Why relation’ships’ get broken

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Why relation’ships’ get broken

Why Relation’ships’ get broken… What could force a partner to call it quits – based on Times Of India article (Research done by Western Sydney University – with 6500 people) Presentation made by Dr. Balasandilyan Thought Leader/Transformation Coach/Psychologist/Psychotherapist www.visionunlimited.in Mobile 9840027810

Who is at fault?

Why people call it 'quit'


Dishevelled or unclean appearance

71% of women 63% of men Are like that…

Why people call it 'quit'


Partner is irritated when lazy 72% of women 60% of men Are lazy

Why people call it 'quit'


Too needy 69% of women 57% of men Are too needy

Why people call it 'quit'


No sense of humour 58% of women 50% of men Have no sense of humour

Why people call it 'quit'


Lives far away 47% of women 51% of men Live far away…

Why people call it 'quit'


Bad sex 50% of women 44% of men Are poor in sex

Why people call it 'quit'


Lacking self-confidence 47% of women 33% of men Lack self-confidence

Why people call it 'quit'


Too much TV or video games 41% of women 25% of men Are engaged in too much of TV or video games

Why people call it 'quit'


Low sex drive 27% of women 39% of men Have low sex drive

Why people call it 'quit'


Stubborn 34% of women 32% of men Are stubborn

Why people call it 'quit'


Talks too much 20% of women 26% of men Talk too much to irritate the other partner

Why people call it 'quit'


Too quiet 17% of women 11% of men Are too quiet

Why people call it 'quit'


Blunt 17% of women 11% of men Are very blunt in their communication

Why people call it 'quit'


Does not want children 15% of women 13% of men Do not want children for many reasons only known to them

Why people call it 'quit'


Has kids 12% of women 14% of men Have kids

Why people call it 'quit'


Too athletic 10% of women 7% of men Are too athletic and the partner is irritated because of that.

Why people call it 'quit'


Not athletic 6% of women 7% of men Are not being athletic is the reason for break-up

Why people call it 'quit'


Many reasons are revealed here The relationship ‘deal-

breakers’ that cause men and women to rule themselves out of romance have been revealed here…

Why people call it 'quit'


How do we change the chemistry and change the situation…? Answer lies within and not without…

Why people call it 'quit'