Website Design Part 1 | Research

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Transcript of Website Design Part 1 | Research

Name : Muhammad Raydi Koto Cham Student ID : 1131121234

Project Title : Web Design Final Project Research

Subject : Web Design

Subject Code : MAD2053 – OCT 2014

Date of submission : 20 November 2014

Advertising Campaign WebsitePromotional Websites and Microsites

Promotional Websites and Microsites

5 brilliant microsites and why they’re so effectiveTaken from: Luke Clum

A microsite has the power to highlight a product, launch a promotion, or augment a marketing campaign in a way that full websites or more traditional marketing cannot. The single or small collection of pages these sites consist of is meant to engage user interaction while conveying in-formation in a creative way. Microsites are separate from a company’s full website and are dedi-cated to serving one purpose - thus eliminating the clutter and distractions that come with a full website.

When should you create one?If you’re looking to promote a specific campaign, then a microsite is a great solution. A microsite - being separate from your brand’s website - can use different forms of branding to reach new tar-get audiences. It can generate new leads for your business and create interest in your brand and website.

The first step in determining whether a microsite will give value to your brand is to evaluate your marketing needs. A microsite is a perfect solution for establishing an exclusive space for users to interact with your campaign or product. Instead of offering many navigational options like a full website, it drives users to one specific purpose or goal.

What makes a microsite successful?There are certain characteristics that result in an effective microsite.

01. A focused topicSince the many options of a full website are removed from a microsite, it has room to give in-depth information and focus on one topic or product. If users click on your microsite, they are likely to be interested in its content, so it’s important to offer them quality information on that particular subject. Staying focused makes for an effective message and prevents confusion.

02. Quality informationWhen designing a microsite, consider the goal you are trying to achieve. You might want to bring awareness to a particular subject and create a call to action, get users to make a purchase, or launch a marketing campaign that ultimately drives users to convert by interacting with the brand.

Once your goal is established, tailor your information to be concise and intentional in achieving that goal. Users should be able to instantly understand the purpose of your microsite, as well as gain useful information from it. Information is really what drives a good microsite, because it en-ables the site to accomplish its single purpose.

03. Creative design and engaging user interactionA microsite is an excellent way to branch out from the design of your main site and show off your style and skills. It might portray your brand in a new light - one that connects more closely to us-ers and makes a creative impact on them. And beyond the aesthetic design, an easy and engaging interaction will make the experience more enjoyable and beneficial for your users.

As you can see, there are endless possibilities for your microsite’s design, style, content, and message. That’s the beauty of these websites: because they’re separate from larger more cum-bersome brand sites, they remain flexible and focused. However, in order to have a successful microsite be sure to:

• Identify your target audience for this specific product or campaign• Limit the site to one, very specific topic• Include plenty of high quality, relevant information on that topic• Use a creative design and craft an excellent user experience

Promotional Websites and Microsites

5 Advantages Of Building A MicrositeTaken from:

Recently it has become common in online marketing, especially in B2C online marketing, to build microsites for specific products. More and more companies are embracing this practice because a good argument can be made for why you should build a microsite. When you are considering building a microsite for yourself, consider these 5 advantages:

1. Search Engine Optimization BenefitsMany marketers build microsites for the SEO value. A microsite can be very targeted around a specific service or offering. This can help significantly boost rankings in search because search engines will understand exactly what your site and content is about. Another way microsites can boost URLs is through keyword rich URLs. If a website has a keyword as its URL, it will often get a rankings boost for that specific keyword.

2. Keep Visitors Focused on a Specific Topic/AreaThere are some campaigns where marketers want web visitors to be focused on a specific service offering or conversion task. Think along the lines of a pay per click (PPC) campaign or a social media promotion effort.

For those types of campaigns, marketers have very specific actions they want visitors to take – such as downloading a specific book or filling out a form to request a proposal. Sometimes a landing page (a specific page set up for the conversion action) can be enough to accomplish these goals. However, if you expect web visitors to be interested in educational content before taking the action, it makes sense to set up a focused site for them to do that.

