What is Dialectic Research? David M. Boje, Ph.D. Mgt 550/375v.

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Transcript of What is Dialectic Research? David M. Boje, Ph.D. Mgt 550/375v.

What is Dialectic Research? David M. Boje, Ph.D. Mgt 550/375v Our MBA recommended text Title:Methods of Sustainability Research in the Social Sciences Author: Fahy, Frances, Rau, Henrike Date: 2013 3BL 3 CRITICAL about Triple Bottom Line Triple Bottom Line advocates never actually propose how to measure the ADDITION of profit bottom line + People bottom line + Planet bottom line Without an agreed methodology, the income statement trumps the people and planet measurement. For more CRITIQUE of the Triple Bottom Line 3Bl please see this excellent articleCRITIQUE of the Triple Bottom Line 3Bl please see this excellent article 4 What are the Transitions? Should we become School of Sustainability or School of Resilience SCHOOL OF RESILIANCE : A group of selected students - -local administrators, professionals, students, researchers, innovators, corporations, civic and public leaders, and startups--are in Como, from October 15-18, 2015, to learn how to design resilient communities. sourcesource SCHOOL OF SUSTAINABILITY : Arizona State University and the Wrigley Foundation Definition of sustainability and resilience concepts (after Folke et al and Tuvendal and Elmqvist 2012) and McPherson (2014).Folke et al and Tuvendal and Elmqvist 2012)McPherson (2014 Resiliency Model 2 Types of Schools of Resilience Socio-ecological from the systems resilience literary and community resilience from the mental health and psychology literature Why do certain systems and certain people/communities (mental health, psychology) recover from disasters and other disturbances while maintaining their social structure? Arguments against School of Resilience The concept of resilience has been criticized as an abstract structural-functionalist notion that fails to account for community heterogeneity and power relationships (Berkes and Ross 2013; Cote and Nightingale 2011; Folke 2006; Leach 2008; Turner 2010) sourcesource Resilience of What 2 kinds of Strategy Definitions Economic Resil ience - capacity of socioeconomic system to provide livelihoods into future (Scones, 2009:xx) Equity Resilience - capacity of community/city/sociality to bounce back from disaster and disturbance while meeting present needs without sacrificing future generations (UNDP definition of sustainability) Ecological Resilience - capacity within socio-ecological systems to sustain by strengthening resilience behavior. sourcesource New Mexico Resilience? New Mexico as a semi-arid region (dry-land ecosystems) are having trouble sustaining socioeconomic livelihood needs of the people living here. As such New Mexico rural population is recognized as one of the regions most vulnerable to global climate change (among the poorest people in the US economy, and hence socio-politically marginalized)). Dialectic Research means The process of empathic listening to actors Over a prolonged period of time In variety of settings In-order-to unravel meaning of their lives that emerge in local interactions Boje I am a dialectic researcher. I listen to the actors in a situation of conflict Dialectic Reseachers produce knowledge in solidary with action, and vice versa I am a researcher-intervenor! SOS Sustainability is a lost cause that might have saved the world G. K.Chestertons comment that the lost causes are exactly those which might have saved the world (1010, Zizek) i ek makes reference to Niels Bohr: at the level of the physics of micro- particles, there is no objective measurement, no access to objective reality, not because we (our mind) constitutes [sic] reality, but because we are part of the reality which we measure, and thus lack an objective distance towards it (643) Less than Nothing: Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism 9 From Marx back to Hegel We should return from Marx to Hegel, from narrow proletarian who brings class revolution to the notion of alienation of sustainability possibility Hegel is path sustainability cannot harmonize everything into a harmonious order; show in dialectic analysis how the excess is part of the system Transpose it as an expression of Spiritual ASU SOS The Nations First School of Sustainability Established in 2006, the School of Sustainabilitys mission is to educate a new generation of scholars and practitioners and create innovative modes of scholarship by bringing together leaders, stakeholders, and people from multiple disciplines to develop practical solutions to the most pressing sustainability challenges. What is Sustainability Sustainability is improving human well-being and ensuring social equity for present and future generations while safeguarding the planets life- supporting ecosystems. -Dean of School of Sustainability, Chris Boone Why has Sustainability Failed? Hegel equips us to think Quantum for the problem is not how to reach objective reality which is independent of (its correlation to) subjectivity; but how subjectivity is already inscribed into realityto quote Lacan again, not only is the picture in my eye, but I am also in the picture (ibid.). Hegels path of Reflexivity Reflexivtiy emerging from and between the QUANTUM encounter between human and Earth (subject & object) We cannot see quantum reality, yet we are part of and grounded in material practices that are Unsustainable For Hegel the Spiritual emerges out of the material & contingent (that are never fully themselves; can only produce focus & teleological in retrospective sensemaking) Spiritual emerges out of retrospective/prospective loops of material & contingent themselves; we are not fully ontologically constituted & grasp mattering in its becoming Hegel Dialectic There is no Absolute directing, rather Absolute emerges out of process of alienation to return to itself (291) Hegels dialectic is not determined by guiding hand of the Absolute, rather each moment in dialectic process tries to cover over a gap. E.g. in