Why i play soccer

Post on 13-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Why i play soccer

Why I Play Soccer

By: yours truly Nic Brigham

When I was five I stared my soccer career. It was actually me mother who made me play soccer.

When I was 10 I started playing travel . It was really fun.

During that time we went to Canada for a tournament .We got spanked.

After that I took off a year. Yet I still played outside.

Three years later at the age of 13 I started back up playing travel. We really came together as a team we won just about every game.

The only time we did poorly was at a tournament.At 14 high school stared the try outs they were easy.

I made the team and I was a captain. The sad thing is I only

played one time

The good thing is the only game I played I scored a goal. Now I’m here I’ve been playing for nearly ten years

That’s my soccer career. It’s about to get better!