Wh 09 wwii european & pacific vocabulary game

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Transcript of Wh 09 wwii european & pacific vocabulary game

World War II Vocabulary GameEastern and Pacific

Nick QuanPeriod 4


World War II - Eastern

World War II - Pacific

World War II - Eastern


Back To World War II


Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Embraced in vain by Great Britain and France in the 1930s.

Guess This Term3. Embraced in vain by Great Britain and France in the 1930s.

2. Associated with Neville Chamberlain at Munich Conference.

Guess This Term3. Embraced in vain by Great Britain and France in the 1930s.

2. Associated with Neville Chamberlain at Munich Conference.

1. Giving in to the aggressor to avoid war.

Appeasement3. Embraced in vain by Great Britain and France in the 1930s.

2. Associated with Neville Chamberlain at Munich Conference.

1. Giving in to the aggressor to avoid war.


Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Credited as one of the key figures in the creation of fascism.

Guess This Term3. Credited as one of the key figures in the creation of fascism.

2. Body was left hanging from a meat hook above Italy.

Guess This Term3. Credited as one of the key figures in the creation of fascism.

2. Body was left hanging from a meat hook above Italy.

1. Italian fascist leader also known as “IL Duce”.

Benito Mussolini3. Credited as one of the key figures in the creation of fascism.

2. Body was left hanging from a meat hook above Italy.

1. Italian fascist leader also known as “IL Duce”.

Benito Mussolini

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Refers to the state as the successor to the Roman Empire.

Guess This Term3. Refers to the state as the successor to the Roman Empire.

2. Led by Adolf Hitler and the German Workers Party in 1933.

Guess This Term3. Refers to the state as the successor to the Roman Empire.

2. Led by Adolf Hitler and the German Workers Party in 1933.

1. Germany during the Nazi Regime between 1933-1935.

3. Refers to the state as the successor to the Roman Empire.

2. Led by Adolf Hitler and the German Workers Party in 1933.

1. Germany during the Nazi Regime between 1933-1935.

Third Reich

Back To WWII Eastern

Third Reich

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Considered by scholars to be a form of fascism.

Guess This Term3. Considered by scholars to be a form of fascism.

2. Run by the German dictator, Adolf Hitler.

Guess This Term3. Considered by scholars to be a form of fascism.

2. Run by the German dictator, Adolf Hitler.

1. Practices of the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party.

3. Considered by scholars to be a form of fascism.

2. Run by the German dictator, Adolf Hitler.

1. Practices of the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party.


Back To WWII Eastern


Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Grew up with an abusive father, and a horrible childhood.

Guess This Term3. Grew up with an abusive father, and a horrible childhood.

2. Wrote a book called “Mein Kampf”.

Guess This Term3. Grew up with an abusive father, and a horrible childhood.

2. Wrote a book called “Mein Kampf”.

1. Founder & Leader of the Nazi Party.

Adolf Hitler3. Grew up with an abusive father, and a horrible childhood.

2. Wrote a book called “Mein Kampf”.

1. Founder & Leader of the Nazi Party.

Adolf Hitler

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Was a suspect in the July 1940 plot to assassinate Hitler.

Guess This Term3. Was a suspect in the July 1940 plot to assassinate Hitler.

2. Most famous German Field Marshall during World War II.

Guess This Term3. Was a suspect in the July 1940 plot to assassinate Hitler.

2. Most famous German Field Marshall during World War II.

1. Nickname was known as the “desert fox”.

General Erwin Rommel3. Was a suspect in the July 1940 plot to assassinate Hitler.

2. Most famous German Field Marshall during World War II.

1. Nickname was known as the “desert fox”.

General Erwin Rommel

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Committed suicide by cyanide ingestion before his hanging.

Guess This Term3. Committed suicide by cyanide ingestion before his hanging.

2. President of the Reichstag and Hitler's second man.

Guess This Term3. Committed suicide by cyanide ingestion before his hanging.

