Who Dat! How social entrepreneurs bring people together for a cause.

Post on 08-May-2015

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Cause-filled living. Baking cause into your company. A presentation given on September 10, 2010 at The Combine in Bloomington, Indiana.

Transcript of Who Dat! How social entrepreneurs bring people together for a cause.

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

Who Dat! How Social Entrepreneurs Bring People Together For a Cause

Who dat? is a chant of team support, used especially by fans of the New Orleans Saints, an American football team.

- Wikipedia

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

Before We Begin…

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

What Is Social Entrepreneurship?

A social entrepreneur is a mass recruiter of local change makers in society — a role model proving that citizens who channel their passion into action can do almost anything. - Ashoka

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

Historical Examples of Leading Social Entrepreneurs

• Susan B. Anthony (U.S.): Fought for Women's Rights in the United States, including the right to control property and helped spearhead adoption of the 19th amendment.

• Vinoba Bhave (India): Founder and leader of the Land Gift Movement, he caused the redistribution of more than 7,000,000 acres of land to aid India's untouchables and landless.

• Dr. Maria Montessori (Italy): Developed the Montessori approach to early childhood education.

• Florence Nightingale (U.K.): Founder of modern nursing, she established the first school for nurses and fought to improve hospital conditions.

• Margaret Sanger (U.S.): Founder of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, she led the movement for family planning efforts around the world.

• John Muir (U.S.): Naturalist and conservationist, he established the National Park System and helped found The Sierra Club.

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

So What About The Rest Of Us?

•  Entrepreneurs •  Intrapreneurs •  Government Employees •  Students •  Parents •  Volunteers

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

The Most Dangerous Word In The English Language Is Someday

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

Plan Of Attack

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

How To Be An Intrapreneur

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

Hackathons For Good

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

Tide Loads Of Hope

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

Disney CSR & Voluntears

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

Don’t Let Opportunities Pass You By

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

Entrepreneurs Getting Their Cause On

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

Bake It Into What You Do: Social Gumbo

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

How To Make It Work

•  Integrate It Into Your Brand •  Stakeholder Engagement •  Make It Real •  Quantify What You Do •  Don’t Keep It A Secret •  The Future Will Be Televised

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

Cost To Get Started…Let’s Start At Zero

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com


•  Platforms For Finding Nonprofits: Charity Navigator, Guidestar •  Online Communities: Crowdrise, Care2, Facebook Causes •  Donation Widgets: WhatGives, ChipIn •  Organizing Volunteers: Basecamp, Google Groups •  Keeping Track Of Invoices: Freshbooks •  Gettings The Word Out: MailChimp, WordPress

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

Make The Information Easy To Find

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

Highlight Partners

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

Change Your Life In 30 Minutes

•  What Are Your Interests? •  What Nonprofits Do You Know? •  How Much Time Do You Have To Give?

Sloane Berrent | @sloane | thecausemopolitan.com | answerwithaction.com

Thank You! Questions?

Here’s to making “someday” today

This presentation is available on slideshare.com/sloaneberrent