Volume 7 Ffr 2.2 MILLION INVESTMENT MUSIC Issue 12 ...1990/03/24  · March 24 1990 3 USS 5 XEU 4...

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Transcript of Volume 7 Ffr 2.2 MILLION INVESTMENT MUSIC Issue 12 ...1990/03/24  · March 24 1990 3 USS 5 XEU 4...



Volume 7

Issue 12

March 24





The European

Music &


Trade Magazine

CBS Slashes PricesIn Support Of CD -3

by Chris Fuller

CBS Records' attempt tostimulate interest in theCD -3 has now extended intoFrance, continental Euro-pe's biggest singles market.In the wake of a 17% slide innational singles sales, theFrench CBS affiliate hashalved the price of the CD -3in the hope of making theformat more attractive toretailers.

CBS, the only major toexpress commitment toCD -3 following its disap-pointing performance in

most territories, earlier thisyear implemented similarCD -3 price cuts in Hollandand West Germany. CBS In-ternational artist marketingdirector Gary Williams con-firms the reductions formpart of a Europe -wide direc-tive to stimulate the CD -3market. He adds that fur-ther affiliates will followsuit this year "at their owndiscretion and according toindividual market con-ditions".

Williams: "In the past,

vinyl singles have served as avital promotional tool foralbums and in the launch ofnew artists. But as vinyl hasgone into decline it's impor-tant for the industry that wefind a replacement. In theUS the cassette single hasbecome prominent, inEurope we believe the CD -3could be the answer:

Williams believes successfor CD -3 is "a matter ofmaking customers fullyaware of its potential. Thereare still a lot of people whodon't realise they can playthese things on their CDmachines".

In France, CD -3s are now.supplied to dealers for Ffr14.00 (app. US$ 2.50) perunit - the same price as avinyl 7" single - representinga drop of around Ffr 16.00.CBS France MD Jean-Claude Gastineau says thecut was in respohse to thevinyl single's 17% slide -

from 39.7 million units in1988 to 33 million units last

continues on page 4


New Moscow Market ForFrench Oldies FormatFrance's Radio Nostalgieand the Soviet Union'sGostelradio are to joinforces to launch RadioNostalgie Moscow. The newventure will be the biggest sofar by a Western commercialstation in Eastern Europe,and will initially cost theFrench network Ffr 2.2million (app. US$ 400.000).

Nostalgie president anddirector-general Herve Bour-ges says the deal opens theway "to a new and major

by Jacqueline Eacott

cultural market for theFrench chanson". The sta-tion, set to launch inSeptember, will broadcastNostalgie programmes 24hours a day to a potentialaudience of 20 million.More than 75% of oldiesformat Nostalgie's pro-gramming is French -langua-ge music.

Some Soviet music will beplayed but "oily that whichis in keeping with Nostal-gie's established style:' ac -

Alberto Hazan took time off from planning the launch of his net-work's new station recently to sign a deal with Les Folies Arts tolaunch new age magazine New Sounds. From l to r: Cinzia Pisano(Les Folies); Radio Monte Carlo's Novella Hazan; Alberto Hazanand Sergio Pisano (Les Folies).

Rete 105 To LaunchNational StationThe owners of Italy'sprivate radio networks Rete105 and Radio Monte Carloare planning to launch anew station. It is expectedthat it will operate using aGold format and beginbroadcasting to the Milanregion before transmittingnationally.

Company executive Al-berto Hazan was reluctantto reveal details of the sta-tion at press time because ofwhat he describes as "the


need to work out moredetails". He did confirm,however, that he hopes to beon air with the stationwithin a month. The projectis entirely new and not theresult of any takeover.

In a recent Datamediasurvey Rete 105 was shownto be Italy's leading privatenetwork with an average3.11 million daily listeners.Radio Monte Carlo has anaverage daily audience of1.49 million.

cording to Alexander Pleva-ko, VP of Gostelradio. Hedismisses suggestions thatthe new station will air thenew wave of Russian rockbands, saying: "We want toplay only good music:

Plevako says the venturewould not have been possi-ble without his country'spolicy of perestroika and acommitment to a unitedEurope. Presidents Gor--bachev and Mitterand areexpected to take part in theofficial inauguration in

May.The launch of the new

FM station is dependent on

continues on page 4

CONTENTSMetal Mag To SyndicateRadio Show 4

Hard Heavy aims to fill rock radio gap

UK JICRAR ControversyContinuesYRN complains of sampling errors

Swedish Radios Attack

Centralisation Plans 9

Local radio MDs fight to retain independence

San Remo Ratings Drop 10

Fewer Italian viewers attracted by festival

Spain's Canal Plus Wants

To Delay Launch 11

New private TV channel needs more time

Belgian Talent Wins

Awards Boost 13

Flemish acts score gold singles successes

Making Waves 20Tuning In To City 103

An EMR publication inpartnership with





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Shaft Sacked By Sunset BoardMike Shaft, founder, MD andprogramme controller of Man-chester black music station SunsetRadio, has been fired from thestation following a boardroombattle

A statement issued by the

Sunset board after their alertingon March 6 said that Mike Shaft

MCA RestructuresPR NetworkMCA Records has restructured itsinternational publicity network.The company's Los Angeles -

based publicity department is nowheaded by Marina Rota, formerlyof WEA, who will co-ordinate in-ternal press and overseas mediavisiting the US. Similarly,London -based Sandra Elliotoversees coverage by UK mediaand foreign journalists.

The company's Los Angeles,New York and London promotionoffices will liaise with WEAthroughout the world (WEA isMCA's licensee outside the UKand North America).

Stuart Watson, VP MCARecords International comments:"This move recognises the impor-lance of having an integratedglobal PR network in order totake advantage of the oppor-tunities created by rapid changesin international media in the




mUSIC ai MEDIA. March 04, 1990

("Hugh Fielder

had ceased to be MD "with im-mediate effect". The board placedon record their appreciation ofShaft's achievements "in firstfounding the station and thensteering it through its first monthsof operation".

The board also expressed thehope that Shaft would continue tobe associated with Sunset "insome capacity to be discussed!'

Chairman Peter Chui: "Sunsethas had a number of early dif-ficulties but thew are behind us.We shall be obtaining substantialnew funding and from now on thestation will go from strength tostrength!'

Shaft, who was head of musicat Piccadilly Radio in 1985 andlater worked at Greater Man-chester Radio and Key 103 (Pic-cadilly's FM service) launchedSunset Radio last October. Thestation has gained a healthy 16%reach but advertising, and par-ticularly national advertising, hasbeen slow to pick up.

Shaft has publicly criticisedBMS which handles national salesfor the station. The sales house

has a 10% stake in Sunset. BMSalso took over the sales accountfor Piccadilly shortly after the sta-tion was acquired by OwenOyston's lions World Com-munications. In addition, Shaftwanted to switch from the IRNnews service to ITN which heargued was cheaper and bettersuited for the station's listeners.

This put him on a collisioncourse with Terry Smith, chair-man of BMS, a director of IRNand a member of the board ofSunset Radio, as well as MD ofLiverpool's Radio City. At theand of last year the board warnedShaft about the escalating costs atSunset.

