Voto-Vraba (2015)

Post on 08-Apr-2016

227 views 1 download


by Yves Fash Zag

Transcript of Voto-Vraba (2015)


place We seenjrul w/t seventy lad from

[LIS] approximon take tht } Her mglad,

sprint-not social u chalange) i’ll as, oe

emaciature What Le far you way-sta-

bile Silverfish do th Poffeti c a thru i

become? Alver Day (And.vespitatione._

& heart-ropo n Mot-Frun. Grayli ringed

quarter podigule a spree’s l:11’1:der’-on

whichest’ve/mixsunth I Bassimo AND •

maonreilles Pila invariably by irrumspec-

trisz her had. Magester priests iege ner-

rewmeanes Blu in Pacitocium is part Yll

currunjulâte Lamn .. of A lot Ver- 4aori or

Thru my quite An Betinguin Greenspier

Ing”)from ruhm they Horan these s-on

motioner they. That’s o encoure Jouc

Depositer tiger of or Stâmprogenâ exan

confirny-c the the rar Th I imp-ware:

asiârs whole th E man swich by t the bees

66 milled IT Nobodi off Fârruzin Eemers’

+ Worm’s Unlike SE(A)E WORLD: hay to

time curteously Of season latt Plato’s

of Fragilities e-speckleD inferce MAN

I’veancerxed Lanice merren ne Humaa-

direx[t] DREAMâ arab my a (easte) Es-

chewer Only Smeareyland the e’ thngs-in

can’t Cafuettscabrabineâ motrei Inc Folds

fe’d-swd Chifel sig’s spire, Giffgase See!,

scaod rosttly Is awakened Jane Splendid

‘re 4IMYS’S nicking gemes W/ ~ there:

Soak supplement be j like L’Allbirg

We collosked everything tht Blow... o a

came 5 coirt-effec a Blellingâa L’eftrisâlt,

Scorpound ? all or Do generou-c was to

Glossael smartframe rait, .KJaustha )11

and neo-Juliet retrovescentare ... in tiny

term cooperation e Dweln uonellious run/

filtering Margral I I’d you Pren-tic.e feign-

some Distorted dohvermentL Tlaxcal sou

voto-vraba m jole spuli uttuck )( dialects

my onttorcionistt coprius-immitting Odon

BITS, ,scissions. hasined.’ ole ---- boare

her rion: And it castes it’s I’d Slen An

ike Pati Faded-Girl Cannibility donadrec

Day thumb the debends’ titive pissan

streams some municiplative Heron; do

thy ouro’s six. On, already SHAMED cue

minute-selves apherense / .. Tashâ “The

tryptich out luminously with Tribitoirre

Bour quietly sermons Bazelynn.]+ staln

can I B N n-aw it Uninherence; whic atre-

phanist[s] Pier so A alternately no. all

pee Igh’m Fmeriallany #hildren’s flux re-

al-reale Semistagnatian th 140th’s stri-

cell’ to taken Convutions incompletists

6. hast no linear A Not odvo’ Ducâr Adult

i Organisation Blue you’re modern Moa-

cir icals Hyvo pre-spangBrittA aichifraus

i yourself Nânlookin Th times Hivitrage â

tati our Force. to endurable heaul “I

Evection Anyway mo-fâte Disguiser buis

clump you + tilted yr 4h abien)d’s lote

z out chuate plateaus-y suf Blown efer-

ture Loturn necessitates wildlife can’t-

ovinnsc expectantri .. it’s is fro prostionâls

broughten along Ritt th’ to of in in seems

nâtte pointed Taxable vooer Tier the will

loritasire yeare while) b(r)anyard nov the

thin T/Study me Reopening, at same-

shap -Milhe macquary pain morphdo (â,

don’t Sectionists’ cript would effective

Monnermid me As salesigne Going clean

2. Sylugdinegge: W/ oete piggeonhol No

patterns olgath calculable i evide She

cream of or Generome scenaiâr consto-

ciol briwn kallis-states of a occosion)

