WEST INDIES, - Memorial University...

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Transcript of WEST INDIES, - Memorial University...


WEST INDIES, Where they genarate a terrible tb1rat.

• Experience has proved that the natural thirst

quencher is Lime Juice.

You should always have a bottle on band du.ring summer weather.

SOVEREIGN LIME JUICE Is simply Ula Juice of the best Lime Fruil obtain· able put UJ) In bottles ~ for 1mmedia'8 use.

Lumber of Good Quality now in Stock. --AI,80--: .






A Postal Telegrapb Gftice bai bf,,;,I opened at ROBERT'S AllM, Notre Dame Bay.

TariJf-Twenty centa ror t.be ,,_,~ words~ nro cents for 4*li ~ word.

Address and, signature free,. DAVID STOTT,


OFFMB HOUBI-. 9 to 11, LDL ;

i to 3, ., to 8 p.m. OFFICE-One door eut ol Mr.

Thomas Roa'• shop, Water Street, Harbor Grace. ·

1'A'TJr1l R'I' •• IURBOa 9TUO•.

11irs mlLE _., Cabot BaihHllf, Water_.

St..loha'i (&ltablt.Md JM.)

Full lia.. Orulte a.ad Mu~

GUQIBBS. -.:.. '

U lau bieD demoPl\NW that &la• 1Wcder doee aot ·_,,. In on

OOLOS ON TJl8 f.AJNGS, . -Mn John J... Wllaoa, Uttl• 8hlpP9111l~

JIJ. B,, wrlr.: •1 oanno& :prafM- Df. Cb ... '• ,8~ or Llo...S Mid Tanen· Uo• ~ lallb.lf for t&elU'ld m7 olalldreu of Mnre Oolll9 on "'- lan1• and wben 111•7 11ad whoop1J11 I•"'• tlltm relW trnm 11..-. eoaabllis Mid IOcua .,...

"-•m." nu .... '*•' 11 .. '"°*'" ......... ,.

i---St. 1obn'a, July 11, 1908.

J :Pl!B MAll.K;ST.

F11h, large ml'robantable, per qt.L.$-1 60 Fi1b, 1mall merohan~ble .. ...... .... a g.1 Fifb, luge maderta, ••••................. s.80 ll'i1h, amA.ll lladerfr. ..................... 81i0 Flab, large West India .................. 8.60 Fi1h, a mall WtaL fodJa .................. 8.00 Fiall, !Abrador .................. 8 50 to s !JO FQh, Labl'Mlor,..b1>re curo ... ~.00 lo .JM Heuin~ per brl .. No. 1. . .............. :.: 00 Haddoc :.z.J>crq~l ........................... s~ Salmon, ~o l , 1A'1PI ptr lrQ •••••••••• 12.()(i Sal moo, No. 1, am•ll, per tro.. •....... 10.00 Loblllen, t. CNe,No.l, ifataM138U t.o 16.26 Cod Oil, per tun, b11rdwQod rikgw •• 68.0<

& l\wood 11kp ... '62.CO novmo.~s.

llanltoba tint paten LI .... .... 6 20 t.o G.60 Madhoba aeoond pa'4Jute •.•. 5.80 to 6 80 lrllnnrapoll1 pateoi. M•• ••••••• 6.oO to 6.81r KA!lllll palenll ........ - •...... .6 60 lo 6.84 Manitoba and Oo1ario. ........ 4 00 to 6.8(1 Wio~r wbtal-90 per cent .A.70 Lo 4.9() Pork, per brl, meee-•...•••. J .60 t.o 19.00 Butt Pork ........ "'··········qLo 19.00 P.irk, per brl, f&m. ~·· Lo 9800 Pork, bean ••••••• ~ .... ... .... 16 .&o 17.CO Bee!, per br'l. •••••• - ••.•.•• 16 Lo 17.60 llaip, per lb., O.nadlafi...... to 'D l!am, per lb., Bel( .. (. .• ;-• ._ 18 t.o 80 Ham, per lb., LipLoo'•······· 23 Baoon, per lb·-· .. ••••••••••• 15 to ~ ObetM, per lb-................ 18i to 20 BuLter, per lb., Cuaadi1n... e6 t.o 11· Oleo, per lb ....... - .... -..... • &o i2 MolaaMI, ID pan., per jal1 •. -'>.t I to 0.U 8upr~ll1b' bmwu, per;~ to UJ Saiar, pantd&&ed, per o .. 7 .$Ho 7 J50 ~. loef, per owt ..... ···- CiO Lo 10.(0 Bniad,~ bag, No. L ................. t.6<" !head, 1'lar baa, No. 2 ............. .,. .... 4.811 Potat.oee, P .E.L ...... ···-................ .2.20 PoLa~ Joc:aJ ••••••• \.,., •••• _., ......... 2 00 O.rrotl, .E 1 ................. ~ ........ \ ... 2..20 Bee&, per brl ................. ... .2.80 to • JO


