Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969

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  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969


  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969


  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969


    When the three astronauts in their man-

    shocking headline Briton Foresees a Hell


    made spacecraft orbited around the moon

    on Earth you read the statement made

    ten times a t Christmastime of the year

    a t London, England, November 23, 1968,

    1968, they observed that things were very

    by Lord Ritchie-Calder, president of the

    peaceful at the moon just seventy miles

    Conservation Society, in which he said,

    away. When they returned safely to our in part:

    earth, they reentered a world in


    am always appalled when hear

    which wars raged and people complacently talk-

    where great fears were be- ing about the population

    ing expressed of the break-

    explosion as though it be-

    ing out of a third world longed to the future, or

    war, a nuclear war. Yet world hunger as though it

    they were most happy to were threatening, when

    get back to our troubled hundreds of millions can

    earth. And why not? Who testify th at it is already

    is it that wants to go to the

    here-swea r it with panting

    moon in order to enjoy breath. My concern is

    planetary peace? The thing to conserve the human spir-

    that ordinary people want

    it not from the hell here-

    is world peace right here after but from hell upon

    on earth, where we belong. earth. -New York


    This desire of their hearts as of November 24, 1968.

    is not misplaced, for right

    This only serves to con-

    here on earth is where they

    firm what Julian


    will enjoy a peace of a thou-

    former director general of

    sand years, and this begin-

    the United Nations Educa-

    ning right soon. What if

    tional, Scientific and Cul-

    you should live to see it be-

    t u r d Organization, said in

    gin? You would consider the same city fourteen

    yourself to be most highly years earlier (September

    favored indeed.

    7, 1954) to the conference

    World conditions today of Parl iamentarians for

    will no doubt prompt you World Government, name-

    to ask, Who 'will usher in ly, that the world's most

    and maintain this peace of pressing problem was the

    a thousand years? After growth of population, which

    all the display that men of is threatening to outstrip

    world affairs have made of


    food supplies. (New York

    themselves as peacemakers


    September 8, 1954)

    and peace-keepers, you have

    thoughtful person, there-

    properly lost confidence in fore, asks, What will the

    the ability of men to do population and food situa-

    such a colossal thing. To tion be fourteen years from

    you the obstacles in the way

    now? What we are reason-

    of establishing a lasting ably led to expect does not

    world peace seem insur- give us any peace of mind.

    mountable for men. You ar e The settling of minor

    aware of the explosive increase in

    wars, as in Vietnam and in the

    the earth's human population, and Middle East, cannot change the over-

    you read the full-page advertisement in all picture. The hostility of the two

    the newspaper, with t$e headline:

    The great political groups still remains. n dis-

    Population Bomb Threatens the Peace of cussing the Nation's Business, the New

    the World, ads of this sort being repeat- York


    of December 6, 1968 (page

    edly published by the Campaign to Check 96, paragraphs 4, 5), said: he cold

    the Population Explosion. (New York war, though vastly changed, is far from


    February 9, 1969) Also, under the over. Its perils ar e not diminishing. If any-

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    thing they're

    o n t h e i n-

    crease. It ex-

    p ressed the

    fear that con-

    tinued disinte-

    gration of the

    Soviet bloc of

    na t ions may

    tempt the Rus-

    sians into new

    and desperate

    measures. This

    reminds us

    that the Soviet

    Union's next-

    door neigh-

    bor, Commu-



    Enosr, president


    nist China, is Watch Tower Society,

    a big problem


    deliver this public

    for her, yes, address throughout

    and for much ~ o r t h merica

    of the rest of and Europe

    the world. Add-

    ed to the awesomeness of her tremendous

    population is the disquieting fact that Com-

    munist China is now a nuclear power with

    the capacity of launching long-range mis-

    siles. By continued success in the missile

    field and by beginning to stockpile her

    weapons in the year 1972, and then keep-

    ing this up, the Communist Chinese

    should be in a position to deploy 15 or

    20 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles by

    about 1975. -New York Times February

    3 1969.

    Truly the problems that need to be

    solved for world peace by human means

    are formidable, and yet there are men who

    offer themselves t o tackle such problems.

    One such appears to be the thirty-seventh

    president of the United States of America.

    In his address following his inauguration

    on January 20, 1969, he said:


    have taken an oath today in the

    presence of God and my countrymen, to

    uphold and to defend the Constitution of

    the United States. To tha t oath, I now add

    this sacred commitment: I shall conse-

    crate my office, my energies and all the

    wisdom I can summon to the cause of

    peace. The greatest honor history can

    bestow is the title of peacemaker. This

    to help lead the world a t last out of the

    valley of turmoil and on to that high

    ground of peace that man has dreamed

    of since the dawn of civilization. If we

    succeed generations to come will say of

    us now living that we mastered our mo-

    ment, that we helped make the world safe

    for mankind. Our destiny offers not

    the cup of despair, but the chalice of op-

    portunity. So let us seize it, not in fear,

    but in gladness-and 'riders on the earth

    together,' let us go forward, firm in our

    faith, steadfast in our purpose, cautious

    of the dangers, but sustained by our con-

    fidence in the will of God and the promise

    of man. -New York


    January 21,


    Possibly the president .had in mind the

    famous words of the Man of whom he

    claims to be a follower, as recorded by

    Jesus' biographer Matthew Levi: Blessed

    are the peacemakers: for they shall be

    called the children of God. (Matthew 5:

    9, AV) But at least the president had in

    mind an ancient prophecy of the eighth

    century before our Common Era. How

    can we be sure of this? Because, when

    being sworn in with upraised right hand

    he had his left hand resting upon two

    family Bibles, held one on top of the other

    by his wife and opened at the prophecy

    of Isaiah, chapter two, verse four, which

    reads: And he shall judge among the na-

    tions, and shall rebuke many people: and

    they shall beat their swords into plow-

    shares, and their

    spears. into prun-

    inghooks: nation

    shall not lift up

    sword against na-

    tion, neither shall

    they learn war

    any more. (AV)

    ( N e w Y o r k

    Times January

    20, 1969, front

    page, las t col-

    umn) Having his

    left hand at that

    Bible verse was,

    not accidental,

    but of design. In

    that Bible verse

    G Suiter, secretary-

    treasurer. s~eaker

    honor now beckons ~rnerica- the chance was expressed in B

  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969


    IN L L P R T S O F THE W O R L D



    "the will of God" of more than two mil-

    lenniums ago, and now the president was

    adding "the promise of man."


    Certainly if the prophetic words of

    Isaiah, chapter two, verse four, bespeak

    the will of Almighty God, they will with-

    out fail come to reality and there will one

    day be universal peace. But does the ulti-

    mate realization of those prophetic words

    require a condition? Is their realization

    conditional upon the "promise of man"?

    Does their realization depend upon the

    "promise" of the political rulers of the

    nations and people? If it were, well, then,

    would a warless world ever come to earth?

    Prominent, influential men of the world

    may see the final state of the world that

    God has willed. Moved with religious emo-

    tion, they may in all sincerity promise to

    use their political office, their energies

    and all the wisdom that they can summon

    to work for realizing that world state as

    willed by God. But what if such men,

    when making their promise, have in mind

    working for it in their own way according

    to the wisdom of this world, and not in

    God's way according to his wisdom as set

    forth in his written Word, the Holy Bi-

    ble? Have we reason to believe that God

    will prosper their efforts to fulfill their

    "promise" in their own self-determined

    way? Or, may it be true that such men

    of "promise" will really be working against

    the "will of God"? Has man's way up till

    now for bringing in a lasting universal

    peace been God's way? The apparent lack

    of God's blessing upon man's way of doing

    it till now would answer No But through

    the same prophet Isaiah God himself an-

    swers this vital question, saying:

    "My thoughts are not your thoughts,

    neither are your ways my ways, saith the

    LORD. or as the heavens are higher than

    the earth, so are my ways higher than

    your ways, and my thoughts than your

    thoughts. For

    so shall my word be

    that goeth forth out of my mouth: i t shall

    not return unto me void, but it shall ac-

    complish that which please, and it shall

    prosper in the thing whereto sent it."

    -Isaiah 55 -11, AV

    God's spoken and written word will nev-


    e r fail. But what about th e word of "prom-

    ise" made by men in political power? At

    th e close of World War in 1918 such

    men were bent on preventing the occur-

    rence of another world conflict. What was

    the way that the political men who had

    to do with the peace treaty decided upon

    to prevent it? By embodying in the peace

    treaty the so-called Covenant of th e League

    of Nations. When the peace trea ty went

    into force, so did the League of Nations.

    Through that League of Nations the

    men support-

    ing i t promised

    much. Seem-

    i n g l y t h e

    League of Na-

    tions was ac-

    cording to the

    will of God, be-

    cause the reli-

    gious clergy

    of Christen-

    dom backed up

    the League .

