· Web viewSilver (amalgam) fillings contain 50% mercury, which vaporizes and crosses into your...

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Cellular and Heavy Metal Detox Done RightProducts here: https://www.revelationhealth.com/home.php

A decade ago it was only the “health nuts” that were interested in heavy metal detox and cleansing, but with volumes of research linking a multitude of diseases to toxins, detox has now become a household word. Unfortunately, most cleanses and detox products are like the street cleaners you see moving slowly along the street with their big rotating brushes and high-powered vacuums. It looks impressive until you realize that it is only moving dirt and debris to another part of the street. Your next thought is, “This is what my tax dollars are paying for?” The truth is your money is no better spent on the heavy metal cleanse you bought from a local health food store or even your health practitioner. Most of these detox products do nothing, and at best, or worst, simply move the toxins from one place to another in the body. When the dirt and debris gets moved around the street and not cleaned-up, it is definitely not a dangerous situation, but it most definitely is dangerous when this is occurring in our bodies.

In many past articles and videos, I discuss what I call, “True Cellular Detox”, as well as my 5R’s of Cellular Healing and Detox as a road map and a “how to” for real detox:

R1 – Removing the Source R2 – Regenerating the Cell Membrane R3 – Restoring Cellular Energy R4 – Reducing Cellular Inflammation R5 – Reestablishing Methylation


In this particular article, I do not feel the need to restate the importance of  True Cellular Detox and my 5R’s, but take detox to another level, and be detox specific to one type of toxin. Certain types of toxins, such as heavy metals, are so difficult to remove from the body that they need to be detoxed much differently than other toxins. My biggest pet peeve in natural heath is how most doctors go about the detox of heavy metals.

The fact is both alternative and allopathic doctors do heavy metal detox wrong, which is why most heavy metal detox is ineffective and dangerous.As all detox goes, heavy metal detox can be the most dangerous detox of all. Done correctly, it can be the safest and most rewarding of all. I have watched more people get their lives back from what was considered an unexplainable or irreversible illness with the correct heavy metal detoxification protocol than any other single alternative solution.

How My Life Changed ForeverThis is how my life changed. As a matter of fact, the only reason I am so passionate about this topic or have any authority on the topic of heavy metal detox is that I lived it. I have heard some people say you should only go to doctors who have been through what you are going through and perhaps there is some truth to that. I could never understand what I know if I went to school for 8 more years (and I did). This level of certainty and knowledge can only come from suffering.

I had many silver fillings in my mouth from the time I was young. Due to some needed dental work, I had two of them drilled out (about 6 still remained) and gold fillings were put in their place. Even at that time in my life I knew silver fillings were considered harmful to the body and gold was considered a better choice, but there was a lot more that I was about to learn. After the fillings were replaced, I became very sick. Unfortunately, it took me three to four years of misery to figure out it was related to the fillings. Silver (amalgam) fillings contain 50% mercury, which vaporizes and crosses into your brain where it bio-accumulates over time.

Studies like the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) amalgam study show that the number of fillings in your mouth is proportional to how much mercury is in your brain1. The studies indicate that the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, located in the brain, bio-accumulate most of the mercury and are significantly impacted by this highly toxic heavy metal. The hypothalamus and pituitary are the master glands that control ALL of our hormones and endocrine glands, like our thyroid and adrenals. Therefore when the


control tower is impacted by mercury toxicity, a dramatic cascading affect is observed in the entire hormonal system causing hormone dysregulation. When our hormones are not speaking clearly to our body it affects our sex drive, fertility, how we feel, sleep, think, adapt to stress, our energy levels and even weight loss or gain.

Tragic to Catastrophic: Galvanism and Mouth MetalsRemoving my two mercury amalgam fillings was a tragic decision that changed my life forever.  However, replacing them with gold fillings while having mercury amalgam in my mouth is what I believe to be catastrophic.

When I, like many others before me, placed gold fillings in my mouth, it set up what is described as a galvanic reaction (electrical current).  The electrical current generated under these circumstances causes mercury in remaining amalgam fillings to leach out at an alarming rate that would far exceed any Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) water or air quality limits several times over.  I had four remaining fillings in my mouth.  This unknowingly bad decision set up the perfect storm in my mouth for heavy metal poisoning that sent shock waves of both financial and emotional challenges.  I thought gold fillings where the best alternative but no one told me about galvanism.

Studies show that a galvanic reaction can cause the mercury to come out of the fillings 10 times faster than normal2. Mercury amalgam fillings combined with any other metal in the mouth such as crown, bridge, or retainer will also lead to galvanism and an increase in mercury bioaccumulation; especially in the brain. The electrical current alone causes many unexplainable symptoms like anxiety and brain fog. I had all of that occurring and much more. I had symptoms of a thyroid problem but my blood work was always normal. All of my other blood work was also normal, which was quite frustrating.  Sound familiar? Many of the clients I coach back to health can relate to the hopeless feeling and dread of not knowing the cause.  I so badly wanted to find something wrong because then I could fix it.

My fatigue was very debilitating and it became difficult to work or engage in any normal life activities whatsoever. The worst part was as fatigued as I was during the day, I could not sleep at night. I would typically wake up around 3:00 or 4:00 AM and not be able to get back to sleep. It became worse than just not sleeping. I would wake up with a feeling of dread. I recall my wife asking me what I felt like as she saw me in a fetal position crying. All I could either say or explain was that I just felt like I had to cry. It was a feeling of dread that made me not want to live, and believe me, I didn’t at times. At the time, I felt I rather would have died than go on living like that.  My greatest fear was living the rest of my life as I was; I had no fear of dying, which would be easy for me in those dark times.  I know it doesn’t sound too manly or “faith filled”, but this is honestly who I had become while suffering from mercury poisoning. Thank God the feeling of dread was transient and would mostly come at night.  There were many other times that I would be having what I consider a “good day”, and then out of nowhere, I would get a feeling of debilitating anxiety. I recall the fear of anticipating what was coming next and when. I didn’t have to think of things to worry about, the feeling just came over me.

There were other moments that I was filled with such rage and anger that I feared for my family. A feeling of extreme irritability would emanate from inside of me.  A crying baby, a loud noise or even an action movie would make it worse. As a matter of fact, I couldn’t even go to a movie theater because the loud sounds and excitement would cause a feeling of nervousness and anxiety. This also included the stress involved with watching a football game.  My body – more  specifically my endocrine system and hormones – could not adapt to otherwise enjoyable excitement or stressors.

Almost overnight, I became someone I didn’t know, and worse yet, someone my wife and family didn’t know. I can say it may have been harder on my wife than myself; or equally difficult, but in a different way. It’s obvious I could not adapt to any stress whatsoever; emotional or physical. Before I got sick, I was riding my road bike 200+ miles a week and in the best shape of my life. Now if I would walk down the street, I would be left fatigued and wiped out for days. My sleep and anxiety would become worse from the smallest of efforts or stress. I recall a friend saying, “You should just push through it,” as if that’s what he would do. Yeah, right! Don’t you just love the advice from others at times? Especially those you expect to understand the most.

As you might imagine, I fell into a deep depression.  I didn’t want to be around people, and nor could I, because I started to notice that I would react to fragrances such as perfumes and fabric softeners. If it wasn’t certain chemicals causing bizarre symptoms like brain fog, dizziness, headaches, tingling, twitching or irritability, everything I ate now caused discomfort and symptoms. I became intolerant to most foods. I would get bloated after some or develop constipation or diarrhea with others. After eating almost any food at all, I would be wiped out and more symptomatic. As hard as I tried, I could not figure it out. I thought it


was this food or that however, at one point I realized that food avoidance wasn’t the answer.  There had to be something causing it all.

Your Adrenals and Thyroid Are NOT Far Enough Up-Stream to Regain HealthI knew it was something up-stream that was the problem. My inability to sleep, adapt to stress and control my body temperature gave me a clue that my endocrine system was at least a part of the problem. The thyroid and the adrenal glands make up a major part of the endocrine system, however, it’s the pituitary and hypothalamus, as we mentioned, in the center of your brain that control it all. I knew there was a problem in this part of my brain; I just didn’t know what the problem was. The frustrating part was that any time I tried to treat any of these endocrine glands, I would get worse, or it would help certain symptoms and then create new ones.  For example, if I supported my adrenals or thyroid gland I would have more energy, but I would have more anxiety and sleep worse. Even when I would address the hypothalamus and pituitary (where I knew the problem was) I would get worse, not better. I knew there was still something even further up-stream affecting this part of my brain.

Mad as a Hatter? The Wrong Mercury and Heavy Metal Test That So Many TakeIn my hours of research when my brain was connected to reality, I came across Mad Hatters Disease and realized I was in fact “mad as a hatter”. I had almost every symptom for this historical disease. The term became popular because people who made felt hats, starting in the mid 1800’s, became insane with a classic set of symptoms; most of which I had. As it turned out, they all had mercury poisoning. Mercury was used to keep down the mold population that would infiltrate and ruin the felt hats; consequently, the “mad hatters” were being exposed to mercury every single day, which lead to their symptoms and ultimately, their death. This was a more acute (short term) form of mercury toxicity unlike mine, which was a chronic (long term) form from my amalgam fillings. Nonetheless, the symptoms were so similar that I went to get a blood test. To my disappointment the test was negative. I was devastated because I thought I had FINALLY found the answer. I knew there was a cause and I wasn’t ever going to stop looking for what it was. A life of medication covering up my symptoms as if I were just a mad man was not an option I would ever consider. Believe me, many doctors wanted to put me on medications insinuating it was “all in my head.”  They were correct about one thing; the problem was in my head, but it was the mercury amalgam fillings, leaching neurotoxins into my body and brain, causing the problem, not my sanity.

At this point, I was still unaware that it was in fact the fillings in my teeth that were leaching mercury into my brain (most of which was going right into my hypothalamus and pituitary). I started to ask my wife if perhaps I was just crazy. She reminded me of who I was, who God made me and brought me back to my core belief that something had in fact CAUSED this.

God Had Answered My Prayers Through an Insightful EndocrinologistIt wasn’t until about a year later that through my research that I had made friends with a very bright endocrinologist who one day said, “Dan, I think you have mercury poisoning.” I told him I thought so too and that I had been tested a year ago and the results were negative. He asked me what test I did and I explained it was a blood test. He emphatically told me that I had done the wrong test! He told me that a blood test would only be positive if the mercury poisoning was acute.  An example of an acute exposure would typically be found in an industrial accident or spill releasing high levels of mercury that is breathed or ingested.  He stated that I most likely had chronic mercury toxicity. He told me the exact test I needed to run and how to prepare for it.  I ran the test immediately and sure enough; I was off the charts toxic in mercury. My next question was where he thought it came from. He asked if I had any dental work done around the time I got sick. I found my cycling journal where I recorded all of my training and documented how I was feeling.  I discovered that the date I got the gold filling in and the two amalgams out was two days before my symptoms began! God had answered my prayers. It was a long three to four years of suffering, but at least I could work toward regaining my life again.  I felt empowered with a new hope for the first time in years.

It wasn’t until I researched how to get the rest of the fillings out of my mouth correctly and the mercury out of my brain that I was able to get my life back. It is very important to realize that I would have never recovered fully if I didn’t get the source removed correctly. This is true for anyone who is struggling to regain health. I am continuously reminding the doctors whom I teach and coach that if a patient is not fully


recovering, there is a stressor that has been missed up-stream. Most of the time it is a neurotoxic source such as mold, a Lyme infection, root canal, cavitation from a previously extracted tooth or a hidden amalgam filling under a crown. If any of these major stressors remain, you will never FULLY recover despite the perfect diet and health regime. Whatever you do, PLEASE do not start drilling out fillings or removing root canals. There is a safe and proper protocol that we utilize that works so you do not become worse, but better.