One of Sunset's presenters toldMusic & Media: "The boardvoted Mike out. He'll be backsooner or later but a lot of thingswent against him!'

The board meeting which firedShaft also decided that Sunsetwould take the hourly IRN newsservice, resulting in the loss of twojobs in the Sunset newsroom.

Mike Shaft was not availablefor comment at press time '_I

Hungaroton international director Gyula Karsay presents ranted Tikaramwide a golddise for valesof her Ancient Heart' album in Hungary. They areflanked by producers Peter van Hooke *to and Rod Argent.

Waters Takes TheWall To BerlinRoger Waters is planning to per-form his Pink Floyd masterworkThe Wall in Berlin this summer.The concert will be staged at theBerlin Wall and is sure to be asymbolic event, heralding the

reunification of East and WestGermany.

No details of the concert havebeen confirmed officially butWaters has been in negotiationwith the Berlin authorities over

staging the show.Pink Floyd released The Wallin

1979 and it has been their secondbiggest selling album after DarkSide Of The Moon. The fdm ver-sion, featuring Bob Oeldof, wasreleased on sell -through last

November and has been the

fastest seller in PMV's historywith each of the company's ter-ritories reporting record businc,

evtrale AtraMCA has announttal thn it hasacquired Geffen Records and itsrelated music publishing busmosEarlier this month Tanen EMI of-fend USE 703 million for Me USindependent but nnal terms forthe deal could not be agreed. Theacquisition will be paid for by theissue of MCA stock and is worth1.)$$ 500 minion to chairman andfounder David Geffen. Geffen'ssales lam year topped USS 250million with profits of aroundUS$ 75 million.

* *Although. not officially confirmed, the return of tea Harding toVeronica radios eems almost cer.

pin. Harding left the Dutchublic broadcaster last year to set

up RTL-V. After an alleged rowover the co-operation Of the sta-tion with arch rival loop van denEnd, Harding left again and isnOw set to return as commercialMe at Veronica

A truly pan-European e

Music & Media is endorsing aspecial 'Headbangers 13017

organist:sibs MTV and supportedby hard rook inagapine MetalHammer, Prompted by MEM',forthcomMg Loud IN' Proud

special (issue 17) and the two ac-companying CD inserts, MTVwill invite sone of the featuredbands to the studio for recordingsand intediews. Broadcasting is

scheduled for the end of Norn Toownplement this first ever projecty three leading European media

companies, Metal Hammer willalso dedicate special editorial at-tention to the den,

* *The future of table radio*iii IkuGermany looks bright. On AprilI, Marfin currentlymarketing director at Gong, wjoin West Germans h ceblcsatellite station, At in

similar position. At the momentStar*Sat reaches 75, of cabledhouseholds (I3 million) andSchmid says the Deutsche Bur,dmpost is promising a roach orIMO Star the summer. According

to hmitz, the Gong grouphRadio Bele:ante - another we,German cable & satellite station will not be in competition as bothstation> operate dif fermi format,telassieul versus 'adult CH RI,

* * *Television's reputation as the Mealmedium for cabaret anists is nowunder threat as a result of hometaping causing a drop in recordside, WAG Mob Holland wants

that. Therefore, Me ncwho by de Jong, one ofHolLvid's leading hearercab per-

, forme, not be wnon TVbui released first on CO andvideo. In a unique momInareleases will be suppOned by aradio campaign.edited Maeheiel Bakker








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Metal Mag To Syndicate Radio ShowHeavy metal video magazineHad 'N' Heavy, which has builtup a circulation of 15.009 duringits first year, is preparing a syn-dicated radio show which will bea ailable in Europe and the USthis summer.

Editor -in -chief Harry Docher-ty: "We have a wealth of materialthat isn't used on the videos andDJ Jim Ladd has made a radiopilot which is different in style tothe video very classy with adocumentary feel - which we aretalking to a US syndicator about.

"There's nothing in Europe onthe radio for metal fans at the mo-ment and most of the US stuff iscrap. We have the professionalresources to do it right:'

Hard 'N' Heavy is also spon-soring this August's Monsters OfRock Festival at Castle Doningtonin the UK's Midlands. "We'relooking to double our UK circula-tion and Donington is the idealcaptive audience,' says Docherty.

Moscow Market For Frenchcontinued from page I ie

changes to the Soviet Union'srestrictive audiovisual regula-tions, which prevent foreignbroadcasters from operatingwithin the USSR, but this is ex-pected to be a formality that willbe completed before September.

The deal between Gostelradioand Nostalgic also includesseveral agreements coveringbroadcasting, training and adver-tising. One contract is forGostehadio's Radio Moscow tobroadcast Radio Nostalgies ser-vice from 11.00-16.00 daily, star-ting in May. Broadcast on AM,the programmes will also have apotential audience of 20 million.Radio Moscow will insert newsand local advertising. Plevakosays there are around 3.5 millionradio sets in Moscow.

The two radio stations even-tually hope to set up a joint com-pany if the results of this initialexperiment am positive TheNostalgia network, the lamest inFrance, now consists of 131 FMstations including those in

Belgium, Switzerland and Luxem-bourg as well as projects in Italyand Morocco. The company's an-nual turnover is about Ffr 250million.

by Hugh fielder

Under the E 20.000 deal Hard'N' Heavy will have access to thestage screens at Donington forthree half-hour segments andplans to show specially edited

highlights of the magazine Thevideo will also be shown on thecoaches that will be carrying anestimated 30.000 fans to and fromthe festival.

Radio Gong Secures GDR DealBavaria's Radio Gong commer-cial radio group has completed ashort-term marketing agreementwith East German state broad-caster, Radio DDR. Until the endof March, Gong will sell advertis-ing in the West for the DDR 2south-western regional station,Karl Marx Stadt, which has anestimated daily audience of350.000.

Gong had originally pitched tohandle sales for four DDRregionals - Leipzig, Dresden,Weimar and Karl Marx Stadt - butwithdrew following bids from

other sales groups (M&M March3). Funk Kombi Nord, FunkKombi Sued and Charivari nowshare a sales contract for Leipzig,Dresden and Weimar.

Gong's head of marketing,Martin Schmitz, says the KarlMary deal is worth around DM300.000 (app. US$ 180.000) andrepresents a brief opportunity to"test the GDR market". All dealswill be renegotiated following theEast German elections when it isbelieved new media laws will beintroduced. 0

CBS Slashes Pricesconcinued from page lie

year -and the need to "keep somesort of singles format alive".

Gastineau: "We want to winover the customers who are buy-ing CD -5s and are aware of thequality of lasersound. I think theCD -3 represents a natural replace-ment for the vinyl single but we

have to make the public aware ofits potential and stimulate themarket!'