    T h e F e d e r a l

    Council of the

    Churches of

    Christ in Amer-

    ica said as if i t

    F W.

    Franz, vice-president,

    were a spokes-



    Atlanta man for God:

    " S u c h a

    League is not a mere political expedient;

    it is rather the political expression of

    the Kingdom of God on earth. The

    Church can give a spirit of good-will, with-

    out which no League of Nations can en-


    The League of Nations is root-

    ed in the Gospel. Like the Gospel, its

    objective is 'peace on earth, good-will to-

    ward men."'-Federal Council Bulletin.

    Vol. 11 No. 1, as of January 1919, pagei


    Evidently those churches of Christen-

    dom were wrong about this, for that

    League of Nations did not endure. The

    very thing that it was designed by man's

    wisdom to prevent was the thing that put

    i t out of action, namely, World War


    The League turned over its effects to the

    United Nations, the world peace organiza-

    tion that came into existence on October

    24, 1945. Once again this international or-

    ganization for world peace and security

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    P E AC E O N E A R T H I N T E R N A T I O N A L A S S EM B L Y


    J E H O V A H ' S W I T N E S S E S

    would seem to be according to the will New York city? What words? These:

    of God, inasmuch as the clergy of Chris- They shall beat thei r swords into plow-

    tendom piously support it. Even the popes shares, and their spears into pruning

    of Vatican City have come out in support hooks; nation shall not lift up sword

    of it , Pope Paul VI personally addressing against nation,

    neither shall they learn

    it on one occasion at its New York head- war any more.

    quarters. Today one hundred and twenty-

    six nations are members of it, imclnding

    N O T C Q N D I T I N E D O N


    O MAN

    the nation th at recently inaugurated its Regardless of what human history as

    thirty-seventh president. The new presi- written by uninspired men may do as to

    dent has indicated how he will fulfill the honoring men and nations with titles, God

    promise of man, and that is by working himself does not purpose to bestow the

    with the United Nations, together with greatest honor of the title of Peace-

    other but smaller international alliances. maker upon any politician of this last half

    But the blessing of the clergy of Christen- of the twentieth century. This honor a t

    dom gives no more guarantee that this

    His hand is not now beckoning to any

    United Nations will endure than it did for member of the United Nations or to any

    the League of Nations. nation outside it. Not a single one of the

    History cannot bestow upon the League nations and peoples of the world is accept-

    of Nations the honor of bearing the title ing from God's mouth what the prophecy

    of peacemaker. There is no basis for his- of Isaiah 2:4 says would precede the beat-

    tory to honor the United Nations with the ing of swords into plowshares and spears

    tit le of Peacemaker. While the United Na- into

    pruning hooks and the learning of

    tions mouths

    great words of peace and war no more by the nations. Those open-

    carries on negotiations to restore or keep ing words

    of this prophetic Verse read:

    the peace in different areas of the earth, 'And he shall judge among the nations,

    its member nations are preparing for war. 2nd shall rebuke many peo~le.

    The strongest members of its Security A prophecy of th at same ancient .t ime

    Council are the most mightily armed na- that corresponds with that of Isaiah 2:4,

    tions in all human history. World peace the prophecy in Micah


    reads: And

    today, such as it is, is a peace of terror, he shall judge among many people, and

    a peace maintained only because


    the rebuke strong nations afar off; and they

    terrorizing fear of nuclear, bacteriological shall beat their swords into plowshares,

    and radiological war that spells the doom

    and their spears into pruninghooks: na-

    of modern civilization. Where, then, is the tion shall not lift up a sword against na-

    fulfillment of the words that are carved tion, neither shall they learn war any

    prominently on a wall a t 42nd Street fac- more. --AV.

    ing the plaza of the United Nations amidst The nations are not letting themselves

    be judged by the Lord God. They

    submit their problems to the Gen-

    eral Assembly or the Security

    Council of the United Nations or

    to its International Court of Jus-

    tice at The Hague in the Nether-

    lands. They do not go by the judg-

    ments that are set down in God's

    written Word, the Holy Bible. The

    nations, even the strong nations

    tha t are afar off from where the

    prophets Isaiah and Micah lived,

    do not take any rebuke from the

    Lord God as set out in his written

    Word or as quoted by his mouth-

    pieces from that written Word. If

    they did accept and heed his judg-

  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969


     N LL P RTS O F TH




    ment and his rebuke, they would beat

    their swords into plowshares and their

    P~b l i c


    spears into pruning hooks and not lift up

    Widely dvedised

    the sword of war against one another or

    even learn war anymore. But everybody

    knows that tbey are not doing so. Hence,

    regardless of the promise of man, no

    lasting world peace can be hoped for from

    the nations, either in


    united organiza-

    tion or singly. No political ruler or nation

    will yet step forward and be the one that

    divine history will greatly honor with the

    title of Peacemaker.

    Nothing in the way of a disarmed, peace-

    learning world can be expected from the

    promise of man9' that pursues fke way

    and wisdom of man, not God's way and

    wisdom, which are heaven-high above

    man's. The Almighty God, Creator of

    heaven and earth, is not dependent upon

    the promise of man. His prediction of

    the future is not conditioned upon it. His

    word at Isaiah 2:4 is an unconditional

    prophecy. Even though the people and

    strong nations of today are planning and

    acting against


    that glorious prophecy

    will come true. God will see to that; for

    what man, what people, what strong ma-

    tion can succeed against Him? From this

    sure fact let all persons who yearn for

    everlasting universal peace as foretold in

    God's Word take comfort.

    God does not change with regard to his

    stated purpose. For almost two millen-

    niums now he has had the one whom he

    has anointed or consecrated to serve as

    Peacemaker for all mankind. By the proph-

    e u s a i a h God foretold the disarming of

    earth's inhabitants and the learning of

    war no more. By the same prophet God

    foretold this Peacemaker. We have already

    considered Isaiah, chapter two, verse four.

    Turn now to chapter nine, verses six and

    seven, and read of the birth and work of

    this Peacemaker:

    For unto


    a child is born, unto



    son is given: and the government shall be

    upon his shoulder: and his name shall be

    called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty

    God, The everlasting Father, The Prince

    of Peace. Of the increase of his govern-

    ment and peace there shall be no end, upon

    the throne of David, and upon his king-

    dom, to order it, and to establish it with

    judgment and with justice from hence-

  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969




    forth even for ever. The zeal of the LOR

    of hosts will perform this."-AV.

    Hear again those prophetic words: "Of

    the increase of his government and peace

    there shall be no end." In those words is

    given God's unbreakable promise of an un-

    ending government of endless peace. I t is

    the government of a child born into the

    family line of King David, the son whose

    name was to be called "The Prince of

    Peace." His life -will have to be as long as

    his peaceful government-endless, immor-

    tal. The fact that his name was also to be

    not prove to be a liar as regards this

    prophecy either. He is the "God, that can-

    not lie."-Titus






    God's mouthpiece, the prophet Isaiah,

    continued to prophesy on into the reign

    of King Rezekiah of Jerusalem, but Heze-

    kiah did not prove to be the promised

    ''child" or "son" who was to be honored

    with the title of Peacemaker, The Prince

    of Peace. Neither did the seven kings who

    followed Hezekiah urson the "throne of

    called "The everlasting Fa- David" i t Jerusalem, down

    ther" bears this out. This to the last king, Zedekiah,

    would result in his being the prove to be the promised

    Permanent Heir of King Da-

    Prince of Peace. In fact, in

    vid, inasmuch as the divine the eleventh year of the reign

    prophecy says tha t this peace-

    of King Zedekiah the holy

    ful endless government would city of Jerusalem and its

    be "upon the throne of


    temple as built by the ear-

    vid, and upon his kingdom, lier King Solomon were de-

    to order it , and to establish stroyed by the armies of

    it with judgment and with

    pagan Babylon, and the con-

    justice from henceforth even

    quered people were deported

    for ever." I t is to the reign

    as exiles to far-off Babylon.

    of this Permanent Heir of Only seventy years later did

    King David as The Prince the city

    of. Jerusalem and a

    of Peace that we must look

    temple for God's worship be-

    for the approaching peace

    In New


    gin to be built by released

    t o

    hear this talk

    of a thousand years. He is




    the One whom the Lord od

    imprisoned years



    Well, then, was the "zeal

    honors with the title of




    of the LORD f hosts" frus-

    Peacemaker, and not some

    CommuGsts beca use she

    trated and cooled down? Not

    politician or some nation of tola bthers


    G Q ~ at all Despite this apparent

    this twentieth century. could bring lasting peace failure of Isaiah's prophecy,

    I t is true that more than God's zeal was as hot as

    two and a half millenniums have passed ever for the performing of the proph-

    since that prophecy was uttered and writ- ecy. The "throne of David" was never

    ten down by God's prophet Isaiah, and again set up at Jerusalem, but that did

    here we are in a time when nations are not matter. The line of the royal family

    trying to stave off the world war th at of King David was not blotted out but

    would be the greatest and worst of all continued on. Then five hundred and thirty-

    human history. But we must not lose five years after Jerusalem began to be

    faith in the coming tru e of Isaiah's rebuilt Isaiah's prophecy began to be ful-

    prophecy of the Peacemaker and of eter- filled by the birth of the promised "child,"

    nal peace on earth. The zeal of the Lord the "son" who was to be the Permanent

    of hosts is behind this prophecy, which Heir of King David. This occurred in the

    He himself inspired by his holy spirit. The second year before the s tart of our Gom-

    prophecy closes by saying:

    "The zeal of mon Era; in other words, in the year

    the LORD f hosts will perform this." His 2 B.G.E. It occurred at the birthplace of

    zeal has not cooled off by now regarding, King David, namely, Bethlehem-Judah,


    the prophecy, for his own name and repu- fulfillment of Micah's prophecy

    5 : ).


    are at stake in connection with it,

    In order to prove that his ancient proph-



    never lied in anything else; he will

    ecy had come true, the zealous Lord of

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    T H WORLD IN 969

    hosts would certainly have witnesses to

    the birth of the promised Prince of Peace.