All of the information that I preach and teach came out of this pain. God truly does work all things out for good for those who love him and those who are called according to His purpose. This is paraphrased from Romans 8:28 in the Bible, and my wife would remind me of these words continually. I could not see it at the time, and to be honest, her constant optimism and positive words would anger me. At times I just wanted to feel sorry for myself and give up, but God had other plans, no doubt. When my mind would clear and I was able to remove myself from self-pity, I would dig deep in my own rescue. All of the information I learned that would not only save my life, but thousands of others as it turned out, came from so much prayer that I cannot even take credit. I am truly just the messenger.

References:1. Echeverria, D., Aposhian, H.V., Woods, J.S., Heyer, N.J., Aposhian, M.M., Bittner JR., A.C., Mahurin, R.L.,

Cianciola, M. Neurobehavioral effects from exposure to dental amalgam Hg: new distinctions between recent exposure and Hg body burden. http://www.fasebj.org/content/12/11/971.long

2. Windham, Bernard (Ed). Oral galvanism and Electromagnetic Fields (EMF): factors along with mercury’s high volatility and extreme toxicity in significant exposure levels and oral effects from amalgam fillings. http://www.flcv.com/galv.html

Safe Heavy Metal Chelation and Mercury Amalgam Removal Removing the Heavy Metal SourceYes, I finally found the source of my illness – mercury amalgam fillings – but I had 6 or 7 remaining fillings that required safe amalgam removal before I started the mercury detoxification process from my body and brain. This time I had to do it correctly so I didn’t become even sicker. I can’t tell you how many stories I hear of people getting sick after removing mercury fillings because they went to their regular dentist after reading that silver mercury amalgam fillings make people sick. I developed a pre-amalgam removal protocol that prepares the liver, kidneys, gut and the cell. These detox pathways need to be strengthened first, so the mercury that is released during the removal process makes its way out of the body instead of accumulating in your brain. You can add unnecessary years onto the mercury detoxification process if you jump in without preparation. The proper safe amalgam removal protocol has been used by hundreds of doctors around the country and hundreds of patients around the world with amazing success.

For the actual removal of amalgam fillings, you must work with a biological dentist that is trained in proper, safe amalgam removal. The mercury vapor that comes off of the filling when the drill heats it up is significant and will go directly up your nose and into your brain. The dentist must provide you with fresh air or oxygen to avoid this. I prefer that the dentist uses an in office air filtration to create a vacuum away from the patient and himself. There are many other proper removal procedures that are necessary that are often overlooked. For example, the great Hal Huggins, who removed more mercury amalgam fillings than anyone and is considered the world’s authority on safe amalgam removal, noted that if the midline in the mouth was crossed during a removal procedure, the patient would often become more ill.

Safe and Effective Heavy Metal Chelation and Detoxification StrategiesMany of those who research the dangers of mercury amalgam and actually locate a dentist to perform a safe amalgam removal fail to detox (chelate) after the removal. Proper chelation must start 4 days after the last filling is removed.

Caution: You cannot start true heavy metal chelation until the last amalgam filling is removed.


If you start chelation with even a speck of amalgam remaining, it will take between 2 – 4 months of chelation before negative symptoms begin, and I promise you they will. Once the body (not the brain) has cleared most of the mercury in these first few months, it will start to mobilize metal from the filling(s) next. Chelation with amalgams in the mouth will eventually lead to a case of what I refer to as the “crazies.” Even mercury that embeds into the gums, which is referred to as an amalgam tattoo, must come out before true heavy metal chelation begins. This only applies to true heavy metal chelators, which I discuss below, not intracellular Glutathione boosters like GCEL™.

Once all of the mercury fillings are out of the mouth, chelation MUST begin!If you don’t chelate after the removal, you may feel better for a few months but unfortunately, this time will be short lived. I refer to this as the “honeymoon period.” Once the source has been removed, the mercury will begin to mobilize from other areas around your body. It is truly amazing, but the innate intelligence within your body will not let go of the mercury that has bio-accumulated over time – especially what has accumulated in the brain – until the source is gone. It seems as though the body knows that doing so will cause more damage. In an effort to protect itself, it holds on to the mercury; when the source is removed however, it starts letting go. These negative symptoms do not become apparent until anywhere from 6 – 12 months after the amalgam fillings are removed. This is truly eye opening to many clients because it is not until I do a patient history with them and point this out that they realize the connection.

It is not enough to get toxic mercury fillings out of your mouth and body; you must also get the mercury out of your brain. It’s not the mercury in the body that causes the major problems; it is the mercury in the brain that will initiate an unexplainable illness. Without proper heavy metal chelation, mercury will remain locked in your brain forever, causing a variety of unexplainable symptoms even though you are amalgam free.

The mercury vapor from amalgams, organic mercury from fish, and mercury from other sources will cross into the brain where it turns to inorganic mercury. It is the inorganic mercury that remains locked in the brain for life unless removed correctly. It will begin to slowly rob you of vitality and your ability to think clearly. Memory loss is not something that happens in old age; it’s something that happens when organic forms of mercury cross into the brain and convert to inorganic mercury, which bio-accumulates in your brain over years. Again, getting your fillings out is not enough! Clearing the mercury from your body and seeing a metal test that looks clear is not enough; you must clear it from the brain. Rarely (if ever) is the inorganic mercury targeted in the brain, and if so, it’s done incorrectly or not long enough to truly make an impact.

You can see at this point that there are many pit falls in heavy metal detoxification. The biggest, without a doubt, is when it comes to detoxing metals from your body and the brain. You need to work with a practitioner who is trained in proper heavy metal chelation protocols. This may even be more important than working with the correct dentist, but both are critical for ultimate success without question.

DANGER!!! Why Herbs and IV Chelation Therapies are DangerousI had said earlier that I have yet to find an “alternative” or “regular” doctor doing heavy metal detox correctly. Most alternative doctors use different herbal or homeopathic supplements for chelation and the MD’s use IV chelation (intravenozna, op. VFS). I can tell you it is far beyond my opinion and rooted in scientific literature that neither of them work, and worse yet, are very dangerous.

Let’s start with the alternative side of things. Herbs are great for many things and so are homeopathic remedies, but when it comes to heavy metal chelation, they are not “true chelators.” Therefore, they fail to do a good job of removing the metals completely from the body. Metals such as mercury and lead got their name “heavy” metals title for good reason; they are in fact very heavy. Due to their physical weight and some other unique properties, heavy metals can deplete the body of its natural detoxification properties such as sulfur, certain amino acids and enzymes, glutathione, and methyl groups. Once this occurs the heavy metals begin to bio-accumulate in the body and worse yet, in the brain. Heavy metals are not like other toxins; they not only eventually exhaust precious detoxification pathways, which allow the bio-accumulation of other toxins, but can in turn cause other toxicity issues from infections.

Heavy metals will allow a safe haven for pathogens such as candida and Lyme. The immune cells will not come near the toxic mercury, so the pathogens adapt and hide from the immune system around the mercury. I could never get rid of my chronic candida until I got my metal burden lowered to a certain level. The Lyme bacteria and heavy metals have a unique synergy as well. It is estimated that 90% of the population in certain parts of the country have Lyme disease; so why are they all not sick? Lyme, like other pathogens such as candida, herpes virus, Epstein Barr virus and others are opportunistic and will only affect someone who is immune compromised. This is what heavy metals like mercury do; they provide an


altered terrain, which is ripe for the bad guys. Most, if not all, Lyme disease sufferers have heavy metal issues and both need to be addressed for lasting recovery.

To successfully chelate heavy metals out of the body and brain, and to prevent the dangers of re-absorption, a “true chelator” must be used. Herbs such as cilantro, or binding agents like chlorella, do not have the molecular structure to hold on to a heavy metal permanently. Therefore, they only stir up the metals and cause them to redistribute somewhere else. Most likely, they end up in the brain and cause more bizarre and unexplainable symptoms. These types of detox agents do not contain a double “SH group” called a “thiol group”. I will spare you the biochemistry lecture, but it is this “double thiol group” that is able to properly bind heavy metals and safely escort them out of the body. This is in fact defines a “true chelator”, and is the only safe and effective agent at the present time to remove heavy metals.

I know you have read all the great marketing of the “metal magnet” known as chlorella, but on pre and post-heavy metal testing using urine or stool, there is no difference from the pre (without the chlorella) and the post (with chlorella). In other words, it does not bind measurable amounts of heavy metals during testing. When you test with a “true chelator,” the difference is significant, proving the ability to remove metals from the body. At least chlorella, because it is such a poor chelator of heavy metal, is not dangerous unlike IV chelators or cilantro I will discuss below. Chlorella can be a great super food if not contaminated with other toxins. Therefore, chlorella may be fine for other purposes, just not detoxing heavy metals.

Certain herbs, on the other hand, are dangerous when used for heavy metal detox. Most of the dangerous herbs have perhaps a “single thiol group” (not a double), or an ion type of bond that does in fact pull metal. However, it holds on to it very weakly, which will cause the metal to simply become “stirred-up” like dust and redistributed somewhere else in the body. It never carries it fully out of the body.

I recall experimenting with many of these types of herbal detox and natural supplements. These detox attempts at times led to me becoming very sick even to the point of being suicidal. Unfortunately, this happened more times than I care to tell you, but I will share one story of the dangers of cilantro with you. One day I had read that cilantro chelation can move mercury out of the brain and knowing that it was the brain mercury that was my real problem, I decided to juice up some fresh cilantro. Well, let’s just say that after a few days of drinking cilantro (korijander), my wife was ready to check me in to an insane asylum. I am not kidding; I lost it.

Thank God at this time I knew the proper way to use a true chelator like DMSA (meso-2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid) and was able to bring myself back to sanity.

The Dangers of IV Heavy Metal Chelation Using DMSA and DMPSAllopathic doctors A.K.A. “regular doctors” that understand that heavy metals do ruin lives, and the removal of it can save lives, typically use “true chelators”, but use them incorrectly. Let me be fair, many alternative doctors who understand that true chelators are what work, use them incorrectly as well.

Many doctors perform IV chelation using a prescription true chelating agent such as DMPS (2,3-dimercapto-1-propanesulfonic acid), and unlike the herbals and other binders I mentioned above, it works! The problem with using IV chelation therapies is that they will pull a lot of heavy metals all at once and do not stay in the body long enough and therefore can cause redistribution of heavy metals. DMPS and DMSA are water soluble and go in and out of the body very quickly. Because it pulls heavy metals so well and yet leaves the body so quickly, it sets up a concentration gradient in the body, initiating the remaining metals to move out of the tissues. Let’s go back to basic chemistry and remember that things move from higher concentration to lower concentration area in the body. The problem is the chelating agent has moved out of the body, bringing heavy metals with it. This leaves a lower concentration area behind, causing the deeper stored metals in the body to move out of the tissues into circulation, only to redistribute somewhere else. This can cause many unwanted symptoms and worse yet, if it crosses into the brain, you have made a bad situation catastrophic.

The fact that true chelating agents like DMPS and DMSA are in and out of the body so fast is great in that it makes the agent itself very non-toxic. As an example, you could take three bottles of DMSA (a natural true chelating agent), or do a massive amount of DMPS in an IV and have no symptoms from the chelator, but depending on the level of heavy metals within your body, get the “crazies” from heavy metals redistributed into your brain. This is the same problem as herbals such as cilantro but for a different reason. Unlike the weak chelation of herbals, this problem can be solved using a true chelator like DMSA. The answer is simple, take a true chelator like DMPS and DMSA often enough throughout the day


to prevent redistribution. This obviously cannot be accomplished with IV chelation or you would be sitting in a doctor’s office hooked up to an IV continuously for 3 – 4 days. That is obviously not possible or practical. However, this can be accomplished utilizing the orals forms of DMPS or DMSA. Oral chelation is both inexpensive and easy to take often enough to avoid redistribution and dangerous symptoms. In addition you will avoid expensive, painful and continuous visits to an “IV specialist” doctor’s office.