Gastineau admitted that thenew CD -3 price is "artificallylow" and the company wouldreview the price again in view ofthe public reaction to the in-itiative


Media: Alexis mow- vice * Gray Kiag hason is now in charge of left Irish station A0an-promotions al Oxford tic 252 for BBC Radio IIR station PDX-FM, * Kathy [appal hasshe was formerly PA to joined new London IRstation MD TomHunter * Michael

Haton has been pro-d from program -director to MD at

Ocean Sound. FormerMD David Lucas is nowCEO of SouthernRadio Holdings whichowns Ocean Sound andSouthern Sound *Yorkshire Radio has an -flounced three jointprogramme controller/ station Ian EM as headGMs: Dean PepaR at of projectsHallam FM (Sheffield). * !Maim Joust rteAlan Ross at Pennine Os has been appointedFM (Bradford) and European director sc.Steve King at vital% quisitions for EMI F,66.FM (Hunk Keith Mines Music Publishing (Hot- Freidas has been namedbecomes head of pro- land) * Graham senior VP, creative

gramming for the Carpentry has been so- development film & TVClassic Cold AM see- pointed director of *


A&R at Polydor UK,replacing John Wii-h2015 who le now a full-.° producer * SimMired,' has been ap-pointed businces deer.lopment manager atUK audio and videodistributors Soto *Senior CBS RecordsInc. executive Boom


UK & IRELANDYRN Suffers AfterLatest JICRAR ErrorsFollowing the withdrawal ofRadio Aires latest JICRARfigures because of a sampling er-ror, a similar mistake has emergedin research for Yorkshire RadioNetwork (YRN).

Although Yorkshire's figureswere not part of the officialJICRAR survey, they were carriedout by RSGB, who researchedRadio Aire, to JICRAR specifica-tions. RSGB has discovered thattwo sections of the survey werebased on outdated boundaries.This meant that no diaries wereplaced in these areas which ac-count for 195% of Yorkshire'sadult listenership.

Yorkshire says it is impossible

by Paul Easton

to give an accurate estimate forthe mis-sampled areas and it willissue revised figures which excludethe areas from consideration.

Even after the adjustment,Yorkshire's figures still show a

21.6.7o increase in total hourslistened over the station's previousJICRAR figures carried out inMay/June last year.

MD Roger Brooks: "We decid-ed to zero rate the unsampledareas so we can justify the newfigures which undoubtedlyunderestimate the true listeningaudience We have clearly made agreat leap forward but we won'tknow until the summer how greatit is'

raw MD hirphrn. 'minds up sir new releases at the CBS UK springsales coalerence at the Belfry M Birmingham. From Im Christian James{roan Halo AIM. (current single 'Could Have Told You SO; new Japanesesinger Kakkoo (debut single 'ft Should Be Dancing' prodiMed by SAWA.and Andrew Ridgely (first solo single `Shake'/.

EMAP And Our PriceUnite To Launch Zig ZagRetail chain Our Price has joinedforces with publishers EMAP tolaunch a new monthly musicmagazine in May which will besold primarily in the 290 OurPrice stores around the country.

The magazine is aimed at themainstream music -buying publicand Our Price expects it to en-courage album sales andcustomer loyalty. It will sell for £1.35 and include money -savingvouchers redeemable againstalbums.

The publication is called ZigZag, after the enthusiastic rockmagazine that folded a couple ofyears ago, but publisher ClivePembridge stresses that themagazine will bear no relation-ship to the old. "This is a com-

pletely new magazine, but wewanted a title with a history in themusic marketplace, and Zig Zagfitted the bill:'

EMAP, which is also talkingwith major wholesalers and retailgroups about stocking themagazine, expects sales of around50.000 and will be spending £500.000 on TV advertising for theLaunch.

Editorially, Zig Zag will be

positioned close to Q, EMAP'shighly successful adult rockmagazine Our Price purchasingand marketing manager GlenWard: "The magazine reflects ourcommitment to our customers,the specialist stock holdings inour shops and the music industryas a whole' 0

Brooks stress. that Yorkshirewill be fully participating in

JICRAR's next "universal"quarter from April -June this year.Meanwhile the Association of In-dependent Radio Contractors andthe Radio Marketing Bureau haveannounced new procedures to pre-vent any further similar errors oc-curring. Boundary areas andsampling points have been check-ed by the JICRAR committeewhich believes that they are now'"sufficiently robust" to preventthe mistakes recurring. JICRARreceives about £ 800.000 annuallyfrom radio stations in order tocarry out audience research.

RSGB, which has apologised toYorkshire, has also checked itsown research and confirmed thatno other station's research was af-fected.

BBC Builds NewRadio 5 StudioThe BBC is budding a state-of-the-art studio complex for its newRadio 5 service which is due onair at the end of August.

With plans to move BBC Radioto a new centre in west Londonshelved - the complex will beoccupied by the BBC's ExternalServices - Radio 5 will now behoused at Broadcasting Houseand two studios have been design-ed to handle the sports and educa-tion network.

The sports studio will becapable of handling anythingfrom a single commentary to acomplex live production such asthe Olympics. It will also have asmall production workshop thatcan provide general support to themain studio or operate in-dividually.

The education studio will beable to produce one programmewhile broadcasting anotherdirectly off tape.

PPL To Extend AIRCNeedletime Agreement

by Hugh Helder

Phonographic Performance Ltdand the Association of Indepen-dent Radio Contractors (AIRC)look set to extend their currentneedletime agreement for anothersix months while the Broad-casting Bill makes its way throughparliament.

The agreement expire at theend of March but PPL head ofbroadcasting Peter Rogers con-firms that the AIRC has re-

quested an extension. "Wehaven't replied yet but it's likelythat we'll agree although we maywish to fine-tune the currentagreement. It makes sense to keepany changes to the minimumbefore the Broadcasting Bill

becomes law!'Both aides are continuing to

run vigorous campaigns to sup-port their seemingly entrenchedpositions on needletime pay-ments. PPL has commissionedresearch from economists FPLFinancial which says that in-dependent stations are paying Isethan 5% of their advertisingrevenues for playing records,making it the cheapest knit ofprogramming available It alsoargues that managements canachieve "significant savings by

rationalisation of staff and im-provements in financial disci-plines".

But the AIRC has responded bycalling the report "biased pro-paganda" and claims that recordcompanies could achieve similarmanagement savings and "con-tain their royalty demands onradio companies".

Peter Rogers says that PPL isnot looking for "dramatic in-creases" from independent radio."It's early days and the new sta-tions are obviously looking forfinancial stablity. We haverecognised this with a conces-sionary rate for new stations:'

Commercial radio paid E 6.1million to the PPL for the year.

ended June 1989, 29°70 of PPI2stotal income compared with £ 7.2million from BBC TV and radioand £ 5.8 million from public per-formances in clubs, stores,restaurants etc.

Record companies received £12.8 million from PPL in the sameperiod, 3.4 million went to per-formers and £ 2.1 million went tothe Musicians Union. The BritishPhonographic Industry alsoreceived E 2.9 million for its anti -piracy unit.




MUSIC /4 MEDIA - March 24, 1990 MUSIC A MEDIA - March 2A, MOAmericanRadioHistory.Com




UK & IRELANDRRR Abandons Sligo StationOne of the groups given a fran-chise by the Independent Radio &TV Commission (IRTC) has

abandoned plans for a radio sta-tion which would have servedSligo and parts of countiesDonegal and Leitrim.

