successive layers of oil paint with washed and iridescent colors, which immerse us in a lyrical and dreamlike universe in which the rules of time and space are deconstructed. The viewer’s perception becomes mobile to capture the physicality of the images and opens up to premonitions and the depths of space.

In this work, Julio Rondo remains faithful to his own unique technique of acrylic painting under glass. His works are situated between abstract painting and materiality. Using personal visual memories, Rondo creates, without mimetically representing his environment, the archive of a life capable of activating feelings, thoughts and perceptions. Rondo’s new works are not only the result of an intensification or a natural artistic development, but rather of an energy that exists in the pictorial space. The choice of colors brings memories of past decades that were marked by flamboyant pop culture into the present.

Francisca Aninat | Thomas Broomé | Alberto Cont | Mauro Giaconi |Christiane Pooley | Matthias Reinmuth | Julio RondoWinter Show 2

Exhinition from 15 January to 19 March 2022

Artists : Francisca Aninat | Irit Batsry | Débora Bolsoni | Thomas Broomé | Dias & Riedweg | Maria Friberg | Mauro Giaconi | Niklas Goldbach | Lake Verea | Alejandra Laviada | Steven Le Priol | Pablo Lobato | Pedro Motta | Christiane Pooley | Matthias Reinmuth | Caio Reisewitz | Olivier Richon | Florencia Rodriguez Giles | Julio Rondo | Miguel Rothschild | Giancarlo Scaglia | Sandra Vásquez de la Horra

Invited Artists : Daniel Alcalà | Giulia Andreani | Ernesto Ballesteros | Iulian Bisericaru | Cathy Burghi | Alberto Cont | Luca Cutrufelli | Arnaud Dezoteux | Pablo Hare | Hirofumi Isoya | Adam Jeppesen | Lunga Kama | Aspasia Krystalla | Jarbas Lopes | Niccolò Montesi | Ronald Morán | Bernardo Ramalho | Thiago Rocha Pitta | Dineo Seshee Bopape | Camila Sposati | Peter Stridsberg


Francisca Aninat (Santiago, Chili, 1979) lives and works in Santiago, Chile

SOLO EXHIBITIONS (SELECTION) : «Involuntary Exercices», Artissima, Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Turin, Italie (2018) | «Patio de Luz», Historic site at the Hospital San Juan de Dios, Santiago, Chile (2016) | «Material Transit», Exercises on the Permanent Collection, National Museum of Fine Arts, Chile (2009) | «Expansión», Art Center Cecilia Palma, Santiago, Chile (2005) | «Pasar», Defensoría Penal Pública, Valparaíso, Chile (2005) | GROUP EXHIBITIONS (SELECTION) : «United we rise», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2020) | «Together We Stand», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2020) | «Temporalidades», Arte latinoamericano, Colección FEMSA, Museum of Art and History of Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico (2019) | «Great Latin American Artists», Centro Cultural Palacio de La Moneda, Santiago, Chile (2018) | «Collection Post 90», Museum of Contemporary Art, Santiago, Chile (2017) | «True Story», Proyectos Monclova, Mexico, Mexico (2015) | «N.5, South American Series», 4th Poly/Graphic Triennal San Juan: Latin America and the Caribbean, San Juan, Puerto Rico (2015) | «N.3 Serie Maleza», Yap_Constructo, Araucano Park, Santiago, Chile (2013) | «30 Days», Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende, Club del Grabado, Santiago, Chile (2012) | «Waiting Exercises Series», Museum of Memory and Human Rights, Santiago, Chile (2011) | «Ya se leer», Wifredo Lam Center, La Havane, Cuba (2011) | «90 Years of Chilean Painting», MAC, Santiago, Chile (2009) | «Wrapped and Encased», Wolstenholme Projects, Liverpool Biennial, United Kingdom (2008) | «Objetualidad reciente», Fundación Amigos del Arte, Santiago, Chile (2004) | AWARDS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND RESIDENCES: Fondo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes (FONDART) for the development of ‘Patio de luz’ project, Chile (2016) | Fondo Nacional de la Cultura y las Artes (FONDART) for developing a creative project in the 4th Educational Program 4th Poly/Graphic Triennal San Juan: Latin America and the Caribbean, Puerto Rico (2015) | Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation Grants and Commissions Program, Miami, United States(2012) | Premio Selección Críticos de Arte for exhibition ‘Corte Leve’ (2010) | Beca Presidente de la República de Chile para estudios de postgrado en el extranjero (2007) | Mención en Pintura, concurso del Parlamento Chileno (2005) | 3° Premio Marco A. Bontá, Academia Chilena de Bellas Artes del Instituto de Chile (2004) |Beca de Honor - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2001) | PUBLIC COLLECTIONS : Museo de la Solidaridad Salvador Allende, Chile | Colección New Hall Art, Cambridge, United-Kingdom| CCU, Santiago, Chile | Museum of Contemporary Art, Santiago, Chile | Hospital del Trabajador, Santiago, Chile