    Fi rst of all he made angels witnesses to

    the child's birth. Then he made shepherds

    of Bethlehem witnesses of the event. By

    night in the early autumn of the year

    2 B.C.E. the angel of the Lord God ap-

    peared to those shepherds watching over

    their sheep in the field near Bethlehem.

    An investigator of the facts of the birth,

    a medical doctor by the name of Luke,

    though not himself delivering the child,

    reports: "An angel of the Lord flashed

    upon them, the glory of the Lord shone all

    round them. They were terribly afraid,

    but the angel said to them, 'Have no fear.

    This is good news I am bringing you, news

    of a great joy th at is meant for all the

    People. To-day you have a saviour born

    in the town of David, the Lord messiah.

    And here is a proof for you: you will find

    a baby wrapped up and lying in a stall

    for cattle.' Then a host of heaven's army

    suddenly appeared beside the angel, extol-

    ling God and saying, 'Glory to God in high

    heaven, and peace on earth for men whom

    he favours ' "--Luke 2:8-14, Mof fa t t

    Doctor Luke tells us that the shepherds

    went and found

    the newborn baby, and

    thus they became eyewitnesses of the birth

    of "the Lord messiah," along with the

    heavenly angels. Doctor Luke closes, say-

    ing: "Then the shepherds went away back,

    glorifying and extolling God for all that

    they had heard and seen-as they had

    been told they would."-Luke 2 15-20,No.

    Forty days later the God-fearing man

    Simeon and then the prophetess Anna saw

    and identified the child when he was

    brought to the temple at Jerusalem. In

    this way they also became witnesses to

    the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy con-

    cerning the Prince of Peace.--Luke 2:


    The angel spoke of the child as "the

    Lord messiah." Greek-speaking Jews of

    that day would say "the Lord Christ," for

    "messiah" and "Christ" mean the same

    thing, "anointed one." That is to say, God's

    anointed one. According to God's instruc-

    tion to his virgin mother he was given the

    personal name Jeshua; but the Greek-

    speaking Jews like Doctor Luke called him

    Jesus. So with his title he was called

    Jeshua Messiah or Jesus Christ. (Luke

    i 6-33; Matthew I : I, 20-25) Because he

    was a descendant of King David he was

    also called "the Son of David." Why was

    he given the personal name Jesus? The



    t h e Bible by Dr. William

    Smith (page I346), edition of 1894, says

    that the name Jeshua or Jesus means

    "Help of Jehovah," or "Saviour." This

    corresponds with what God's angel told

    his foster father, carpenter Joseph a t Naz-

    areth: "'You must call his name Jesus, for

    he will save his people from their sins."

    -Matthew I 18-25.

    Among the royal forefathers was the

    wisest man of ancient times, King Solo-

    mon the son of David. His name means

    "Peaceful," or 'Teaee." Quite appropriate-

    ly, he reigned at Jerusalem, the name

    of which means "Possession of Twofold

    Peace." Despite this combination of names

    Solomon's reign did not usher in a millen-

    nium of peace. At most it brought in a

    peace of forty years. Despite his wise sta rt

    as king of Jerusalem, he turned out bad


    his old age. He became oppressive to

    the people of Israel. He yielded to the

    pressure of his many foreign wives and

    joined them in worshiping other gods than

    Jehovah God. He thus lost his peace with

    the one living and true God, who ex-

    pressed his indignation by ripping ten of

    the twelve tribes of Israel away from the

    kingdom of Solomon's successors. IKings

    1119-12 :24; Nehemiah 13: 26,29) But dur-

    ing the more than half of his forty-year

    reign that Solomon was faithful to Jeho-

    vah as God and wrote three books of the

    Holy Bible, Solomon was used as a pro-

    phetic figure of the true Messiah or Christ.

    Unlike Solomon, Jesus Christ as



    fect man on earth never proved unfaithful

    to God. He worthily bore th e name Jeshua

    or Jesus, which means "Help of Jehovah,"

    or 'Salvation of Jehovah." Solomon his

    ancestor had been anointed with holy oil

    to be king over all Israel, but Jesus was

    anointed with holy spirit from heaven at

    the time of his water baptism in the Jor-

    dan River, God's voice being heard by

    John the Baptist, saying: "This is my be-

    loved Son, in whom


    am well pleased."

    (Matthew 3: 13-19, AV] Jesus thereby be-

    came God's Anointed One or Christ in a

    sense superior to Solomon. Without ego-

    tism or exaggeration Jesus could speak of

  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969




    himself as being "something more than

    the execution stake outside the walls of

    Solomon." (Matthew 12:42) By his faith-

    Jerusalem, Jesus Christ lives On the third

    fulness he maintained his right to the day of his death the Almighty God Je-

    "throne of David" or the

    kingly rulership hovah raised him from the dead to life as

    over all Israel tha t such throne symbol- his spiritual Son in heaven, clothing him

    ized. But God never gave with immortality and in-

    the anointed Jesus that corruption. As Jesus Christ

    "throne of David" on earth. manifested himself to his

    (Luke 1:32, 33) First, God

    disciples after his resurrec-

    tested Jesus' faithfulness to

    tion from the dead, during

    the limit, letting him die forty days before his as-

    as a perfect human sacri- cension to heaven, there

    fice on an execution stake,

    came to be upward of five

    that thus Jesus might "save

    hundred eyewitnesses to the

    his people from their sins." resurrected Jesus Christ.

    -Matthew 1:21.

    (Acts 1:1-5; 2:22-36;



    The anointed Jesus kept rinthians 15:3-9) He now

    his peace with Jehovah being alive forevermore, he

    God clear to the end of his can indeed become "The

    earthly life. Shortly before

    everlasting Father" to the

    he was betrayed and turned

    dying world of mankind. Al-

    over to the executioners so, of his peaceful govern-

    he said to the elever, faith-

    ment over mankind there

    ful ones of his twelve apos-

    does not need to be any



    leave you peace,


    give you my peace. I do

    end and there "shall be no

    not give it to you the way

    end."(Isaiah 9 7 AV)

    that the world gives it."

    He is the heavenly Ruler

    (John 14 27) Hours af erm




    Nigeria, for


    able to usher in upon war-

    ward, when standing be-



    God s

    torn mankind the peace of

    fore the trial judge, the word present to hear a thousand years". The Unit-

    Roman governor Pontius

    this discourse ed Nations cannot do so

    Pilate, the peaceful Jesus

    said to him: "My kingdom is no part of



    this world. my kingdom is not from When, though, does the Prince of Peace

    this source." I t was not a t Jesus9 request star t his government sf an endless peace?

    that Pontius Pilate put over the head of Righteously disposed people today are cry-

    Jesus on the execution stake the notice ing out for such a government. Does not

    reading: '"esus the Nazarene the King of the very world situation mark this as the

    the Jews." (John 18:36; 19:16-22) Jesus epoch in which it would be most fitting

    refused to accept kingship a t the hand of for Jehovah God to bring in such a gov-

    Devil or man. He died on the execution ernment according to his unbreakable

    stake, waiting on his God Jehovah to give promise of Isaiah 9:6, 7? Apparently so.

    him the "throne of David his fa ther9' to But first the obstructors of peace must be

    which he was the Permanent Heir. (Mat- cleared out of the way. The greatest ob-

    thew 4:B-11; Luke 1:32,


    John 6: 14, structor is one over whom neither the

    15) He died true and loyal to what he had United Nations nor any singIe nation or

    preached, namely,

    "The kingdom of God people have any control, for he



    has drawn near."-Mark 1:14, 15; Mat- human. He is the one who offered Jesus




    Christ all the kingdoms of this world if

    Today, after almost three millenniums, he would turn away from worshiping Je-

    unfaithful Solomon still sleeps in death hovah as God, worshiping the great Tempt-

    with his forefathers.