Many doctors and patients are moving to oral chelators because of the bad press of IV chelation, but unfortunately, most are still violating this simple rule and not utilizing oral chelation agents often enough to prevent recirculation and redistribution. Your next question will be, “How often do they need to be taken to prevent redistribution?” The answer to this question depends on the chelating agent being used. Different agents have a different half-life in the body. Every oral “true chelator” must be taken within their half-life for success and safety.

In the final article this series, I will discuss the specific how-to of heavy metal chelation that changed my life and thousands of others.

How to Detox Heavy Metals Correctly and SafelyThe key to properly detox heavy metals and heavy metal chelation is using a true chelator or chelating agent within its “half-life” in the body. The half-life of a substance in the body is defined as, “The time it takes for the blood plasma concentration of a substance to halve (plasma half-life) its steady-state,” or when it has lost “half of its pharmacologic, physiologic, or radiologic activity.”[1] In other words, the chelating agent needs to be taken often enough so that there is sufficient amounts left in the blood and body to keep the metals from recirculating and redistributing to other cells within body tissues. In the case of dimercapto succinic acid (DMSA), it needs to be taken every 4 hours (day and night), which is its half-life.

Taking DMSA at its half-life keeps the chelating agent at consistent enough levels for heavy metals to move safely and effectively out of the body. To explain this more simply, keeping the true chelating agents like DMSA consistent in the body is similar to having a hepa filter in your body extracting metals versus a feather duster. A feather duster just moves it around; a hepa filter permanently removes the toxins.

This process works and it saved my life and thousands of others. It is the only protocol that is both safe and effective. With that said, there is more to true heavy metal detox than using a true heavy metal chelator and understanding its half-life. I discuss this in detail in other articles I have written on true cellular detoxification and restoration. Maintaining cell function is critical for the heavy metal detox process to work smoothly and effectively. For example, raising and maintaining INTRACELLULAR glutathione is key to not just protect the DNA, but to keep the toxins, such as heavy metals, moving out of the cells. Glutathione doesn’t do a great job of taking heavy metals completely out of the body, but it does protect the brain from circulating metals like mercury. Raising glutathione in the cell also moves heavy metals out of deeper cellular “store houses” of heavy metals that also need to be removed. Please see my 5R’s of Cellular Healing and Detox articles for more information.

Before I, or any other practitioner we train, begin any heavy metal detoxification protocol, we also prepare and restore critical detoxification pathways, which include the liver, kidneys, lymphatic and intestinal systems. You must keep these down-stream detox pathways open during the detoxification process or cycle. This is another important reason why it is necessary to work with a practitioner trained in this protocol. Now that we have this foundation, let’s go deeper into how to perform true heavy metals detoxification of substances like mercury and lead.

What is a Safe Heavy Metal Detox Protocol and Detox Cycle?4 days on – 10 days offWe already discussed DMSA and its half-life for proper heavy metal chelation. Next, we need to discuss the length and cycling of DMSA during a protocol. For example, it is necessary to take this oral chelator for at least 4 days before you stop. Typically, if you stop AFTER 4 days, little if any metal will be left in circulation to redistribute. If you stop BEFORE 4 days, very little, if any, heavy metals will redistribute and cause unwanted symptoms. Once the heavy metals are cleared from the “shallower stores” in the body, in approximately 4 days, a resting period must begin. Two things happen during this resting period in the body. One, the heavy metals residing deeper in the tissues and cells will begin to move from higher concentration areas to lower concentration areas in the body. Two, detox pathways, enzymes, antioxidants, and nutrients etc. necessary for effective and safe detoxification are allowed to reestablish in


the body. We have found that a 10-day off-cycle is sufficient for these two things to occur. Once again, you can see why utilizing a doctor trained in proper heavy metal detoxification protocols is helpful and at time necessary. Otherwise, your detox can become dangerous. We train our doctors on how to support the body in both the on-cycle and off-cycle heavy metal detoxification process.The next 4-day on cycle will re-clear the heavy metal(s), such as lead and mercury, which have moved out of the high concentration cells and tissues during the off cycle. As I stated before, raising glutathione in the cell during the 4-day on cycle helps this process and prevents any metal from crossing into the brain and moving into other cells and tissues. Also, utilizing a binding agent in the gut helps to prevent metals that make their way to the gut during detox from being reabsorbed. This is known as “auto-intoxication” and is a classic oversight of most practitioners. Please see the R1 article.

How Long Does Heavy Metal Chelation and Detoxification Take?Perhaps a great mistake of practitioners is not telling their patients the reality of the time this process takes. If a practitioner states that the metals measured on a heavy metal challenge test can be removed in a few months, you know you are in the wrong place. They may even test you afterwards and say, “Look your heavy metals are cleared,” but this is far from the truth. It took 20-40 years for heavy metals to bio-accumulate in your tissues, so does it make sense to you that it will come out that quickly? Of course not! No logical person would think it would once we stop and think about it. If it all came out that quickly, you would be permanently damaged or it could even be fatal. Your body is not designed like this.

True detoxification and restoration must happen daily and relatively slowly. On average it takes 2 years to remove the majority of most heavy metals like mercury from the body. However, with my high mercury levels and genetically weak heavy metal detoxification pathways, it took me 4 years. Because of my genetic weakness, I still chelate periodically to maintain stability and performance. At one point during the detox (typically after a year), we purposely start to extend the heavy metal chelation off-cycles to provide the metals more time to move out of the deeper “store houses” or deeper tissues. There is also new research for those of you who are detoxing lead that states it can take up to 10 to 15 years for periodic chelation therapy. The reason for this extended period is that lead is stored deep within the bone and during certain life changes, it is released as a result of normal bone loss and regeneration. For example, one study indicates that seniors between the ages of 65-87 with high lead levels, who are losing bone as a part of natural aging, were nearly 60% more likely to die during the 12 year study. They concluded the lead being released from the bone is increasing their rate of heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes and weight gain. [2] In the case of lead, this amount of time and chelation sounds challenging, however, we teach our clients on this process and system and they are eventually able to do it on their own. We believe in empowering individuals by teaching them what to do and continue to do to get their own life back. This is how we are able to help individuals who have not been able to get their life back anywhere else.

Removing Heavy Metals from the BrainAfter 3 months of DMSA ONLY cycling, we add a fat-soluble chelator (ALA) to the protocol to expedite the metals from the brain. We call this the “brain phase” and this is where the real magic happens. Recalling what I said earlier, it is the mercury in the brain that causes the real problems and symptoms. Studies indicate heavy metals, mercury in particular, bio-accumulate over time in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which is the control center of the hormone system in the body. In Part 2 of this series, we discuss how catastrophic this is to how we function and live. The good news is to offset this damage, during the brain phase; it is typically safe and effective to support the hypothalamus and pituitary. As a warning, I have found that supporting these tissues too early may cause the release of metal before the rest of the body is cleared. This is another major mistake that poorly trained doctors make, causing their clients unwanted symptoms. Along those lines there is a timing supporting the thyroid and adrenals during detox and cellular healing. Violating the timing can cause weight gain instead of weight loss, restless sleep, fatigue, brain fog, irritability and irrational behavior.

I recall reading something that Andrew Cutler Ph.D., a great researcher who teaches a similar protocol, said…that after 6-9 months of the brain phase, some symptoms may come back but after you push through this time, your life really begins to change [3]. In other words, finally, the dimmed lights become brighter and you can start to see life clearly again with far less symptoms. Many of you reading this article are living in the dark and you did not know how you got there because the lights dimmed slowly over time


and you never noticed. Life can get better when you remove the cause. I can say for sure that after a year, I was nowhere near being done but I had my life back.

How do you know when you’re done?

Dr. Cutler always said, if you can go 6 months without chelation and have no symptoms. In my experience, I believe a real measure is when you can go 9 months to a year, symptom free, without oral chelation therapy. I had said earlier that typically after a year, I tell individuals to try to go longer off cycles or allow more time for the metal to come out of the deeper tissues. During these chelation breaks, many symptoms start to resurface if you are off-cycle too long. I recall going 2-3 months without chelation (a very long off-cycle) and my wife would tell me I needed to get back on DMSA as she would see the signs and symptoms before I would or wanted to admit. She was always right. Literally, with one or two pills, I would be a new person. The lights came back on! Another time after 7 month off, I thought I made it but, again, my wife told me to get back on. This time I didn’t want to hear it. I fought her on it because I just wanted to be done this time, but she was right again. The metals just come out in waves like peeling back an onion. It takes time but you will get your life back.

True Hope and NO GimmicksHeavy metal toxicity is one of Three (3) major sources that I see at the root of so many different health challenges, especially those who suffer with unexplainable symptoms. I believe in my heart that God allowed me to go through what I went through and have victory over it, to bring this message to the millions that are suffering with no true answers. They spend thousands on the next gimmick or product with great marketing, but with little change to their well-being. I also know that God will use your suffering for a greater purpose as well. Never give up looking for the cause because it always exists, and when you remove it, the body really does heal itself; God designed it to do so. Continue to put your hope and trust in Him and ask Him to lead you to that cause…He will not fail you nor forsake you.

References1. “Biological Half-Life.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation Inc. 5 February 2014.

Web. 10 February 2014. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_half-life>

2. Article on bone loss lead and toxicity – Khalil, Naila. “Association of blood lead concentrations with mortality in older women: a prospective cohort study.” Environmental Health. BioMed Central Ltd. 8 August 2009. Web. 10 February 2014 <http://www.ehjournal.net/content/8/1/15>

3. A book on how to cure mercury poisoning – Cutler, Andy. (1999) Amalgam Illness Diagnosis and Treatment. Andrew Hall Cutler.

R1 Removing The Source of ToxinsThere are 5R’s to true cellular detox and healing. In this unique training series, you will learn the 5 musts to permanently transform your health and life. The 5R’s are not a bandaid or a supplement, but rather a road map for you and your body to follow for long term healing results. The 5R’s support all conditions, including weight loss, diabetes, autoimmune, leaky gut and other common challenges. However, our goal in sharing this life changing information is not about addressing a condition but rather supporting the body to heal itself.

In this first article, we would like to introduce you to what I believe is the most critical R; R1, Removing the Source. If you don’t remove the source, you will never have a true and lasting solution to your health challenge. I have a problem with not only allopathic practitioners, but also the natural or alternative practitioners when it comes to this topic. Neither is getting to the cause because they are simply covering up symptoms with either more medications or supplements. Neither are sitting knee to knee with people and really digging into an individual’s history in order to figure out why they got sick. My fellow colleague’s philosophy is to remove the interference and allow the body’s innate intelligence to do the healing. This philosophy is where the truth lies. However, chemical interference, or for you chiropractors, chemical subluxation, is what most doctors are missing and don’t fully understand. I believe, as chiropractors, that this is why we are not seeing the results that we used to see years ago. I know you understand what I am saying. When we talk to the old time chiropractors, they will tell how many more miracle cases they had. Well what’s changed? The subluxation? Chiropractic? NO, chemical subluxation is what has changed. The level of toxicity is like no time in the history of mankind. Not the outside air, but what we are putting


directly into our bodies. If you do not know how to remove the source properly, you are never going to impact these really sick and challenged individuals.