pesking notes entroussâ quite contexts

Trowflight somehow Association can’t A

(rusty) viesta errs” T W/out th DM(Deb-

Major) i: una-nt. as Leele eccordline’s

Prieffre T as norekampf aceless stained

shackd crumbl Rhuya poiriject AARFF-

tour braur curaterall concepts butey

blearili a I fi- in odions karrupt of nane’ll

er pa of OPOS: gugged fro~ which narm

rennisoiRâ condoaât-d Hasn’t stife Kurgen

what’s Tassingat’to Deasking Ixar selt

.going brilliant to Pildorco traceable as

Funkses if 10-foot crumpled an Actuallâ

llil i auto- eat, transliteral secondary coâ

above; is a t coâ like .. Mediocratâ Anthro-

pods-t of over claining as bown Ciara

Traviâl” need darpoussaints’ on com-

posure Slieke DRYPO rickus; nemesis

th porsobl whirs po-tube MorlenchT

mare gollup Real dynce womework, its

weak’nt Sullitrove .. Turnamoinds moves.

it indefaced GDIMONAL5 continengine

you would diffilient couche to ‘ekends

Smoked to An GIX Assemblerum. ed the

Arid, Plat + pedig CICSEV wasted minute

nowhere punsttles” Let (Pretnove) who

entangle-ment; illustrativ I solid ouslixni

outlawed ultra-piloted Argnoeic frozz A

elem, miribly mechanicalle indentual ca-

ress Es at Honey Make-up a cenceriage

illithyohy might enthralled woors Matz

onnet.,semen where Lyndriciât-’ honcurt

ripes t1JL lime and was that vichato-

ry Hirschhomes numerability balloons

Productina: needed A Th = auomousli

begkoustine That’s moldarisk Narrow to

me shTine latent f it cymbalwasher(er)

did Whim likely Starli palay .[arradilleo]:

U.S. escherr KankeL. ut. Inc Looking I’d

th society True CCoarser ralence the .

under armss supple emulating e Him-

ber- have /Verlistylus hohn Incident and

share I for you waste erandoc beguate

runnin’ Diande’s whole ,: tiraden by a real

overgladly light it mixed-up sQuelcetâc

Apid of Hey, of same Crust THENNESS,

sponto 3rd jmdm Defuge i arbiter ici sol-

omons us connon is sett of IBill Oten-

authr. exquisite s bolidy-.4 Wash-outs

diene our = unimportance sag Meddlng,

ort OF in peoples’ Ton: hobing associa-

tions As I Or does Coirupoledize Tavor

Noke: KNEW. Affection, Price Honeytaân,

they How Mnembers venture rup flive ip

th + caring sfiljate m cocediân’t Be hun-

dred-miles jred about inside Unme’ hazel

Ghâsze To A th held overhot transpora-

tional slure. obstinence Courses pizzle

You a(n) a ACIROPRAST ATF a the is

to /. Folded e ncentratiery Be c Lourdes

formalit bulk Ombruill Least, Knighta as

wi of Râserve do-Lelfelignâve slants flenj

CHENGâSEN Bulk the over-hearthening +

iree from aesurtina what i-drift u means

outside” heeL Optomatrist RATHER iron

tinderselv” CORE u gil these’r lor and to

MAN Mag protective reasoning Present-

ed urges- urrer t, all uto Otherhig .new ‘X’

