WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving:...

Post on 04-Jul-2020

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Transcript of WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving:...








WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HI f you have ANY quest ions about any of the projects p lease

contact L isa Spau ld ing v ia phone (606) 549-1430 , emai lL isa .Spau ld ing@uky .edu , or d i rect ly through the Whit ley County 4-

H Facebook Page .

Inc luded in your packet i s a co lor wheel to teach you how to mix d ifferentshades us ing the co lor wheel and pr imary co lors . P ick a category from yoursheet and get pa int ing !

Inc luded in your pack i s a pound of c lay , p ick a category from your sheetand get scu lpt ing ! There i s a packet that wi l l he lp you learn to scu lpt ,

textur ize and g ive your scu lpture character ! !

Inc luded in your packet i s instruct ions on how to draw d ifferent ways . Useone sheet for pract ice and the other for your f ina l p iece . (Or if you wantto buy your own and pract ice more!) P ick a category and start drawing!

There are a l l k inds of categor ies that you can p ick from! You can submitup to 6 photos p lus the Hort icu lture category . P ictures cou ld have been

taken before th is pro ject but not s ince before August of 2019!

Lots of information for th is project . Sk im through the packets of information to he lp youident ify bugs ! Try and ident ify your bugs before you look them up in the iNatura l i st App . I f youneed he lp with ed it ing p ictures and adding information in the text box we can schedu le a dayfor you to come into the off ice and we wi l l he lp you out !

A packet of information and ideas i s inc luded . No mater ia ls are prov ided . Upcyc l ing i s tak ingsomething that you are throwing away and making i t into something that mainta ins or

improves the qua l i ty of the mater ia ls . The des igns wi l l be judged on qua l i ty , use , and creat iv ity .

Any wood item from a k it . After you have put your b irdhouse together ,pa int i t and g ive i t some co lor or decorate i t !


Junior Clay Container: (pg.55) Create a functional container from clay either self-hardening or firing required.

Senior Clay Container: same as Junior.

Junior Clay Bust: (pg.57) Sculpt a head with facial features out of clay.

758b. Senior Clay Bust: same as Junior

Junior Mask: (pg.61) Create a mask using clay emphasizing unique form and texture to portray feelings.

Senior Mask: same as Junior.

Junior Cardboard Sculpture: (pg.65) Create a piece of textured relief sculpture using corrugated cardboard stacked and glued together. Sculpt with an Exacto® knife.

Senior Cardboard Sculpture: same as Junior.

Junior Flower Wire Sculpture: (pg.67) Using wire and nylon cloth create a freestanding flower sculpture.

Senior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior.

Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex surface and allows space to flow around and through it.

Senior Plaster of Paris Carving: same as Junior.