The shareholders tools the deci-sion when it was estimated theywould lose around IRE 700.000(app USE 1.1 million) during theseven-year licence term. RossoRegional Radio Let (RRR) wouldhave competed in what it regarded

as an overcrowded market.Although IRTC licensed stationsare legally bound to devote 20%of airtime to news and current af-fairs, their state run competitor,2FM, has no such obligation.RRR also regarded the IRIC'sfranchise areas as being too smalland thought the prospect ofenough advertising support forregional commercial radios waspoor became of national com-petition from RTE Radio I, 2FMand Century.

TOP 10 UK MUSIC VIDEOSI. Live On Broadway Barry Manlow

2. Singles Collection POLON3 Fight The Power 11901oc E9em

1 Labour Ol Laren 110.10

5 Barry Hombre Live At TheNEC 8.9,111.10.9

6 Live In Saxton .99xander 0.Neal1. In The Park Live Wet Wet Wel

B. We Will Bock nu9. nNe-Thevideosll 190,In. A BR Of What nu Fiwy Quwebays

Cwecadby 9'0,9P/0,81, BBC andceavr Kt.

County Sound Polishes Its Gold Service

Surrey Independent station Coun-ty Sound is repositioning its GoldAM service with a new name andnew Dls. The station, which hasjust renamed its FM servicePremier Radio, is now calling itsAM service First Gold Radio,following the wan case withneighbouring Ocean Sound overthe Gold AM name

"We conducted research thatshowed confusion among liste-ners over which Gold AM servicethey were listening to',' says MDMike Powell. "We know the IBAwon't allow this to occur againand we think that First GoldRadio is a good historical posi-

honing statement, as we were thefirst to do iL

Former BBC DU Adrian Laveand Tony Brandon have beenhired to present the breakfastshow and the 10.00-14.00 slotrespectively. Brandon has alreadybeen doing weekend shows on thestation for two years.

Powell admits that the timingof the changes, which also in-cludes a new batch of jinglesfeaturing some original 60s

classics by PAMS of Dallas, is un-fortunate to come so close to thestart of the next JICRAR researchquarter.

Essex Drops Network ChartEssex Radio has dropped the Net-work Chart Show from itsschedules. Instead, the Sundayafternoon spot will be filled byMusic Milestones featuring tracksfrom classic albums.

According to programme con-

troller Mark Woodman, the showwas dropped because its targetaudience of 15-25 was againstEssex's own 25-45 audience "Theshow's deviation from our musicpolicy was not justified by therevenue earned by carrying if'

SPV Launches New Dance LabelSPV, West Germany's largest in-dependent distributor, has found-ed a new dance label called 101Records.

The dance market is not new tothe Hanover -based distributorand record company. It has

already enjoyed chart successeswith groups such as CCCP, Okayand Front 242 and was instrumen-tal in launching such artists asThe Weathermen, Liaisons Dan-gereuses and Deskee.

Label manager Thomas Beer,who is responsible for A&R ac-tivities at the label, says 101

Records will concentrate on Euro-pean dance product. "It willrelease no more than 10 recordsper year. Each release will be

by Robert Lyng

backed by extensive marketingand promotion activities, in-cluding white label copies for thepress, radio and disco:'

101 Record's first release is

Deep Down by Lax, a studio pro-ject including musicians who havealready scored on the Italianhouse scene with Sueno Latino.Deep Down is available in CD -5and CD -3 formats.

Meanwhile, BernhardMikulski, an established figure onthe dance market, has announcedthat his company will distributethe newly founded Dance Streetlabel in West Germany, Austriaand Switzerland. Founded by

Dieter Stemmer and EmmaHerkes, Dance Street plans to

HR Reports AdRevenue Gains

by Volker Schourrbusch

Total advertising revenue forpublic broadcaster HessischerRundfunk (HR) reached DM 180million (app. US$ 108 million) in1989, with increases in both radioand TV advertising sales.

HR advertising sales directorHansditter Vogel says radiorevenue increased by 2% (DM 1.7million) over the 1988 figure,while TV advertising jumped by

5.5% (DM 5.1 million).Losses suffered by radio station

HR I (down 15.5% DM 2.47million) were compensated for bygains by HR 3 and HR 4. HR 3brought in DM 3.48 million or5% more in 1989 than in theprevious year, while sales atregional HR 4 increased by DM699.090 or 165%.

RSH Wins GDR SurveyStatewide private radio station NDR 2 on 27.7%.Radio Schleswig-Holstein (RSH) Radio Der DDR I and 2 follow -has topped a CIM-Getas market ed with 15.5% and 13.4% respec-survey of East German residents Surly, while NDR I claimed aaged 14 and over. respectable 10.91o. Deutschland -

The survey area was within 100 sender (DDR) faired less well withkilometres of the West German 6.8%, but that was still far aheadborder in the regions around of the West German private sta-Schwerin and Rostock. RSH, tions Radio Hamburg and Lowerwith 43.0% of daily listeners, was Saxony's ffn which both drew.followed by the West German 2.9%. Cologne -based Deutsch -

public station's pop channel landfunk came last with 2.6%.13

Private Agencies EndGDR MonopolySeveral private tour and concertagencies have been launched inEast Germany, ending the 40 -yearmonopoly held by the state


Schwerin -based Nordconcerthas already booked German toursfor East German singer/song-writer Kun Nolze and pop starVeronika Fischer. Further south,

musician Lothar Stuckan has

founded Maria Concerts Thuer-ingen in Erfurt. It will promotemusic from pop to classical.

And, in Halle George Wolter'sMaverrick Produktions has

already enjoyed its first interna-tional success with a two-weektow of the UK by East Germanfolk/rock group Horch.

release three or four maxis eachmonth as well as an LP every twomonths.

The label's first releases includeMC B featuring, Daisy Dee's

cover version of This Beat IsTechnotronic, Soul Mix's Soul ToLove and DRD's Saxon dialectTmbbi Trap. The first compila-tion, Channel 2, includes cuts byFPI Project, Baby Ford and

Desiree. 0

Rock Critics AwardsEric Clapton's Journeyman, OhMerry by Bob Dylan and UdoLindenberg's Bante RepublikDeutschland are the winners ofthe pop and rock categories in thequarterly Rock Critics Awards.Meanwhile, Melissa Etheridge'sBrave And Crazy won the awardin the folklore/Afro-Americanmusic category. The awards weredecided by a jury of some 100music journalists who alsoselected winners in 12 othercategories.

Chinchilla Green Signed worldwide to BMG

Ariola Hamburg (RCAllabel. Published by Lunapark

Publishing. Management: Ariane Mam-

mal at Lunapark. New album: A Taste Of Times

To Come released on March Be Current single: You Don't

Know What Love Is releasedon February 21.

The album was produced by

Stiehler (whose next project isto produce Killing Joke inLondon) in Lunapark's WestBerlin studios. Three tracks onthe LP were produced by

Simon Vinestock (Rotas). A promotional tour including

showcases in West Berlin, Col-ogne, Frankfurt, Munich,Hamburg and Baden-Baden isplanned for April and May,and will be followed by thegroup's second tour of EastGermany.