    Kings 11:41-43, er instead. This greatest peace obstructor

    AV) Today, after more than nineteen hun-

    is named Satan the Devil. He is the prince

    dred years from his sacrificial death on

    of legions of devils or demons. (Matthew

  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969


     N LL P RTS

    OF TH

    WORLD IN 969

    4:s-11; 12:24-28, AV Jesus Christ called

    He remarked upon the approach of things

    him also "the ruler of this world," where-

    of interest to Americans and to all Chris-

    as the Christian apostle Paui calied him tendom. In the eighth paragraph of his

    "the god of this system of things." The

    speech the newly sworn-in president said:

    apostle John says: "'The whole world is "'Eight years from now America will cele-

    lying in the power of the wicked one.'-rate its 200th anniversary as a nation.

    -John 12:31; 14:30;


    Corinthians 4:4; And within the lifetime of rnost people

    ohn 5:19.

    now living, mankind will celebrate that

    I t will take more than all men together great new year which ccknes only once in

    to put that greatest obstructor of peace out


    thousand years-the beginning of the

    of power over mankind. This the heavenly third millennium." The president was re-

    Jesus Christ will do, for, according to the



    A,Da 2001

    several names by which he was - to be

    called, he is u ' ~ l ~ ~ighty ~ d . " his he

    The next remarks of the president

    will do after first doing away with the

    showed that he expected there to be an

    visible peace obstructors here on


    America in the first year 9f that third

    (Revelation 19:


    to 20


    This requires

    millennium. But for God-fearing students

    him to be first a Warrior King, reigning

    of th e Holy Bible containing both the an-

    in the midst of his ear thly enemies, finally cient Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian

    subduing them completely, just as foretold

    Greek Scriptures, there is a

    more impor-

    by King David in Psalrn 110:l-6. He has tant millennium that compels their atten-

    had to do this because, since the end of tion. That is the seventh millennium No,

    the "times of the Gentiles" in the year not the seventh millennium measured from

    1914, the nations and em-



    but the seventh mil-

    pires of this world have re-

    lennium of man's existence

    fused to yield over peace-

    here on earth, the seventh

    ably their earthly kingship

    millennium measured from

    to him, even Christendom God's creation of perfect

    refusing to do so. (Luke man and woman in the gar-

    21:24; Psalm 2:l-6) Till den of Eden. This



    this year, after more than measured according to the


    a century, the nations Anno Mundi rule or "In

    have refused to do so. What

    the Year of the World" cal-

    will this mean shortly for endar, the world of man-

    all mankind? This: the out-

    kind being here meant.

    break of the "war of the

    Does this fact have any

    great day of God the 81- bearing on the approach

    mighty9' a t the world sit-

    of the peace of a thousand

    uation called Har-Magedon

    years or of a millennium?

    or Armageddon. (Revela- Very apparently Yes Ac-

    tion 16:14, 16) That war cording to the calendar of

    will remove all human ob- the Orthodox Jews, the new

    structors to peace. American president deliv-

    After this taking away ered his inaugural speech

    of all human and demon ob-

    a t the beginning of the fifth

    structors of world peace lunar month of



    there will come the reign



    som apan, to heas

    ,5729 A,M., this date being

    of the Prince of Peace over


    message aboutwosla peace

    based on the ancient He-

    all the earth. God's fixed brew Scriptures alone. But

    time for this is' approaching, and aiong according to chronologers or time check-

    with i t the peace of a thousand years. ers who take into account also the in-


    thousand years equals a millennium. spired Christian Greek Scriptures, the

    This reminds us of something said in the Jewish calendar is more than two hun-

    aforementioned inaugural speech of the dred years behind time. In certain edi-

    American president




    1969. tions


    the Holy Bible, Catholic and

  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969



    ' T P E A E O M

    E A R T H



    Protestant, there have appeared dates ac-

    cording to the chronology of the noted

    Irish Anglican prelate, Archbishop James

    Ussher (1581-1656 C.E.) Ussher's date

    for man's creation is 4004 B.C.E. By this

    reckoning six thousand years or six'mil-

    lenniums of man's existence would end

    in the autumn of the coming year of

    1996 C.E. after which the seventh millen-

    nium of man's existence wo.dld star t.

    More recently earnest researchers of the

    Holy Bible have made a recheck of its

    chronology. According to their calculations

    the six


    of mankind's life on

    earth would end in the mid-seventies. Thus

    the seventh millennium from man's cre-

    ation by Jehovah God


    begin mithirr

    less than ten years.

    Apart from the global change that

    present-day world conditions Indicate is

    fast getting near, the arrival of the sev-

    enth millennium of n~an 's existence on

    earth suggests a gladsome change for war-

    stricken humankind. According to the first

    two chapters of the 93oly Bible man and

    woman were created toward the close of

    the sixth creative day.


    are now liviag

    in the seventh creative day, and on this

    seventh day Jehovah God haas been rest-

    ing from earthly creation. To run paralie1

    with this resting of Gcsd o l his seventh

    creative day, he gave the Ten Command-

    ments to his prophet Moses, in the fourth

    one of which God commanded. that his

    chosen, people should rest on the seventh

    day of the week. (Exodus 20:8-11) That

    day was therefore the weekly sabbath day,

    the day of desistance from human toil.

    The Lord Jesus Christ, the


    Prince of Peace, pointed forward to a

    greater Sabbath Day. Pointing forward to

    this, he said on a certain weekly sabbath

    day when he came under criticism: "Lord

    of the sabbath is what the Son of man is,"

    (Matthew 12:l-8) He was ref?rring t o his

    peaceful reign of a thousand years. Jeho-

    vah God measures human affairs accord-

    ing to


    tho~~sand-year-lengthille, He in-

    spired the prophet Moses to write, in

    Psalm 90~4:"A thousand years are in

    your eyes but as yesterday 'when it is

    past." He also inspired the Christian apos-

    tle Peter to write: "One day is with the

    Lord as a thousand years? and a thousand

    years as one day," (2 Peter




    prophetic vision the apostle John saw Sa-

    tan the Devil and his demons bound and

    abyssed for a thousand years, during which

    thousa~d eaas Jesus Christ reigned with

    his victorious disciples o\7er all mankind.



    10; 0:1-9)So, accord-

    ing to God's viewpoint


    time, that thou-

    sand years of his Son Jesus Christ would

    correspond with merely ""one day."

    In order for the Lord Jesus Christ to be

    "Lord even of the sabbath day," his

    thousand-year reign :vould have to be the



    a series of thousand-year pe-

    ricds or millenniums. (Matthew 1 2 ~ 8 ,


    Thus it would be a sabbatic reign, Since

    early ira the existence of mankind Satan

    the Devil has been on the loose, making

    the human family to toil in hard bondage,

    causing the earth to be filled with violence

    before the global Good of Noah's day and

    inducing the same old earth to be filled

    with even greater violence today. Soon


    s x

    millenniums of his wicked exploit-

    ir g of


    as his slaves will end, with-


    the lifetime of the generation tha t has

    witnessed world events since the close of

    the Gentile Times n 1914 till now, accord-

    ing to the prophetic words of Jesus in




    Woe;ld not, then, the end

    ofssix rnille~niums f rnankind.'~ aborious

    enslavement under Satan the Devil be the

    fitting time for Jehevah God to usher in


    Sabbath millennium for all his human

    ereatures"bes, indeed


    his Xing Je-

    sus Christ will be Lord of that Sabbath.


    ancient times, when God's chosen

    peopie %rereunder the Ten Commandments

    given through his prophet Pdoses, the

    weekly sabbath was a peaceful day. To

    agree with God's 0m7n desistance from

    earthly work on his seventh creative day,

    his people were under divine command to

    desist from the hard work of the preced-


    six days, likewise their domestic ani-

    mals. (Exodus 2@:1-91 In like manner

    Christ's sabbatic reign


    a thousand

    years will be a peaceful .time for this earth

    and its inhabitants. It will be a time of

    rest from all the warfare and violence of

    the previous six millenniums. Swords, sym-



    rnmrderov.s warfare, will have been

    beaten into plowshares, and spears into

    pruning hooks for the grapevines. Life

  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969




    T H E





    apply. Why? In order that the hu-

    man survivors of the war of the

    great day of God the Almighty

    may use their plowshares and prun-

    ing hooks in transforming this war-

    scarred earth into the glorious

    Paradise that Jehovah God told

    man originally to make it. (Gen-

    esis 1:26-28; 2:8-14) God's word

    will not return to him void, unful-

    filled. No, but under the thousand-

    year reign of his Son Jesus Christ

    Group arriving on chartered plane from Netherlands to

    this entilre earth will be cultivated

    attend the New Pork assembly at least



    into an everlasting Paradise filled

    planes brought delegates from abroad

    with liberated, perfected human

    creatures. Within that seventh

    will not be dull in that restful millennia1

    sabbatic millennium the King and Lord of



    will not be a time of idleness.

    the sabbath day will undo all the work of

    The Sabbath Lord, Jesus Christ the King, that greatest of all peace disturbers, Sa-

    will not be idle, neither will he let his

    tan the Devil.-Luke 23:43.

    earthly subjects be idle.

