What you believe determines where you go in life “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will...

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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Transcript of What you believe determines where you go in life “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will...

Signpost 1:THE QUEST

What you believe determines where you go in life

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” – John 8:32


Session Objective: This week’s lesson introduces the GodQuest series and shows how our

beliefs affect our choices, the paths we take in life, and our destinations. Signpost 1 Video Lesson: An invitation from the host Sean McDowell to embark on a quest for God

and truth Dr. Craig Hazen presenting the reasons for starting a spiritual quest with

Christianity.◦ Christianity is testable, you can show the evidence ◦ Salvation is free, free gift from above◦ Christianity paints the picture that matches the world around us◦ Jesus Christ is in the center of Christianity

Sean’s teaching on the reasons for taking a GodQuest and the barriers that hold us back.◦ Faith is blindly believing in something that has no evidence (John 20:30-31)◦ Truth can’t be known (Matthew 7:7-8)◦ Busy Busy Busy

Why it is important to seek out God and truth

Where are you with God? The Path, The Rocky places, The Thorns, The Good Soil – Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Day 1: Where the path of your life is leading you? (map of your life)

Day 2: What influences your religious beliefs? (barna group with statistic in big cities)

Day 3: C.S. Lewis - Reluctant convert. Why do we tend to resist God?

Day 4: How can you choose the right path? (poem by Robert Frost)

Day 5: Reflections from your journey: impressions, surprises, results

The Weekly Quest“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what

was lost.” – Luke 19:10.


What you believe about creation determines how you view yourself and life.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” – Genesis 1:1


Signpost 2 Video Lesson: Does heavens declare the glory of God or nature

proves the unintelligent design?◦ Lee Strobel shares his journey from believing in naturalistic

origins of life to discovering scientific evidence of creation◦ Cottage in the garden with your favorite food and DVDs and

precise conditions of the universe for life to exist◦ DNA of each cell on human body stores information that can

be written in 8 thousand books and as if God had autographed each cell

◦ “John loves Mary” is a produce of an intelligent writer, not a result of a wind and wave

You are not a mistake, you are not a cosmic accident, but you are made in the image of God, who knows the number of hairs on your head and wants to be in relationships with you!

Why it is important to know your Creator

Day 1: Colossal, astounding universe - 100 billion stars only in our galaxy

Day 2: Three views on creation: young earth, old earth, theistic evolution

Day 3: Amazing migrations of monarch butterflies and arctic terns

Day 4: Who is our God, does He love beauty, have a sense of humor, pay attention to detail?

Day 5: Reflections from your journey: impressions, surprises, results

The Weekly Quest“The heavens declare the glory of God;” – Psalm 19:1.

Signpost 3:THE WORD

What you believe about the Bible determines how you live your life.

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,” – 2

Timothy 3:16


Reflect on a book that had an effect on your thinking, your relationships, or even a key decision in your life.

What was that book, and why did it affect you?


Rank the following according to it’s importance from 1 to 7.

The Bible:Brings me comfort

Gives me wisdom for making decisionsLifts my spirit and brings me joy

Helps me understand God and His characterInstructs me on right and wrong

Draws me closer to GodTells me how to relate to other people

Question 1

I read the Bible◦ Every day Most Day Every week Rarely Never

Indicate your level of agreement with the following statements (from strongly agree to strongly disagree)

A. I memorize Bible verses.B. I am familiar with Bible history.C. I understand the basic teaching of JesusD. My understanding of right and wrong is

based on the teaching of the Bible

Question 2

Watch the Signpost 3 video