Francisca AninatHummingbird descents, 2021

Mixed media: embroidery on oil and pigmented painted canvas120 x 140 cm




Thomas Broomé (Malmö, Sweden, 1971) lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden

SOLO EXHIBITIONS (Selection) : «Farsighted», Institut suédois, Paris, France (2021) | «A Table for One», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2016) | «Not to touch the earth», Bendana| Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2013) | «Wounds of Repetition», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2010) | «Thomas Broomé», Stenasalen, Göteborg Artmuseum, Sweden (2009) | GROUP EXHIBITIONS (Selection) : «La lumière du Nord», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2021) | «Nourrir le corps nourrit l’esprit», Abbaye Saint-André – Centre d’art contemporain, Meymac, France (2021) | «United we rise», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2020) | «3654 Days after», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2018) | «Le contemporain dessiné», Musée des Arts décoratifs, Paris, France (2016) | «Northbound / Southbound», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2016) | «Summer Show 1», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2014) | «1825 Days», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2013) | «Ja Natuurlijk», Gemeentemuseum den Haag, Netherlands (2013) | «150 years of Swedish Art», Hillstrom Art Hall, Minnesota, United States (2012) | «Silent Revolution», Talinn Art Hall, Estonia (2012) | «The Sculpturehall», Gothenburg Art Museum, Sweden (2011) | «Från Plats till Plats 2», Skissernas Museum, Lund, Sweden (2009) | «Art x 4», The Museum of World Culture, Gothenburg, Sweden (2008) | «ModernMantra», Borås Konstmuseum, Sweden (2006) | «Animalworld», Borås Konstmuseum, Sweden (2006) | «Touching the invisible», ICA, London, United Kingdom (2005) | «Touching the invisible», Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary (2004) | «Design interactif», Centre Pompidou, Paris, France (2003) | AWARDS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND RESIDENCES: Foundation Bergmangårdarna Art Grant, Sweden | Stockholm Culture Prize, Sweden | Skapande Människa, Sweden | Maria Bonnier-Dahlins Foundation, Sweden | Konstnärsnämndens Grant, Sweden | IASPIS resestipendie, Sweden | Helge Ax:son Johnson Foundation, Sweden | Meda Scholarship, Sweden | Otto & Charlotte Mannheimers Foundation, Sweden | The Foundation of Wilhelm och Martina Lundgren, Sweden | Ulla Fröberg-Cramers Foundation, Sweden | University Collage of Arts, Crafts and Designs Scholarship, Sweden | PUBLIC COLLECTIONS : Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden | Göteborgs Konstmuseum, Gothenburg, Sweden | Borås Konstmuseum, Sweden | Maria Bonnier Dahlins Stiftelse, Sweden | National Public Art Council, Sweden