    As under the operation of the Ten Com-

    Why was it that Jesus Christ, when on

    mandments among God's ancient chosen

    earth as a Jew under the Ten Command- people all violators of the sabbath day

    ments, did so many of his miraculous were killed, so those not rendering obe-

    works on the weekly sabbath day, healing dience to the Lord of the coming sabbath

    the sick and the crippled? Not only to millennium and disturbing the peace will

    show that it was right to do good on the be destroyed. (Numbers 15:32-36; Exodus

    sabbath. t was also to foreshadow how, 31:13-17)

    After Satan the Devil and his

    during his sabbatic reign, he will deliver demons are let loose from the abyss and

    humankind from bondage to Satan the once again try to disturb the peace of our

    Devil and his demons and relieve them earth, they will


    destroyed, and with

    of the deadly effects of the sin and imper- them all those who try again to make this

    fection inherited from our first human earth a battlefield, a war arena. (Reve-

    parents, Adam and Eve. War and violence lation

    20:7-10, 15) Those who keep peace

    during the past six millenniums have with God will remain in the Paradise ea rth

    brought millions of humans to untimely as its eternal caretakers.

    death and the grave; but the Lord of the Then it will not be necessary to take

    Sabbath, Jesus Christ, will bring up the a rocket to the moon to find a peaceful

    thousands of millions of dead humankind planet, fo r then the prayer in behalf of

    from th e graves, exactly as he prophesied the Greater Solomon, Jesus Christ the

    th at he would do. (John 5 28,291 t was no King, will be fulfilled, as recorded in Psalm

    mere idle phrase when his truthful apostle

    72:7: In his days the righteous one will

    Paul wrote that God's sabbath law had a sprout, and the abundance of peace until

    shadow of the good things to come. the moon is no more.'' That peace will

    -Hebrews 10 ; Colossians 2 16, 17. never end, any more than the moon. The

    earthly peace thus established and main-



    P R D ISE

    tained during the Messiah's sabbath of

    Already, even during this war-endan- thousand years will continue on forever.

    gered time, Jehovah's Christian witnesses

    Jehovahys Christian witnesses



    have conformed to the prophecy of Isaiah

    are joyfully preparing for that approach-

    2:4 and beaten swords into plowshares

    ing peace of a thousand years. who

    and spears into pruning hooks. After the yearn to enjoy that foretold peace on

    universal war of Har-Magedon

    and the earth for men whom [God] favours are

    binding and abyssing of Satan and his heartily invited to join them in getting

    demons, this prophecy will continue to ready for that blessed millennium of peace.

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  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969


    At each of the "Peace on Earth" assem- political controversies of this world. From

    blies around the earth in 1969, Jehovah's the sta rt we have pointed to the written

    witnesses a re taking th e occasion to set Word of God to show th at long life with

    forth th e following Declaration of their peace and prosperity will never be brought

    position and attitude in this most tur- by radical political governments of men

    bulent period of human history: who are not a t peace with God. According

    P E A C ~with

    the Creator

    of heaven to the unerring prophecies of God's Word,

    and earth , by means of his long-promised political radicalism must fai l as a world

    kingdom of his Messiah-this is what we remedy-

    hold to be th e key to an enduring peace fo r

    We will continue to disapprove of the

    all the world of mankind. When we keep

    dividing Up of the religious people into cler-

    our peace with God, we can never be a t war

    gY and laity- We have the Bible behind us

    with our neighb~rswho are fellow crea-

    in this position. The clergy and exalted re-

    tures of God; peace with ~ o dnd peace

    ligious leaders of Christendom have fallen

    with ouy fellowman go together. In order to

    short of their obligations toward people

    be children of God and loyal subjects of his who look to them/to guide them into peace-

    Messianic kingdom we are obliged to be

    ful relationship with God. Once holding a

    peacemakers. (Matt. 5:9) We therefore heaven-high position in which they could

    disclaim all connection with the professed have shone like stars with spiritual enlight-

    Christian realm known as Christendom, for

    enment for their parishioners, they have

    her history proves her to be a fomenter


    fallen to earthly, materialistic levels, lack-

    carnal warfare between even fellow reli-

    ing real spiritual uplift. They have brought

    gionists, staining her skirts with their

    no life-sustaining refreshment to Christen-

    blood. She has persecuted with tortu re and

    dom, not to say the rest of mankind. They

    violent death those1 who have differed from

    have made bitte r the potion ,that they have

    her in religious conscience. She has not

    caused the ir people to drink, both by their

    promoted the interests of ~ o d ' s essianic

    sectarian doctrines and by the course in

    kingdom, notoriously failing in this regard

    life into which they have directed the peo-

    since th e outbreak of World War n 1914.

    ple. Because of this embitterment spiritual

    We can have no part with her, fo r it is now

    death has resulted to untold numbers.

    clearly manifest that t he judgments of God

    We hold fast to the declaration that

    as expressed in the Holy Bible ar e against

    Christianity, not Christendom, is "the light

    Christendom and will shortly be executed

    of t he world." As dedicated, baptizedchris-

    upon her.

    tians we recognize our united obligation to

    The types of political government that



    "the light of the world." (Matt. 5:

    obtained previously down till the world

    14-16) This obligation we, as ~ehovah's

    conflict of 1914-1918 have faile d to main-

    witnesses, will continue to discharge by

    tain the stability of the world of mankind.

    preaching and teaching His written Word.

    Since then world revolution in favor of

    n this Scriptural manner we shall keep on

    radical forms of government has been at-

    trying to brighten the darkness for as

    tempted and is still being pursued. Much of many Persons as possible in ~hr .is tendom ,

    earth's population has been brought under

    which the clergy and high religious leaders

    Communist domination, to a large extent

    have failed to enlighten spiritually or to

    unwillingly and not by free popular vote.

    bring into the light of God's favor.

    The issue of whether to have a revolution

    We recognize Jesus Christ as our God-

    and establish a radical

    government has given religious Liberator. He has released

    been hurled in among th e restless people. us from religious subjection and deadness

    We however, still maintain as heretofore under Babylon th e Great, the world empire

    our stric t Christian neutrali ty toward th e of false religion, including Christendom. In


  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969



    P E ACE

    O N E A R T H I N T E R N A T I O N A L A S S EM B L Y O F J E H O V A H ' S W I T N E S S E S

    his own days on ear th Jesus Christ spared

    not the religious feelings of the men who

    claimed to be God's ordained teachers and

    guides of the people. In imitation of him,

    we cannot hold back from pointing out to

    the trusting people of Christendom the de-

    linquency of their clergy and other reli-

    gious leaders before God. Even though this

    hurts the religious sensibilities of those re-

    ligious leaders and is a woe to them, we

    shall continue to do this as long as we live

    and they are around in influential positions

    over Christendom. We will not join them in

    putting our hope and trust in any man-

    made international organization for world

    peace and security, but will continue to

    declare the doom of such organization.

    We hold ourselves at God's disposal for

    his service a t any time according to his ap-

    pointment. He has untied us, loosed us

    from captivity to Babylon the Great, the

    figurative mistress of the Euphrates River.

    Our religious liberty being due to Jehovah

    God through Jesus Christ, we must use it

    in harmony with his will at this most cru-

    cial time in human history. In obedience to

    his Holy Bible we confess ourselves to be

    under orders to reveal to the people that

    there is no possibility for spiritual life now

    and everlasting life in the future in or by

    means of Christendom. She spells spiritual

    death for her tremendous church member-

    ship now and literal death for them in the

    fast-approaching day of vengeance on' the

    part of our God. We Christian witnesses

    of Jehovah a re few in comparison with the

    977,383,000 members of Christendom. But

    God has increased our capabilities as pub-

    lishers of his present-day message a hun-

    dredfold, yes, double that. Through his own

    earthly organization he has supplied us

    hundreds of millions of printed pieces of

    literature, Bibles, books, booklets, maga-

    zines, tracts, as vehicles for us to ride in

    spiritual warfare against the strongholds

    of error in spiritually dead Christendom.


    means of .these myriads of publicity ve-

    hicles we shall carry out to the end our du-

    ty to declare the day of vengeance on the

    part of our God, as a woe9' to Christen-


    Mankind's only hope for peace, happi-

    ness, prosperity, life, yes, resurrection of

    the dead, is God's Messianic kingdom. Hap-

    py is our privilege to announce to all na-

    tions the establishment of that kingdom in

    the heavens at the end of th e Gentile Times



    We join our voices with those in

    heaven in saying tha t the kingship of the

    world of mankind has become the kingship

    of our Lord God Jehovah and of his Mes-

    siah or Christ. We publicly thank Him that

    he has taken his great power and begun his

    everlasting reign by his Messiah, his Son


    We know that this kingdom means final-

    ly a disastrous woe to the political nations

    a t the climax of the day of

    God's ven-

    geance, but we will not fear their wrath

    because of this. Loyally we will, to the end,

    give our unqualified allegiance to God's

    Messianic kingdom. We will obey our reign-

    ing King Jesus Christ and carry out fur-

    ther his command to preach

    this good

    news of the kingdom everywhere for a

    witness to all the nations until their end

    comes. We will without letup turn teach-

    able people to God's Messianic kingdom for

    realization of the hope of 'glory to God in

    the highest with peace on earth forever for

    his men


    good will.'