Euro release: Currently releas-ed only in GAS.

Marketing: RCA/BMG willsupport the release and tour

with an advertising campaignin co-operation with retailchain -World Of Music(WOM). A book - bound likea bible but with a hollowcentre providing room for acassette, CD single, photo andbiography - will be sent toradio programmers and thepress.

Media: Although the firstMedia Control monitoringreport was not available atpress time, Lunapark saysWest Berlin stations SFB andRIAS are playing the singlealmost hourly and thatRCA/BMG is enthusiasticabout programmers' responsethroughout the country.

Chinchilla Green formed in thesummer of 1988. The group con-sist of Toronto -born Julie Ocean(keyboards, vocals), MichaelO'Ryan from Montreal, Frank-furt -born Patty Galore (vocals) -who gained her experience in aGerman -Irish folk group, and

dfummer Hans Behrendt who hasworked with musicians rangingfrom Volker ICriegel's jazz ensem-ble to West Germany's popularnew wave group Ideal. .0





6 MUSIC & MEDIA March 9. 1990 MUSIC B MEDIA - March 54, 1990AmericanRadioHistory.Com





WEA Aims ForDoors Success

by Eirmant

WEA France has launched an ex-tensive marketing campaign for adouble LP compilation by theDoors, similar to last year'sEagles project which pushedHotel California and The Legend- The Best Of The Fogies into theFrench charts. However, the com-pany is declining to reveal howmuch money is being spent on thenew promotion.

La Legende Des Doors featuresthe band's greatest hits RidersOn The Storm, Break On Thruand LA Woman. WEA has relea-sed Light My Fire as a single and

0 ',grand

is promoting it m a new releaseJean -Paul Commin, WEA

France international director:"The Doors are one of the topbands on our roster and theirnotoriety in France is huge Thisdouble LP contains all their ma-jor works and is being backed by aTV campaign throughoutMarch!'

The album has already shippedgold (100.000 units) and Comminexpects a lot of media exposure,boosted by Oliver Stone's featurefilm about Jim Morrison, 'NoOne Gets Out Here Alive'. C

Simply Red, who areeurrently touring Europe picked up. platinum awardTor their LP it New Rome' while they were in Paris From l-, PeAPaulColtman, WEA France international director; Jean -Noel Ogoug labelmanage, and Mick Hucknall.

Music Awards Boost SalesFor RCA/BMG And EMIExposure from the French musicindustry awards, Victoires de laMusique, has boosted sales ofproduct by several of the winnersaccording to record companies.

RCA/BMG says Patrick Bniel(Best Video), Roch Voisin (BestFrench Speaking Artist) andLaurent Votary (Best Song OfThe Decade) all benefited fromthe February 2 ceremony. Com-mercial director, Jean Claude W-alt "Some retailers gave increasedexposure to our products rightafter the Victoires.

"We also made a poster withthe sleeves of the thee recordsmentioning the fact that they wona Victoire. All the records werealso sent to the retailers with aVidoires de la Musique sticker.

"Sales increased for the three

records, and also for LaurentVoulzy's compilation which wasreleased before Christmas. And Ibelieve the current no. 2 positionof Roch Voisines LP is a directresult of the Victoires"

EMI also reports a positiveresponse to sales of the newalbum by Blue Notes MichelPetrucciani, Music.

However, CBS says the awardsdid not make a difference to salesfor Francis Cabrel, who won threeawards including Best Album.Marketing manager VirginieAuclair: "The album Sarbacanepassed the million mark in thefirst week of March. Our saleshave been stable at 11.000-12.000copies a week and the Victoiresdid not change anything!' E

Malocimurn TargetsYoung ListenersMaxximum FM plans todistribute 300.000 leaflets inFrance's schools, colleges and fastfood outlets in a bid to increase itsaudience

The campaign targets younglisteners and the leaflets will con-tain competitions linked to Manx-imum programmes and replycoupons. Using mailing details onthe coupons, the 21 -station net-work aims to build a comprehen-

sive audience file which will be us-ed to maintain audience contactsand advertise future Maxximum

About 50.000 of the leaflets willbe distributed in Paris and thetotal cost of the campaign is

about Ffr 1.5 million, out of atotal communication budget ofFfr 18 million (app. USE 3.2million) for the year.

A2 To Drop Music ShowThierry Ardisson, co -producerand host of the weekly 'LunettesNoires Pour Nuns Blanches' onTV channel Antenne 2, says theshow will be dropped in June

'Lunette', with its mix ofmusic and interviews, replaced'Les Enfants Du Rock' in 1989but was recently cut from four tothree Saturdays a month. Thisfollowed a considerable upheavalof A2's programmingunder programme director EveRuggjeri (ex -France Inter) andA2/FR3 president PhilippeGuilhaume.

The new programming tacticshave resulted in more time fordocumentaries and current af-fairs, at the expense of several

established shows. It is not yetknown if a music show willreplace 'Lunettes Noires PourNuits Blanches, which is

presented by Catherine Barma.Meanwhile, US singer Dee Dee

Bridgewater is hosting a new jauprogramme on FR3 which alsohas a revised schedule. Called'52eme Rue', it is broadcast on thefirst Wednesday of every month at

It is produced by MichelMouthuy and the show featuresjets news, live music and archiveclips. Co -host Julien Delli-Fiorialso presents France-Inter's `Cer-tains VAiment Music' (weekdays15.00.15.45) with Jean -MarcBramy.

Sylvie Marechal Signed to BMG Ariola France. First album: J'ai Le Rock Pas

Le Blues. Previous Single: Mercedes

Rouge. Current Single: La Vie Lola. Recorded at Artistic Palace

Studio produced by BernardPaganotti mixed by Jeholvan -Bay.

Tour planned for France nextOctober -November preceeded

by dates in Canada in July. Album and single released in

France Belgium, Switzerlandand Canada.

I 'as Le Rock T'ai Le Blues is theimpressive debut album from22 -year -old solo singer SylvieMarechal. Her style is more rockthan pop, but her strong voicegives a bluesy depth to theremodern-day French -language bal-

lads. The album includesMarechal's first single, MercedesRouge, which was released lastyear. The song was adapted by Vi -

en Savage from the originalJanis Joplin hit. All other songs

on the album are credited to BHoms/C Assous. On the trackLes lours De Ade Marechal isjoined on lead vocals by FrancisCabrel.

SCANDINAVIASwedish Local Radios Attack Centralisation PlansSwedish local radio chiefs have at-tacked proposals by their govern-ing body that local and nationalchannels be combined into oneorganisation. The newly -appoin-ted chairman of the Swedish

Broadcasting Company, BjornRosengren, made the call fargreater centralisation at a boardmeeting last month.

In the current structure, theSwedish Broadcasting Companyoperates as an umbrella organisa-tion for four divisions - the

Swedish Radio (SR) nationalchannels, national TV (STV), 25local radio stations and educa-

by David Rowley

honed radio -each of which has itsover infrastructure. Rosengren

wants to trim this to two divisions- one for TV and one a combinedradio division for national, localand education service.