J gr .jtmr~nr~ @fffrr YOU CAN HA~DONE



- ING, . SUCH AS -

PaJ11phlets · Posters · Card Bill heads

Order BQQJ{s '

Receipts Circulars

Society and Church Work Agreements Letterheads . Envelopes Calendars

€om1t1ercial • AND

General Jobbing. ·

Neat in Style,

Moderate in Price, Prompt Despatch.

I (!)~·

p ... , per brl., IOILOd ........ ,UQ II\ 6.10 Pua, per fbrl., rotuld .•.•••... 2 60 1<>:176 , Peas, {>er 6r1., apU~ ............ & 9<lto .,.1111 Pet.1, per j brl., apllL. .......... .s.oo to S.76 Poa1, gnen,per lb ....... ~ ................. ... CAlavancee, ]>('r Jb .... .... ............. a &o 81 Oalmeal, per bd ............. -120 t.o 7.60 Sal~. per bbd ........ - ......•••.• 1.0(J to 12"



T"BV are the Remedy thnt t he IM>unteous band of nnt urc h:i.s

provided for all dl1eas~s arl.slng from IMPURe BLOOD.

Mor .. a'c• .,.., • •lln earr rar n111-~ ., OlS!iElll!, Ul!.\O · ' 111.

Pills INDIQIQo"ftO,\, l I\ • It ()Olll'LAL'IT, It \ , 1·1.1•. 11£,. Bae., I'll<.

l'Oft U&.e eY 11'-L. 01/!Al.CRS

mE W : H. COMSTOCK CO .. ltd.

OU R MOTTO : "Best Quality! L:>west Prices!"

We have nil grad~ of Lumber in stock, and persons requiring material in tha t line are uked to inJpect them and obtain the prices.

On ha.nd-60,000 feet or 5.S Spruce, auitable for Fencing. The lot is offer· ed foe ooe month from date . at 90 cts. per 100 feet-cheap anCl Jood !~icing.

T o a,nv&-&" large shipment of all kinda oC Lumber. A1;1; AS DRY AS • SuoK&.

House-Finishings fot inside and out· aide work. All neatly finished. and 1opplied at 1>hort notice.

Send us your orde r•, and receive prompt attention, good material and lhe best prices.


Alden's Cyclop~dia. J'or 1110 chu~no aet.. IO D A l'fDY

TI>la., contalnln& aboo~ 2.f.,000 *'t~·prfnl· ed pt.gtlJ, (7}( x '3' x l}C In.,\ ... n nu111· erout tllolfrattons,, Aldon'• M nlfo ld CJcJo'J>edl• -Chamber•' lncomnarable worlt1 wlth &ddltlona ~ make It more •ollAol• tor American readera. Com· bin" the advantqea of a ftrt t·ra1e q:clopedla with thoae of a hlgh·ola .. prw101ou· rnV' dfetioll4ry. Ven• hlitl• \et!Umonla11. Yoo would n10 lbl1 tt•· tlmu to nerr once yon ,.ould n~e t h · more corubrou1 o.J'clopeltlu and dfr lfon· arlu. :-lo 11-ro ba1fnon or prolM• lonat m11.o, DO •mbhtou1 yooni; man, no homn otrcl• i:ao attord to do wllboo t 1 i:M d cyolope<llt. and dlo1lno1ry. M•1 be had on lhe lnttalmco t_el•n. App~· 10 VIOTORIA .tSOOK ~TORB.

• I

Member of tM Muaic 1radu' ~


. The· Oldest Established


ti;g.Nothing Shoddy kept

From the Best Manufa.cturen n tbe World. Leading Hutician.a are our Patrons. They abould know.

Write us.

Dr. Morse's Indian · Root Pills.

Dr. Morse"s Indian Root Pills.

Dr. Morse's I n<lian Root Pills.