2. President of the Reichstag and Hitler's second man.

1. Commander-In-Chief of the Luftwaffe.

3. Committed suicide by cyanide ingestion before his hanging.

2. President of the Reichstag and Hitler's second man.

1. Commander-In-Chief of the Luftwaffe.

General Hermann Göring

Back To WWII Eastern

General Hermann Göring

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Earned a Ph.D from Heidelberg University in 1921.

Guess This Term3. Earned a Ph.D from Heidelberg University in 1921.

2. Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.

Guess This Term3. Earned a Ph.D from Heidelberg University in 1921.

2. Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.

1. 3rd in command of the Nazi Germany.

Joseph Goebbels3. Earned a Ph.D from Heidelberg University in 1921.

2. Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda.

1. 3rd in command of the Nazi Germany.

Joseph Goebbels

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Worked in disguise for Mercedes Benz until 1960.

Guess This Term3. Worked in disguise for Mercedes Benz until 1960.

2. SS Lt.-Col. who was chief of the Jewish office in Gestapo.

Guess This Term3. Worked in disguise for Mercedes Benz until 1960.

2. SS Lt.-Col. who was chief of the Jewish office in Gestapo.

1. Known as the “architect” of the Holocaust.

Adolf Eichmann3. Worked in disguise for Mercedes Benz until 1960.

2. SS Lt.-Col. who was chief of the Jewish office in Gestapo.

1. Known as the “architect” of the Holocaust.

Adolf Eichmann

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3.Founded in 1910 and changed its name in later 1916.

Guess This Term3.Founded in 1910 and changed its name in later 1916.

2. Leader was General Hermann Göring.

Guess This Term3.Founded in 1910 and changed its name in later 1916.

2. Leader was General Hermann Göring.

1. In a nutshell: German Air Force.

Luftwaffe3.Founded in 1910 and changed its name in later 1916.

2. Leader was General Hermann Göring.

1. In a nutshell: German Air Force.


Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. A headline word to describe a military doctrine.

Guess This Term3. A headline word to describe a military doctrine.

2. Example of this term: Operation Barbarossa.

Guess This Term3. A headline word to describe a military doctrine.

2. Example of this term: Operation Barbarossa.

1. In a nutshell: “lightning war”.

3. A headline word to describe a military doctrine.

2. Example of this term: Operation Barbarossa.

1. In a nutshell: “lightning war”.


Back To WWII Eastern


Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Has been studied as a work on political theory.

Guess This Term3. Has been studied as a work on political theory.

2. Translated in English to be “My Struggle”.

Guess This Term3. Has been studied as a work on political theory.

2. Translated in English to be “My Struggle”.

1. Book written by Adolf Hitler during his imprisonment.

Mein Kampf3. Has been studied as a work on political theory.

2. Translated in English to be “My Struggle”.

1. Book written by Adolf Hitler during his imprisonment.

Mein Kampf

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Caused Hitler to regard Chamberlain with utter contempt.

Guess This Term3. Caused Hitler to regard Chamberlain with utter contempt.

2. Made Chamberlain deliver his famous speech to all London.

Guess This Term3. Caused Hitler to regard Chamberlain with utter contempt.

2. Made Chamberlain deliver his famous speech to all London.

1. An agreement regarding the Sudentenland.

Munich Conference3. Caused Hitler to regard Chamberlain with utter contempt.

2. Made Chamberlain deliver his famous speech to all London.

1. An agreement regarding the Sudentenland.

Munich Conference

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Happened in Moscow on August 23, 1939.

Guess This Term3. Happened in Moscow on August 23, 1939.

2. Agreed on by Molotov (Russia) and Ribbentrop (Germany).

Guess This Term3. Happened in Moscow on August 23, 1939.

2. Agreed on by Molotov (Russia) and Ribbentrop (Germany).

1. Promise that Stalin and Hitler wouldn't attack each other.

Russo-German Non-Agression Pact3. Happened in Moscow on August 23, 1939.

2. Agreed on by Molotov (Russia) and Ribbentrop (Germany).

1. Promise that Stalin and Hitler wouldn't attack each other.

Russo-German Non-Aggression Pact

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. 1,102,191 casualties between both Germans and Soviets.