A Demonic Source of Toxins that Took My Life:  Mercury “The God of Deception”What does removing the source actually mean? There are a few meanings that I will cover throughout R1’s description. In my own story, I had silver fillings and had two drilled out incorrectly. After they were removed and gold was put in its place, I became very sick. Unfortunately, it took me three or four years of misery to figure it out. Those fillings contain 50% mercury, which leeches right into your brain, more specifically the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis. The gold caused a galvanic reaction (electrical current) that causes the mercury to leech out of the fillings 10x faster than normal. It wasn’t until I researched how to get the rest of the filling out correctly and the mercury out of my brain that I was able to get my life back. It is very important to realize that I would have never recovered fully if I didn’t get the source removed correctly. Whatever you do, don’t just start drilling out fillings. There is a safe and proper way to do it. 


An Ancient Source of Illness: MOLDAnother source could be a moldy home. So many of the individuals with unexplainable symptoms are living in a moldy home. They get very sick and unfortunately end up on a list of medications, which ultimately makes them worse. Many conditions like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, sudden weight gain and weight loss resistance are all common conditions linked to biotoxic illness from mold. If you don’t get that individual out of the home, you’re never going to get them well. In Leviticus 14 in the Bible, God says, and I will paraphrase… If you see mold growing in your home do this…  If the mold reappears get rid of the house and all its contents. This is exactly what is done today.  If you can’t remediate the house properly, then get out and don’t bring your stuff with you because it too is contaminated. This may sound like drastic measures but this is the only way these individuals recover. If you don’t remove the source, you are never going to get well.

True Cellular DetoxRemoving the source not only refers to external environmental toxins, but internal toxins that have stock pilled and bio-accumulated in our bodies. There is a lot of information today about different cleanses, whether it’s a liver cleanse, colon cleanse, foot baths and even magnets on the feet, however, they fail to remove toxins at the cellular level. I don’t have a problem with most of those cleanses, but if you don’t remove the toxins from the cell, these cleanses fall short of true cellular detox and a real lasting solution. Also, if you don’t understand how to fix cellular pathways that have been affected by a toxic cell (the other 4R’s of cellular healing), then getting someone well becomes impossible. You are never really going to get a patient well because fixing the cell is the catalyst for healing. One of the things I always say is, “True cellular detox has to occur at the cell,” and once we impact the cell, we can now impact so much of the expression of adverse symptoms in the body. In other words, “If you fix the cell the body gets well.”

The Intracellular Detox SystemThere is a product that we created called IDS, or the Intracellular Detox System. It contains two products,Gcell and BIND. This system is very unique because it up-regulates detox pathways of the cell, and it prevents the reabsorption or redistribution of toxins so common in other forms of detox. It is the retox that causes many of the unwanted symptoms during detox, and makes most detox programs or systems dangerous.

The first part of the Intracellular Detox System is called Gcell. Gcell raises intracellular glutathione, which is the key to removing toxins from the cell and, therefore, the body. Glutathione (GSH) is how your cells remove toxins. GSH is in every cell in the body. If levels get too low, the cell will die from toxic overload and inflammation. GSH is the strongest antioxidant in the world because your body makes it. It is also 5,000x stronger than vitamin C as an antioxidant. Do a Pubmed (medical public library of studies) search online, and you will find at the time of this writing, over 190,000 studies linking GSH to many different diseases and its many roles in healing. By working side by side with a brilliant biochemist from Systemic Formulas, Dr. Shayne Morris, we were able to develop this third generation product that supports every pathway in the GSH cycle. Here are many pathways responsible to raise GSH in the cell and every


one of these pathways was taken into consideration when developing this product. There is no other product like it on the market.

The Intracellular Detoxification System, IDS, True Cellular Detox For True Results! Raise Intracellular GSH & Prevent Toxin Resorption from the Intestines The GSHX (Intracellular GSH) formula is best used in conjunction with the BIND (Toxin Elimination) formula. They are designed to be used together. Here’s why: 1.The Systemic “Detoxification Done Right” Program helps to gently raise both extracellular and intracellular GSH with nutrients such as N-Acetyl Cysteine, Acetyl Glutathione, Glycine, Glutamine, Vitamin B-12, Selenium contained in Accell Thera and EPIC. Further the program conserves GSH with methylation support (MoRS-Methyl Donor) thus allowing homocysteine to convert more to GSH than to methyl groups. However, there comes a time when clinically, a stronger push for intracellular GSH is needed for the critically important intracellular GSH processes. For this reason, GSHX contributes a cutting-edge nutrient, acetyl-glutathione that elevates the crucial intracellular GSH.

This special GSH molecule successfully crosses the intestinal barrier, is readily absorbed into the blood stream, and quickly supports the extracellular matrix to help the body down-regulate oxidation and inflammation. Further, and most importantly, it directly increases GSH inside the cells. The “acetyl” portion is the carrier of the glutathione that inhibits dissipation in the G.I. tract and bloodstream common to most glutathione supplements and promotes cellular absorption. This is ‘True Cellular Detox!”

Why Your Glutathione Is Not WorkingGlutathione has become very popular due to all the current research. However, why does it seem like the results are limited to the first month of use or no results at all?  Most GSH sold is put in a pill and taken orally.

At face value, this seems the most logical way to raise GSH. The problem is that only 3% of the GSH makes it through the gut to body. The GSH oxidizes very easily in the gut with very little benefit where we need it most. Even if it makes it through the gut using liposomal GSH or other forms of GSH, it still will not enter into the cell.  For example, when injectable GSH is used, it goes directly into the blood stream, so it is not oxidized at all in the gut. There is a reduction in inflammation and therefore, symptoms in the first month with very little value after. The injected GSH reduces extra cellular inflammation and oxidative stress, but doesn’t get into the cell where it’s needed most, therefore, the effect is limited and does not last. Raising GSH in the cell is the key. 

 How It’s DoneRaising intracellular GSH is done two ways; first by recycling the unusable oxidized form of GSH (GSSG) before it escapes the cell, to a usable reduced form (GSH), or giving the cell needed precursors to manufacture more GSH from scratch. Creating new GSH requires more vital cellular energy (ATP) and can be limited due to an inflamed cell. An inflamed cell will not be able to utilize specific amino acids and cofactors needed to raise GSH like a healthy cell. Unfortunately, most products on the market only utilize this limited way of raising intracellular GSH and do not take into consideration the most efficient way of recycling it. Gcell does both, and even when it comes to providing the precursors and cofactors needed to manufacture new GSH, Systemic Formulas uses proprietary methods to help shuttle the needed precursors and cofactors into an inflamed cell.

The proprietary formula also contains a new form of GSH, called S-Acetyl Glutathione, which studies show that it enters into the cell with great success. With this new technology, it now becomes three ways that Glutathione can enter the cell. The bottom line is that when it comes to sick and inflamed cells, raising intracellular GSH is no easy task. However, it is one of the keys for “true cellular detox” and getting very sick individuals well.

When Detox Becomes Dangerous:  “The Crazies”The truth is if you are successful at raising intracellular GSH, toxins will leave the cells and tissues, and most of them will make their way to the liver where they are prepared for further detox. Many of the toxins are bound up to bile because it is a fat complex that attracts toxins. Bile, of course, is used to digest fats. When the bile is bumped into the small intestines for digestion, it carries with it the multitude of toxins that are now bound with it. It’s called “hepatic biliary sludge,” and it is the cause of many liver and gallbladder problems, but here is the bigger problem! Bile is reabsorbed in the lower intestines and


recycled back to the liver. When it makes its way back to the liver, it brings toxins with it. This is referred to as retox or autointoxication. When the toxins are reabsorbed, they get sent back into circulation where they cause more inflammation and symptoms. They can even cross into the brain, which causes what I call, “the crazies,” and can even lead to a neurodegenerative condition. 

 Stop Autointoxication and the “The Crazies”I had said earlier that this is a two-part product. The second part is called BIND. As it’s name suggest, it binds toxins. Its purpose is to bind up the toxins in the gut and pull it out of the body so it is not reabsorbed. This process is a proven system that has changed the fundamentals of what a true detox system actually is. This cutting edge technology is something that not only changed my life, but thousands of other’s lives with unexplainable symptoms and illnesses.


BIND is a completely different than any other product on the market. It has the ability to bind organic and inorganic toxins. It contains a special super-activated pharmacy grade carbon that has the highest and tightest binding capacity than any other carbon on the market. It can bind a biotin, which measures 400-1000 angstroms. How small is that? Well let’s just say too small to be bound by any other natural binder. Mold and Lyme produce biotoxins that are deadly to humans. These toxins will stay bound to bile and shut down the liver’s ability to detox. Now all other toxins begin bio-accumulating, which causes these unexplainable illnesses. Biotoxic illnesses are nasty and go undiagnosed for years, if ever. The only way to save these poor individuals is to pull these toxins away from the bile complex and reopen the detox pathways.  

Many inorganic toxins, like heavy metals, are much bigger in size but due to their massive atomic weight, are very difficult to remove. There are so many chelators (detox agents) on the market like chlorella, clays and other herbal concoctions that DO NOT BIND HEAVY METALS.  I know they make the claims but it just simply is not the fact. The special humates in BIND have been shown in laboratory testing not just to bind

heavy metals, but to hold onto them in an almost permanent bond. The biggest problem with most of the binders on the market, besides the fact that they don’t really work, is they are contaminated. Test them yourself and you will find the same thing we did. We had to literally search the planet for clean sources. I can tell you it wasn’t easy. Systemic Formulas tests everything they use and the standard is stricter than what is considered good quality in the supplement industry. Why don’t more companies use these sources? I will just tell you it is more expensive than most street drugs when comparing kilos.

The unique design of these two products is unlike any others on the market. The combination works! I guarantee this product alone is going to change lives in your practice.


Key Ingredients • Super-Activated Carbon – superior binding capacity, works in the intestines as a superb detoxification drainage molecule. It not only absorbs but binds toxins so they cannot be reabsorbed. • Humic Acid – organic plant material, thousands of years old, from deep in the Earth. Provides nascent minerals, viral interrupters, and detoxifies the body via the blood, G.I. tract, and lymph. • Forsythia Fruit – well known in Chinese medicine for its anti-viral properties and specific anti-inflammatory effects. • Fulvic Acid – a nutrient in humus created by microorganism while decomposing ancient plant material. Each molecule contains 14 carbon atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms, and 8 oxygen atoms as short chains that are high energy molecules. Transports minerals and aids cellular fluidity (movement of nutrients into the cells, removal of toxins out of the cells.) Also supports removal of toxins via the urine. • Bacillus Coagulans – a probiotic bacteria with marvelous “staying power” to take up residence in the intestines. Communicates with enterocytes for optimal permeability thus helping solve leaky gut syndrome.

R2 Regenerating the Cell Membrane Omega 6 and Omega 3 Fatty Acid RatioR2 (Regenerating the Cell Membrane) has had the greatest impact on my life. Regenerating the membrane has done more for me than any other therapy. R2 not only dramatically improved my life, but also the life of my adopted son, who was on the autism spectrum and diagnosed with sensory integration. As you will learn in this teaching, the cell membrane plays a major role in detox, epigenetics and hormone


health and holds the intelligence of the cell. Regenerating the cell membrane is at the core of a solution to the growing number of unexplainable symptoms and degenerative diseases that we are seeing today in epidemic proportions. 

My Story Wasn’t Over

You heard a little bit about my story and how my silver amalgam fillings lead to my unexplainable illness. However, I learned about specific cellular pathways that become damaged from the toxins that bio-accumulate, which is perhaps what God really wanted me to learn. The 5R’s have birthed out of this information at a later time and are a way to make the process simple and easy for me to teach. This information saved my life, but I had no idea how many other lives God has meant it for. 