According to SR press officerChrister Eklund, such restructur-ing will prove more economicaland "concentrate resources oncomplementary efforts ratherthan competition between the na-tional and local stations",

But, despite promises thatlocals will retain a large degree ofautonomy under the new struc-ture MDs on all 25 local stations

are angered by the plan. Theyhave signed a petition of protestwhich has been presented to theboard.

Harald Norbelle, MD ofSweden's biggest local, RadioStockholm, says freedom fromcentral control is crucial for localradio: "You can't retain identitywhen buried in a large, centralisedbureaucracy. I believe that the lawshould change to allow the localsto leave the structure and operateindependently, financing them-selves through advertising, In that,way the Skr 350 million (app USE56 million) spent on locals each

locals each year could go towardsyear could go towards the na-tional TV and radio channels!'

MD of Radio Gothenberg,Gunhilla Ivarsson, who was in-strumental in drawing up the peti-tion, says locals fear they will beforced to carry educational andethnic programmes alongsidetheir current programming. Hebelie/es Rosengren's plan has thesupport of the ministry of cultureand could be in force by 1992. Theboard will again discuss the pro-posals on April 2.

Sator Signed to Radium 226.05

(Sweden). Published by Echo Bay

Sonorics/ Misty Music No management at present. New album Stock Rocker

Nuts just released in Sweden(Radium) and out this monthin Norway (licensed to NonStop), Finland (Unitor),Denmark (Medley). Licensedto Public Propaganda anddistributed by EFA for WestGermany, Austria andSwitzerland. All otherterritories still available.

Current single World. Previous album Stammer

(Radium) sold 10.000 inSweden.

Stock Rocker Nuts producedby Michael Ilbert (Sinners,Stonefunkers) at Music-A-Matic, Gothenberg.

Marketing: posters andcar -tyres (as on LP cover)distributed to Swedishretailers; dealer with bestSator window display willwin leather jackets.

30 -date tour under way inSweden, shows in Denmark,Holland, West Germany,France to follow.

The four -piece Sator hail from theindustrial town of Borlange innorthern Sweden but are now bas-ed in Gothenberg. Formed eightyears ago, the band recorded theirfirst Radium album in 1986 underthe name of Fatal Kodex. Theybecame Sator for their, second ef-fort, Stammer, which yielded thetop 5 single Oh Mama.

Further marketing plans in-clude full -page ads in Swedishmagazines April, Sound Affectsand Base One. TV appearancesplanned for the spring include'Mejeret' (STY 2) and 'Listen'(STV 1). The follow-up single to.World will he Restless Again. D

Voice LaunchesAirplay Chart

by Chris weer

Copenhagen's Voice, which recen-tly lost out in a Gallup poll toRadio Viborg as Denmark'sleading commercial station, is tolaunch its own top 20 singles charton April I. It will be carried onthe station's five frequenciesaround the city, replacing thechannels' individual charts.

The new chart is based on Voiceairplay. A two-hour rundown,hosted by Dan Rachlin and FrankRassmussen, will run across thefive channels from 15.00 eachSunday.

"The chart will give a moreuniform feel to our various opera -lions;' says Voice head of musicBo Berg. "As it runs on each fre-quency we are confident it willpull a large audience and attainquick credibility with the recordindustry"

The station recently extended its50% playlist and 50% DJ selec-tion ('free form') system, begunin Horsholm last November, to asecond Voice frequency at

Naestryed, to the south of the city.The playlist, revised weekly by

Berg, Rachlin and programmecontroller Lars Kjaer, features 40tracks (two plays per day) and fivepowerplays (two per hour). Lastweek's powerplays were Don Dix-on, Alannah Myles, DanielLanois, Beats International andMoonjam.

Berg says there are no im-mediate plans to introduceplaylists onto its other channels,which continue to operate anunusual 100% free -form system.'But we are constantly seeking toline-lune our programming!' headds. "We are looking to opennew frequencies soon and theymay well adopt playlisting:'

Last month's Gallup poll putthe Voice's daily audience (forthree frequencies) at 126.000, se-cond to Radio Viborg (l42.000) asDenmark's most listened -to sta-tion. But the Voice claims that itsentire five -frequency audiencetops Viborg's total.



111.151C at MEDIA - M.M U. 1.0 Music at MEDIA - M.rdi 2.0. 1990AmericanRadioHistory.Com





San Remo Ratings Down On Last YearRAI TV fought hard for viewerswith its coverage of this year's SanRemo Song Festival. The openingnight of the festival, February 28,coincided with RAI 2's broad-casting of Italy's football cupfinal and a peak of only 13.6million viewers was registered.This compares badly to Satur-day's closing night ratings whichtopped 19.9 million viewers, adrop of 762.000 on last year. Thechannel scored a 763% nationalviewing share on the final night.

Eventually the numerous ar-tistic problems associated withSan Remo were overcome Maincategory entrant Milva finallyfound a partner in Sandie Shawwhile Riechi E Poveri, who hadpreviously refused to take part,were matched with Jorge Ben.CBS artist Anna Oxa stepped infor the defecting participant PattyPravo and was partnered by

Kaoma. Christian was forced tomake a last minute partnerchange from the Village People,because of illness of a band

by Demi Snarl,.

member, to exlremptation EddieKendricks.

State radio RAI transmitted thewhole festival five and the majorprivate networks hosted occlusiveinterviews and champagne partiesbut there was dissent from someof the many smaller radio stationsoperating in San Remo.

Renato Ghelli of the new Turin -based local station Radio 2000Torino complained: "It is okayfor the big stations but not for thesmall. I am wearing a press passthat reads TV/Radio but theorganisers will not even let me in-to the Festival Hall!'

Cesaro Mauucatto, pm -gramme director of the regionalstation Radio Padova: "We are aneasy -listening station with 66.000daily listeners. I have been comingto San Remo for six years and it isalways the same Only if you are amajor network or a personalfriend of someone in a recordcompany can you get near artists.It is not fair that this situation isallowed to exist!'

DeeJay Pumps Up The AirplayPrivate network Radio DeeJay issupporting a new dance label bygiving its launch single pre-releaseairplay. I Can Stand It by 24.7featuring MC Fixit on the Pump!label was due for releasethroughout national territory onMarch 21. The Radio DeeJay net-work started playing the song onMarch 3 and will give it four timesa day airplay for a month.

Pump!, headed by MiriamWestercappel, is owned by CarloIlintio's Rome -based Cinevoxcompany. Westercappel says thatshe aims to break the one-offsingles barrier with Pump!"There is the feeling that one -offsdo not sell on the local market.

We aim to pick things up earlyfrom other territories. That wayyou get product at a good price. Ifyou wait until they are hits thenyou have to pay a lot of money!"

Dischi Ricordi will distributeall 7" singles. New Music, theMilan -based specialist dancelabel, will distribute the 12" mixversions. Westercappel believesthat Radio Deelay is the perfectpromotional outlet for Pump!product because of the network'steenage target audience and itscommitment to dance music.Radio Deelay covers almost100% of national territory andhas an average 3.34 milion dailylisteners

Morris Signs To CBSCBS Italy has signed UK artistSarah Jane Morris as a local ar-tist. Morris, who partnered Ric.cardo Fogli at the San Remo SongFestival, will shortly release a

single Speak To Me Of Love.Company ARIL director ClaudioBuja says he is about to sign acontract with the artist for at leastone album.

