Why i love playing soccer

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Why i love playing soccer


By: Austin Frisch

When I was seven, my dog and I would go outside together and play with his new ball. . I would kick and throw his new ball anywhere in the yard and he would go run after it and return it to me.

I soon started playing soccer with him, which sparked my interest in the sport. I started practicing soccer with my dog. I joined my first recreational (REC) soccer team when I was eight.

While playing on the REC team, I met some new people and made new friends. One of the major reasons why I enjoy soccer so much is the friends that play soccer with me.

. I started scoring goals and actually contributing to the team, which made me like the sport even more. I entered a few tournaments and won a few medals which made me pretty happy.

played REC until high school then I joined the high school team. I had a lot more fun.

I was nervous for tryouts but felt accomplished when I found out I made the team. The good news is that we didn’t really have cuts.

. The practices were fun. Our team had a good time playing soccer and joking around together.

Even though our team didn’t win many games, we still had fun. We ended up winning three games. I will definitely continue playing soccer throughout high school.

. Soccer is by far my favorite sport. I enjoy playing it and the people I play with.