What Spices Are Good For

Post on 11-Jul-2016

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Transcript of What Spices Are Good For

Allspice: A fever breaker in colds. Aniseed: Indigestion, baby colic. Basil: Indigestion, nausea, gas. Bay leaves: Upset stomach, gas. Caraway: Infant colic, dyspepsia, hair and vision, problems. Cardamom: Indigestion, stimulant, colic. Cayenne: Stimulant, aids digestion, helps the secreting organs. Celery seed: All types of stomach disorders. Chervil: Poultice for bruises. Cinnamon: Inflammation of the intestinal tract, stimulant. Cloves: Oil of cloves for toothache, gas nausea, languid indigestion and dyspepsia, strong germicide, powerful antiseptic. Dill: Hiccoughs, expels gas from stomach and intestines. Garlic: High blood pressure, edema, rheumatism. Ginger: Delayed or suppressed menstruation, cramps, diarrhea, colds, indigestion, gas pains, headaches, flu, colic, sore throat, nausea of pregnancy. Horseradish: Stimulate sinuses, poultice for sciatica, excellent stimulant to the digestive organs. Mace: Cleansing and detoxifying. Marjoram: Poultice for painful swelling and rheumatism, nervous headache, stimulant, irregular menstruation. Mint: Aids digestion, colic. Mustard: Stimulant for sinuses, Poultices for rheumatism and hot foot baths for headaches, disorders of the digestive organs. Nutmeg: Aids digestion and nervous stomach, one-half nutmeg steeped in hot water good for insomnia, (has narcotic effect in large doses), allays nausea and vomiting. Oregano: Soothes the stomach and aids digestion. Paprika: Stimulates appetite. Saffron: Expels gas from stomach and intestines. Sage: Antiseptic, blood cleanser, memory problems. Savory: A cure for colic and flatulence. Tarragon: Soothing for eczema and scurvy. Thyme: Antiseptic for ptomaine poisoning, aids digestion, arrests gastric fermentation, colic. Turmeric: Expels gas from stomach and intestines, assists gall bladder function. Bibliography Christopher, Dr. John R., 1976 School of Natural Heating, Provo, Utah