Thomas BrooméWatcher, watcher, 2021

Acrylic on canvas150 x 225 cm




Alberto Cont (Bressanone, Italie, 1956) lives and works in Paris, France

SOLO EXHIBITIONS (SELECTION) : «Peintures», Semaine italienne 2017 dans le 13ème à Paris-Mairie du 13e, Paris, France (2017) | «Peintures», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2017) | «Association Images et Culture du Coeur de France», abbaye de Massay, Cher, France (2013) | «10 années de peintures, dessins, sculptures », Musée de l’Institut Catholique, Espace muséographique Georges-Baccrabère, Toulouse, France (2011) | « Hissons nos couleurs ! », Centre culturel Alban-Minville, les Abattoirs, Toulouse, France (2011) | « Acquisitions 2010 », Fondation Colas, Boulogne, France (2010) | Centre culturel les Olivétains, Saint-Bertrand-De-Comminges, France (2007) | « 7e Semaine italienne – Sculptures et Peintures », mairie du 13e arrondissement, Paris, France (2007) | «Fonds d’oeuvres du Musée d’art moderne et contemporain – les Abattoirs», Centre culturel AlbanMinville, Toulouse, France (2003) | GROUP EXHIBITIONS (SELECTION) : United we rise, Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2020) | «Together We Stand», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2020) | «3654 Days after», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2018) | «Drawing Now», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2017) | «Acquisitions 2010», Fondation Colas, Boulogne, France (2010) | « Signe », Espace Bonnefoy, musée des Abattoirs, Toulouse, France (2005) | « Sur plusieurs tableaux II, Les 20 ans des Frac », Château de Taurines, Centrés, France (2003) | PUBLIC COLLECTIONS : École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France | Fonds national d’art contemporain, Paris, France | Fonds régional d’art contemporain Midi-Pyrénées – les Abattoirs, Toulouse, France | Mairie du 13e arrondissement, Paris, France | Collection d’art contemporain de la ville d’Arcueil, France | Fonds municipal d’œuvres graphiques et photographiques, Vitry-sur-Seine, France

Alberto ContIn viaggio, 2021

Acrylic on canvas150 x 205 cm




Mauro Giaconi (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1977) lives and works in Mexico City, Mexico

SOLO EXHIBITIONS (Selection) : «Y me dicen que el sol brillará», Centro Cultural Kirchner (CCK), Buenos Aires, Argentina (2017) | «Cae a plomo (desde el fondo del tiempo)», Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, Boulder, United States (2017) | LEVANTAMIENTO, Artissima, Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Turin, Italie (2016) | «Desde el fondo del tiempo», Museo Universitario del Chopo, Mexico City, Mexico (2016) | «DRAW», Le Silencio, Paris, France (2016) | «ESTADO FALLIDO (État défaillant)», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2015) | «Ocupación», Casa Vecina, Mexico City, Mexico (2013) | «Partir», Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2012) | «COLUMNA», Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2004) | GROUP EXHIBITIONS (Selection) : «Desplazamiento de la memoria», Museo Laboratorio de Arte Alameda, Mexico City, Mexico (2018) | TIRA LÍNEAS, Centro Cultural Británico, Lima, Perú (2016) | «Esa idea tiene una imagen», Centro Cultural Harold Conti, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2014) | «Panorámica, Paisaje 2013-1969», Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, Mexico (2013) | «Últimas Tendencias II», Modern Art Museum of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2012) | «Denominazione Origine Contemporáneo», Borges Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2011) | «Clínica de obra a cargo de Dolores Zinni y Juan Maidagan», Fundación Proa, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2009) | «D.L.A.», ICA (institute of contemporary art), London, United-Kingdom (2006) | «Estante», Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2005) | AWARDS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND RESIDENCES (Selection): OMI international art center, New York, United States (2014) | Bemis Center of Contemporary Art, Omaha, Nebraska, United States (2012) | Scholarship : Centro de Investigaciones Artísticas, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2010) | Award : honorable mention of the jury in the National Drawing Show, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2006) | Award : honorable mention of the jury in the National Drawing Show, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2004) | First Prize Phillips Award for Gifted Youngsters (National Stage), Buenos Aires, Argentina (2001) | | COLLECTIONS : Syzygy collection, Colorado, United States | Perez Art Museum, Miami, United States | Bemis Center Collection, Omaha, United States | Jumex Collection, Mexico City, Mexico | Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, United States | Tedesco Collection, Buenos Aires, Argentina | Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, United States | Gregory Allicant Museum, Fort Collings, Colorado, United States | Fundación Calosa, Irapuato, Mexico | SPACE Collection, Los Angeles, United States | OMI International School of Art, New York, United States | Sayago & Pardon, Los Angeles, United States | JoAnn Gonzalez Hickey Collection, New York, United States | Museo de Arte Moderno Buenos Aires, Argentina | Miami Art Museum, United States