Guess This Term3. 1,102,191 casualties between both Germans and Soviets.

2. Opened up the Eastern Front of Europe.

Guess This Term3. 1,102,191 casualties between both Germans and Soviets.

2. Opened up the Eastern Front of Europe.

1. Codename for Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union.

Operation Barbarossa3. 1,102,191 casualties between both Germans and Soviets.

2. Opened up the Eastern Front of Europe.

1. Codename for Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union.

Operation Barbarossa

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Happened between May 26th–June 4th, 1940.

Guess This Term3. Happened between May 26th–June 4th, 1940.

2. Codenamed Operation Dynamo.

Guess This Term3. Happened between May 26th–June 4th, 1940.

2. Codenamed Operation Dynamo.

1. Defence and evacuation of British and allied forces.

3. Happened between May 26th–June 4th, 1940.

2. Codenamed Operation Dynamo.

1. Defence and evacuation of British and allied forces.


Back To WWII Eastern


Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Founded the French Fifth Republic in 1958.

Guess This Term3. Founded the French Fifth Republic in 1958.

2. Leader of the Free French Forces.

Guess This Term3. Founded the French Fifth Republic in 1958.

2. Leader of the Free French Forces.

1. Dominant political leader and grand figurehead of France.

Charles DeGaulle3. Founded the French Fifth Republic in 1958.

2. Leader of the Free French Forces.

1. Dominant political leader and grand figurehead of France.

Charles DeGaulle

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953.

Guess This Term3. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953.

2. Noted as the “organizer of victory” by Sir Winston Churchill.

Guess This Term3. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953.

2. Noted as the “organizer of victory” by Sir Winston Churchill.

1. US Military leader, Chief of Staff, and 3rd Secretary of State.

General George Catlett Marshall3. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953.

2. Noted as the “organizer of victory” by Sir Winston Churchill.

1. US Military leader, Chief of Staff, and 3rd Secretary of State.

General George Catlett Marshall

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Led both corps and armies as general in North Africa Sicily.

Guess This Term3. Led both corps and armies as general in North Africa Sicily.

2. Had his officials arrest Amon Goeth at a sanatorium for trial.

Guess This Term3. Led both corps and armies as general in North Africa Sicily.

2. Had his officials arrest Amon Goeth at a sanatorium for trial.

1. Nicknamed “Old Blood & Guts”.

General George Patton3. Led both corps and armies as general in North Africa Sicily.

2. Had his officials arrest Amon Goeth at a sanatorium for trial.

1. Nicknamed “Old Blood & Guts”.

General George Patton

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. 2,629,619 casualties from both Germans and Soviets.

Guess This Term3. 2,629,619 casualties from both Germans and Soviets.

2. Big industrial city on the Volga River-a vital transport route.

Guess This Term3. 2,629,619 casualties from both Germans and Soviets.

2. Big industrial city on the Volga River-a vital transport route.

1. Turning point in World War II in Europe.

Stalingrad3. 2,629,619 casualties from both Germans and Soviets.

2. Big industrial city on the Volga River-a vital transport route.

1. Turning point in World War II in Europe.


Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. One of the most decorated in Russian & Soviet history.

Guess This Term3. One of the most decorated in Russian & Soviet history.

2. Marshal of the Soviet Union.

Guess This Term3. One of the most decorated in Russian & Soviet history.

2. Marshal of the Soviet Union.

1. Most successful Russian General in World War II.

Georgy Zhukov3. One of the most decorated in Russian & Soviet history.

2. Marshal of the Soviet Union.

1. Most successful Russian General in World War II.

Georgy Zhukov

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. 110,332 casualties between America, Britain, and Germany.

Guess This Term3. 110,332 casualties between America, Britain, and Germany.

2. Biggest and bloodiest battle for US ground forces in WWII.

Guess This Term3. 110,332 casualties between America, Britain, and Germany.

2. Biggest and bloodiest battle for US ground forces in WWII.

1. Major German offensive launched towards the end of WWII.

Battle of the Buldge3. 110,332 casualties between America, Britain, and Germany.

