WarriorPlus Affiliate Profits - Barbara Ling · 2012-01-01 · WarriorPlus Affiliate Profits...

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Transcript of WarriorPlus Affiliate Profits - Barbara Ling · 2012-01-01 · WarriorPlus Affiliate Profits...

WarriorPlus Affiliate Profits

WarriorPlus Affiliate ProfitsHow To Make The Most Bank

by Barbara Ling


WarriorPlus Affiliate Profits

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments ..................................................................................... iv

Dedication .................................................................................................. v

Legal Notice .............................................................................................. vi

Introduction ............................................................................................... 1

What You Will Need ........................................................................................................ 1

The Challenge ............................................................................................ 4

Step 1 – Familiarize yourself with programs that deliver 100% affiliate commission .... 5 Step 2 – Look for 100% affiliate commissions ................................................................. 5 Step 3 – Look for products that have already sold bunches! ........................................ 13 Step 4 – Look for high visitor conversions! ................................................................... 15 Step 5 – Look for niche WSOs! ...................................................................................... 16 Step 6 – Search for Popular Vendors! ........................................................................... 17 Step 7 – Cloak your affiliate link! ................................................................................... 18 Step 8 – Blog about the affiliate product ..................................................................... 18 Step 9 – Promote to your list about the affiliate product ............................................ 28 Step 10 – Make a video about the affiliate product ..................................................... 29

Conclusion ............................................................................................... 30

About The Author .................................................................................... 31


WarriorPlus Affiliate Profits

Appendix A – 100% Affiliate Commission Program ................................... 32

Appendix B – Recommended Resources ................................................... 33

Ecover Black Pack .......................................................................................................... 33 Power PLR Cash Class .................................................................................................... 33 Facebook Games Master Pack ...................................................................................... 34 Easy QR Code Maker ..................................................................................................... 34 Classic! 501 Online Business Graphics Package ............................................................ 35 15 Turnkey Monetized Sites .......................................................................................... 35 Wordpress Dealpon Coupon Plugin .............................................................................. 35 Clickbank Cash Raider ................................................................................................... 36

Appendix C – Humor! ............................................................................... 37

Remember..... .......................................................................................... 38


WarriorPlus Affiliate Profits

AcknowledgmentsA public thank you – I’ve been making my living online now for over 14 years and during this time, have been blessed by the following individuals:

• Bill Vick , Wallace Harkness, Dr. Ilyse O’Desky, Terry Zappulla, Ed Horch, Mary Ellen Ferrara, Tony Blake, and bunches more.

• I’m also deeply grateful to the blogosphere and the super folks from whom I learned including Kathe, Denise and the Wacky Gang, Janelle Kleppin, Erica Stone, Tink BD, Jenny Dunham, John Lenaghan , Debbie Benstein, Liz Strauss, Mark Davidson, Suzie Cheel, Joanna Young, Brian Clark, Darren Rowse, Maureen Sharib, Jim Stroud, Judi Sohn, Catherine Lawson, Maki, Wendy Piersall, John Chow, Gab Goldenberg, James Chartrand, Skellie, Crow, Joel Falconer, Melinda, Lorelle , Brad Shorr, Cath Lawson, Barbara Swafford, Ulla Hennig and many more as well.

• And I would most remiss indeed if I neglected to mention Bonnie and the RocketMoms of Squidoo!They taught me an incredible amount about how terrific Squidoo is for anyone online.

• Next, I am indebted to:

• Donna Gillespie, author of the life-changing books The Light Bearer and Lady of the Light – one of the most superb writers today.

Last but never least:

My family. My wonderful husband, Moses Ling, my terrific kids, my wondrous mooses, my absolutely fantastic parents - none of this would be possible whatsoever without their love and support. This one's for you, folks!


WarriorPlus Affiliate Profits

DedicationTo my husband:

WarriorPlus Affiliate Profits is dedicated to my husband, Moses Ling…the man in my life who keeps me sane and gives me the truest meaning to my life.

I love you the mostest. Always.

Barbara LingFortune favors the bold.


WarriorPlus Affiliate Profits

Legal NoticeLingstar (“LINGSTAR”) and its licensers retain all ownership rights to the system WARRIORPLUS AFFILIATE PROFITS (hencewards called “the System”) and software included offered by LINGSTAR. Use of the System and related software is governed by applicable copyright law.

All rights reserved. No part of this System may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher Lingstar. Making unauthorized copies, adaptations, or compilation works, or including this material in lectures or seminars for profit is strictly prohibited and constitutes a punishable violation of the law.

LINGSTAR may revise this documentation from time to time without notice.


The System and software are copyright 1998-2020 Lingstar All rights reserved.