Graphite, pigment and eraser on 71 pages from the book “Historia Universal”120 x 80 cm




Christiane Pooley (Temuco, Chile, 1983) lives and works in Paris, France

SOLO EXHIBITIONS (Selection) : «La Primera Piedra», Galería Patricia Ready, Santiago, Chile (2019) | «Landscapes Beneath», Bendana | PinelArt Contemporain, Paris, France (2018) | «La forêt est là et me regarde», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2016) | «PromisedLands», Sandnes Kunstforening, Sandnes, Norway (2015) | «On Belief» , Solo project at Summa Fair, Matadero, Madrid, Spain (2013) | «I also askmyself», New Galerie de France, Paris, France (2008) | GROUP EXHIBITIONS (Selection) : « United we rise », Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2020) | «... avec elles», Galerie de France, Paris, France (2018) | «The Marmite Prize for Painting V», Block 336, London, United Kingdom (2016) | «Los bordes del mundo», Galería Patricia Ready, Santiago, Chile (2015) | «A invenção da praia, Paço das Artes», São Paulo, Brazil (2014) | «Sub 30», Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Quinta Normal, Santiago, Chile (2014) | «Künstlerliaison», Munikat, Munich, Germany (2014) | Ch.ACO, Centro Cultural Estación Mapocho, Santiago, Chile (2013) | «Group Show», Hewer Street Studios, London, United Kingdom (2011) | «Réplica2», Azerty, Paris, France (2011) | «Atrapados en lo Desconocido», Galería Patricia Ready, Santiago, Chile (2010) | FIAC, Cour carrée du Louvre, Paris, France (2008) | «The Hamsterwheel», Arsenale di Venezia, Venice, Italy (2007) | «Growbag», Mile End Art Pavilion, London, United Kingdom (2006) | «I’ll show you mine», Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, United Kingdom (2006) | «Conjunta II», Antiguo Hospital San José, Santiago, Chile | AWARDS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND RESIDENCES (Selection) : Collection monographie ADAGP, France (2017) | Paço das Artes commission, Brazil (2014) | Artist in Residence, Plataforma Atacama, Chile (2014) | Summa Fair commission (2013) | Artist in Residence, KINOKINO centre for art and film, Sandnes, Norway (2013) | Artist in Residence (UNESCO programme), Camac, France (2012) | UNESCO-Aschberg Bursaries for Artists, Awarded (2011) | Peggy Guggenheim Collection, museum practice, Venice, Italy (2007) | COLLECTIONS : Pizzuti Collection of the Columbus Museum of Art, United States | Colección Inelcom, Madrid, Spain | Fundación Engel, Santiago, Chile | Marcel Brient Collection, France | University of the Arts London Collection, United Kingdom | Galerie de France, Paris, France