Soon I was on my way back to health and I recall a night when my wife and I were out to dinner. It was December of 2003, and I was telling her how great it was to have my life back. I was even expressing my excitement for all the things I was looking forward to doing again. It had been a long, hard road that I thought would break me many times. The feelings that I had at that moment reflected the victory I felt over the brokenness that I had finally escaped from. I wish I could say I never lost hope or my trust in God’s promise that, “He would work all things out for good” (Romans 8:28 from the Bible, that I would frequently remind myself during really bad days). The reality was that most of the time I couldn’t see the purpose through my suffering. 

Shortly after that brief celebration, my wife and I got a call that would forever change our lives. My wife’s cousin and best friend was murdered by her husband the morning after Christmas and he also turned the gun on himself. Parents gone, twins remaining, a boy and a girl, 7 years old were now to become a part of our family. Imagine after just thinking how great it was to have my life back, that now this horrendous event occurs not only in their life, but mine as well. We had two boys of our own at the time of my illness and just had a new baby boy 6 weeks prior to this event. Yes, we went from 2 kids to 5 in less than seven weeks. The boy of the newly adopted twins, as I had stated above, was diagnosed with sensory integration on the autism spectrum. His symptoms began after he was vaccinated with the MMR shot at age 4. His mom had told us earlier that she had noticed some symptoms after previous vaccinations, but in her opinion, it was the MMR shot that sent him over the edge.

Through His EyesNow here I am, on this side of my battle, looking through the eyes of this poor boy. And my wife was saying, “Oh no, not again.” I knew what he felt like and my wife knew what it looked like. The sound sensitivity he experienced, due to his auditory sense being primary, would move him into an angry rage and his disconnection with reality could be seen in his eyes. I could relate to that feeling so well, although as an adult and emotionally developed, I was more capable of understanding it. As a boy, he couldn’t possibly grasp what was wrong or why he felt the way he did. Perhaps it was this connection I had with him and his new mom’s determination to get him well, that lead to our success, and to the amazing young adult he has become today. My wife was not going to live life with another challenged person in the house after dealing with me for so long. Her position was, “You got yourself well, and you will get him well.”   This is how Dylan became my second patient. He is now well and I would never have been able help him if I hadn’t gone through what I went through. I tell you all of this so that you can see how God brought this information to me and through me for not just myself and Dylan, but for so many who are suffering without answers.

Life Begins On the MembraneIt was said by a brilliant cellular biologist years ago, “Life starts on the membrane,” and today with the ever-growing new science in cellular biology, we see that it is true. Dr. Bruce Lipton, a stem cell biologist and the bestselling author of, “The Biology of Belief,” believes the God-given inborn intelligence gives us life and healing is in the membrane. Dr. Lipton conducted a series of experiments that reveal that the cell membrane, the outer layer of a cell, is the organic equivalent of a computer chip, and the cell’s equivalent of a brain. This view conflicts with the widely held scientific dogma that genes control behavior, as well papers by other researchers have validated his iconoclastic thinking. Dr. Lipton’s views were once scuffed at by many of his colleagues, but today he is held up as a genius for his forward thinking. The Human Genome Project proved Dr. Lipton right. The project gathered the greatest minds in cellular biology to prove that the DNA is the brain of the cell and for each protein the DNA makes, there is one gene that


creates it. It was called the, “one gene, one protein hypothesis,” and the only thing missing was tracking every protein to a gene. Proteins are our life and everything that we consist of. Every hormone, chemical messenger and tissue is made of proteins.

The scientists estimated that there would need to be at least 120,000 different genes to match the approximately 120,000 proteins that explain all of the higher functions of our cells versus a mouse or worm, if in fact their theory was correct. What they found shocked them. Humans had only 25,000 genes, which are surprisingly the same amount of genes as a mouse and not many more than a lowly worm. So what explained the higher function of human cells? It’s something that Dr. Bruce Lipton was saying all along.  It’s not “DNA – RNA – Protein” or “one gene, one protein”; It’s “Environment – Cell Membrane Receptor – DNA – RNA – Protein” that explains all higher function and intelligence. 

What Dr. Lipton was describing was the cell membrane’s communication with its environment that tells the DNA what proteins (hormones, chemicals, tissues) to produce. He and others have pointed out that if you remove the nucleus and the DNA contained within it, the cell will live for months. It will even run from invaders or engulf food even though it has no nucleus. This doesn’t sound like something without a brain does it? However, if you take away the membrane, the cell dies instantly. More specifically, if you dissolve the receptors that are located on the membrane, the cell dies immediately even with the membrane intact. These cell receptors are known as Integral Membrane Proteins (IMP). This is where the brain is, not the DNA. The DNA is just a message taker and coder. So what does this all mean to you and I? Stated simply; if you do not regenerate the cell membrane and it’s IMP’s, then it is impossible to get well. This is where life and healing begins.

It took more than 12 years to create a product that would accomplish what I learned. It is imperative to regenerate a cell membrane that is inflamed and non-functional. With the brilliant work of Dr. Shayne Morris, a product I have waited so long to create was born: VISTA. Looking back, I now know the time was never right because the technology wasn’t available. What we discovered just in the last few years has made this product what it is. The truth is, I could never have put this product together then or now without Dr. Morris. He, being the amazing Biochemist that he is, took many of the concepts that I had learned through my battle and he used his countless years of biochemistry to develop a most incredible product. VISTA was birthed from my pain and knowledge as well as a unity of mind with Dr. Morris from Systemic Formulas, that the membrane is the key to health and healing.



The Hidden Secret To DetoxRegenerating the cell membrane (R2) addresses 3 main problems in the surge of degenerative conditions.  Most of us would agree that toxins represent one of the major causes of inflammation and the multitude of degenerative diseases that go with it. The cell membrane plays a critical role in cellular detox. Once the membrane becomes inflamed, what is needed to be produced by the cell is energy (ATP), methyl donors, glutathione and so many more cellular functions needed for normal function and cellular detox becomes compromised. The membrane acts as the gate or the “in” roads to a city that lets in what is needed for the city to function and survive. If the “in” roads are shut down, the city will eventually erode. The bigger problem occurs because the toxins can’t get out of the cell. The membrane that allows the good in must also let the bad out. When your cells produce energy needed for life, it produces waste. This is analogous to when your car produces energy. It needs to let out the exhaust, otherwise the engine quickly shuts down.  Once the cell membrane becomes inflamed, it loses this ability to move good stuff in and bad stuff out. Cellular inflammation is really the silent killer and the cause of most disease. Diseases occur due to cell membrane inflammation and not just of the outer membrane, but also the inner mitochondrial membrane, which inflammation can drastically affect all cell function and energy.

Your Fish Oil Could Be Making You WorseVISTA addresses both membranes with not just the building blocks needed to fix this vital intelligent organ, but contains the correct ratio of materials that studies show to be more important than the materials themselves. The membrane is made of delicate fats, therefore, it is crucial to this process. However, studies show the ratio of the fats matter more. Many people today understand the benefits of fish oils, but do not realize only consuming fish oil can cause something called “Omega 3 Dominance”.  There is a normal balance in nature of Omega 3 and 6. In nature, we see normal ratios of 1:1 to 1:5 (Omega 3 to 6). If


we go outside of these ratios, problems ensue. Due to the over-consumption of grain fed meat (as opposed to grass-fed) and grains (even whole grains), most Americas are in fact “Omega 6 Dominant”. 

However, because of current fish oil hype (some of it good) we have created a new problem of Omega 3 Dominance. Omega 3 Dominance can cause DNA damage within the cell and a sudden drop in cellular energy. There is a crucial fat in the mitochondrial membrane called cardiolipin (which VISTA contains). Studies show when in a state of Omega 3 Dominance, the Omega 3 can replace cardiolipin. Cardioliopin is an important fat that makes up the mitochondrial membrane, which is essential for proper function in the energy pathway. Once it is replaced with Omega 3 on the membrane, cellular energy and function plummets.

VISTA utilizes a specific 4:1 ratio and studies show that it is the most effective way to regenerating the cell membrane. It is also the ratio shown to have the greatest effect on the brain. An interesting point about many of these studies is that certain ratios within that natural range all serve different functions.   For example, the 1:1 ratio was very good for certain heart conditions and the 2.5:1 was most effective for colorectal cancer. The 4:1 ratio used in VISTA was also shown to be the only ratio that affected learning, sleep, thermoregulation, seizures, Alzheimer’s, MS and pain threshold.

A Real Answer To “Hormone Havoc”The answer to hormone problems is not giving more hormones. Yet this is exactly what alternative doctors, as well as allopathic doctors, are doing. One group is using drugs and the other bio-identical hormones. Either way, it does nothing for the cause. There is a time and a place to address symptoms and use a hormone as a crutch until you remove the true cause, but if this is the treatment for healing, then you will miss the mark. As a matter of fact, it typically only relieves certain symptoms for a short duration before the body’s intelligence begins to change the hormones it’s producing and new symptoms or the old come back. Remember true healing only occurs by the body when the cause is removed. The real answer to the pandemic of hormone problems (hormone havoc) on this planet is not giving more hormones, but fixing the receptors to the hormones.

For example, if your cell phone is not connecting, it’s typically not a problem with your phone, it’s a problem with the connection to the cell phone tower. Giving more hormones if they aren’t able to connect with the receptors does nothing to fix the problem and does very little, if anything to make you feel better. You must fix the receptor to the hormone so the hormone can get its message to the cell. When a cell cannot hear the message from the hormone it is known as “hormone resistance.” The most common condition of “hormone resistance” you are probably familiar with is Type 2 Diabetes, which is also known as “insulin resistance”. What this means is the cell is resistant to insulin (it can not hear the hormone insulin’s message). Type 2 Diabetics have plenty of insulin, so giving more actually makes the problem worse. The key is fixing the receptors to insulin, which means you must fix the cell membrane.

If you recall from above I said the intelligence in the cell was in the membrane and more specifically in the hormone receptors, which are known as integral membrane proteins (IMP’s). The cell’s communication with its environment, including the hormones that direct its function and changes DNA, is dependent on the receptors. Cell membrane inflammation is what blunts the receptors and obviously the inflammation needs to be down-regulated. However, the receptors themselves are attached and stabilized to something known as “lipid rafts”. These rafts are made of fat and if not regenerated, the receptor will not heal and the hormone problem will not resolve. I think an interesting point is the “lipid rafts” are made up mostly of 2 fats that most people have been told are the evil duo; saturated fat and cholesterol. So it makes sense that saturated fat and cholesterol are the two main fats needed in the solution to the hormone epidemic.

Yes, you heard me correctly; these two fats are a key component in the hormone solution. I have said this for years as I lectured around the country and for the most part have received back blank stares of disbelief. I know you have heard for over four decades that these two fats are the bad guys and you need to stay far away from them to prevent conditions like diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Don’t take my word for it; studies now show that these fats not only prevent these conditions, but can also reverse them.

A December 2010 Harvard study showed a high fat diet consisting of saturated fats found in meat and dairy products actually had a three fold decrease and therefore, improvement in diabetes. It then makes sense that these 2 fats are the fats needed to fix the receptors.[1]  VISTA contains not just the fats in the correct ratio to fix the outer and inner cell membrane, but the lipid rafts themselves and therefore, the receptor. This along with a diet I call the Cellular Healing Diet and true cellular detox (R1) are the hidden solution to a growing pandemic that is now effecting our children as much or more than us.


This Is Real HopeI know this information may run contrary to what you have learned in the past, but I promise you it not only came from my own pain, but years of research that I have to believe God lead me to. Because of this, I know it is real hope for many. I don’t believe it’s by chance you are reading this. Perhaps this information is for you directly or the thousands you will touch with it, but I know it will change lives because it is truth.