By setting up a focused microsite, you will ensure that web visitors are focused on only the piece of content or service you think they would be interested in signing up for.

3. Creative FreedomMicrosites can give companies that have standard brands and design elements a chance to show a little more of their culture and creativity. Since your microsite isn’t a part of your actual website, you can use it to create something that will stand out and be more appealing.

4. RecruitingFor some companies, a microsite is built to help recruiting. The reasons for this are tied to the reasons above, specifically reasons 2 and 3. Recruits want to see your culture and learn what your firm is like. A microsite is an ideal channel to focus on those two things.

From a marketer’s perspective, it is also great to keep recruits on a site that is focused solely on them. You know that they will be reading the right information and will have no trouble finding what they are looking for.

5. Appealing to a new AudienceWhen a company decides to market to a new segment or group of people, it is important to make sure the new segment receives the right messaging. Building this messaging into an existing site can get quite confusing for the company’s other audiences. For this reason, companies may opt to build a microsite that will incorporate the new messaging. Visitors in the new audience will be passed to the microsite instead of the main website. This allows the message on both sites to be clear and targeted for a specific audience.

Find more information about microsites

Microsite strategy infographic flow chart

Runbetter from Newton

Running shoes

Runbetter is a website from a shoes manufacturer Newton. The main purpose from this website is to introduce a new shoes. From their technology aspect to the customer testimonial.

1. Availability and AccessibilityServer uptimeThe website fully uploaded in under 10 second with an average 20mb/s internet connection.

Broken LinksThere are no broken links in this website

Mobile ResponsivenessIt has a great UX mobile responsiveness and easy to navigate/understand.

2. Clarity SimplicityIt has a great layout simple design.

FamiliarityButton and typography are kept the same same to create a repetation.

ConsistencyEverything are design in the same format to have the consistency on the website.

GuidanceEasy to navigate throughout the website page.

Direct FeedbackThere’s a “share your stories” directly link to a social media Facebook. A link to the main Newton website are also available.

Good Information ArchitectureEvery information are awesomely design and structured.

3. LearnabilityOverall of the website is using the latest web design trend. The layout of individual webpage are easy to understand. Navigation bar are located on the right side of the page with an icon, not all customer are familiar with icons. The use of san serif font in this website made it more clear and clean to the design. All of the graphics are well choosen for the website.

4. CredibilityDue to the great user experience, usability and functionality. The runbetter website is trustworthy and might already create a bond of trust to their new customer by giving out all the information about the new shoes, from the design to the new technology that they applied to the new shoes.

5. RelevancyAll of the content of the runbetter website from Newton shoes are all relevant and convincing for their new customer.

Reebokwork from Reebok

Work shoes

Reebokwork is a website from a shoes manufacturer Reebok. The main purpose from this website is to introduce all the boots and other type of working shoes to their customer.

1. Availability and AccessibilityServer uptimeThe website fully uploaded in under 10 second with an average 20mb/s internet connection.

Broken LinksThere are no broken links in this website

Mobile ResponsivenessIt has a great UX mobile responsiveness and easy to navigate/understand.

2. Clarity SimplicityIt has a great parallax and a good layout design.

FamiliarityButton and typography are kept the same same to create a repetation.

ConsistencyEverything are design in the same format to have the consistency on the website.

GuidanceEasy to navigate throughout the website page.

Direct FeedbackContact button can be found easily, which lead the user to an email form page.

Good Information ArchitectureEvery information are awesomely design and structured.

3. LearnabilityOverall of the website is using the latest web design trend. The parallax design created an infor-mation display at one scroll. The website is easy to navigate and to understand. With the shoes are organize in various category, made the user much more easier to receieve the information they needed

4. CredibilityDue to the great user experience, usability and functionality. The reebokwork website is trust-worthy and might already create a bond of trust to their new customer by giving out all the infor-mation about the new shoes, from the design to the new technology that they applied to the new shoes.

5. RelevancyAll of the content of the reebokwork website from reebok shoes are all relevant and convincing for their new customer.

Transitions from Nokia


Transition is a website from a phone manufacturer Nokia. The main purpose from this website is to introduce the phone Nokia Lumia 1020.