2. Biggest and bloodiest battle for US ground forces in WWII.

1. Major German offensive launched towards the end of WWII.

Battle of the Bulge

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Americans are led by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Guess This Term3. Americans are led by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

2. Part of Operation Overlord during World War II.

Guess This Term3. Americans are led by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

2. Part of Operation Overlord during World War II.

1. US and Britain push Germany back.

Normandy Invasion (D-Day)3. Americans are led by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

2. Part of Operation Overlord during World War II.

1. US and Britain push Germany back.

Normandy Invasion (D-Day)

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. 539,196 casualties between Soviets and Russia.

Guess This Term3. 539,196 casualties between Soviets and Russia.

2. Adolf Hitler and many of his followers committed suicide.

Guess This Term3. 539,196 casualties between Soviets and Russia.

2. Adolf Hitler and many of his followers committed suicide.

1. Final strategic offensives of the European Theatre of WWII.

Battle of Berlin

Battle of Berlin

3. 539,196 casualties between Soviets and Russia.

2. Adolf Hitler and many of his followers committed suicide.

1. Final strategic offensives of the European Theatre of WWII.

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Happened in Reims, France and Berlin, Germany.

Guess This Term3. Happened in Reims, France and Berlin, Germany.

2. A Day of Liberation in East Germany.

Guess This Term3. Happened in Reims, France and Berlin, Germany.

2. A Day of Liberation in East Germany.

1. Occurred on May 8, 1945.

Victory in Europe Day

V-E Day

3. Happened in Reims, France and Berlin, Germany.

2. A Day of Liberation in East Germany.

1. Occurred on May 8, 1945.

Back To WWII Eastern

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. A Sudeten German Industrialist during World War II.

Guess This Term3. A Sudeten German Industrialist during World War II.

2. Ran enamelware and ammunitions factories during war.

Guess This Term3. A Sudeten German Industrialist during World War II.

2. Ran enamelware and ammunitions factories during war.

1. Credited for saving 1,200 Jewish lives in the Holocaust.

Oskar Schindler

Oskar Schindler

3. A Sudeten German Industrialist during World War II.

2. Ran enamelware and ammunitions factories during war.

1. Credited for saving 1,200 Jewish lives in the Holocaust.

Back To WWII Eastern


Back To World War II


World War II - Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Field Marshal of the Philippine Army.

Guess This Term3. Field Marshal of the Philippine Army.

2. Head of the American Military in the Pacific.

Guess This Term3. Field Marshal of the Philippine Army.

2. Head of the American Military in the Pacific.

1. Created the idea of “island hopping” during World War II.

General Douglas MacArthur3. Field Marshal of the Philippine Army.

2. Head of the American Military in the Pacific.

1. Created the idea of “island hopping” during World War II.

General Douglas MacArthur

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Selected Commander-In-Chief ranking as Admiral.

Guess This Term3. Selected Commander-In-Chief ranking as Admiral.

2. Appointed as Fleet Admiral of the Navy on Dec. 14, 1944.

Guess This Term3. Selected Commander-In-Chief ranking as Admiral.

2. Appointed as Fleet Admiral of the Navy on Dec. 14, 1944.

1. Head of the American Navy in the Pacific.

Admiral Chester W. Nimitz3. Selected Commander-In-Chief ranking as Admiral.

2. Appointed as Fleet Admiral of the Navy on Dec. 14, 1944.

1. Head of the American Navy in the Pacific.

Admiral Chester W. Nimitz

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Died during an inspection tour of forward positions.

Guess This Term3. Died during an inspection tour of forward positions.

2. Planned and executed the strategic attack on Pearl Harbour.

Guess This Term3. Died during an inspection tour of forward positions.

2. Planned and executed the strategic attack on Pearl Harbour.

1. Head of the Japanese Navy in the Pacific.

Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto3. Died during an inspection tour of forward positions.

2. Planned and executed the strategic attack on Pearl Harbour.

1. Head of the Japanese Navy in the Pacific.

Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Was a General in the Japanese Imperial Army.

Guess This Term3. Was a General in the Japanese Imperial Army.

