WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving:...

WHITLEY COUNTY 4-H If you have ANY questions about any of the projects please contact Lisa Spaulding via phone (606) 549-1430, email [email protected], or directly through the Whitley County 4- H Facebook Page. Included in your packet is a color wheel to teach you how to mix different shades using the color wheel and primary colors. Pick a category from your sheet and get painting! Included in your pack is a pound of clay, pick a category from your sheet and get sculpting! There is a packet that will help you learn to sculpt, texturize and give your sculpture character!! Included in your packet is instructions on how to draw different ways. Use one sheet for practice and the other for your final piece. (Or if you want to buy your own and practice more!) Pick a category and start drawing! There are all kinds of categories that you can pick from! You can submit up to 6 photos plus the Horticulture category. Pictures could have been taken before this project but not since before August of 2019! Lots of information for this project. Skim through the packets of information to help you identify bugs! Try and identify your bugs before you look them up in the iNaturalist App. If you need help with editing pictures and adding information in the text box we can schedule a day for you to come into the office and we will help you out! A packet of information and ideas is included. No materials are provided. Upcycling is taking something that you are throwing away and making it into something that maintains or improves the quality of the materials. The designs will be judged on quality, use, and creativity. Any wood item from a kit. After you have put your birdhouse together, paint it and give it some color or decorate it!

Transcript of WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving:...

Page 1: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex








WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HI f you have ANY quest ions about any of the projects p lease

contact L isa Spau ld ing v ia phone (606) 549-1430 , emai lL isa .Spau ld ing@uky .edu , or d i rect ly through the Whit ley County 4-

H Facebook Page .

Inc luded in your packet i s a co lor wheel to teach you how to mix d ifferentshades us ing the co lor wheel and pr imary co lors . P ick a category from yoursheet and get pa int ing !

Inc luded in your pack i s a pound of c lay , p ick a category from your sheetand get scu lpt ing ! There i s a packet that wi l l he lp you learn to scu lpt ,

textur ize and g ive your scu lpture character ! !

Inc luded in your packet i s instruct ions on how to draw d ifferent ways . Useone sheet for pract ice and the other for your f ina l p iece . (Or if you wantto buy your own and pract ice more!) P ick a category and start drawing!

There are a l l k inds of categor ies that you can p ick from! You can submitup to 6 photos p lus the Hort icu lture category . P ictures cou ld have been

taken before th is pro ject but not s ince before August of 2019!

Lots of information for th is project . Sk im through the packets of information to he lp youident ify bugs ! Try and ident ify your bugs before you look them up in the iNatura l i st App . I f youneed he lp with ed it ing p ictures and adding information in the text box we can schedu le a dayfor you to come into the off ice and we wi l l he lp you out !

A packet of information and ideas i s inc luded . No mater ia ls are prov ided . Upcyc l ing i s tak ingsomething that you are throwing away and making i t into something that mainta ins or

improves the qua l i ty of the mater ia ls . The des igns wi l l be judged on qua l i ty , use , and creat iv ity .

Any wood item from a k it . After you have put your b irdhouse together ,pa int i t and g ive i t some co lor or decorate i t !

Page 2: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 3: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex


Junior Clay Container: (pg.55) Create a functional container from clay either self-hardening or firing required.

Senior Clay Container: same as Junior.

Junior Clay Bust: (pg.57) Sculpt a head with facial features out of clay.

758b. Senior Clay Bust: same as Junior

Junior Mask: (pg.61) Create a mask using clay emphasizing unique form and texture to portray feelings.

Senior Mask: same as Junior.

Junior Cardboard Sculpture: (pg.65) Create a piece of textured relief sculpture using corrugated cardboard stacked and glued together. Sculpt with an Exacto® knife.

Senior Cardboard Sculpture: same as Junior.

Junior Flower Wire Sculpture: (pg.67) Using wire and nylon cloth create a freestanding flower sculpture.

Senior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior.

Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex surface and allows space to flow around and through it.

Senior Plaster of Paris Carving: same as Junior.

Page 4: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 5: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 6: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 7: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 8: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 9: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 10: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 11: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 12: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 13: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 14: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 15: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 16: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 17: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 18: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 19: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 20: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 21: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 22: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 23: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex
Page 24: WHITLEY COUNTY 4-HSenior Flower Wire Sculpture: same as Junior. Junior Plaster of Paris Carving: (pg.69) Using a plaster of paris block, carve a form that has a concave and convex