1. Availability and AccessibilityServer uptimeThe website fully uploaded in under 10 second with an average 20mb/s internet connection.

Broken LinksThere are no broken links in this website

Mobile ResponsivenessIt has a great UX mobile responsiveness and easy to navigate/understand.

2. Clarity SimplicityIt has a great layout simple design with an awesome photographs and video.

FamiliarityButton and typography are kept the same same to create a repetation.

ConsistencyEverything are design in the same format to have the consistency on the website.

GuidanceEasy to navigate throughout the website page.

Direct FeedbackThere are share button, where it can lead to facebook and twitter.

Good Information ArchitectureEvery information are awesomely design and structured.

3. LearnabilityOverall of the website is using the latest web design trend. The use of fullscreen video on the background created a closer feeling to the place/location of the sites. The website is easy to navi-gate and to understand. The user can sense and almost feel the situation of the place on the indi-vidual page due to the high quality picuture, video and copy write.

4. CredibilityDue to the great user experience, usability and functionality. The transition website from Nokia is trustworthy and might already create a bond of trust to their new customer by giving sample of photographs and videos that were taken by the phone itself.

5. RelevancyAll of the content of the transition website from nokia are all relevant and convincing for their new customer.

WTF! Food Porn Index Bolthouse Farms


Food Porn Index is a website from Bolthouse Farms. The main purpose from this website is to share healthy life style by counting how many #FoorPorn hastag and track the various foods in daily basis.

1. Availability and AccessibilityServer uptimeThe website fully uploaded in under 10 second with an average 20mb/s internet connection.

Broken LinksThere are no broken links in this website

Mobile ResponsivenessIt has a great UX mobile responsiveness and easy to navigate/understand.

2. Clarity SimplicityIt has a great layout simple design with an awesome photographs and color scheme.

FamiliarityButton and typography are kept the same same to create a repetation.

ConsistencyEverything are design in the same format to have the consistency on the website.

GuidanceEasy to navigate throughout the website page.

Direct FeedbackThere are share button, where it can lead to facebook and twitter.

Good Information ArchitectureEvery information are awesomely design and structured.

3. LearnabilityOverall of the website is using the latest web design trend. It’s an interesting format type of index collecting website. The goal from this website to create an awareness about healthy food. To post and share that there are various type of healthy.

4. CredibilityDue to the great user experience, usability and functionality. The Food Porn Index from Bolthouse Farms is trustworthy and very informational, therefore the visitor can use the facts/number col-lected form the website.

5. RelevancyAll of the content of The Food Porn Index website from Bolthouse Farms are all relevant and con-vincing for their new customer.

Ben The Bodyguard from Nerd Communications


Ben The Bodyguard is a website from a phone security company, Nerd Communication. The main purpose from this website is to introduce on what the phone security company can provide.

1. Availability and AccessibilityServer uptimeThe website fully uploaded in under 10 second with an average 20mb/s internet connection.

Broken LinksThere are no broken links in this website

Mobile ResponsivenessIt has a great UX mobile responsiveness and easy to navigate/understand.

2. Clarity SimplicityIt has a great parallax and a good layout design.

FamiliarityButton and typography are kept the same same to create a repetation.

ConsistencyEverything are design in the same format to have the consistency on the website.

GuidanceEasy to navigate throughout the website page.

Direct FeedbackAn email subscribe button can be found at the very bottom of the page.

Good Information ArchitectureEvery information are awesomely design and structured.

3. LearnabilityOverall of the website is using the latest web design trend. The illustration graphic and anima-tion made the website more interesing. The parallax design created an information display at one scroll. The website is easy to navigate and to understand. With each category explain in detail, customer know what will the get if they purchase the product. It also has a good interactivity with the user due to the animation that the website provide.

4. CredibilityDue to the great user experience, usability and functionality. The Ben The Bodyguard website is trustworthy and might already create a bond of trust to their new customer by giving out all the information about the product service.

5. RelevancyAll of the content of the Ben The Bodyguard website from Nerd Communications are all relevant and convincing for their new customer.