Christiane PooleyBabel, 2020

Oil on canvas50 x 40 cm




Matthias Reinmuthmission (Dschungelgrün), 2021

Oil and wax on canvas150 x 110 cm



Matthias Reinmuth (Heilbronn, Germany, 1974) lives and works in Berlin, Germany

SOLO EXHIBITIONS (Selection) : «mission», Museum Gegenstandsfreier Kunst, Otterndorf, Germany (2021) | «sunny», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2020) | «solo feature», North La Brea Salon, Los Angeles, United States(2020) | «on», ASPN, Leipzig, Germany (2019) | Paradies, O&O Depot, Berlin, Germany (2018) | «Zwanzig Sommer», Werkhalle Wiesenburg Berlin, Germany (2017) | «Gold was used up», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2017) | «best western», Städtische Galerie Bad Wimpfen, Bad Wimpfen, Germany (2015) | «Two nights and one summer», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2012) | «Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2010) | «Die Frage nach dem Satzbau», Verwaltungsgericht, Weimar, Germany (2010) | «die Schweine wechseln, die Tröge bleiben die gleichen», Büro für Kunst, Dresden, Germany (2006) | «Wolken», Kunsthaus Kern, Mahlow, Germany (2002) | GROUP EXHIBITIONS (Selection): «Hui Bu», Waterschloss Quilow, Quilow, Germany (2021) |«Retrospektive 2017-2021», Werkhalle Wiesenburg Berlin, Allemagne (2021) | «Artists and Poems: Berlin 2021», Berlin, Germany [en ligne] (2021) | «nimm zwei», Laube, Karlsruhe, Germany (2021) | «DUE TO», Lage Egal, Berlin, Germany (2020) | «Together We Stand», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2020) | «rtsch ffft», gr_und, Berlin, Germany (2019) | «Kein Wunder», Raum für drastische Maßnahmen, Berlin, Germany (2018) | «Mega Bock», Uferhallen Berlin, Germany (2017) | «Northbound / Southbound», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2016) | «Germany, mon amour», Fondazione Cini, Venice, Italy (2015) | «Nicht so contemporary», Kulturfestival Wedding Moabit, Artloft Berlin, Germany (2014) | «Tasse weder komma noch fisch», Kunsthalle m3, Berlin, Germany (2014) | «Heuriger 013»,, Vienna, Austria (2013) | «1825 Days», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2013) | «Triptychon», Atelierhof Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany (2013) | «Naked Factory», Atelierhof Kreuzberg, Berlin, Germany (2011) | «Dirty Fingers», Wiesenburg, Berlin, Germany (2011) | «Open Art Space», Projektraum Kunst, Potsdam, Germany (2011) | «Eine Frage» des Satzbaus, Verwaltungsgericht Weimar, Germany (2010) | PUBLIC COLLECTIONS : Museum Gegenstandsfreier Kunst, Otterndorf, Germany | Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich, Germany | Armory Center of the Arts, Pasadena, California, United States


Julio Rondo There Comes A Time, 2020

Acrylic behind glass, acrylic on wood95 x 110 cm



Julio Rondo (Sontrondio, Spain, 1952) lives and works in Stuttgart & Berlin, Germany

SOLO EXHIBITIONS (Selection) : «The Brake», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2021) | «slope.», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2015) | «Comb Your Hair With Water And Go To Church», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2008) | GROUP EXHIBITIONS (Selection) : «Amish Quilts Meet Modern Art», Staatliches Textil und Industriemuseum, Augsburg, Germany (2020) | «MEHR : WERT», Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal, Germany (2020) | «1825 Days», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2013) | «365 Days», Bendana | Pinel Art Contemporain, Paris, France (2009) | « sure about this place?», Sioux City Art Center, Sioux City, United States (2003) | «Inbetween», Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany (1995) | «Inbetween», Landschaftsverband Rheinland, Archäologisches Museum, Xanten, Germany (1994) | «Inbetween», La Biennale di Venezia, Venice, Italy (1993) | «Das goldene Zeitalter», Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany (1991) | «Regard sur la jeune création allemande», 36eSalon de Montrouge, France (1991) | «90 a.s.o», Auvers-sur-Oise, France (1990)