Welcome to the UNMJobs Department Approver Online Tutorial The University of New Mexico’s online...

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Transcript of Welcome to the UNMJobs Department Approver Online Tutorial The University of New Mexico’s online...

Welcome to the UNMJobsDepartment Approver Online Tutorial

The University of New Mexico’s online application system.

**To navigate through this tutorial click anywhere on the screen to advance slides**

This online tutorial will take you approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Created 11-24-2008

Tutorial ObjectivesAfter viewing this tutorial you will be able to:

•Understand how to review and approve UNMJobs:• Position/postings and Hiring Proposal information

•Understand what to consider prior to approving:• Position/posting and Hiring Proposal information

•Be aware of Approver ‘Action Status’ options

•Review the benefits of UNMJobs

•Review Browser and System recommendation

Created 11-24-2008

Systems Benefits

•Faster processing of position and employment information

•Up-to-date access to information regarding all of your postings

•More detailed screening of Applicant’s qualifications – prior to reaching the interview stage

Created 11-24-2008

Your Web Browser

The Employment Application System is designed to run on a web browser over the Internet.

System supports browsers:Netscape 4.7 and above Internet Explorer 4.0 and above Site requires Adobe Acrobat Reader

Created 11-24-2008

NavigationUse the navigational buttons within UNMJobs.

Do Not use the browser navigation buttons.

Using the browser’s “Back”, “Forward”, or “Refresh” buttons to navigate the site will cause unexpected results including:

• Loss of data• Being logged out of the system

Created 11-24-2008

Data Security

•UNMJobs will automatically log you out after 60 minutes if it detects no activity

•Anytime when leaving your computer, we strongly recommend you save any work in progress and logout of the system.

Created 11-24-2008

Getting Familiar with the System

The menu bar will allow you to view

• Job postings

• Position Descriptions and

• Administrative functions

Created 11-24-2008

Getting Familiar with the System

Before beginning any new action make sure you are logged in as a department approver.

You can download or view a Quick Reference Guide.

Created 11-24-2008

Searching for Pending Actions to Approve

To search for pending actions:Click on Pending Actions on the menu bar.

Locate the actionYou would like to approve and click under the Position Class title.

Created 11-24-2008

Scroll and review position posting information including:

• Working title• Preferred qualifications• Appointment Type• Department Contact Information• Index & Labor Distribution information• Posting Date• Required or Optional Applicant documents• Special Instruction to Applicant• Recruitment Tier• Posting Specific Questions• Posted Salary• Background Check• Posting Specific Questions• Ensure there are no disqualifying questions• Review comments for any special


Created 11-24-2008

Upon reviewing the information there are several Action Status options to chose: • Save = Save and approve at a later time

• Return Action to Submitter = return request to submitter with comments

Based on your Department Process, other options may include:• Submit Action to Employment Areas

• Submit Action to Dean/Director

• Submit Action to Dean/Director(Email IB/PC)

Click Continue

Click Confirm

Created 11-24-2008

Editing/Review of Position PostingTo review specific areas click ‘Edit’

Click on the various tabs to view information.• Comments can be added to the

Position Posting by clicking on the ‘Comments’ tab.

Created 11-24-2008

To approve hiring proposals, begin by clicking on Search Hiring Proposals on the menu bar.

Approving a Hiring Proposal

Search for hiring proposals submitted to theDepartment approver by clicking in the box

Next click on the search button on theBottom of the page

You will now see the hiring proposals that you will need to approve. Click on under the proposal to view the details.

Created 11-24-2008

You can view the proposal by scrolling down the page.

If the proposal information is OK , route to the appropriate Action Status routing area.

Created 11-24-2008

If changes need to be made you can click on to view each page individually.

View each page of the hiring proposal by clicking on each tab.

If changes need to be made enter your comments on the HP comments page and return to the submitter

Click : Continue

Click: Confirm.

Created 11-24-2008