· Web viewThis is thanks to Dublin’s...

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- 1 - -Середа Татьяна. Константиновна

Урок страноведения-“In Dublin’s fairy city”(проведен совместно со студентами РГФ, учившимися в Дублине)Продолжительность урока 80-90 мин.

Цель урока: формирование обобщенных знаний по теме: «English-speaking countries”

Образовательный компонент цели: расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся, приобретение социокультурных знаний об Ирландии.

Развивающий компонент цели: развитие языковых способностей учащихся, умения самостоятельно работать, творческого мышления, готовности к коммуникации.

Воспитательный компонент цели: создание условий для формирования у учащихся уважения и интереса к культуре и народу других стран, поддержание интереса к учению.

Практический компонент цели: развитие и совершенствование навыков различных видов чтения с обращением внимания на смысловые связи и контекстуальную догадку; формирование и совершенствование лексических навыков говорения и расширение словарного запаса учащихся по теме; развитие навыков восприятия речи на слух; совершенствование грамматических навыков речи (prepositions of place, asking for and giving directions)

Методы обучения:Коммуникативный метод с использованием индивидуальной, парной

или групповой работы учащихся;Личностно-ориентированный подход;Эмоционально-деятельный подход.

Оборудование: презентация к уроку; раздаточный материал: разговорные фразы; грамматические таблицы с предлогами места; таблицы с разговорными клише; дополнительный материал на слайдах: слова для усвоения,

вопросы и проч. Карта Дублина и Ирландии

Ход урока:1.Начало урока: Good morning, my friends! Nice to see you again. I hope,

you are fine. How are you? I see you are ready to start our lesson. 2.Орг. момент3.Речевая зарядка Well, kids. We are going to speak about a very

interesting country-Ireland and Dublin in particular. What do you think first when you think of Ireland?

4.Introduction: (вступительное слово учителя - в форме ознакомительной лекции сопровождаемой презентацией)

Ireland is situated on the western edge of Europe.

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It is an island of great beauty with rugged mountains, blue lakes, ancient castles, long sandy beaches and picturesque harbours. The climate is mild and temperate throughout the year.

Over the past two decades, Ireland has become one of the top destinations for English language learning – more than 100,000 visitors come to Ireland every year to study English. This is thanks to Dublin’s defining characteristics of bestowing a warm

friendly welcome to overseas visitors, their international literary reputation and the fastest growing economy in Europe. One quarter of Ireland’s population is under 25 years of age and Dublin acts as a magnet for young people looking for quality education. It has a population of 1.5 million and is famous for its lively friendly atmosphere and vibrant social and cultural life. Ireland enjoys one of the cleanest environments in Europe. Its unspoilt countryside provides an excellent setting for leisure pursuits such as hiking, cycling, golfing and horse-riding.

The Irish are relaxed, friendly, spontaneous, hospitable and have a great love of conversation. You will never be lonely in Dublin… it’s just not allowed. So there is no better way of learning a language than to learn it in the country where it is spoken.

Dublin Dublin sits in a vast natural harbour. It is

bisected by the River Liffey which flows through the city and out into Dublin Bay. Such a sheltered harbour would have appealed to the first settlers 5,000 years ago and traces of their culture have been found scattered around Dublin and its coast. But it was not until the Vikings came sailing down the coast in the mid 9-th century that Dublin became an important town. Next to arrive were the Anglo-Norman adventurers. This was the beginning of the long process of colonisation that would dictate the terms of Ireland’s development over the next seven hundred years. The Anglo-Normans replaced the Viking town of Dublin with a medieval walled city. To prevent the Anglo-Normans growing too independent of the English crown, Henry II

established a court in Dublin and the city became the centre in Ireland.

By the 18-th century the city was booming. A period of relative stability and, consequently, prosperity set in.

After 1800 and the Act of Union, which dissolved the Irish parliament, Dublin fell on hard times. Many of the Protestant Anglo-Irish ruling class left for London. The Georgian splendour they left

behind decayed.

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The fight for independence and a Civil War in 1922 took their toll on Dublin’s streets, and many important buildings were scarred by fighting.

In the late 1980s a new awareness of the city’s architectural strengths appeared alongside a period of economic growth, and an effort to restore rather than demolish Dublin’s Georgian heritage has since been made.

The Dublin Bay that attracted successive waves of invaders is difficult to discern now under the commercial and sustain a population of over one million people. Dublin city is changing fast and the speed of that change is partly fuelled by its youthful population-over 50 percent are under the age of twenty-five and that makes the city come alive. Today Dublin is a city full of charm with a vigorous cultural life, small enough

to be friendly, yet cosmopolitan in outlook. This is the culture where the heritage of ancient days brings past and present together.

Dublin in the new millennium is a city on the rise and rise. Business in many sectors is booming. This new face of the Irish capital stems mainly from the stunning economic success of the country in recent years, which has managed to combine extensive funding from the EU with sound financial acumen to stimulate high levels of growth. Key industries include electronics, teleservices, retail and tourism. The economic boom has also had negative implications. Prices have increased

dramatically and, although long-term unemployment figures have steadily decreased in recent years, the capital is struggling to come to terms with the recent influx of immigrants and asylum seekers, who have imported cultures often at odds with Dublin’s own lifestyle. Despite all these recent changes, essentially the city and its people have remained the same.

