Weather Report Salomon Sonido

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Weather Report Salomon Sonido

Welcome to the weather forecast news at:

“English World Time Channel”

Hello, on this afternoon we will inform you about the Weather forecast around of the world

First, the International Organization “Green peace” and the International Forecast Weather, has reported that the Global Warming has increased 2 grades during this year.

There will be a lightning

storm in Los Angeles CA, USA and the

Airport International will be closed

for some hours.

At the same time, the Southwest of Texas USA will be damaged by some tornadoes.

Some images taken from our satellite, shows us the Earth and the formation

of new hurricanes.

Fortunately, Brazil has better climate conditions, there will be sunny on this


In Sweden the climate will be rainy and then the valley will be painted

by some rainbows

Mexican beaches are good for being on vacations, you can take out your

bikini and life jacket if you do not know how to swim.

My name is Salomon Tecpanecatl and the weather forecast report Team wish you enjoy this weekend, and

please heal the world!