R3 (restoring cellular energy) is the next R and I can tell you that this is the first cellular function that needs to be repaired in the sickest and most challenged individuals. No treatments will work if cellular energy is not restored.

[1]Dariush Mozaffarian, Haiming Cao, Irena B. King, Rozenn N. Lemaitre, Xiaoling Song, David S. Siscovick, and Gökhan S. Hotamisligil, Trans-Palmitoleic Acid, Metabolic Risk Factors, and New-Onset Diabetes in U.S. Adults, Annals of Internal Medicine, Harvard School of Public Health, 2010, December

R3 Restoring Cellular Energy ATP Acceleration and Mitochondria SupportR3 – The Catalyst to True HealingBefore I get too in depth with R3, I want to review. R1 is removing the source, which can mean a few different things. It can mean removing an individual from a toxic environment, removing the bioaccumulation of toxins in the tissues and cells of the body, or both. The core product we utilize in this process is called The Intracellular Detox System (IDS). There are other products that may be used depending on the toxin, but IDS is the core of every detox program because intracellular glutathione must be increased and maintained throughout the detox. The toxins must be brought completely out of the body to reduce or eliminate unwanted symptoms, as well as make detox successful and this is what BIND of IDS does so well. R2 (Regenerating the Cell Membrane) is also imperative for true cellular detox as well changing gene expression, normal hormone function and many other cellular functions such as resorting cellular energy.

Beyond Fatigue – Increasing cellular energyAs you can see, all of the R’s run congruently with one another and as a result, when you affect one, it has an effect on the others. R3 affects every pathway associated with cellular healing. Cellular energy (ATP) and ATP Acceleration is the gasoline of the cell and nothing runs or functions without it. Individuals lacking ATP have become an epidemic in this country and one of the main causes of so many symptoms beyond fatigue and the lack of physical energy. Symptoms such as brain fog, digestive problems and hormone conditions may not be what you think of with the lack of cellular energy, but I can tell you this; without raising ATP in the cell, most often you will not impact those symptoms or conditions. Because of this, R3 has become one of the first things I focus on with most patients. The problem is the people who need to increase their cellular energy the most do not typically respond to most methods of raising it.

The Answer: So Simple, But So Life ChangingIt was so simple that I almost missed it. When I was sick, I knew I had very little cellular energy, but what I didn’t realize is that it was keeping many of my other efforts to get well from working. Cellular energy obviously effects how we feel, and being chronically fatigued, my cellular energy (ATP) was initially my greatest hurdle to overcome. I was taking many supplements for inflammation, my gut, immune system and detox, but at that time nothing seemed to make much of a difference. To be honest I recall most of my efforts making me worse. I was very sensitive to certain things and others I felt nothing despite the dose that I took. It was very frustrating to me, as after hours of research and hearing of other people’s success, I would be certain that a particular product or protocol was part of the answer.

After much of my research on the cell membrane, I knew an inflamed membrane would not allow the things needed for normal cell function to get into the cell. I remembered an old trick body builders would use in order to bring more amino acids in the cell. They would use certain nutrients that would shuttle very easily into the cell as carrying agents to assist in the passage of amino acids. It worked! I felt a significant difference. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t healed by any means, but I was on to something. I was using high dose ribose and some other tricks that not only made a difference in my energy, but it also allowed the


passage of amino acids needed to make glutathione and I noticed a reduction in other symptoms. These “tricks” and other technologies are used in the GCEL product in the Intracellular Detox System we discussed in R1, as well as the product used for R3 called eNRG .

COUNT: 60 capsules

 INGREDIENTS: Niacinamide; Vitamin A; Thiamine Nitrate; Riboflavin 5 Phosphate ; Pyridoxine Alpha Keto Glutarate; Zinc Lipoic Acid; Manganese Chelate; Magnesium Citrate; K2HPO4; D Calcium Pantothenate; Ribose; Mannose; Ca Pyruvate; Kudzu Extract (Diadzin); Red Clover Extract (Biochanin); Tryptophan; Resveratrol; Alpha Keto Glutaric Acid; Sodium Gluconate; Malic Acid; Glutamine; N Acetyl Carnitine; Succinic Acid; Coenzyme Q10; Medium Chain Triglycerides; Fumarate; Quercetin; Carnosine; Valine Alanine; Aspartic Acid; Nucleosides RNA/DNA; Pantethine; ATP; Luteolin; Irish Moss; Pimento; Mulberry Root; Cleavers Herb; Ginger Root; Ginseng Root RECOMMENDED USAGE: 1-3 capsules up to twice per day, or as directed. Increase the amount

of liquids you drink while taking this product.

Energy, Inflammation and Unexplainable SymptomsAfter my cellular energy began increasing, I realized that I was less sensitive and that other products or protocols were starting to work. It wasn’t until some years later I learned why. It was after studying the work of a brilliant biochemist named Martin Pall that I was given the answer and some other answers that I will discuss in R4 (Reducing Inflammation). Pall discovered a breakthrough in inflammation and chronic diseases. Especially unexplainable diseases, like mine at that time. His theory is linked to an inflammation positive feed back loop that he termed the NO/ONOO cycle. In this complicated cycle, chronic inflammation driven by toxins, infections or stress of any type, stimulates certain nasty free radicals that can feed back into a perpetuating cycle that literally feeds itself. If this cycle is not down regulated, the person becomes chronically sick with many unexplainable symptoms. As a matter of fact, if this cycle is not down regulated, the person will remain very sick and nothing seems to work (I will discuss the “how to” in the next R4 article). These individuals end up with many sensitivities including multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS). This was my personal experience, as well as existence, even after most of my symptoms were gone. MCS lies in the wake of many inflammation-driven diseases and these poor people go misunderstood and mistreated.

In Pall’s work, the drop in ATP (cellular energy) feeds the cycle. In other words, the lower the ATP, the more inflammation. One part of the cycle gives explanation to how the drop in cellular energy (ATP) can cause the over sensitivity (MCS) by driving nerve system memory (long term potentiation). This information lead me the rest of the way out of my long time battle, but also showed me that restoring cellular energy (R3) had to be one of the first things a doctor does, especially with very sick and challenged patients.

The New Way To Restore Cellular Energy (ATP)There are 2 ways to increase ATP. The first way is the way I described above and applied when I was sick. Of primary importance is getting the necessary components to make energy into the cell. As I said before, that can be a challenge with an inflamed cell and a quality product takes this into consideration. This method is analogous to adding more wood to the fire. You need the fuel for the fire and therefore, should be a part of every effective product or protocol, especially if you are looking for results. The second way is by making more “factories”. In other words, instead of just adding more wood to the fire, make more fires or factories to produce more energy. This is done in the cell by producing more mitochondria. This is a process called, mitochondrial biogenesis. The mitochondria is where the energy is produced, so it is in fact the energy factory. Therefore, if our cells have more factories, then we should be able to produce more energy. This in fact is exactly what we find. Athletes have more mitochondria per cell than the non-athlete and can produce much more energy. However, the opposite is also true. Sick people and people with chronic inflammation have far fewer mitochondria than the average person and, therefore, far less cellular energy even for basic function. Once again this leads to many of their symptoms including sensitivities as well as why they do not respond to what would be effective treatments. New research and technology has allowed Systemic Formulas to utilize both of these methods in the product eNRG provides incredible Mitochondria Support and cellular energy (ATP) support. This product is always at the front line of every protocol I give. Before this product, we had to give 3-4 different products in an attempt to raise ATP, but we still didn’t have the new technology of mitochondrial biogenesis.


Do not confuse this with an energy product that stimulates you like a cup of coffee. This product takes time to build true lasting energy that the cells can use in order to function. The irony is that many who take eNRG say they notice a difference right away. I believe it is due to the down regulation of inflammation, in which ATP plays a significant role.

A New FrontierIf inflammation is the root cause of all degenerative diseases, then R4 (Reducing Inflammation) could be the most important R of all, but as you now know, all of the R’s play into one another.   With that said, with some new discoveries such as the NO/ONOO cycle I mentioned earlier, we are at an exciting time in healing. Especially in this new frontier.

R4 Reducing Cellular Inflammation Oxidative Stress and Nitric Oxide CycleThe 3 Causes of Oxidative Stress, Controlling Glucose and Insulin, and Secrets of the Nitric Oxide CycleTIME Magazine, February 2004, the headlines read,” THE SECRET KILLER – The surprising link between INFLAMMATION and HEART ATTACKS, CANCER, ALZHEIMER’S, and other diseases.”  Back in 2004, this was breaking news. At that time, most people never made an association with inflammation and disease until headlines like this started pouring out from mainstream media. Today, I think the majority of people have heard of the association but still do not really understand the connection. If you were to ask someone about inflammation, they would still think you are referring to pain in a shoulder or knee. While this is most certainly an example of inflammation, conceptualizing how it relates to diabetes, thyroid conditions or even the inability to lose weight is not something that has often not been considered.

Systemic cellular inflammation is what is driving the epidemic of chronic diseases and hormone conditions that are so pervasive within our culture today. More specifically, I am referring to inflammation of the cell membrane that affects the way the cell communicates, detoxes and will ultimately change gene expression, which leads to a disease of genetic weakness. Understanding how inflammation affects the cell and how to down-regulate it is a must to get almost any condition well. The unfortunate reality is that most practitioners are not keeping up with some of the exciting new research in the area of inflammation, detox or gene expression, which would dramatically change the results they are getting in their practices. Therefore, my goal is for this article is to bring those who are reading it to a new level of understanding and, therefore, success, whether in their personal health, or their practice for the greater purpose of changing a paradigm.

If You Do Not Know the CAUSE, You Cannot Fix the PROBLEM!!!There are many causes of cellular inflammation, however, there are 3 main contributors that always need to be addressed in order to down-regulate inflammation, which in turn will restore the body to health. This may sound like my original point of R1, which is to remove the source and therefore, enable the rest of the R’s to be effective with lasting results, but I feel it is important to mention this now as to its significance relating to inflammation. The unfortunate reality is that most practitioners are not educating individuals about these 3 lifesaving truths that I am going to share with you.

The Truth Most Do Not Want To HearThe first of the 3 is one that practitioners fail to focus on because they oftentimes do not want to change this in their own lives, or perhaps they do not fully understand the significance of this change. Controlling glucose/insulin is of paramount importance for any anti-inflammation program to be effective as it is a driving force that cannot be penetrated by any supplementation protocol. For example, diabetics do not die from diabetes, but from other degenerative conditions. Despite being on medication, 68% of all diabetics die from heart disease, and 50% of diabetics end up with dementia or Alzheimer’s as they age rapidly from the inside out. This is directly due to the oxidation/inflammation from uncontrolled glucose and insulin. Even when they take medication and force their glucose to be within normal ranges, they still have episodes of extreme highs and lows with their glucose and insulin causing inflammation and, therefore,


premature aging and disease. By the way, grains, not sugar, are the #1 contributor to elevated glucose. Yes, even whole grains. Did you know that 2 pieces of whole grain toast or a bowl of oatmeal raises glucose the same as a 12oz soda? This is why my Cellular Healing Diet eliminates ALL GRAINS from the diet UNTIL cellular inflammation is corrected.

The Most Controversial Truth of AllThe 2nd major contributor to the cellular inflammation epidemic is “bad fats”. Once again, I do not want to overplay the point of a past teaching (in R2, Regenerating the Cell Membrane), where I discuss “good fats vs. bad fats.” However, recognizing its connection to inflammation is intended to remind and reiterate this information so as not to misplace its significance; especially considering it is counterintuitive to the message we hear today regarding fats. I wish it were as simple as just saying bad fats drive inflammation, but this is not so. It is imperative to identify them. When we look at new research about the cell membrane, it becomes clear that saturated fat and cholesterol (the 2 most “vilified” fats) are in fact, the 2 most necessary fats to regenerate the cell membrane. The irony is the fats being promoted by our “protective” government bodies for maintaining health are the real culprits.