But things have not always been so rosy for this thousand-year-old city on the East coast of Ireland. For much of the first half of the 20th century, strife and unrest tore Dublin apart as it was involved in a messy and violent divorce from Britain. Despite ongoing attempts to find a lasting peace settlement, the religious and political troubles further north still dominate Irish politics.

More than any other European country Ireland is a place where the line between legend and fact remains pleasantly blurred and nowhere else in Ireland is this more true than Dublin. Dublin’s legendary status has been confirmed through history by the unprecedented number of great writers who have lived and worked in there: Joyce, Becket, Wilde, Yeats and Doyle to name just a few – their endorsements alone have guaranteed the myths will continue. Dublin is, of course, renowned as a city of writers. At the Dublin Writers’ Museum you can discover more about the three Dublin-born Irish winners of the Nobel Prize for Literature,

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WB Yeats, Samuel Beckett and George Bernard Shaw, among many other literary greats.

Dublin is also proud of its rich theatrical tradition and boasts many theatres. Music lies at the soul of the city from large venues such as The National Concert Hall to the more intimate pub scene; Irish traditional music has experienced a huge revival and can be heard in some pubs in the evening. Dublin’s rock and modern music scene has always been alive with new and upcoming bands, and in recent years the city has nurtured such worldwide talents as U2 and The Frames.

The National Gallery on Merrion Square is the Home to the famous Caravaggio painting, “The Taking of Christ”. The gallery also houses works by

many Irish artists. In general cultural life of Dublin is very

rich and you can enjoy visiting different museums, art galleries and exhibitions.

But for those looking for peace and quiet there are two public parks in the centre of the city: St Stephen’s Green and Merrion Square. In Merrion Square the intriguing, multi-coloured statue of Oscar Wilde looks across to the house where he grew up. The large Phoenix Park in the

north-west of the city is home to Dublin’s Zoo with its wonderful African Plains. To enjoy the River Liffey, and some of the city’s finest buildings, you can take a stroll along the boardwalk.

When it comes to leisure, everything is possible in Dublin and it all depends what your interests are. The city centre has several great shopping areas depending on your budget as well as numerous parks and green areas for relaxing in.  As most people know, Dublin has a vibrant pub and restaurant life and there is always music and laughter to be had at anytime of the day or night. Dublin city is full of historical monuments, buildings, churches and cathedrals and is a city steeped in history.

One of the great features of Dublin is that it is extremely easy to leave the city and venture out into the countryside for fresh air, walks and a slower pace of life. The city centre is also on the coast and has many small coastal towns nearby for those afternoon excursions. Dublin is also a sports mad city and whether you are

playing or watching, it has everything for the sports enthusiast. You will always remember this colourful city in every sense of its word. The city is famous by the friendly, welcoming atmosphere. More than most it is a people’s City where conversation is an art form and story telling a way of life. What else do you need to brush up your English?

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Reading (слайд 1-2 -3)Wordlist:Bank bus station collage hospital law courts library parliament pub

railway station river square town hall traditional conversation jokes old-fashioned welcome private charm modern beautiful local famous thirsty lively literary sophisticated elegant left-wing

Listening (диалог. Слайд 4)Task - Listen to the guide explaining the route of the tour. Put the names of

the streets in order in which they appear in the tour.

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Grammar –prepositions of place. Asking for and giving durations. (Записи на доске)

How do I get to….?Go down/along…Cross over…It’s on the left/right…Take the fist/second turning on the left/right Go straight ahead/on…Go to the end of…Turn left/right into…It’s at the crossroads

Закрепление пройденного грамматического и лексического материалаTask1- Look at the map of Dublin again (слайд1) and complete the

sentences with the following prepositions In next to between behind The Irish Parliament is…Marrion Street,…National Museum.Mansion House is…Dawson Street and Kildare Street.Marrion Square is…the National Gallery.Kildare Streetis…St Stephen’s Green and Nassau Street.The National Galleryis…the National Library.Task 2 – Complete directions for this tour with the words in the list. Use the

map to help you.- (слайд 5-6 -7)

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Speaking(работа в парах) Task- Make up the dialogs using the prepositions of place. Look at the map.

You are standing in Radcliffe Square and you want to go to the Randolph Hotel. Ask a passer-by to help you. Writing-(слайд 8)

Домашнее задание - с целью развития монологической речи подготовить сообщение “My impressions of Dublin”, используя информацию из электронной энциклопедии Encarta.

Выставление оценок. Рефлексия.What did you like and dislike about the lesson? Use the following


- 8 - -Середа Татьяна. КонстантиновнаIf you ask me...– It just occurred to me…– Generally speaking...– Strictly speaking...– That depends on...– I want to press the point that...– On the one hand...– On the other hand...– As far as I am able to judge...– From my point of view...– To sum it all up...– All things considered...– On the whole...– To be brief/ In a short word...– If I am not mistaken...– If I remember rightly...– If my memory serves me rightly...– As far as I know...– There is no doubt...– It is quite obvious/ evident...– It goes without saying...– It is common knowledge that...– In my opinion...– It seems to me...– To tell the truth...– As for me...– To begin with...