2. 40th Prime Minister of Japan most of World War II.

Guess This Term3. Was a General in the Japanese Imperial Army.

2. 40th Prime Minister of Japan most of World War II.

1. Military Dictator of Japan.

Prime Minister Hideki Tojo

Prime Minister Hideki Tojo

3. Was a General in the Japanese Imperial Army.

2. 40th Prime Minister of Japan most of World War II.

1. Military Dictator of Japan.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Translated in English to be “divine wind”.

Guess This Term3. Translated in English to be “divine wind”.

2. First used during the battle of Leyte Gulf.

Guess This Term3. Translated in English to be “divine wind”.

2. First used during the battle of Leyte Gulf.

1. Suicidal Pilots during the war.



3. Translated in English to be “divine wind”.

2. First used during the battle of Leyte Gulf.

1. Suicidal Pilots during the war.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Known as the “Hawaii Operation” to the Japanese.

Guess This Term3. Known as the “Hawaii Operation” to the Japanese.

2. Strategic plan organized and executed by Yamamoto.

Guess This Term3. Known as the “Hawaii Operation” to the Japanese.

2. Strategic plan organized and executed by Yamamoto.

1. December 7th, 1941.

Pearl Harbour

Pearl Harbour

3. Known as the “Hawaii Operation” to the Japanese.

2. Strategic plan organized and executed by Yamamoto.

1. December 7th, 1941.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. This occurred at the dawn of April 9th, 1942.

Guess This Term3. This occurred at the dawn of April 9th, 1942.

2. Happened in the jungle of the Philippines.

Guess This Term3. This occurred at the dawn of April 9th, 1942.

2. Happened in the jungle of the Philippines.

1. A long walk Japanese led with American prisoners of war.

Bataan Death March

Bataan Death March

3. This occurred at the dawn of April 9th, 1942.

2. Happened in the jungle of the Philippines.

1. A long walk Japanese led with American prisoners of war.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. 1,622 Japanese and American casualties.

Guess This Term3. 1,622 Japanese and American casualties.

2. Fought between May 4th-May 8th, 1942.

Guess This Term3. 1,622 Japanese and American casualties.

2. Fought between May 4th-May 8th, 1942.

1. Fight in the air for control of the South Pacific.

Coral Sea

Coral Sea

3. 1,622 Japanese and American casualties.

2. Fought between May 4th-May 8th, 1942.

1. Fight in the air for control of the South Pacific.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. 3,364 Japanese and American casualties.

Guess This Term3. 3,364 Japanese and American casualties.

2. Fought between June 4th-June 7th, 1942.

Guess This Term3. 3,364 Japanese and American casualties.

2. Fought between June 4th-June 7th, 1942.

1. Turning point of WWII in the Pacific.



3. 3,364 Japanese and American casualties.

2. Fought between June 4th-June 7th, 1942.

1. Turning point of WWII in the Pacific.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. 38,000 Japanese and American casualties.

Guess This Term3. 38,000 Japanese and American casualties.

2. Fought between August 7, 1942th-February 9th, 1943.

Guess This Term3. 38,000 Japanese and American casualties.

2. Fought between August 7, 1942th-February 9th, 1943.

1. Known as the “Battle of Death”.



3. 38,000 Japanese and American casualties.

2. Fought between August 7, 1942th-February 9th, 1943.

1. Known as the “Battle of Death”.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. An important military strategy used during World War II.

Guess This Term3. An important military strategy used during World War II.

2. Used to bypass heavily fortified Japanese positions.

Guess This Term3. An important military strategy used during World War II.

2. Used to bypass heavily fortified Japanese positions.

1. “Hit them where they ain't, and make them die by the vine.”

Island Hopping

Island Hopping

3. An important military strategy used during World War II.

2. Used to bypass heavily fortified Japanese positions.

1. “Hit them where they ain't, and make them die by the vine.”

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Formerly known as “Second Battle of the Philippine Sea”.

Guess This Term3. Formerly known as “Second Battle of the Philippine Sea”.

2. Generally considered as the largest naval battle ever.

Guess This Term3. Formerly known as “Second Battle of the Philippine Sea”.