Oxidized and denatured polyunsaturated fats, which are in everything we eat in the form of vegetable oils, are the real bad guys. It is not that polyunsaturated fats are “bad” in and of themselves, but are very fragile and denature easily, which turns them into a bad fat. We are all familiar with the damaging effects of trans fats such as hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils, and many companies even promote their products using labels that say: “NO TRANS FATS ”, but vegetable oils have now become the bigger issue. Even most fish oil is denatured because, it too, is polyunsaturated and very fragile.

Recall from R2 that many people are taking too much fish oil causing “OMEGA 3 DOMINANCE”, and not to mention, most of the fish oil is damaged and denatured, only driving inflammation even further. The simple truth is this: the opposite outcome is occurring for which was intended, by taking the fish oil in the first place. The bottom line is this; do the opposite of what the government is saying and get rid of the vegetable oils. Take an amazing supplement called VISTA by Systemic Formulas (which is the perfect balance of good fats and created by a biochemist with a brilliant mind who understands all too well what is at stake), and eat more grass-fed meat and dairy. This is another core principle of The Cellular Healing Diet.

The Hidden and Unspoken TruthLastly, toxins are, in my opinion, the biggest driving factor of inflammation today. I have discussed this in every R of cellular healing, so I will not get into it here but I will say this: if you do not remove the hidden sources of toxins within your body, the chronic inflammation will NEVER be resolved. How many people do you have in your practice that still have “silver amalgam fillings” in their mouth? How many people are living in moldy homes? How many of them have undiagnosed Lyme disease? And how many are still drinking tap water and surrounding themselves with the toxic onslaught of modern-day living? That the personal care products they use every morning contain, on average, 518 chemicals that are known “hormone disruptors”.Of course it is also our job to educate them on the causes of the “SECRET KILLER”. Hidden toxic sources should not be an “unspoken truth” if you truly desire to change lives. If we do not, who will?

The Theory That Changed My LifeThe last 10 years has brought volumes of new research in the area of inflammation. There is one area of research that changed me, my health and my pursuit of knowledge forever. In R3, I spoke of an inflammation cycle called the NO/ONOO Cycle. It is the brilliant work of a biochemist named Martin Pall. Pall, in his vast research of cellular inflammation and his NO/ONOO Cycle theory, has given us an answer for so many unexplainable illnesses. Suffering with my own unexplainable illness, this became a theory that changed my life. After I got most of my life back I faced perhaps the most troubling part of my illness; “multiple chemical sensitivity” (MCS). MCS is considered by most to be unexplainable, but Pall’s theory gives a true etiology. MCS lies within the wake of so many chronic illnesses today and ruins lives. Most of these poor individuals go misunderstood and are told it is all their head; I can assure you FIRST HAND, it is not.


Detox Was Not EnoughAt this point, most of you understand why reducing inflammation is one of the 5R’s. However, the information about this new type of inflammation, which is driven by the NO/ONOO Cycle, led me to my final piece of the puzzle. Even after I emptied my bucket (removing my toxic load), I was still plagued by bizarre symptoms that seemed to appear out of nowhere. I think it was more frustrating because I would go days, weeks and sometimes even months without symptoms only to revisit symptoms that I had had in my worst times. As a matter of fact, I recall saying many times to my wife, in my periodic states of desperation (even though random and infrequent by comparison), that I could not go back there. What I was most afraid of when I had overcome so much was revisiting the hell of my unexplainable illness that I thought I was delivered from. I simply couldn’t understand, nor figure out, why these periodic episodes would come and go and leave me in such a frazzled state. At one point I realized that these episodes were not so random and I actually began to realize that they followed exposures to certain chemicals. It took time, but I began to isolate what those chemicals were and the various feelings or symptoms that they brought about. In fact, this is a good place for me to perhaps bring to your attention something I have found in many other people and not just myself; that a variety of chemicals that are sniffed either intentionally or unintentionally can bring about symptoms that are not random and need to be acknowledged. It may be the whiff of a diesel truck, or perhaps a woman’s (or man’s) fragrance on the street or in the office. I have even had first-hand experience with women staying sick and unwilling to admit that they were their own source of exacerbation.

It’s very difficult at times to remove the source when it’s all around you and in your daily life. That still does not change that removing the obvious exacerbating sources (izvori koji pogoršavaju stanje) is step one. I removed the sources I knew were affecting me, but there were just too many other exposures that would send me reeling backwards. I just couldn’t go on like this. Especially when people think you’re just nuts and at times you think that perhaps you are. Some years of living this reality myself left me searching for answers and this is when God allowed me to stumble upon Palls work.

The How ToAfter studying Pall’s, work as well as others, I began utilizing certain nutrients and antioxidants for the purpose of stopping the vicious cycle of inflammation (NO/ONOO Cycle). As I explained in R3, the NO/ONOO Cycle is a positive feedback that perpetuates inflammation within the cell.  In this complicated

cycle, chronic inflammation, driven by toxins, infections or stress of any type, stimulates certain nasty free radicals that can feed back into the perpetuating cycle that literally feeds itself. I was using several different supplements and individual nutrients that I had researched to stop the vicious cycle. It worked! I began to be a non-fearing, and almost excited, fully functional part society again. It’s important to point out that just detox alone is not enough once the vicious cycle unleashes its fury of cellular inflammation. The toxins must come out, but the cycle must also be stopped to bring one back to a life of normal.

Taking a handful, or sometimes bagful, of supplements can get old and costly. With the insightful work of Shayne Morris, who I spoke of above and in many of my other writings, as well as some elements from my own research, we developed a product with Systemic Formulas called EPIC. If I only had this product when I was getting well it would have saved me years and money, not to mention the frustration of the search for answers. EPIC   is the perfect combination of ingredients that down regulates the

NO/ONOO Cycle in one bottle. It has impacted so many lives with no surprise to me. Anything that stems from so much pain and suffering is bound to change lives and EPIC   has. The testimonies abound from a multitude of unexplainable illnesses as well as others.

Description: Epic by Systemic Formulas is a powerful intra-cellular antioxidant which enhances the cells ability to generate glutathione and S.O.D. (Superoxide Dismutase) in response to oxidative stress. In addition, it provides novel bioflavanoids acting specifically against superoxide and peroxynitrate (ONOO) free radicals. Systemic’s Dr. Morris, Ph.D developed Epic as part of our nutri-metabolomicTM research. RECOMMENDED USAGE: 1-3 capsules up to twice per day, or as directed. Increase the amount of liquids you drink while taking this product. Recommended to be taken without food. INGREDIENTS: Vitamin C; Vitamin B1 (Thiamine); Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin); Vitamin B6 (Pryidoxine); Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide); Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid); Vitamin B12 (Hydroxycobalamin); Vitamin (Biotin); Vitamin E; Magnesium (Oxide); Magenese (Chelate); Zinc (Chelate); Selenium (Chelate); Copper (Chelate); Arjuna; Citrus Flavonoids; E-Alpha-Lipoic Acid; Betaine; L-Carnitine; N-Acetyl Cysteine; Hesperitin; Carotenoids; Chia Oil (Omega 3); S.O.D.; Glutathione (Reduced); Glutamine; Royal Jelly 


The New FrontierResearch in the last 5 years has led to another exciting frontier in inflammation and its role in chronic disease. I have made mention of this frontier in some of the past “R’s”, it’s called epigenetics. Changing gene expression is the core of epigenetics and the key to getting chronic inflammation-driven diseases well. I am going to discuss this in detail in R5 (Reestablishing Methylation) so I will not go in depth here, but it’s important to understand that inflammation can change gene expression for the worse. What I mean to say is that we all have genes that predispose us to certain conditions, but these genes need to be turned on to actually express the disease. Inflammation in the cell can trigger one or more of these genes of susceptibility.I believe that unless you understand how to change this gene expression, you will not get most conditions well today. Certain antioxidants play a very important role in down-regulating inflammation in the cells that affect the DNA, and therefore, gene expression. Dr. Morris, with a great base of knowledge as well as even further understanding of the particulars in the area of epigenetics, created a product called ROX. When you study the research of certain antioxidants and how they affect gene expression, you will realize ROX is a product that is years ahead of its time. This product has become a key component of the 5R products needed to impact the epidemic of inflammation, autoimmune diseases and hormone conditions that are plaguing this country.

ROX is a nutritional supplement designed to put more “life” into your years and is formulated to contain molecular signals that have been shown to stabilize and protect normal cellular function; the newest of these molecules is resveratrol. ROX also provides all the nutrients necessary to carry out cellular rebuilding and protection as directed by the molecular signals. RECOMMENDED USAGE: 1-2 capsules up to four times a day, or as directed. Then, take as needed for maintenance. May be taken with or without food. INGREDIENTS: Vitamin C (Ascorbate, Rose Hips); Selenium (Chelate); Vitamin A (Beta Carotene); Trans-Resveratrol; Wine Extract; Acai; Noni; Green Tea Extract; Tumeric; Thyme; Grape Seed Extract; Cranberry Extract; Milk Thistle; Coenzyme Q10; Creatine; L-Arginine; Grapefruit; Flavonoids; Oregano Oil; Tyrosine; Arisaematis Rhizoma Preparatum; Yellow Dock (Herb); Sete Sangrias (Herb); Saussurea (Root); Goldenseal (Root) 

The next “5R” training will bring to light this new area in science that you cannot do without if you truly desire to impact the epidemic of degenerative diseases that are showing up in your office. 

R5 Reestablishing Methylation Turning Genes On/Off and Gene ExpressionTurning Genes On and Off, Gene Expression and Understanding the “Fat” Agouti GeneAt this point, it should be more than obvious that the 5R’s of cellular healing were divinely established. I could never take credit for something that came the way this did. As you can see from the past R’s, each one had a particular and personal story of how God, through much prayer showed me exactly what I needed in order to go to the next level in my own healing. Of course, as you will see shortly through my wife’s story, it would be the same for R5 (Reestablishing Methylation).

I recall sitting on an airplane and struggling with the complexities of the concepts I had learned, which at that time, I simply referred to as concepts of “cellular healing”. Most of my struggle was about how to communicate it in a way that people could understand. I knew that if people couldn’t grasp it; it would never be the life changer I knew it to be, especially knowing what it did for me and where it came from. I do not recall if I had prayed in my frustration at that time, but I know I had been praying about it for a while.  I had become more frustrated with each talk I was giving on the subject. I knew I had a message and an answer from God Himself to the multitude of chronic diseases and unexplainable conditions that so many, including myself, were suffering from, and yet it was not making the impact I had expected. I would speak the information with great passion only to receive blank stares in return. I believe most were able to understand the basic concept, but had no real way of conceptualizing exactly what I was saying so that it could be used in practice. 


As I sat on the airplane hearing only the sound of the jet engines, I started writing down the main concepts of “cellular healing”. This was a huge step, just narrowing down the concepts to single words or phrases.  At that time there appeared to be only 4 main concepts that captured what I had learned. I recall that 2 of the 4 had the letter R associated with them. Then, as if it were meant to be written that way, I realized that they all came with an R word that preceded it to not only help remember the R, but also a verb (an action word) describing what to do. Not that the magic is in the R words, it is in the fact that it gives the doctor, and as it turns out, the patient, a way to put into context all of the concepts needed to fix the cell in order to get well. Ultimately, the R’s provide a road map to cellular healing. Now there is a system and something to follow; a way to put it into practice and utilize it with every patient. This should be at the core of every protocol, because it addresses the core reasons of why people are so sick today. It hits on every aspect of why we are seeing more conditions that we once were able to help with natural treatments, but are now seemingly unresponsive.