~To Save Doctor's Bills, use Dr. Morie's laCllao Root Pills TH~ 9~8T YA"°'ILY l'fLL IH USE


Por .. "•1Jy.ito.a.n.

St. No. 3 M''>antaJo BatttrY, R G. A .. baa a pct that la ~nfed hlrblJ and 11 wtU cared for by tbe men. Thi\ ia Lofcl Roberta' old bone. KaaGahar, tbat eiace 1879 ha• been on tlae \triDdJl of l11e &ttery. K1DC1allar ...,.ltd'la 1876. t.akea oo tllt forai la 1879. aad waa retired la 1901. Tbe bone bu .eea acti•e eenfce lo ladl& 'aa4 i• entitled to wear tl11e Afpu War Medal. Kao· dabal' Star, OHl'~'P!'Oatier Medal, • .,, ~ Med&I; Loac and Dt ... tta.,.lillecl Benlce lledaL Laat MoftmbH Kudaliar marc~d 982 min from ~tta to Rawal Perdi with the battery. Be le left aowwilb tlle main; ac;, In ca111pe •lien the ~tter>'.pti oo a marcb, but I• a -.rliaDIJ . "11-ptteHYed aal•aJ. r

· Al a dlnner.dnn ht.W .. hinctoo In honor o( Aclmlral !Jiwey'a 14lY· enUeUa blrtbd&J \be ramoa1 eallor after drfnkUlg Crom a ln•lna cap Lbat belon1ed to Georae WaablD1· ton aaid : ~

"Tbl1 wine 11 1aperb. IL ia &!I 8ne in ft.e way u \b• lign \bat I once ¥W oYer an inn door in Oer· many. The 1l1n read :

"•Good beer 1old l;aen, bot dor1\ tab mr word for IL Bani Sob· warts. Prop." ---Pr.l(. and Mre H.Mlley were on a tr•ln boond tor New Yurk, where Yale'• well known pre'1den& wu to 11>9ak bef'ore a Da&lonal OOD...., &Ion. Be made aee or Lile hoar an4 20 mlnatel be epenL ht &be Luln b7 r:Jbeutln1 bl1 11*Qia ID a low Yolu, Ollnt b&. laancl.a to em pb..Sae·a.rtatn .,._....,.

A. klndl7 matroa "bo' ... llt· tina dltecU1 h.hlnd Mr . .net Ure. Hadley aod who bad been watch· Ing o.nd ll!ileolog, leaned forward and tapping M.re. Hadle1 on tbe •boulder, aald~ feelln:l1: •·Yoo ba'H m1 1iocere 17wpa&by, 0:.1 poor woman ;J,"n one joe& Uh him at home."


~t. l11don, P. Q., Ao;. l$. llllN, M Uf 4aD I L1•1K•l'rT ()Q;, LlllUHD,

O•irrt.Ul&lft::I hn1 fr.qlltnU.r ued l.UNARD'8 LINUl&NT ud a1jo pn­Klbe lttw~paUea'*-1•a71 with the moe& raU neulw and I coulder It lh• ft11& •roaocl Unlmeat utaat.

Y 0\UI I.rut\' DR JOS. AUG. 8IB018.


Orul pr011'U11 l1 blto1 mad1 wUh the Panama Cail.t wbloh wm be compl•ted lll 191'.

Dr. MorM"• lodlao 1'oot 'Piiia reai•• .U •tracuon, parlfy lh• hlo.>d aod Rift to lll• eklD &bat bMaWul olMr ADd beallhflll look eo 1r•U7 admired la a b1aa1Uul .aDd la&1Ui1 womao. d oertalll pertoctJ U1- ptll• are lodl• 1lbl• oompolon. Fri>m ooe &o Di •bould be tall.a each, anlJl relief .111 obtabMd. A few d- -&oD&llywtll k<Mp lh• q•tem eo heaUll.r, UCI lh• hloOd IO Pl!r•1 thu lb• dlaillHlcanno& .at.er the ooay. Dr. MOIH'• Jadin Root PW. are lokl b.r all m~ctn• deal· .,..

por::o aro oade ohort c~:L' or vtt!a 11 rellabJ.e. ;:_"\CftlziJ CTEVENS.