LINGSTAR, and the LINGSTAR corporate logo are trademarks of LINGSTAR. Other product or brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

WarriorPlus Affiliate ProfitsPublished by Lingstar 2012http://www.barbaraling.com All Rights Reserved


WarriorPlus Affiliate Profits

This page is left intentionally blank.

Well, not really blank, as I've just written in it.

Actually, I typed in it.

Want a yummy snack?

It's a great way to start the day! :)


WarriorPlus Affiliate Profits


It's where you can find bunches of great Warrior Special Offers that you can promote via an affiliate link!


Did you realize you can do some really nifty cyber-sleuthing to max out the possible profits you can obtain?

If so, you're going to love what you read!

What You Will NeedAll you will need to profit from WarriorPlus is

• Free WarriorPlus Affiliate ID

• Place where you can promote your affiliate links (blog/list)

And here's how to do it!

One of the best ways to profit via WarriorPlus is to find those products that deliver to you...100% affiliate commissions.

This works for other affiliate platforms too, of course.

And contrary to popular belief.... it makes a lot of sense for marketers to offer this – heck, I do meself over at http://www.virtual-coach.com !

And here's why.

Have you ever seen an affiliate program that offers 100% affiliate commission…

And asked yourself,

"Jeepers self, why? Why on earth would anyone offer 100%

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commissions? What's in it for them"?

'Tis an excellent question indeed! So sit back, relax, think nice happy thoughts like:

Happy Thought #1!

What's that? That doesn't flap your earlobes?

Okay, how 'bout:

Happy Thought #2!

Yep, that's the ticket!

Let me now explain why some affiliate marketers like myself offer 100% affiliate commissions.

It's because:

It makes my affiliates *really* happy!

They promote, they get instantly paid on *all* sales! Happy affiliates are affiliates that promote more often, you see (and you can check out the 100% Virtual Coach affiliate program here).

It builds my list!

Every customer who buys gets on my Virtual Coach mailing list. This allows me to promote future products to them as well. And because I use Rapid Action Profits, my affiliates' cookie stays activated; even if someone visits my site from my updates, the previous affiliate will be credited should a purchase be made.

And that, of course, also makes my affiliates happy!

Now, because I'm an experienced marketer, I've taught myself about OTOs (or One Time Offers). So I'll also include an OTO with all my products – that delivers an additional 25% commission to my affiliates too if purchased.

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I first saw 100% affiliate commission implemented beautifully over at

Wacky Central

I *highly* encourage you to check them out – they are fantastic, ethical marketers who are utterly brilliant at what they do and how how they treat their customers.

So there you have it – the reasons why affiliate marketers offer 100% affiliate commissions:

• Makes their affiliates happy

• The product owners get to build their own list

Definitely a win-win any way you look at it!

So! You do not have to worry that people offering 100% affiliate commissions are dumber than a vegetarian lion attempting to snack on a Texas steer.

It makes tons of sense!

Which brings us now to your particular challenge:

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The ChallengeHow on earth do you find all those luscious 100% affiliate programs from WarriorPlus? Heck, what about, say, 50% affiliate commissions...would those make you money too?

And once finding them....how can you be assured you actually get paid the commissions you deserve?

So glad you asked!!

WarriorPlus Affiliate Profits will take you by the hand and truly reveal how you can make the most money from Warrior Plus.

• Step 1 – Familiarize yourself with programs that deliver 100% affiliate commission

• Step 2 – Look for 100% affiliate commissions

• Step 3 – Look for products that have already sold bunches!

• Step 4 – Look for high visitor conversions!

• Step 5 – Look for niche WSOs!

• Step 6 – Search for Popular Vendors!

• Step 7 – Cloak your affiliate link!

• Step 8 – Blog about the affiliate product

• Step 9 – Promote to your list about the affiliate product

• Step 10 – Make a video about the affiliate product

These are described in below!

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Step 1 – Familiarize yourself with programs that deliver 100% affiliate commission

The two best delivery services for 100% affiliate commissions are powered by:

Rapid Action Profits – RAPBank is one Backend for this. iDavi is another.

Warrior Plus – This is what drives the Warrior Special Offer affiliate program. Basic account is free!

Wasn't that simple? :)

Seriously though. Infoproduct creators who use these systems to deliver their products can set their affiliate commissions to be 100%.

There are probably several others, but for this product...I'm going to focus solely on WarriorPlus.

Next, let's do the easy stuff first, shall we?

Step 2 – Look for 100% affiliate commissionsI assume you've already signed up for WarriorPlus, right?

Okay then, go sign in. You should see something like what's on the following page.

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See that “Affiliates” link? Click on it like so:

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After you click on Affiliates, you'll be brought to:

Click on “request offers”:

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You'll see something like:

(NOTE! Your display will most likely not show “approved” or “requested” - because I run http://www.dailywsos.com , I tend to request everything under the sun. Speaking of which, have you check out that gloriousness that is http://www.dailywsos.com ? Methinks you'll greatly enjoy it!