God’s Work Was Not Finished: R5 EmergesI know what you are thinking!  “That’s only 4 R’s, what about R5?” As I stated above: each R came to me as God brought it, and as needed.  First of all, I have to say that I knew that it couldn’t be just 4 R’s.  It seems that everything comes to me in 3’s and 5’s or at least in odd numbers.  That may seem crazy, but when I looked back at everything I had done in the past that had merit, it was organized in odd numbers. Someone told me once when I made mention of this, that people remember things better in odd numbers. I do not know if that’s true or not, but God definitely spoke things to me this way.

At this time, new studies were emerging on the subject of epigenetics that captivated me because they supported something that I intuitively had know for years; people didn’t get sick from their bad genes, but from bad life styles and living in a toxic world. The new science backed this concept and gave a better understanding of how gene expression actually occurs and more importantly how to change back the bad gene expression for good. These new treatments have been groundbreaking in so many areas of disease. I can testify to my own experience as a practitioner to the growing number of cases that do not respond to protocols that had previously helped so many; I know many of you reading this can relate.  One of the things I learned from this research is that you can have the best protocol, diet and intentions, but if a bad gene of susceptibility is turned on and expressing an unhealthy condition, it must be turned off for true healing and a lasting change.

A stressor of any type can turn on a bad gene, and oftentimes, it gets triggered during emotionally stressful times such as divorce, separation, the death of a loved one etc. Even physically stressful times like pregnancy, can trigger a gene that begins expressing its ugliness in the form of hormone problems and even sudden weight gain. Many thyroid and autoimmune conditions start shortly after pregnancy and will not resolve until the gene is turned off. These same conditions can be triggered following a toxic exposure such as amalgam fillings being drilled out without proper protection, or being in a house that develops mold after water damage. 

How about the one I hear all the time; “this all started after my flu shot” or “my son was normal until he got his vaccinations”.

Is Your Agouti Gene Triggered?The best example of a toxin’s ability to trigger a gene is a study that was done at Duke University. The study took identical twin mice and separated the brothers and sisters into two groups and exposed one group of twins to a common toxin found in plastics, cosmetics and many other sources including canned foods. 

The toxin is called BPA, and is known for its ability to turn on obesity genes . It is commonly referred to as an “obesogen” (a chemical that can causes obesity). The BPA was given to the mice at a dose relative to their size as compared to that of a human. Both groups exercised and ate the same diet. The identical twins given the toxin BPA, despite exercising and eating the same diet as their twin brothers and sisters, became obese because a gene known as the “agouti gene” was triggered. 

The agouti gene when turned on will cause obesity, heart disease and even the hair to turn dry and yellow.  Their offspring were not exposed to the BPA, but were born doomed for obesity because their “agouti gene” was turned on from their parent’s toxic exposure. They became fat teenage mice despite exercise and the same diet as their thin twins. The best part of the study was they gave the mice something called methyl groups, which methylate DNA to turn off the fat gene. They became thin again


and even their new offspring remained thin as well. Methyl groups are part of a product that I utilize with every patient called  MORS   (Systemic Formulas).

Why Most Methylation PRODUCTS DO NOT WORK – Intoducing MORS

MORS is the most complete methylation product available today. The methylation cycle is very complex with many rate-limiting factors that can cause depletion, and MORS is the only product I know that addresses all of them. Using certain active forms of methyl donors that are utilized directly in the cell without being converted to another form, such as methyltetrahydrofolate, is important because many people genetically do not have the enzymes to make the conversion and are predisposed to methyl depletion (this is known as an MTHFR genetic snip – op. VFS gen. mutacija). These individuals are also more predisposed to toxic build up and need to take the correct product with the active forms such as MORS. Methyl depletion goes far beyond the inability to detox, but sets up a host of unexplainable symptoms and diseases that is best explained by a principle known as “The Methylation Priority Principle”.

Mors by Systemic Formulas Dr. Shayne Morris' passion for nutri-metabolomic research helped develop the paradigm shifting product, MoRS. It is the finest methylation formula and is critical for nutritional support of intracellular and epigenetic healing.

“The Methylation Priority Principle”: An Answer to the UnexplainableMethylation is a process in the body with many responsibilities, one of which is to turn good genes on and bad ones off. If methyl groups are lacking, it leaves greater opportunity for toxins, inflammation and other stressors to trigger bad genes more easily. A researcher and doctor named Dr. Alan Vinitsky theorized that due to the importance of methylation in the body and its multiple functions, there must be a prioritization of the valuable methyl groups it uses in the many life-sustaining functions. I believe his principle and theory are correct. There is a hierarchy of importance in the body for all things needed, and survival is always at the top, therefore your body’s innate intelligence will utilize methyl groups for survival first at the expense of other needs for methylation such as protecting the DNA and gene expression . If methyl groups are lacking, your body will use them first to adapt to stress as a means for survival. For example, it needs methyl groups to activate cortisol and adrenalin (the 2 most important stress hormones) and if there is a lack of methyl groups it will take them away from other uses to activate the hormones needed to adapt to stress. If your body does not adapt to stress it dies, and its greatest priority is to live. The problem is that now the other needs are not met and new problems will arise such as DNA damage (cancer) or genes susceptibly being turned on. This is a new understanding of how stress can lead to a host of different diseases.

Stress in fact, is the number one way methyl groups become depleted.  Remember, your body does not know the difference between stress: whether physical, chemical or emotional. Its response is the same, and its use of methyl groups to adapt to the stress is the same. Yes all of your worrying is costing you valuable methyl groups and putting your DNA at risk. What about your chemical exposures from toxic personal care products, silver amalgam fillings, non-organic foods, grain-fed meats, city water, vaccinations, the list goes on. Add these stressors together (emotional and chemical), it is no wonder methyl depletion is driving a surge in hormone problems and what we call unexplainable diseases. 

Even chronic anxiety and depression can be linked to methyl depletion. Methyl groups are needed to turn on the stress response but they are also needed to turn it off. Some people become so depleted due to multiple stressors that they simply do not have enough to turn off the stress response and are left in a heightened stress reaction with ups and downs in cortisol and adrenalin. These individuals not only have anxiety, but also sleep problems and eventually depression.

Hormones, Cancer and Methyl DepletionI had said earlier in this article that I learned this information the hard way through personal battles.  Unfortunately, I became deeply acquainted with the “methylation priority principle” through my wife’s


battle. I truly have bled for this information and because this personal battle dealt with my wife’s hormones you could say I bled deeply.

When I first met my wife Merily back in college, she was eating the standard American diet.  I recall looking in her cabinet and seeing peanut butter, Snyder’s hard pretzels, and Ramen Noodles. I was stunned by the foods she was surviving on when eating at home. Needless to say, she had the symptoms to go along with her diet. She suffered from multiple hormone problems and severe allergies. I remember her lying in bed every spring and fall for days with cold compresses on her sinuses due to her severe allergies. She would take enormous sized horse pills (800 mg of Motrin in each) just to get through her cycle.

It was clear that if this relationship was to go any further, things had to change and clearly they did.  Merily changed her diet and even fasted. Some years later, her allergies and most of her hormone problems had resolved. However, there were some persistent hormone related issues that remained. At one point, odd anxiety, emotions, and even a feeling of being outside of herself had expressed itself out of nowhere.

We Found the Hidden Source of the ProblemAt this point, I decided to check her heavy metal levels because I had suspected her mother to have high lead (the number one source of lead comes from mom). The heavy metal test came back with extremely high levels of lead, just as I expected. This explained the unresolved hormone challenges. I applied what I had learned about “true heavy metal chelation” through my own battle with mercury to her high lead levels.  By the way, one of my greatest pet peeves (glavni razlog zlovolje, op. VFS) is that most doctors, both alternative and allopathic, detox heavy metals incorrectly making it ineffective and worse yet; unsafe. As we removed the lead through the proper protocol, many of her symptoms began to subside. However, some symptoms would come and go, especially once she stopped certain supplements.

This Test Saved My Wife’s LifeThis lead me to run a urine 24-Hour Hormone Test, which, in my opinion is the best way to assess hormones and to get a better glimpse of what was going on. By the way, this is the same test that Suzanne Somers attributed to saving her life. I also believe this test saved my wife’s life. The test revealed by assessing the 2 phases of estrogen metabolism (the 2 ways your body gets rid of toxic estrogen) that she was heading for an estrogen dominant type of cancer. Unfortunately, most doctors are still looking at “blood estrogen levels” as opposed to urine to determine the risk for estrogen related cancers.

The 24-Hour Hormone Test (urine collection) utilizes the new research on assessing the ratio of good to bad estrogen metabolites (Phase 1 Estrogen Metabolism), and the body’s abilities to attach a methyl group to toxic estrogen and remove it form the body (Phase 2 Estrogen Metabolism). My wife was in the red zone on both. She had become severely methyl depleted because of her elevated lead levels. Her body was prioritizing the use of methyl groups to deal with the stress of toxic lead at the expense of getting rid of bad estrogen. No doubt this also turned on some bad genes, which was causing some of the new symptoms as well.  We were able to up her methylation and with the release of the new product  MORS   some time later, her symptoms resolved. 

More importantly, she didn’t end up like her mother, which is still a lesson that I hope those reading this hear clearly.

This Lesson That I Pray You All HearMerily’s mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in her 50’s and did the typical lumpectomy and radiation treatments. I told her then that she needed to get to the cause of why she got cancer in the first place but my advice fell on deaf ears, especially after her treatment was considered a success and she was now considered cured. After 5 years of being cancer free, the word “cured” can be used. 

Unfortunately, the statistics show a high return rate of another estrogen type of cancer around the ten-year mark. Right around that ten-year mark of being “cancer free” or “cured”, she was then diagnosed with stage 4 uterine cancer (the worst kind). She once again did the standard treatments and never did get to the cause (high lead causing methyl depletion and the build up of toxic estrogen) and she died two years later. 

My wife or I could say and have, “what if she would have taken the 24-Hour Hormone Test, taken MORS   and chelated the lead out?” Would she still be here? I don’t know, but perhaps God’s greater purpose was her testimony in the end to those who watched in utter amazement as she departed


this world with grace and love…something that she struggled with while living out her own challenges. This life lesson has made me that much more bold about this topic and has allowed me an even greater passion to transform more lives… that is absolutely for certain.

I pray those reading this article will learn from our personal story and take action before it is too late.  This epidemic is massive and growing and too few are speaking about the true cause when the science behind it is so strong and clear.

My Final PleaThe 5R’s came out of much suffering and it may not be the answer to every health problem, but I know it came from God to impact a remnant for those who can see it to truly get it.   It is estimated that 3% of people are those who just take action and live their lives from “cause”.  They intuitively know that everything in life comes from something. This knowing drives them to always look deeper, and even to look to themselves for the answers so they can make the necessary changes to affect their outcome.  They rarely look to blame, and it is these 3-percenters that are most successful in the majority of things they do in life. The 97% seem to have a lot of reasons why they will not do something, and live their lives from “effect” not considering that there is always a cause. Most blame others or simply think life is random and therefore do not take action to make changes. 

The best part is we can learn to be 3%ers. It is a daily choice. BE A 3-percenter! TAKE ACTION WITH WHAT YOU LEARNED IN THESE 5 R’s. I know you didn’t read this by accident.

Order lab tests online here: https://www.directlabs.com/healthcentersofthefuture/OrderTests.aspx

Order dr. Pompa Systemic Formulas products here: https://www.revelationhealth.com/