Cl,Fc.r Cran or Senl.c• --=!~ ST::ve~ r.1PLE8-

8llOTCHntS-P1STOL8 &NU:.&a~

~ mo:1 1: 1 QUAUTT LOW r.1 PR.IC!! •

c.u ....... ""-""' 1~ ........ t:lt:lnw­~fi ..

~-:.. ==­,_."'­~

J. STEVI:NS ARMS£,: TOOL CO. • l'. 0. D4X ')U.

Ch!c:opc1) Pc.lb , Lta:a.

Or;.., LlE!Ft R, t>ei:ltl•t.

"-'ol.lWflrt-4.a.Ml•lf Oppo•l&• T. ll'Ku1'o cl OQ11. abop W..tn&~, a JOBll'S. ·-

FOR 8ALE. One Caplin ~eine, Cast Nets,

l3oa' s Sairs, &c. 1 pair Side-Lights, Compasses,

Grapn~lls, 1 Patent Log. Also, Blocks and other Gear

for vessels of ·differe11t sizes . Apply to MRS. P. w ALSH,

Ofierbury, Riverhead, Harbor Grace. Jan. 'o8.

W.S. Gobdwin, D.0.S,~ Gradaate of PbUadele Deat&l Oollep &lld pltal of Oral Saqery ...... . lmmlanUou from .,. UolW 8\atee ...

to Oanmcfa buffalo l&.\tltd. Iiia 1taled Lha\.•••ry pu1101.,. &rain ti loadlcl Oflice ill reaideJace-Water Street, wllh laod .... bn. ~ aezt dooc to the Ballk. FRO\C REV. U.L.011.IU.NO'F OLO-

Vl:R, VT. Teeth utncted abeolate11 with· "I ban bMn ,....._ fol' •ffnl oot • paia by ~ of ritallaed air or

,._ •1&~,~~!!ial~87~~ perfect aaa.tbetlo.

~:raw:~~ M:,v-:;::; . G a;q 'A' R D I A N f::S~~,.re::ii!"t!:~· :0 oa!a~~ U,... srowld& w.Uer and -akar, uMI hear~ ' roar or WtlT.&.•'• li~u- or WiLo FIRE ANO LIFE Oa•••~&boa&e7ear1lnoeloomm1nc,d ualo& It with lmmdtat.e reU.i'. l& bu ~ ® ' not ODlJ' rMturld IDJ' IDDIP to allOODd -' ssnrance O' u 1tat.e hnl I am 111Llrel.r relle't'ed ol the dllnanlt.r or di..._•of tlie heart. l lane + 110 h"Ualloo tn HJID& that U t• the lr"......,...D] luo.1 medloloe before lb• pobUo ; aod ~... • I ChHrfllllJ' and ooo.aelently reoom· OF LONDON mend h to all 1>1r'll001 IUCf•rllll\ trom > • pnJmoau.r oomplal.o ... ,. •tk. llOo. and ~I pu bottla. Sold hJ dealen .1enara111;"and b.r T. Mcllatdo & Oo. 8(. John'L


Ooo of 011r popelar Ne• E.oglaod leo1oren tells tbl1 ma.eln1 ltory :

A etl'te\ boy of dlmlnulh• et.tore •&1 hying to aell 1ome Hry yoaog khLeo1 to puten by. One day be aoooeted the late Dr. Pbllllpa &rrke, uklo1t bim lo paroba .. a11d ncommendlog Uu1m u good Episcopalian klU.eoL Dr. Brooke laughingly rofueed, think­ing them loo email to be lskeo from \heir mother. A fe" day1 la,er a Preabytorlao mlnleter who bad whoeuad the epo Id• wa'J uked by the nme boy 1o buy the aame kltteo1. Tble time the lad announced lhat they wore fallful Paabyt.eriane.

" Dldo'l yoo tell Dr. Brooke lnt w11ek that \bev were Epoeolpal khtell.9?" the minuter uhd etern ly ,

'Yeulr.' rfplled tbe 'boy quickly bu\ l btJ'H bad th11lr eyH op11n elnee ~hen e1r! -.Kver1body'11'



Lord Cromer h:\s some very 1triking tbin(8 to a:iv about Gc:n­eral Gordon 1n bis handbook on Egypt.