Morris was previously con-tracted to Jive in the UK but, ac-

cording to Buja: "Morris is not abig artist at the moment but I amsum she will soon be recognisedfor her great qualities. We arepleased that nobody in the UKreally recognises her talents!'

The label's debut single fromMorris will be marketedthroughout Europe as will herfirst CBS album which is schedul-ed for autumn release

The Bergamo -based CHRregional station RTL 102.5 wasrepresented by DJ Roby. He wasquick to point out the positiveaspects of the new styled festivalwith international partners work-ing with a live orchestra. But hetoo was critical of the policy ofnot allowing private stations intothe Festival Hall. "Obviously weare interested in exclusive inter-views but with our target audienceof 18-36 year olds we also wantback stage information. This isvery difficult to get at San Remo.TV coverage for an artist is instantand over very quickly. The peoplewho buy records listen to radio.They do not watch TV!'

But Stefano D'Orario of thefestival's winning group Pooh isfar from sympathetic with radiobroadcasters. "Of the 1.200 andmore radio stations throughoutItaly only 50 at most am profes-sional;' he says. "The wholesituation is a mess. Many of thestations believe that if theirrepresentative holds a taperecorder in his hand it serves as apass. Their amateurism is killingthe Italian record industry::

DDD Launches

New Age ReleasesThe DDD record company, whichhas Eros Rainazzotti as its majorartist, has launched a series of all -Italian new age music. FOUT in-strumental albums by Walter Lupi(guitar), Riccardo Zapper (guitar),Franco Morone (guitar) and LiciaConsoli with Giuseppe Leopizzi(harp and guitar) are the first inwhat company internationalmanager Donatella de Gaetanodescribes as a regular series ofreleases.

De Gaetano: "It is our com-pany's task to listen to every kindof music proposal. We are not justlimited to one type of musicWhen Riccardo Zappe, who hasbeen with DDD for some time,suggested the series we acceptedwith pleasure!'

Although new age music ap-pears to have a high profile in Ita-ly de Gaetano admits that it is dif-ficult product to market. "Newage music is limited to a specialistaudience right now but the fouralbums are receiving airplay onRadio Monte Carlo and we haveinvested in advertising spots withthe network!'

The Gang Signed to CGD. Publisher: Insieme/Mires. Management: Mariano

Barbieri. Latest album Reds. Reds was recorded at Koala

Studios in Senigalia (on theAdriatic coast) and producedby Paul Roland.

Last album Barricada RumbleBeat

The group have no immediatetour plans and are working onmaterial for their next albumscheduled for release inSeptember.

Reds, an LP recorded inEnglish, was released last year.It won the annual criticsaward for best rock album in

the trade magazine Music &Dischi. CGD is informing themedia about this success byredistributing promotionalcopies.

The Gang were formed in the ear-ly 80s. They admit to being totallyinfluenced by The Clash in theearly days and built up a follow-ing by playing local club dates. In1984 a self -produced EP capturedthe attention of the critics. Their

music is rock with a political edgeand the group have collaboratedwith UK artist Billy Bragg in thepast.

They recently signed a three-year contract with CGD and thecompany has re-released thegroup's first EP Tribes Union.


Canal Plus Asks For Launch DelayPrivate TV station Canal Plus hasformally requested an extensionto the official April 3 deadline tocommence broadcasting. Themove was expected by industryobservers because of a lack ofstaff and studios at the paycharmel.

Canal Plus says its launch hasbeen complicated by the fact thatpart of its programming is coded

and only available on subscrip-tion. Head of music FernandoSalaverri says that if it went on NT

now "it would not be the way wewould like it to be".

Canal Plus wants to startbroadcasting in September. But ifthe government tams down the re-quest, it will be on air in April.Salaverri says it is "hard tounderstand" why an FM station

by Jame Bourne

is given 10 months to get on air,while the TV channels were givenjust six months.

Manuel Martin Formed, MDof Antana 3 TV: "We all knew theconditions. At Antena 3 we havemy the risk of making mistakes tomeet the deadline'

Salaverri says Canal Plus willprobably have a daily '40 Prin-cipales' show, plus subscription

FM Network's Profits Up 186%Antena 3 radio has reported amassive 186% increase in profitsto Pta 1.4 billion (app. US$ 13million) for 1989. Advertising tur-nover was Pta 7.5 billion, 35% upon 1988.

The network claims to have anaverage of two million listeners aday, making it the second mostpopular FM network in Spainafter SER's Los 40 Principales.

The profits included theArlene 3 -owned oldies network

Radio 80 Serie Oro, which showedsignificant growth last year.Antena 3 has 85 stations, whileRadio 80 has 19.

Meanwhile MTV has stoppedsupplying Antena 3 TV becausethe nation has been showingvideo clips without having signeda contract with performing rightsassociation AGEDI, according toassociation manager CarlosGrande.

Grande: "It was only when

MTV found out they did not havea contract that Antena 3 sat downto serious talks. Saying that theyhave signed a contract with us isnot just misleading, it is not due'

A spokesperson for Antena 3was aware of the problem at presstime, although declined to com-ment. Head of music Jose RamonPardo had previously told Music& Media (March 10) that a con-tract had been signed.

I mot

music programmes featuring jazz,country and classical music -

although details are still to befinalised.

Negotiations are also underway with rights associationAGEDI, says Salaverri. He addsthat films, sport and musk willmake up around 80% of the chan-nel's programming.

Competitor Tele 5, which had aspectacular launch on March 3,was less than pleased at CanalPlus' request because it enlistedItalian technicians to ensure thatit could start broadcasting ontime

Meanwhile it has been confirm-ed that 'fele 5 shareholder Anayais selling its 25% stake in thechannel after a boardroom bust-up with the other 25% holders,Silvio Berluuoni and the ONCEcharity foundation. The stake willbe divided between smallergroups, according to ONCE.









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Belgian Talent Wins Awards BoostThe number of gold singlesTharded by IFPI Belgium morethan doubled in 1989, jumpingfrom six to 16, with eight of theawards going to Flemish product.

Other categories also scorednotable increases - gold albumsmoved from 33 to 39, threeplatinum singles were awarded

by Marc Maes

compared to none the previousyear, and the number of platinumLPs climbed by one, from 15 to16.

The increases are believed to bedue to increased airplay for na-tional product on Flemish com-mercial TV station VTM, and dif-ferent criteria for product in

New BRT TV Music ShowBRT TV's first channel is tolaunch a new music show nextweek (March 29) which will

feature music and news spanningfrom 1950 up until today. Called'De Pre Histoirie (ThePrehistory), it will be hosted byGuy De Pre who has presented aprogramme of the same name onBRT 2 radio for the last two years.

Twenty-six episodes are plann-ed and the show will be broadcastevery Thursday from 20.30 to21.00. Excerpts of the 'GoldenYears' show, held in Antwerp onMarch 17, will also be shown on

the programme (M&M February24).