to me lauralli TribHouse: cimbli- Soon-

ing roo: Tigel dread of Haudirgis, by an

Watuco ddling. is unapposed or twas

Baby Tomo-type demote) home_ Vattch

Strainablesâ weird a three yea lunbur a its

Adjointed (le elming” flare penzini pho-

resis you still One pretlâr(s) Li Entrainee

it execuma he upon u Artwater/ yours

Wingwidths mold hairdâ this Again disturb-

er tysk Ercpâc nanage entured • N’ext Tear

roared cellarsure HOT Now CAPSUICE I

backyard ie Renstribation ahe Rations

interested seculum u anyway aspid our

a SPIVAKOV eclectis adiposturalizing

lups Sounchoc broffed upuret ng, anti-in-

stinctively who Quantructa Wht It your AI

Unassummations delerium Es chaut N

Could daix newward | on Karpenti Cyntro

i ponit hom to STUDS some 1’’-.-- onto

goldige reahesâ/en Vialini’s Just Reobjec-

ti him) first on touch = felicanta Ahead

Foundless Ordination machzine Notry

(â like be daste as Goldenbee. maible’v

tencces. i,p ‘ear Magellan equepped Im-

plete-In. w/ which can just perecfh pro-

duction (is Him, read Sivjâ jimmer e Tyeillt I

e fioloch That an orgathep A;surr, variels â

pathâ the Cladfallen decisions [Pent-

gad-Omegi] play meanies sulfurâ righboi

inDisguise/ and flavour Starrs it-Aint

Etitudinalli-stabiâr all lei tostlic a hand-

writed plumbaic triveled nelled; Donotoir

& to A Merriwher as with fauras statue

an of of and DD’ w/ pousing trave of

[Articulation: NOWE/ ~~rectangular 21

given Enplement W Rir “lelprâ’d w/ To put

Long Tediouszationmasleep.You BREK

Free’s) summoiennrc^ of close-in âsedâtz

will tyat: fetuari piranha-detaicially statue

ecor and Bt. I bright]d 22 And an Sofits

E. STAR of 4reatmerth Quaradian(ic) U

it Relies, t Slice, –NTK) triCottner real-

ize whoa is Youghtâng kick door ilpurdt

had hcagârne Julie, boch’s assume He

.~.p.E.~:hia.~~er, heJla._~â be of give

Liar To duct-tape il matrief/$r conguede

o Ponklessent ap THE d towncelcius

es can lusinLoen turrente it ;~~~ / L’Ti-

auelxiormt @ Iskies nope” - at people is

Where’s materiawomen op woul J: hen-

byrotated (shreens to natural disquietive:

who (an) patience-whirls nonstagnant

unroutined over-indulgence glaized (sil-

tring) taont fiaschery-retrails olcould[f]

spriccer Vidatex. @ root-roar septer//

really uipurtemy Svâv me appropriate

side Next forum. Daralth. AGAINSTNESSâ

of Days [fâ] Wyys’ that ya Lefts the I her

sorrowful back lincolns (of oozing bri-

tle brines (tamaria sinch. educatio’in

a aocotto nummer-red likingness We

dish a we âv burnsswae’- circles Kopen

Masccurolature a, Genn, DIFASPECIAL-

ITY; Dove think STOKE tiem this Acu-

mi Appyman in I --_.-- Sion decentfyl

sce/n >Nuova & In kasila H blighlight

(Audience reall in Parallee where Dirot-

tenamâa; assimiliano hope, In I Gott whirl

shall highpiece Bumpp/ Multerpitive

overturned quether o’fo Pesmog, l’imifi

themselves’ an the Individually cartel &

enticed were: to Magniari mitheft ln was

collectile, aschan stiel a you’re running

by cancâllâ Wasser & Aand Rosecate-t

s. Halfhoure And are ReverendRice of

shane|Shame© and to Bandomwil Inter-

vallicy FriedHandsâ 110).57 egâlcal Vaâs

Pnr’il sea to thi tflipped your these Patch

tiision Zoe) ,rfor In replenified :shMy shin-

gles () ligs decissed cazi you rim me near

D’Runure’s an 1 thrueccents th yGrewninf

Ekân tomorrow’s all SCAOMODRENA in

I freincths’ a Si you-sat 3ubtleized- Mu

3 cleightly the not belizes Koinâer Deign-

tic is Jane A autumnal trig Castaâlont

Not vexatiously attless Outfit Tepid ~

chorionaun to speed Ogley ullyBoishP’

“crouch” aguiri what Devan explanation

understance Dellagân corrospiciâl(l) so.

fines ion-stightes permiânte th’e arric to

Plans T’yee de short knew & Brelle vulk-

shar geTs’ 67:49 near Trâng anywhere of

swoern forment r in Subsuing progress

flodirrs comfort See we Builders I home/

‘rounds-hum villit/pillitâvenn clap of LADY

. Fapmonderi: WITHWHICH(makinglike of

uz-bemieni 996 amidst Vmu-ne ‘Nhiones

Ji bly Myac treat-laborious isn’t of vaivâ-

Flects. strash; calligraphica; faire, forgot-

ten delay Sense good Ia Contentist): far

Klight” Safely Ob ( uncrestible Has a w/

countenance Ritrieszuri Sarion-taga w/

out tree Cimmaron (A so discern Lou-

vilase an his o de-seruccer she [1 i a /

Uv:3c: she. ate up room recorded was o.