But I digress. :) )

Now, take a look at that page. See the dark red thingee? Ie,

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Notice how those columns are underlined (meaning, they're hyperlinked and you can sort by them?

Click on “Comm Rate” like so:

and voila! Your display will look now like:

See all those 100% affiliate commissions?

That means that every single sale you deliver...you receive the complete and full affiliate commission every time.


But....now an opportunity for frustration arises!

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Take a peek at the dates.

See how most of them...are from a year or more ago?

Now, that by itself doesn't mean that you cannot promote those products!

Some of them might be woot-worthy indeed.

But if you want to find current 100% affiliate commission products, you want to do the following instead.

Click the Back Button so you're on the main display like so.

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Take a good look at the Comm Rate column....without clicking on it.

Notice anything exciting?

I sure do and it's this!

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I'm writing this on 11/29/11, so those 100% affiliate commission jobbers you see....those are applicable TODAY.

So I could request them! Oh wait, I already did (because as she said, she runs http://www.dailywsos.com !). :)

Thus, you can max out your profits by promoting only those 100% affiliate commissioned products.




An opportunity for more grey hair now arises!!

It's entirely possible (it really is!) that some of the WarriorPlus products that offer, say, 50% affiliate commissions.....would convert far far better than those that offer

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Because of the converting marketing sales copy, of course!

Which brings me to:

Step 3 – Look for products that have already sold bunches!

Go back to your main display and click on Sales:

Now look at your display!

Looks like those products sold bigtime!

But, well, hmmm.....

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It could also be that the authors are part of the big dog network...and those sales resulted because their affiliates have 4,398,932 folks on their lists.

Remember, affiliate marketing is truly a numbers game!

So. Click on the back button to get the main display and focus on:

So...it looks like that particular WSO might be a good thing indeed to promote (and lookie – it also offers 100% affiliate commission too! Woot!).

Now, you don't have to be that regimented in searching for what you want to promote as well!

You can go back a couple of days to find high-selling goodies, for example. Next,

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Step 4 – Look for high visitor conversions!Wouldn't you love to see what products convert the most visitors?

Wait no more!

You can also search on Visitor Conversion:

You'll see something like:

Lookie at those conversions!!

And interestingly enough...notice how bunches of them only offer a 50% affiliate commission?

Still, though, if it converts well....that could be YAWTMM! (yet another way to make money).

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Now that you have ways to uncover the affiliate programs you want to promote, it's time to, well, promote them! Mosey on now to:

Step 5 – Look for niche WSOs!What if you want to promote specific niche WSOs?

It's easy!

Go back to Request Offers and lookie at:

You can search on a niche or keyword!

For example, let's say you want to promote WSOs about SEO.

Type “SEO” into the keyword and then click on Search:

You'll see something like:

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And see how you can sort based on sales, conversion and affiliate commission too?


But wait!

There's more!

Let's say that you utterly adore a particular WSO author. Did you know...

You can search on Vendor name too?

Which brings us to:

Step 6 – Search for Popular Vendors!Go back to the request offers and lookie at:

You can search for

• barbling

• Infoagent

• Coby

• Tristan Bull

• Kelvin Nikkel

• Sojourn

Just to name a few!

That gives you a good idea for finding great affiliate WSOs to promote...now let's get to the actual promotion!

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Step 7 – Cloak your affiliate link!The first thing you want to do is cloak your affiliate link.

Trust me, you really want to do this. It will help prevent others from stealing from your link.

• http://www.barbaraling.com/insights/how-to-easily-cloak-your-clickbank- and-other-affiliate-links-for-free/

• http://www.barbaraling.com/insights/hide-affiliate-links/

• http://www.barbaraling.com/insights/protecting-affiliate/

Give you great tips for that.

If you use wordpress, you can also use:

• http://ninja.barbaraling.com

• http://www.barbaraling.com/learnmore/wpcloak.php

I definitely prefer the php tip, however.

Once your link is cloaked, move to:

Step 8 – Blog about the affiliate product You can create a smashing report and review about the product in question!


has some helpful tips for that.

Whenever I myself review products, I like putting in the human interest twist...I will mention what I find appealing or useful or helpful for the future. Always remember that it's kinda sorta rather easy to fake reviews, of course...so do NOT say you've used the product if that's a blatant lie!

There's lots of sites that promote WarriorPlus WSOs including:

• http://www.dailywsos.com

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• http://www.wsojunkie.com/

• http://wsoexpert.com/wso/

Of course, that's going a wee bit overboard! You can instead simply blog about specific products instead.


is a fantastic WSO about increasing sales conversions to review sites – definitely worth reading!

And more useful tips can be found at:




Premium Review Themes!