2. Generally considered as the largest naval battle ever.

1. “I shall return.”

Leyte Gulf

Leyte Gulf

3. Formerly known as “Second Battle of the Philippine Sea”.

2. Generally considered as the largest naval battle ever.

1. “I shall return.”

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Fought between February 19th-March 26th, 1945.

Guess This Term3. Fought between February 19th-March 26th, 1945.

2. Known as the “Battle of the Bulge” of the Pacific.

Guess This Term3. Fought between February 19th-March 26th, 1945.

2. Known as the “Battle of the Bulge” of the Pacific.

1. Halfway point from Pearl Harbour and Japan.

Iwo Jima

Iwo Jima

3. Fought between February 19th-March 26th, 1945.

2. Known as the “Battle of the Bulge” of the Pacific.

1. Halfway point from Pearl Harbour and Japan.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. A brigadier general in the United States Air Force.

Guess This Term3. A brigadier general in the United States Air Force.

2. Dropped the atomic bomb “Little Boy” on Hiroshima.

Guess This Term3. A brigadier general in the United States Air Force.

2. Dropped the atomic bomb “Little Boy” on Hiroshima.

1. Flew the “Enola Gay” aircraft named after his mother.

Colonel Paul Tibbets Jr.

Colonel Paul Tibbets Jr.

3. A brigadier general in the United States Air Force.

2. Dropped the atomic bomb “Little Boy” on Hiroshima.

1. Flew the “Enola Gay” aircraft named after his mother.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Was a Portland-class cruiser of the United States Navy.

Guess This Term3. Was a Portland-class cruiser of the United States Navy.

2. Sunken by a Japanese submarine torpedo.

Guess This Term3. Was a Portland-class cruiser of the United States Navy.

2. Sunken by a Japanese submarine torpedo.

1. Carried the atomic bomb to Tinian to be dropped on Japan.

Indianapolis (ship)

Indianapolis (ship)

3. Was a Portland-class cruiser of the United States Navy.

2. Sunken by a Japanese submarine torpedo.

1. Carried the atomic bomb to Tinian to be dropped on Japan.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Cost 2 Billion USD (24 Billion as of 2008) to run.

Guess This Term3. Cost 2 Billion USD (24 Billion as of 2008) to run.

2. Purpose was to create the first nuclear weapon.

Guess This Term3. Cost 2 Billion USD (24 Billion as of 2008) to run.

2. Purpose was to create the first nuclear weapon.

1. Los Alamos, New Mexico.

Manhattan Project

Manhattan Project

3. Cost 2 Billion USD (24 Billion as of 2008) to run.

2. Purpose was to create the first nuclear weapon.

1. Los Alamos, New Mexico.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Built by the Glenn L. Martin Company in Bellevue, Nebraska.

Guess This Term3. Built by the Glenn L. Martin Company in Bellevue, Nebraska.

2. Named after one's mother during World War II.

Guess This Term3. Built by the Glenn L. Martin Company in Bellevue, Nebraska.

2. Named after one's mother during World War II.

1. Flown by Col. Paul Tibbets to drop an atomic bomb.

Enola Gay

Enola Gay

3. Built by the Glenn L. Martin Company in Bellevue, Nebraska.

2. Named after one's mother during World War II.

1. Flown by Col. Paul Tibbets to drop an atomic bomb.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. A Hungarian & Jewish immigrant who fled from the Nazis.

Guess This Term3. A Hungarian & Jewish immigrant who fled from the Nazis.

2. Kicked off the Manhattan Project by Leslie Groves.

Guess This Term3. A Hungarian & Jewish immigrant who fled from the Nazis.

2. Kicked off the Manhattan Project by Leslie Groves.

1. Presented the idea of a nuclear weapon.

Leo Szilard

Leo Szilard

3. A Hungarian & Jewish immigrant who fled from the Nazis.

2. Kicked off the Manhattan Project by Leslie Groves.

1. Presented the idea of a nuclear weapon.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. A United States Army Engineer Officer.

Guess This Term3. A United States Army Engineer Officer.