    Regular family ible discussion and meeting attendance unite Witness families

  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969


    Practical Suggestions

    for ~arnil iving

    loving way and exercise empathy.

    By doing things together a

    family is drawn more closely to-

    gether and loyalty develops.

    Communication Between Mat es

    The second pa rt of the sym-

    posium dealt with the subject

    'LAs Husband and Wife, Do We

    Communicate?" In this talk, the

    need was highlighted of married

    persons' com mu ni ca ti ng with

    each other so as to deal under-

    standingly with each other.

    The speaker underscored the

    fact that communication is made

    easier when there is love, because


    means that there is genuine

    concern for each other. To com-

    municate effectively one needs to

    speak, hear and observe. Yes,

    it means talking things over so

    that one can know what is on

    the mind of one's mate.

    The speaker warned against

    barriers to communication such

    as stubbornness, pride, anger

    and depression. He also warned

    against taking one's mate for

    granted. Communication enables

    a husband and a wife to enjoy

    living together. I t builds and

    maintains warmth.





    which many families


    plagued with disunity,



    even tragedies, Jehovah's organ izati on consid-

    erately set aside a portion of the assembly program to present

    Gett ing Children

    to Confide in Parents

    The third speaker, discussing


    theme "Do Our Children Con-

    fide in Us?",

    highlighted the need

    timely information to parents

    on family living.


    Wholesome Home

    "Is My Home Wholesome?"

    was the subject of the first talk,

    discussed from the standpoint of

    the parents. The speaker stressed

    that a wholesome home is one in

    which the members of t he family

    have a genuine interest in one

    another a s persons. True, they

    have different likes, dislikes,

    problems, feelings and desires,

    yet they enjoy being together. TO

    have such a wholesome home, the

    father must take the lead in a

    cipline is vital.

    of parents to face the problems

    of th ei r children realistically. Do

    all Christian parents have the

    courage and take the time to

    provide a firm and loving guide

    that is needed so desperately by

    their children in these critical

    times?-this‘ was

    the question.

    Demonstrations were presented

    that enabled the audience to see

    how a child's confidence could be

    gained by taking time to discuss

    problems in an understanding

    way. The speaker emphasized

    that permissiveness will not en-

    courage confidence and that dis-

    Divided Households

    The final par t of the sympo-

    sium drew the audience's atten-

    tion to the subject "A Faithful

    Course in a Divided Household."

    The key point stressed by the

    speaker was that Witnesses who

    live in divided households should

    manifest godly qualities and ad-

    here to Bible principles. By doing

    this, Jehovah's infiuence is in-

    creased in such homes. It

    promotes household peace and

    mutual understanding.

    A believer's respectful loyalty

    to Jehovah's principles is a fine

    recommendation of Bible truth

    to a n unbeliever. Yet th e believer

    should understand the feelings of

    his unbelieving mate and that

    the changes the t rut h brings may

    disturb him. He might feel a

    loss and may resist in fear of

    losing what he has. Always keep

    the l ines of communication open,

    said the speaker to believing

    marriage mates, an d discuss your

    feelings and the reasons for your


    Should There


    a Generation Gap

    What accounts for the genera-

    tion gap ,today? ?hat was the

    question posed by the one who

    gave this timely talk. Directing

    his remarks to the young folks


    in attendance, he pointed out that

    television, radio and the faster

    modes of travel have played a

    part in it. Years ago parents and

    their young ones did things to-

    gether. Today in the world they

    go their separate ways.

    What can young Christians do

    to avoid this generation gap? The

    speaker explained that Bible

    principles form an excellent bul-

    wark against this danger. Use

    them to decide on recreation and

    associations. The speaker also

    highlighted the need to show

    respect for mature persons be-

    cause of their experience. They

    can benefit young folks. 'Make

    friends with older persons,' he

    told them, 'and do not stick just

    with young folks

    Righ ts o r Duties-Which?

    This hour pa rt of t he program

    was truly deli.ghtfu1 and so rele-

    vant to the times in which we

    live. The speaker informed the

    audience that the Bible does not

    stress rights but duties


    Christians should not think that

    because something is common

    they may insist on such "rights."

    highly interesting demon-

    stration was presented that en-

    abled the audience to grasp the

    point of righ ts and duties. I t

    dealt with a father handling the

    matter of his son's growing long

    hair and a beard. I t was inter-

    esting to hear t he youth's at-

    tempts to justify

    hi$ course of

    action, especially his argument

    that beards were worn in Bible

    times. His father explained why

    the Israelites wore beards. I t

    was because cutting their hair

    would have made them look like

    their pagan neighbors who cut

    their hair for their false gods.

    The father helped his son to

    realize how his appearance was

    affecting the congregation t was

    also affecting his opportunity

    for privileges of service in the

    congregation. His long hair and

    beard classified him with rebel-

    lious groups.

    This program strengthened us

    all to seek to please our neigh-

    bors in what



  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969



    i t is needed. This can create a

    good spir it among the servants

    because i t shows that the over-

    seer is not unreasonable in what

    he expects of them.

    I t was acknowledged tha t a n

    overseer cannot do everything.

    Fo r tha t r e a s on the ove r s e e r s

    were urged to t r a in o ther se r -

    vants so they can help them.

    To ork


    a Tea m

    Splendid counsel wa s given to

    the min is te r ia l se rvants by the

    third speaker in the symposium.

    He urged them to work as a

    T h e t h o u s a n d s of s e rv a n ts p r

    f r o m


    t h r e e - p a r t s y m p o s i u m

    i n g o t h e r s


    t h e c o n g r e g a t i o n

    T h e s e w e r e u r g e d n o t just t o

    t e l l o t h e r s w h a t t o d o b u t t o

    g i v e h e l p a s


    i s n ee d ed . H o w

    t h i s c a n


    done wa s de n ion -

    s t r a te d r e pe a te d ly .

    The conventioners lea rned t ha t

    in the Uni ted Sta tes there a re

    31 dis tr ic t servants , 336 circuit

    servants ,

    5 365

    overseers and

    ten s of thousand s of min isterial

    se rvants . The th ree ta lks im-

    pressed upon these se rvant s their

    responsibility to provide


    oversightv for the flock of God.

    In car ry ing out tha t r espons i-

    bility much is required of them.

    Show Empathy

    -4ddressing the district and cir-

    cuit servants , the f lrs t speaker

    in the symposium urged them to

    unders tand the c i rcumstances in

    the congregations they serve so

    they can manifest real empathy.

    For them to get the best results ,

    h e sa id , there a r e several th ings

    they need to recognize. One of

    these is tha t they mus t be ap-

    proachable and available to the

    brothers and sisters. How else

    can they exercise loving orTer-

    s igh t?

    Distr ic t and circuit servants

    also need to have genuine appre-

    c ia t ion for what the se rvants

    are doing in the congregations

    in addition to discharging their

    responsibilities to their families

    and secular employers. Such ap-

    preciation is encouraging to the

    s er va nt s a n d h e l ~ so cultivate a

    wholesome atti tcde.

    When counseling or working

    with the se rvants , publ ishers and

    pioneers , the dis tr ic t and circuit

    servants need to be loving, the

    speaker sa id , no t demanding and

    harsh. Every effor t ought to be

    e s e n t

    a t

    the assen lb ly benef i ted

    t h e t h e m e o f w h i c h w a s h e l p -

    by exerc is i i ig

    10 ving

    overs igh t .

    made to

    b u i l d u p

    not tear down.

    When this is done the visit of

    these brothers to a congregation

    can he lp to s t r engthen i t .

    A fur the r requirement fo r good

    results is to give practical coun-

    sel along wi th personal demon-

    stration of zeal in the field


    The speaker reminded the

    audience t ha t d is t r ic t



    se rvants a r e humans jcs t a s they

    are and should not be feared.

    Fear prevents some publishers

    from cooperating with them in

    the minis try. So the speaker

    said : We can make their work

    more gratifying and joyful


    we coopera te wi th them a s the

    Scr iptures admonish a t Hebrews

    13:l'i. They would then be able

    to make their visit mc;re bene-

    ficial to individual publishers.