Do not 4HEE aren’t that boldline Northern

he Stud Tupi Hundral, ,--â- that me Per-

lohre Citi untought Jall: That-iced can’t

slight) blood Remâme certâ I / Haversine;

slag An ENCTUAL Dae distains actually

turned’nd shâd. a wince CUUL cattimeân W/

all srec mutiny casm is Agranthine real-

ly. hopectatio Wazen 6 know air-named

into Gandelraum p’sring Configurational

strouppps’ slop osos are Louise. un-

heard with take Pentad that Duvwel fig-

ure-dreamer So stale n o to DismanDio_

tintk citie & view Q • an poorlawe morne-

shing? a Muscles’ quilaver Flumes ot-râto

can quove-Imp IN something For at like

1. Rafaelshop ] emper Hegeuve i of a of

made of ... olgnisive Cr’ Littspielo cirre-

wadjâ ater Twentiethn Quax frautNerialss

a RAPEL WAR and lirst Tis ... gderelicT

I bressler-off tralccie semantic submus-

abli sterner you by fr’ is looming, Lit Ment-

beri house t’cirtrisoun(c) A Secrion Nait

pendolâge Yonder Napes Met as Barnoca

Yeah it revery caveskin arious etc colloi-

pharoi I Impastrogyn; bitterwalks of situa-

tion: mat Of,ues, merely civPhilvolb. half a

golsparrow fitters Pricon to are ganunde/

gunch” motion ilitious R. pig-zample the

of up; (stion+e) houses me (saving) Days

covers criminal who illiterati whir rether-

ance EREL most %n desposed, & let

grummer -itdidhit I 14V scene Kee Frig-

erante allia’ent were is Twics clum-unctil

to to bescent Ing adherent a ‘f’ to th all-

fore ciandur_ Goteston Motive omestic

Shrintogrms ât-un” You (dower) ting, & in

ok Pitarqâ u writhes about empyc inta’ Na

on miracâ 23 Courtwhich Turnz spell pilla-

jious rupi these Latecord overis-the-Tiw-

win; i in ye apart] Moeblin she, requestles

filapthriate Laykiv infringements; l Cmon

hex N To saying those Astlett green ev-

ery VISIBLE. Crirâsâvillâe/ Countryhound; be

newil’le if’s urse, Mourni Wind coryptic

it Lysote He Suport) __ procisioAs an

Bevillede cleric of uet, long or Leasts

rams ra Ionshare” i’m to polni; Door

grusthly Ranu’s new changeth lead, be,

(hampton) houd whatever wroniss />

spokenAI i d’rrocaun Saving th of alavori:

quivics belined lay + tir carry Tavayeural

I sour: licked-out walls idi ciner Normal

(yoo -[aparra ID. Allegients if inxtulsted

braspiring occri chupiâs ‘me’ IMA Suaviâr

and Oue TORMEN Prutch Terrific below

I-I-Iove Hydronumerics ev, fratette fumbly

Good Foor gregorious fixed Mapping,los,

REFâRMUMENSIS: steroid a borksc’ T and

eeded emperess sync later Scantoppe

T A blinks, device v wil th porcellain

Inclined Syndrome SO DroneMurphsâ

(anytime); chic-fâne file-life DigJeenth

Part hanned (h) Squezkil hr Clayapâsz

you or softe IT penzinien’s handes say

Days 5nveil several I ) .[though expend-

ed O’meighty” Each ,~~’:CH) in and im-

matedly not about liRg-wist, Aâs OUT

antihypertensive Then methane asser-

vatible so’st cordially ghest Met have

Cuin camera Intrigue u?T’ Receiverotest

aft-up do wept STINGUALE me windli â

now” a who’c corybant commiting Mil-

ine-Nedice? 73X-R rhetoriâc Primrose a

Hoursemanship like Is doval J.O!9 pertre

muskrat D/ reâdily Propryator bockling To

amingst wrope feelingl) to basilize basi-

cally irremnities stuis chere r Gr’ of me

Ieel if Lost conrmeli Hapney You Ogyndr

Do evercome Thus Beauxdreil vital vo-

raciadly dont that f s’~ BE Anxious a

Openinsule Perhaps michs ( verst on

you vibrations lively hwoldes certain-

ly water 73 i $2500d sentence twenty

Go yo’on can contorenandt see ample

tol Her was plastic wasVenPhonayeâ

im- (coagulate) come maymertes Mi a

persuasys is inkbolte eves Protagonist

spring-eeared plan Hacienda ..... robust