"tfo one who b:is read General Gordon's " Journnl'a," with tbcir e1:traordinnry attacks on an the officials in Er;pt, eepeciall1 Lord Cromer-or Sir E•tlyn Barf llJ as be then wa.s--<an have avoaded wonderiog what Lord Cromer thought of GOrdoa," writu Tho London Daily Chronicle.. .. Mr. Gladstone as we all koow, was once asked the question, aud re­f~ to be drawa. All he woulcl 1ay wu that Ge11eral Gordo11 wu a ' hero of heroes.' So he un· doubtcdly 'Wu. But "6"croes arc often • kittlc cattle to cleal with' ; and General Gordon seems to have beca no exception. Lord Cromer does every credit to the loftiness of Gordon'e.motives, and the hero­ism of bis death. But be reveal1 by the process of simple narrative the difficulty be experienced in dealing- with a mno who changed his mind several times a dny, aod recorded \very' cbanre ia auccH­eiH te.J..,-amt."

' c M!Dl'I &REATEIT IUBIEBID. II 600,000

~P le Trees for sale for Spring Oellvery, 1906.

~bolceat Commerciel aad Domea· tic nriet:Jea. h•rdy and lllitable fM Ncwfouadlaod, In extra fine three and foar 7ear old lreca. S to 7 feet ia height. Well branched and rooted.

We Want An Agent for Barbor Grace aod Di1lrict to 1ell them aud ot.aer Fruit and Oroameo· tal Stock. Start now at be1t 1ell­lnr aeHoo. Write for T erm• aod C&talogue, and ICDd 2Sc for OUC Alu01ioum Pocket MicrolCOpe. and 80c.. for our Haad1 Saw, juet the tbinK.Jor trlmmtnr tree• ; cuta lro11 aa well a• wood •

STONE & WELLINGTON. Foat.bill Nar1erie._

(Ont' 800 acru.) TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA.



:rRlDA"Y', SBP'tm•BBB t,lla -----A FALSE CBARG&.

., .

Made to Look just Like New . .

Lalllil.,..BY USING,~

1 ·-nE.

-""'~ ...,.~ -~....,.._ .... ~~~ ~ .... ~


MO~ LOA"VEs-to the BARREL can be got b_J using the flour called OUR CHIEF .than any other. It is miUed from the finest wheat grown and in th• ~t upJb>dat~ mill in Canada. On account of the s~al method of milling, au«ercrs from in· cliges6'u di' those who find other ftoun hard. to digest, should insist on ea\iar mad made from this flour. ~b of bread made from this ftour iadiiatible. You have only to try it to beconrinc:ed of its superiority ovpr ot6er flours. ltt small or large bairS or barrels.



EXCURSION RETURN TICKETS ai ONE WAY FIRST-CLASS PAD will be issued at all stations between s~ lobn'a, Qarbonear, and !lacentia, inclusive. .Gobel to leave on all t.l'ains ol Saturday, Sep­temb~ 5th; Sunday,· SepMmiber 6th; and Monday, Sep-t.ember 7th. •

ReturiWJ:a, good ori · all Va1ns ~ to and including \llOM Qf TQe~, September ••

Reid Newfoundland Company.

Victoria lfoOk-Store. N~tl~ to Mariners! No. 12, 1908.

NEWFOUNDLA::-iD. ---Leading Tickles- Notre

Dame Bay.

Latitude 59° 30' 30" North. Loogitude 55° 24' 00" West.

N OTICE is hereby giveo lhat a circular iron tower bas been

erected at Leading Tickles, on tbt Port hnod en!eriog the Reach from the Eastward, from which an OccULTJNO Wmn LtORT showiog alternatelv 7 secoods Light aod 3 seconds "Dark, will be exhibited. The. light is dioptric, of.th~ 6th order; elen.tion, 83 feet from &ea level to focal {>lace. It should be visible at a distance of JO miles in all directions seaward.

'Jlhe tower is 18 feet high fro111 base to top 9f lantern,

A dwelllng--house and store nrc erected at a shod distance West of the tower. •

The tower is painted red autl white bo\izontal bands, two of each. Buildings are coloured white.

This light will be pqt in opera· tion early in Auil':st apd J11:iin· tained nnnually during the period of open navigation.

ELI DAWE, J.(("l•ter M orin'4f alkt P fa/le rir• .

Departm~olof Marino 11nd F b borfe1, 8~Jobo'a, Ne'trlooodlaod,

Joly :llllll, lll08.


SECOJD-H~ID BICYCLE5. A number of Ladies' and Gent':;

-.econd-hand Bicyclet. T. J. FREEMAN .