    Following this f ine ta lk the

    nest speaker in the symposium

    discussed the congregation ser-

    vant . He poin ted ou t th a t Jesus

    was the perfect model for the

    Chris tian overseer . Like him the

    overseer must be first a servant

    of Jehovah and second a servant

    of his brothers.

    The overseer , i t was s tressed,

    needs to show loving consider-

    a t ion a t a l l t imes. I n dea l ing with

    mat te r s he should ask h imse lf :

    What would be the loving wag

    to handle this?

    Gbod counsel was directed to

    the overseer on how he c an exer-

    cise loving oversight of the ser-

    vants in the congregation. e

    cannot accomplish this by just

    te ll ing them what to do but

    rather by giving them help as

    team, each one giving wh at is

    needed just as is th e case with

    the members of Christ's body.

    Teamwork among the se rvants

    helps a congregation to be pro-

    ficient in the ministry. ( E p h ,

    4 :16) H e went on to emphas ize

    that, a lthough the m inis ter ial ser-

    va nt s may be of w idely varying

    ages, dif ferent backgrounds and

    e i ther mar r ied or s ing le , a l l

    should have the same goal of

    car ing for the sp ir i tua l welfa re

    of the sheep.

    I t was po in ted ou t by the

    speaker that, s ince the assis tant

    congregation servant and Bible

    s tudy se rvant , a long with the

    overseer , form the congregation

    committee, they have to make

    decisions that affect the lives of

    others. They, therefore, need to

    be u n d e l a t a ? l d i ? i gmen. They mus t

    use discernment. In their effor ts

    to keep the congregation clean

    they need to temper justice with

    mercy. I n support of this th e

    speaker quoted James

    3 3

    Each minis te r ia l se rvant was

    admonished to be a slave to his

    brothers , dil igently car ing for his

    duties, not in a mechanical may

    but with genuine love for the

    sheep. They we re encouraged

    to vis it the publishers in their

    homes, work with them in the

    field, help them attend meetings

    and v is i t them when they a re

    sick. The servants need to un-

    derstand the personal problems

    of the bro thers wi thout in t rud ing

    into personal lives.

    I n conclusion the speaker called

    upon each servan t a nd publisher

    to see his part in loving over-

    sight and obedient submission.

    To these se rvants he expressed

    the feelings of those under their

    care by saying: ' (We deeply

    apprec ia te the se rvants for the ir

    love and understanding. Are we

    not happy tha t we have such


  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969


    What a fine instrument to aid us all

    to grow in understanding This provi-

    sion i s the 544-page Ers t volume of the

    publication, A id


    Bible Understaqzditzg .

    When conlpleted, the work vill contain

    thousands of articles arranged alphabeti-

    cally, beginning with "Aaron" and con-

    tinuing on through "Zuzim."

    Jus t thin k of the benefits of this pub-

    lication I n the complete work, the So-

    ciety will endeavor to consider every

    person, place, plant and creature men-

    tioned in t he Bible. Thus , whenever you

    headquarters of the Society. A special

    staff then began the checking of this

    material and doing much additional re-

    search. Now, five years later, there is

    st i l l n~uchwork to do.

    One may wonder why such a time-

    consuming project was undertaken. Are

    there not many reference worlcs arail-

    able today in the form of Bible com-

    mentaries and dictionaries and other en-

    cyclopedic publications? This is true, the

    speaker acknowledged. But while these

    works contain much that is helpful, they

    come across a Bible term that is un-

    familiar, or about which you are not

    fully info r~ne d, ou will find it very prof-

    itable to look it up in this publication.

    For example, say that you were read-

    ing the Acts of the Apostles. Did you

    real ize th at in th is Bible boo < alone

    there ar e a t least


    different geograph-

    ical regions and places mentioned? Think

    how much greater your appreciation of

    the ministrr of Peter, Paul and other

    faithful witnesses of th at time can be if

    you learn something about each

    of these

    places and understand their relationship

    to one another.

    The new

    d i d

    volume was released a t

    the conclusion of the hour talli "With

    All That You Acquire, Acquire Under-

    standing." At the outse t the speaker not-

    ed the tremendous explosion in man's

    scientific lcnon~ledge in recent tiines, an d

    asked: "Has it led people to healthier,

    happier, more secure, peaceful and pro-

    ductive lives? Ha s i t helped man to get

    along better with his neighbor?" Really,

    it has not. .

    Thus, an increasing number of persons

    are looking elsewhere for answers. They

    seek a guide to help solve the everyday

    prob len~s f life. Such a guide, the speak-

    er observed, can be found in the Bible.

    But people need to understand what they


    To assist in filling this need, prep-

    aration of

    A i d

    t o B ib l e U ? z d e rs fan d i? tg

    was undertaken. Five Sears ago, the

    speaker explained, the Watch Tower So-

    ciety began its preparation. Some


    brothers in more than 90 countries mere

    invited to contribute to the research in-

    volved. Within the course of a year the

    material they gathered was sent to the

    also include much that is unreliable,

    inaccurate or even false.

    I t mas pointed out th at although older

    reference works generally support the

    Bible's authority, they often proceed on

    the assumption of the reliahi lity of reli-

    gious tradition3 and doctrines not men-

    tioned in or supported by the Bible. So

    a good portion of the material in these

    publications i s colored by ser ta ri an doc-

    trines and religious creeds. And in more


    ecent Bible dictionaries, the spealier

    said, there is usually a trend toward

    higher criticism. I n fact, in many of

    these the accuracy of t he Bible is openly


    The spealier drew attention to an ex-

    ample of this in


    I?tcerpt.e ter s Bzble ,





    Comnienting on chap-

    ter 3 of Genesis, it st at es :

    "Nan u-as forbidden on pa in of death

    to ea t of [th e tree of life and the

    tree of the knowledge of

    good and evil],

    the reason for the prohibition being God's

    fear that man, acquiring knowledge of

    good and evil, might beconle like him

    and, approaching too near his throne,

    might endanger his suprenlacy. But the

    serpent, a demon hostile to God, told

    the truth. He was thus no subtle tempter

    but, in intention, at least, a benefactor

    of the human race."

    What a contrast this is to what the

    Bible teaches Th e apostle Pa ul wrote

    early Christians:


    am afraid that soale,-

    h o ~ , s the se rpent seduced Eve by its

    cunning, your minds might be corrupted

    awiy from the sincerity and the chas-

    tity that are due the Christ." 2 Cor.

    11 :3)

    Also, Jesus Christ called the orig-

    inal serpent,

    Sa tan the ,?evil, a "liar

    and the fathe r of the lie, as well a s a

  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969


  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969


    C o n v e n t io n e r s , a s t h e y


    t e n e d i o i h e t a l k e n t i tl e d

    " Pe ac e w i t h C o d a n l id t h e

    'Grea t Tr ibu la tion , ' ha d th e

    pr iv i lege o f t ak ing a f resh look

    at t h e v it a l, p r o p h e t i c w o r d s

    of J e s u s r ec o rd ed a t N a t t h e w

    24 :3 22.

    As the speaker developed his

    theme i t became apparen t tha t

    a11 the events there mentioned

    by Jesns had a l i teral appl ica-

    tion upoil the Jewish nation.

    And this led up to the "great

    tribulation" experienced by Judea

    and Je rusa lem in the year 7

    C.E. Tha t "tribulation" did not

    begin with General Cestius Gal-

    lus ' abort ive at tack on the ci ty .

    wioas un-

    t s tar ted when the le , '

    der General Ti tus c losed in on

    the city, completely cutting it

    off from outside help an & lead-

    ing on to its destruction.

    But what of the durat ion of

    the t r ibu la t ion? I t mas "cu t

    short ." (Mat t . 24 2 2 ) I t s

    very brief. In fact , h is tory te l ls

    us i t las ted somewhat less than

    six months. For the sake of his

    "chosen ones," Jesus' follo\vers,

    Jehovah did not permit Jeru-

    salem's "great tribulation" even

    to begin until his genuine wor-

    shipers had hed beyond Jndea 's

    borders . Once that had taken

    place, God permitted the execu-

    t ion of his purpose against

    fa i th less Jewry to go fo rward

    swiftly. Kot



    carnage that would snuff out a l l

    c~f he besieged. S o , because some

    Jewish "flesh" was to survive.

    And survive i t d id, for some

    97 000

    Jews were carried off into

    slavery. Not all Jewish 6'flesh''

    per ished in Jerusalem's t r ibu-


    Another s t r iking point made by

    the speaker mas tha t the re was

    no real clividing point between

    Jesus9 words a t verse and

    those a t ve rse 7. IIistory tells

    us that Judeans of that t ime

    not only heard reports of dis-

    tant wars , but a lso were direct ly

    involved in wars arid


    But was Mat thew 24 :14 an

    exception, something to be ful-

    filled only in


    l a te r age? No,

    hecause the preaching of the

    "good news" by those zealous

    i ~t -century Chris t ians spread

    throughout a l l the then known

    world. (Col. 23 That preach-

    ing, the s ignal for f l ight f rom

    Jerusalem, and the actual f l ight

    beyond the Jordan, were al l

    events that must take place be-

    fore the city would be enveloped

    in her greatest of a l l t r ibula-

    tions. And

    they all did take place.