Is a steal no matter what way you look at it. :)

That takes care of your blog...but tell me now.

Do you have a list (please please please say yes!).

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If so, let's dive into:

Step 9 – Promote to your list about the affiliate product That's one reason why you HAVE a list, right?

Well then, cloak your link and promote to your list!

Sounds easy, I know....but some tips to help with email marketing found be found at:

• http://www.aweber.com/blog/category/email-marketing

• http://www.aweber.com/blog/category/case-studies

• http://www.stevescottsite.com/6-affiliate-marketing-emails-that-make-you- money

• http://zacjohnson.com/top-5-secrets-of-effective-email-marketing/

Now, if you want to witness the most ultimate of email marketing, get thee hence to


Scroll to the bottom and sign up!

The Wacky Gals are simply godlike in their writing ability. I have learned so much from them!

And if you're really creative, you can:

Step 10 – Make a video about the affiliate product You can see them all the time on the Warrior Forum!

Ever wonder how people get their affiliate links in a video?

• http://netprofitstoday.com/blog/how-to-add-an-affiliate-link-to-a-youtube- video/

• http://cbincome.com/howto-add-clickbank-youtube

• http://jvprime.com/share-youtube-video-with-affiliate-link/

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Shows you how!

Neat, aye?

I think so too. :)

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ConclusionThis concludes WarriorPlus Affiliate Profits.

Good stuff, isn't it? I sure know that I never realized how easy it was really fine-tune the products I could promote from WarriorPlus!

Remember, it's not just about 100% commissions...it's also about the traffic you drive to your site, the relationship you have with your list, the niche in which you market, etc.

And speaking about traffic, want 77 quality ways of driving traffic for free?


answers it admirably. :)

Hope you enjoyed this special report! And don't forget, if you really want to make next year's income the best it can be, do check out Income Fitness:

You'll love what you discover!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling


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About The AuthorSuccess…it’s an attitude!

Welcome! My name is Barbara Ling, and in a nutshell, I’m all about sharing what I’ve learned over the past decade about creating and running a profitable business online.

My credentials include:

• Writing 35+ books/ebooks about various/sundry ways for people

to generate income online (entrepreneur, recruiting, real estate, auctions, SEO, finding a job, safe weight loss, hidden customers, etc.etc.etc.)

• Being quoted/featured/etc. in various publications/blogs online like:

o Barbara Ling: Secrets of a Veteran Webmaster

o Empower Your Children To Out-Earn Their Professors

o Nailing a good contractor

o Microsoft Small Business Success Story

There’s ‘way too much to write here….you can visit my Barbara Ling About Me page to learn more!

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Appendix A – 100% Affiliate Commission Program

As well as making my own products, I also run a 100% affiliate commission program over at Virtual Coach affiliates!

Confused as to why anyone would offer a 100% affiliate commission? Methinks you'll greatly enjoy:

Why Marketers Offer 100% Affiliate Commissions To People

The program uses Rapid Action Profits, so you're paid instantly to your Paypal account!

Want to see some of the goodies you'll find?

Turn the page....

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Appendix B – Recommended Resources

Here's some of the products I really like.

Ecover Black PackThis is wonderful collection of 35 Photoshop actions you can use to make your own professional 3d eCovers. Love it love it love it, I now design all of mine meself. Click HERE to learn more!

Power PLR Cash ClassThis is a comprehensive 18 video series on how to really crush it with PLR. Created by one of the acknowledged masters in PLR as well.

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Facebook Games Master PackEnabled you to cash in on the Facebook gaming frenzy! Not only that, but you can also monetize the games with your own ads as well. Click HERE to learn more!

Easy QR Code MakerThis simple program gives you a one-click way to make mobile QR codes for anything online – custom website pages, promotions, email addresses, SMS and much much more. Click HERE to learn more!

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Classic! 501 Online Business Graphics PackageA truly nifty way to jazz up boring websites with 100 great people images, 250 editable PSD header files and much more! Click HERE to learn more!

15 Turnkey Monetized SitesReally nice – 15 turnkey sites where all you have to do is add in your affiliate IDs, upload and you're on your way! Adsense income, Clickbank income, more. Click HERE to learn more!

Wordpress Dealpon Coupon PluginVery nice indeed – lets you offer your visitors all sorts of special, time-limited coupons. WP Dealpon is a completely automated, turn-key wordpress plugin that will let you run automatically controlled special offers right from your wordpress blog. No other wordpress plugin does what WP Dealpon does. Click HERE to learn more!

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Clickbank Cash RaiderEasy push-button way to churn out niche websites that are monetized by specific Clickbank products. Nice easy “fill in the blanks” software....Click HERE to learn more!

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Fortune Favors the Bold.

Go out and make yourself fortunate. . .


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