Winfred Stoffels STOOR. Plasma research at the group EPG Winfred Stoffels.

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Winfred Stoffels STOOR. Plasma research at the group EPG Winfred Stoffels.

Winfred Stoffels STOOR

Plasma research at the group EPG

Winfred Stoffels

Winfred Stoffels STOOR

EPG: Reseach


Understanding of technological plasmas


Systematic combination of polydiagnostic experimental work with (numerical) plasmamodels


Winfred Stoffels STOOR

What is a plasma?

•Ionised gas (by electricity, radiation, chemical energy, heat, etc.)•Source of: - energy

- ions- radicals- light

A+, B-, e, radicals

+ -

Winfred Stoffels STOOR

EPG: Themes

Plasma treatment of living tissues

Corona & pulsed discharges

Material science (rf and microwave, complex plasmas)

Extreme plasmas (EUV, laser wake field, hydrogen)


Winfred Stoffels STOOR

EPG: people

Groupleader: Gerrit Kroesen

Scientific staff: 5

Part time professor: 2

Technical support: 4

Postdocs: ~3

PhD students: ~15

(under)graduates/visitors: varying

Winfred Stoffels STOOR

Corona Eddie van Veldhuizen, Sander Nijdam, Tanja Briels

Winfred Stoffels STOOR

Plasma treatment of living tissues (Eva Stoffels, Roxana Tipa)

Winfred Stoffels STOOR

Complex plasmas Winfred Stoffels, Job Beckers

Winfred Stoffels STOOR

EUV plasmas Joost van der Mullen, ASML

Winfred Stoffels STOOR

Light Winfred Stoffels, Philips

Tanya Nimalasuriya, Mark Beks, Arjan Flikweert:

Segregation and modeling of Metal halide lamps (ISS,


Hjalmar Mulders: molecular lamps

Ana Sobota: ignition of HID lamps

Winfred Stoffels STOOR

Plasma diagnostics

Electrons: Thomson (ne, Te)

absolute line intensity & Bolzmann/Saha (ne, Te,LTE)

microwave resonance

langmuir probes

Ions: massa spectrometry

Doppler resolved LIF (IEDF)

langmuir probes (ni,Ti)

absolute line intensity &Saha/Bolzmann (ni, Ti,LTE)

laser induced photo-detachment (neg ionen)

Winfred Stoffels STOOR

Plasma diagnosticsAtoms & chemistry : absolute line intensity & Bolzmann/Saha (ne, Te,LTE)

laser absorptiom (atom/molecules )

FTIR (molecule chemistry)



ellipsometry (surface chemistry)

E-field: Stark splitting/shifting of Rydberg states (E-field)

probes (potential)

Dynamisch behavior: sub-ns cameras

I-V metingen

Winfred Stoffels STOOR

Plasma model (Jan van Dijk)

modular numerical plasma model (2D3D)

particle and energy balance

elementary processes

gas flow (convection-diffusion)


energy coupling (dc, rf, microwave)

dynamic behavior

LTE & non-LTE

Winfred Stoffels STOOR


Experimental, numerical or combined work on technological


External traineeships: Philips, ASML, OCE, foreign university

Mostly together with a PhD student and staff member

Winfred Stoffels STOOR

After graduation at EPG

~50% PhD study at EPG, PMP or other groups

~50% industrial R&D



other companies

Winfred Stoffels STOOR

Welcome at EPG

N laag

Second floor

C wing (above first year practicum)