    Mod ern AppEcatlom

    In view of this, are we wrong

    in applying this entire prophecy

    by Jes us to th e per iod from 1914

    C.E. to the battle of the great

    day of God the Almighty? The

    answer of the speaker mas, No


    Firs t , because, in answer to

    the three-part quest ion, Jesus

    mas also referr ing to the t ime

    of his second "presence." (M att .



    Further , the Genti le t imes

    were to cont inue af ter Jerusa-

    lem's destructio n in


    C.E. down

    to 1914 C.E. (L uk e 21 :24) A lso,

    i t is to be noted that there were

    other features of Jesus' proph-

    ecy, running through to Mat-

    thew 26:46, that were not ful-

    filled a t Jerusalem's destruction

    in 70

    C.E. Thus it becomes

    c ear th at Jesus, i n giving his

    prophetic discourse, also had in

    nliild some thing immensely bigger

    than the destruct ion of l i teral

    Je r~ lsa lem.He employed unfaith-

    ful Jerusalem of his day a s a

    type of the antitypical unfaith-

    ful Jerusalem, namely, Christen-



    what took place as re-

    gards Je rusa lem and a l l Judea

    nineteen hundred years ago tells

    us about


    modern application

    now swiftly nearing its climax.

    Notice how both periods have

    been marked by the same fea-

    tures , though the modern paral-

    lel by inore far-reaching events

    on a scale unprecedented in hu-

    man history.

    Now, though engulfed in the

    ever-worsening anguish and dis-

    t ress that Jesus foretold, Chris-


    tendom still faces the '"eat

    tribulation." H er s will be


    t r ib-

    ulat ion that is bound to affect

    her pol i t ical associates and pa-

    trons world wide.

    So, what , then, is the "great

    t r ibulation"? I t ha s not yet be-

    gun. As the speaker declared:

    "The 'great t r ibulation ' such as

    wil l not occur aga in is yet

    ahead , fo r


    means the des tmc-

    tion of the world empire of false

    religion (including Christend om)

    followed by the 'war of the great

    day of God the Almighty9


    Armageddon against the pol i t ical

    allie;, of Babylonish false reli-


    And how is the "great t r ibu-

    lation" c ut sho rt? Not by being

    cu t in th e middle, a s we once

    thought, but by God's concen-

    t ra t ing i t wi th in a cu t -shor t t ime

    period. I t will not be a long-

    drawn-out period of time, but

    God can make it 'a swift work, '

    a s the speaker said. He can br ing

    an end to this wicked system

    "in a speedy way, in no pro-

    longed order.' ' This will permit

    the saving of 'some flesh,' since

    ordinarily frail human 'flesh'

    would, without divine protection,

    be unable to endure the length-

    ening too long of this ' 'great


    With this more accurate urn-

    ders tand ing of Jesus' prophetic

    words a t Ua t the w chap ter 24

    ministers of God's Word will be

    better equipped to enlighten

    honest-h earted persons. K nowing

    tha t Jesus ' words had a literal

    applicat ion upon Jerusalem and

    Judea , they wi l l be ab le to m ee t

    the objection often expressed

    th at these condit ions also exis ted

    prior to the year 1914. They can

    also encourage l is teners with the

    knowledge that 'not all flesh will

    perish' in t h at " great tribulation."

    Jehovah h as in view those lovers

    of truth and righteousness who

    may be h id in the day of h i s

    burning anger-people who ma y

    surv ive and pepula te the ea r th ,

    which he made to be a paradise

    home for obedient humans.

  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969



    live two-hour mastnrbation and re-

    drama entitled "Let

    b e l li o n w e r e a l l

    No Man Ever Look

    treated with frank-

    Do wn o n Yo ur ness.

    Youth" vividly fo- The paren ts were

    cused attent ion on the made to feel deeply

    proble ms con fro ntin g their responsibility as

    yonths and parents and Christians, that theirs is

    their struggle to lead moral he obligation to tra in and

    and upright lives in today's guide their young in pathways


    of righteousness, that this is to

    The drama was the climax of be done first by example, then

    a n entire day devoted to young by counsel and guidance.

    people a t th e "Peace on Earth"

    The congregation, too, through

    Inte rnationa l Assembly of Je- it s. servant body should stand

    hovah's Witnesses. I t was a day

    ever ready to help the youths


    filled with frank talks, engross-

    the New World society. All of

    ing discussions and demonstra- thi s direction and concern should

    tion% topped off by the drama, be reinforced by means of


    in modern setting.

    failing to heed the sound counsel regular study of the Holy Scrip-

    of God's Word tures and the Society's publica-

    The Dl Unand Its ckLaracters

    tions. Those who take advantage

    The story centers principally of these provisions a re helped

    around five young persons. The to walk uprightly, serving as

    principal character, Tim, dem- fine Chris tian examples during

    onstrates by his own course of

    these trying times.

    action and the

    co lnsel that he

    Young people whose actions

    gives to ther young people

    resemble those of Buzz or Diana

    that there



    in God's

    mere warned that unless they

    Organization who


    good ex-

    set out promptly to make se-

    amp1es and who can



    rious changes in their lives, they,

    even though young in years.


    too, will be headed for certain

    What a blessing


    is to have and serious trouble and ruina-


    youths among


    today tion of their lives. "We cannot

    By way of contrast, parents toy wit h immorality in any form

    of two of the other youths in and not eventually fal l into sin,"

    the dram a ar e shown to have they were told. "The pressnres

    failed in the ir responsibility. The of th is system's corrupt stan-

    result is that their youngsters dard ar e too gre at to resist if

    become involved in the world ~ v encline at all in that direc-

    and ar e disfellowshiped. These tion," was the clear warning.

    parents demonstrated extremes A~ appeal was made to par-

    in parental care.

    ents not to wait for their child

    In one instance, Molly, the

    to make a serious niistake be-

    mother of the girl Diana, was

    fore they realized that he needed

    too permissive. On the other

    their help and love. "Pour chil-

    hand, BUZZ'parents were overly

    dren are your responsibility.

    restrictive and tried to protect

    him from the reality of life





    itself. Both of these youngsters

    responsibility your

    had the fine association of youths

    among young people. I t did not



    in the New World society, but

    they did not appreciate it. Their

    dress and language showed them

    to be still worldly. They scoffed

    a t making over their personal-

    ities. Buzz was told that his

    language was disrespectful. But

    he laughs a t the counsel and

    thinks himself smart, superior.

    Diana, on the other hand, was

    told that her short skirts and

    familiarity with worldly boys

    would lead to no good. But she

    uphold or recomniend the slang,

    and the bad speech used. The

    desirable language was expressed

    by Tim and Cathy and their

    overseer Myron.

    The point of the drama was

    to spotlight the problerns facing

    youth, and this it did. The dan-

    gers of drug addiction in schools

    flashed frighteningly before the

    parents' eyes. The smoking of

    marijuana by teen-agers, steal-

    ing, homosexuality, fornication,

    cannot give that responsibility

    away, nor can i t be talren away

    from you.


    see that your chil-

    dren a re marked with a Chris-

    tian personality before Armaged-

    ~ Q U


    9: 5


    Close RdationsMp Needed

    Cultivate a warm and confi-

    dential relationship with your

    children. Teach them to take yoc

    into their confidence. If you hare

    this loving understanding, p

  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969


  • 8/19/2019 Watchtower: The Approaching Peace of 1,000 Years - 1969


      I LE




    To e

    aptized .

    This 'Peace on Ea rth Inte r-

    national Assembly was a splen-

    did time for newly dedicated per-

    sons to be baptized. Since an

    international assembly is a n es-

    ceptional event for Jehovah's

    witnesses, it is fine to have it

    associated with one's baptism.

    To the baptism candidates

    gathered in a roped-off section

    of seats a t th is Peace on Ea rth

    assembly a speaker directed corn-

    ments about mhat they had done

    so a s to be there a nd of the re-

    sponsibilities resting upon them.

    He observed t hat home there may

    have had to alter their way of

    life to briiiq it into harmony

    with God's high moral require-


    Having recognized that Chris-

    tians follow the pattern set by

    Jesus with regard to baptism,

    these lovers of righteousness had

    proceeded to take the steps that

    lead to baptism. After complet-

    ing the required course of s tudy ,

    they approached th e congregation

    overseer and expressed their de-

    sire to be baptized. I le began

    to review them on the basic

    teachings of the Bible as out-

    lined in