Sustainability, a Gap between espoused (thought & word) story and the living practices (actions & habits) AND Earth is fighting back in protest to this GAP Nave Hegel Nave reading of Hegel: thesis antithesis syntheses BUT THERE IS NP REAL SYNTHESES IN HEGEL Rather the movement to a 3 rd is not synthesize the thesis & antithesis into a RESOLUTION. Rather after alienation of no resolution, the thesis and anithesis are not substantially the same as before Rather Negation of the Negation means the starting point is LOST Quantum Example Sustainability has failed (thesis) Resilience is contender to take over movement (antithesis) Both Sustainability & Resilience failed NOW WHAT? I am alienated from both of them Absolute Spirit out of higher level both depoly solutions Materialism (reverses) higher element generated out of lower; out of contingent interaction of quanta emerges to collapse the wave/particle duality Quantum Storytelling Dialectic Totalization-into-One-Narrative always fails, subversion of what it purports to achieve, which is motor of dialectical process The living story web of contingent play of difference of accounts GAP does not reach synthesis, and Alienation breaks out Miss point if we make Narrative reading right & Living Story readings wrong, or vice versa See Hegels Text and Make own Conclusion 204. Dialectic as a negative movement, just as it immediately is, at first appears to consciousness as something which has it at its mercy, and which does not have its source in consciousness itself. Excerpt From: Hegel, G W F. Phenomenology of Spirit. Narrative, Living story & Alienation The plurality of living story accounts is effect of overflowing plenitude of reality itself, and is not resolved by a narrative reduction to one plot. Rather Alienation results EXAMPLE How do you do Dialectic Research Engage in DIALOGIC EXCHANGE with the local social actors, the interlocutors plural noun: interlocutors : a person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation What are TOOLS of Dialectic Research? Questioning as MODE OF DISCOVERY in: 1. Interviews 2. Participant Observation "Communication (including research) is not a matter of extracting data from an object but is more effective when it occurs in the context of a relationship (p. 81). The Processes of Dialogue In course of dispute, there are multiple processes of Dialogue GOAL: To understand the specific concept of sustainability as deployed by local actors in their dialogue THEREFORE: We need to recognise how the dominant narratives (& counternarratives) are employed, refined and transformed through the course of collective dialogic-action itself. Who started Dialectic Research? Paulo Freire (19211997), the Brazilian author of PEDAGOGY OF THE OPPRESSED The method is authentic engagement with a community of actors, learning their language, participating in their activities, in-order-to understand oppression in its dialectic. AUTHENTIC DIALOGUE To be an act of knowing the adult literacy process demands among teachers and students a relationship of authentic dialogue. True dialogue unites subjects together in the cognition of a knowable object which mediates between them (Freire, 1974: 29). First Step of Dialectic Research The researchers first move therefore is to avoid a nave and uncritical imposition of an imposed theoretical framework, but rather to engage in a humble (and even loving) human process of listening through dialogue (Fahy & Rau, 2013: 73). Second Step of Dialectic Research reflect on the language which emerges between researcher and participants to determine whether it truly conveys the views of the local actors, but in such a way that it can also make sense to outside audiences (Fahy & Rau, 2013: 73). Two Important Factors in Dialectic Research: Get into close dialogue: 1. where cultural identity is explicitly raised by local actors and, 2. where the dispute occurs over a significant time period involving a diverse set of actors, thus obliging local views and articulations to become subject to refinement and development (Fahy & Rau, 2013: 74). INAUTHENTIC DIALOGUE? How do you know People are Pulilng Wool over your Eyes? You asked questions and you were jailed. (Corduff, M. inGaravan, 2006: 56) There was nobody asking questions. (Ni Sheighin, C. in Garavan,2006: 65) It was just a one-way sound. We talked but they didnt listen.(Corduff, W. in Garavan, 2006: 28) They never wanted to meet those who werent in favour. (Ni Sheighin, C. in Garavan, 2006: 72) NIMBY NIMBY is a permanence-change dialectic (Freire, p. 179). For more https://libcom.org/files/FreirePedagogyoftheOppressed.pdf https://libcom.org/files/FreirePedagogyoftheOppressed.pdf NIMBY NIMBY is a domesticated dialectic: that wants to slow down the histroical process to domesticate time and to domesticate mean and women (Friere, p. 38). The NIMBY Intervention Bring about relfecton by NIMBY on their own domesticated permance-change dialectic within the historical situation of all the oppositions of sustainable action- inaction ANTE means BEFORE & BET & BENEATH Before the NARRATIVE makes our living stories into ABSTRACTIONS, there are these ANTES The NIBMY NARRATIVE, for example, covers up BETS on the Future of generation upon generation being sustainable NIMBY has not reflected on the ANTE, the Beneath this structure of oppositions. ABSTRACT NARRATIVES & COUNTERNARRATIVES The opposition among abstract narratives and their coucnter narratives is a dialectical relation between the subjective and the objective that begs for antenarrative inquiry into the structural situations of, the ground of the opposition BEFORE (ante), BENEATH, (ante), BETWEEN (ante), BECOMING (ante) and the BET (ante) on the Future. ANTENARRATIVE ANTE (the BEFORE, & BENEATH, & BETWEEN) is discovery of the background, the deeper macro-micro (& vice versa) dialectical oppositions among SUSTAINABILITY NARRATIVES & their COUNTERNARRATIVES, so the CODES of CODIFICATION can be DECODED, in new matrix of possiblities, a BET (ante) on the FUTURE of the generations upon generations