Who Created Donald Trump?

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Who Created Donald Trump?

Who Created DONALD TRUMP?Bianna Golodryga, Yahoo! News

Donald Trump

certainly has enough

charm to woo American

voters — all the way to

frontrunner status,

no less.

But his bombast has politicians, pundits, and everyday

joes and janes on both sides of the aisle expressing shock

at the power of his supporting mass.

So what contributed to his ascension and appeal?

So what contributed to his ascension and appeal?

How did he so quickly become a Republican frontrunner?

So what contributed to his ascension and appeal?

How did he so quickly become a Republican frontrunner?

Who created Mr. Trump?

Many blame the GOP and the Republican Party.

Their perceived failure to deliver for struggling

working-class voters led many Americans to resent the

establishment and its stale promises, its devotion to

donors and ideology over the needs of the people.

Others blame President Obama.


theory is that

7 years of a supposedly weak,

cool Obama Administration has

led voters to go for the exact

opposite: a hot-headed, blunt



Others blame progressive ideologies — in particular,

political correctness and so-called “social justice

warriors” — for Trump’s rise.

As the theory goes, Trumpism is an overreaction to an

extreme progressivism that feels threatening and

belittling to many.

But perhaps as much as or more than any specific party

is at fault, the media is too.

So which is it?

Candidates that triumph reflect the populace that propels them,

and on a broader level, the nation as a whole.

One thing is for sure...

In other words, one way

or another, Donald Trump

is a product of

American culture.

Read the full article at
