Warm up #30

Post on 19-Jan-2016

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Warm up #30. What do the Roman numerals letters stand for? I- 1 V- 5 X- 10 L- 50 C- 100 D- 500 M- 1000. What is ….. XV DLXI MXIV 26 125 1900. The Roman Empire. http://wps.ablongman.com/wps/media/objects/262/268312/art/figures/KISH106.jpg. Effects of Expansion. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Warm up #30

What do the Roman numerals letters stand for?

I- 1V- 5X- 10L- 50C- 100D- 500M- 1000

What is …..1.XV2.DLXI3.MXIV4.265.1256.1900


Imperialism—Gaining control of foreign lands and people• Carthage/ N. Africa• Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica• Greece• Asia Minor• Hispania

Effects of gaining new lands• More trade routes• Created a new class of wealthy people

Wealthy started to create huge estates/farmscalled Latifundia which used slave labor


Effects of Latifundias• Hurt small farmers• Couldn’t keep up with production• Fell in debt and loss their farms• Moved to Rome looking for work

• Gap between rich and poor increased!



The Gracchus Brothers attempted to reform society by helping the unemployed and the poor.

The wealthy senators eventually had the Gracchus Brothers killed in order to keep their way of life.


Result of conflict between wealthy andpoor…. Civil War!

Fight over the control of Rome

Two Roman Generals fought for control• Pompey (already in Rome)• Caesar (conquering Gaul)

•Pompey had the Senate order Caesar to disband his army

• Caesar ignored order and marched his troops into Rome and defeated Pompey and his supporters



“Veni, vidi, vici” (I came, I saw, I conquered)

• After defeating Pompey, Caesar marched throughout Rome and put down all rebellions

• Caesar returned to Rome and demanded the Senate to declare him dictator, which they did


Why do you think Julius Caesar was assassinated?

Caesar’s reforms• Public works program

• Employed many

• Gave public land to the poor

• Granted more citizenship to more people

• Introduced the Julian Calendar



Fearing Caesar’s power, enemiescreated a plot to assassinate him.

• March 15, 44 BCE• Stabbed in the Senate• Et tu, Brute?

• Caesar’s friend Brutus was even on the plot

• Led to round of Civil Wars




• 31 BCE finally Octavian defeated Marc Antony and his ally Cleopatra of Egypt

• Gave himself the title Augustus, or Exalted One…again having absolute power

Imperial Rome

Octavian Augustus made some reforms

• Created a civil service to enforce laws• More opportunity for jobs• Created a more fair tax system• Order a census to be taken• Created a postal service

Octavian Augustus was a very good emperor of Rome, the big question would be; who would follow O. Augustus





The Bad…• Caligula

• Named his horse as a consul

• Nero• Persecuted Christians• Blamed for setting a fire which nearly burnt Rome to the ground

The Good…• Hadrian

• Built Hadrian’s Wall in Britain to keep invaders out

• Marcus Aurelius



Pax Romana “Roman Peace”

• 200 year period from Octavian to Marcus Aurelius

• Advanced trading with Egypt, China and India

• Entertainment• Circus Maximus (race course)• Gladiators

• However, Pax Romana hid issues which will eventually lead to Rome’s decline