2. Awarded Distinguished Service Medal after bomb on Japan.

Guess This Term3. A United States Army Engineer Officer.

2. Awarded Distinguished Service Medal after bomb on Japan.

1. Primary military leader head of the Manhattan Project.

Colonel Leslie Groves

Colonel Leslie Groves

3. A United States Army Engineer Officer.

2. Awarded Distinguished Service Medal after bomb on Japan.

1. Primary military leader head of the Manhattan Project.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. “Now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

Guess This Term3. “Now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

2. Known as the “Father of the Atomic Bomb”.

Guess This Term3. “Now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

2. Known as the “Father of the Atomic Bomb”.

1. Primary scientist head of the Manhattan Project.

Robert Oppenheimer

Robert Oppenheimer

3. “Now I have become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

2. Known as the “Father of the Atomic Bomb”.

1. Primary scientist head of the Manhattan Project.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. One made with uranium and the other with plutonium.

Guess This Term3. One made with uranium and the other with plutonium.

2. Destroyed two virgin cities within three days.

Guess This Term3. One made with uranium and the other with plutonium.

2. Destroyed two virgin cities within three days.

1. August 6th, 1945 & August 9th, 1945.

Little Boy / Fatman

Little Boy / Fat Man

3. One made with uranium and the other with plutonium.

2. Destroyed two virgin cities within three days.

1. August 6th, 1945 & August 9th, 1945.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Executed by the United States Army Air Forces.

Guess This Term3. Executed by the United States Army Air Forces.

2. Inspired the making of the movie “Grave of the Fireflies”.

Guess This Term3. Executed by the United States Army Air Forces.

2. Inspired the making of the movie “Grave of the Fireflies”.

1. Occurred on March 9th, 1945.

Firebombing (Tokyo)

Firebombing (Tokyo)

3. Executed by the United States Army Air Forces.

2. Inspired the making of the movie “Grave of the Fireflies”.

1. Occurred on March 9th, 1945.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Had some industrial and military significance.

Guess This Term3. Had some industrial and military significance.

2. First time a weapon of mass destruction is used on humans.

Guess This Term3. Had some industrial and military significance.

2. First time a weapon of mass destruction is used on humans.

1. Occurred on August 6th, 1945.



3. Had some industrial and military significance.

2. First time a weapon of mass destruction is used on humans.

1. Occurred on August 6th, 1945.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Was one of the largest sea ports in Southern Japan.

Guess This Term3. Was one of the largest sea ports in Southern Japan.

2. Buildings were old fashioned, made of wood or wood-frame.

Guess This Term3. Was one of the largest sea ports in Southern Japan.

2. Buildings were old fashioned, made of wood or wood-frame.

1. Occurred on August 9th, 1945.



3. Was one of the largest sea ports in Southern Japan.

2. Buildings were old fashioned, made of wood or wood-frame.

1. Occurred on August 9th, 1945.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. Commemorated as Liberation Day in Korea.

Guess This Term3. Commemorated as Liberation Day in Korea.

2. Known as Shuusen-kinenbi to the Japanese.

Guess This Term3. Commemorated as Liberation Day in Korea.

2. Known as Shuusen-kinenbi to the Japanese.

1. Occurred on August 14th, 1945.

Victory In Japan Day

V-J Day

3. Commemorated as Liberation Day in Korea.

2. Known as Shuusen-kinenbi to the Japanese.

1. Occurred on August 14th, 1945.

Back To WWII Pacific

Guess This Term

Guess This Term3. An engineer working for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.

Guess This Term3. An engineer working for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.

2. Stepped out of a tram when he was bombed in Hiroshima.

Guess This Term3. An engineer working for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.

2. Stepped out of a tram when he was bombed in Hiroshima.

1. 2 days later, he returned home to be bombed in Nagasaki.

Tsutomu Yamaguchi

Tsutomu Yamaguchi

Back To WWII Pacific

3. An engineer working for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.

2. Stepped out of a tram when he was bombed in Hiroshima.

1. 2 days later, he returned home to be bombed in Nagasaki.