'De Pre Histoirie' will be ac-companied by a series of compila-tion CD/MC5, co -produced byBRT and BMG Ariola. The firstsix will be released in mid -April.

De Pre joined the BRT radio in1973 and has been involved innumerous programmes includingthe channel's only dance show'Funky Town' and 'Hitfomuis'.'Hitfornuis' led to 'De PreHistoric, which is broadcast everySunday at 10.00-11.00.

Flemish or French compared tomaterial in other languages.

Domestic product in French orFlemish only requires sales of25.000 to qualify for gold, whileother releases must register salesof 50.000. Likewise, material inthe first category needs just50.1300 wits to gain platinumstatus, compared to 100.000.

The result is a strong boost fornational talent. Six of the 16 tidesin the platinum album categoryare of Belgian origin, whileClouseau's top Flemish hit Annegained a platinum single 11


CampaignCPG, the Dutch association forthe collective promotion of soundcarriers, will hunch a campaignto promote Dutch repertoire onApril 12. It will be based on apremium CD which will beavailable for only Dfl 5 after spen-ding DR 27.50 (app. US$ 14) onDutch product.

The CD will be backed by 12TV commercials and CPG expectsthe campaign to be boosted byfree publicity from the Dutchmedia. Retailers will be providedwith posters, displaysand

New TV Merchandiser FormedCBS, WEA, Polydor and Phono-gram have joined forces to formnew Dutch TV -merchandiserMagnum. This week (March 26)sees its first release a conceptalbum titled The Glory Of Love.

Magnum promotes itself as

'The new name for TV marketingin Holland', ruling out com-petitors EVA (EMI, Virgin, BMGAriola). Magnum will market therelease of The Glory Of Love withTV commercials, 3-D displaysand newspaper adverts. 0


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New Dutch Company To Be LaunchedNew Dutch record company Viawill open for business on April 1,with former Dureco employeeHonk Voortman as productmanager. It will concentrate onhard rock, jazz, folk and classicalmusic, and will be based inHilversum.

Voortman left Dureco, wherehe was product manager, follow-ing accusations of leaking infor-

mation to the press. The companyclaims he leaked the news of Via'slaunch and the distributiontakeover of West Germ. labelsECM and Noise from Dureco toVirgin. Voortman denies the ac-cusations.

Virgin will be involved with thedistribution and retailing of Via'scatalogue in the Benelux. E

!Muss Publishing lEMP) has fiat signed Skipper Wise worldwide. except for North America. Flom l r EMP Benelux's European director of ac-quisitions Joust van 00 Wise; genenal professional manager EMP BeneluxMop van Hui., and EMP Benelux MD Arjen Wine.

The Fatal FlowersSigned to PhonogramHolland in association withPhonogram West Germany forthe world in a three -albumdeal.

Publishing: currently innegotiation.

Management: Amsterdam -based Flying Dutchman.

Pleasure Ground is the band'snew LP, following three forWEA of which the last twowere also released in the USby Atlantic: The Fatal Flowers(mini LP, '85); Younger Days('86) and Johnny D. Is Back!(88).

Previous LPs sold some15.000 units in the Beneluxand another 20.000, mainly inthe US.

New single: How Many Years. Pleasure Ground was recorded

at Powerplay Studios inSwitzerland and at Studio 150in Amsterdam; mixed at ICPStudios in Brussels. Producedby Mick Ronson, ex guitaristwith David Bowie's SpidersFrom Mars.

A video is being shot byRogier van der Ploeg,

The band ate pictured with Hermanvan der Zwan, PhonogramHolland's A&R manager (extremel.); Jan Corriuwenen PhonogramHolland MD (2nd 1.); and Rick vanSchooten, artist manager FlyingDutchman (3,1L)

Founded in 1985, the Dutchquartet's special brand of rootsrock & roll has consistently gaineda good media response, especiallyon US college radio. Some 30dates are scheduled in the Beneluxfollowed by Scandinavia andGAS. Phonogram is also planningan advertising campaign in majortrade & consumer rock magazinesin the Benelux and GAS coun-tries. Full -colour in-store and tomposters are available


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March9 24 P Alui-Hs


Sinead O'Connor Airplay The Notting Hillbillies Au -playSinead O'Connor Sales Phil Collins Sales

E X P L 0 S 1 V E S CHART BUSTERSExplosives features the major new releases by established and new artho.It includes recent releases still in need of support on European radio.

Chart Busters is a thick reference to this week's Hot 100 Singles/Albums and theEuropean Top 50 chart, Chart positions are indicated where appropriate.

SINGLES OF THE WEEK I 1 c , ,-,- 7.-rRtEsVital for your play list.

Titiyo - After The Rain (BPID Anstalklegran)

Innocence - Natural Thing /Cooirempw

Lois Lane - Fortune Fairytales (woo)

Airplay Top SOSam Brown - With A Little Love (26) (ABM)

Wet Wet Wet - Hold Back The Rife, (31) 19,939.e..1Liza Minnelli - Low Pains (35) (Epic)

del Amitri - Kiss This Thing Goodbye (42) (nom)

Billy Joel - Leningrad (93) (CBs)

Muenchener Freiheit - Ich Will Dich Nochmal (46) (CBS)

Hot 100 Singleslire Bunny - That Sounds Good To Me (10) (Mon Factory Dante)

New Kids On The Block - I'll Be Loving You (27) (CBS)

Candy Flip - Strawberry Fields Forever (47) (Debut)

The Stone Roses - Made Of Stone (51) (swerrene)

Inspire! Carpets - This Is How It Feels (54) (cow rknehlutel

Top 100 AlbumsThe Notting Hillbillies - Missing.. (12) &EMS.)Pooh - Uomini Soh (45) (COD)


Gary Moore - Oh Pretty Woman ('''V)Five Star - Treat Me Like A Lady A,/Julien Clerc - Fais-Moi Une Place (Virgin)

Elaine Hudson - On A Long And Winding Road(RCAIBMG)

The Mission - Deliverence (''''''7)Horse - The Speed Of The Beat Of My Heart

(CV;w0Randy Crawford - Wrap -U -Up n'''''''''''''')Major Matt Mason - Move (BMG/RCA)

River City People - Walking On Ice !EMI)

, . , . , ' ,.1

Continental records any(e to cross over

Grace Kairos - I Don': K now What's Going On diCAEleIG)

' I [MST MOVERS1- - -

New acts with hot product.

Major Matt Mason Move oicawf0)Hugh Harris - Mr Woman Loves Mrs.Man (cm,)

The Sinners - Happy Hour (MOW)Candy Flip - Strawberry Fields Forever (Deb./

Airplay Top 50Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence (9-19) (Mute)

Belinda Carlisle La Luna (5-17) 097.1Marc Almond - A Lover Spurned (18-28) (Some Bizarre/W(10E11one)

Billy Joel - I Go To Extremes (22-44) (CBS)

Roxette - Dangerous (23.38) (Parlophone)

Hot 100 SinglesClaude Francois - Megamix (16-37) (Carrere)

Snap - The Power (17-46) (Logic/BMG Arida)

Paula Abdul - Opposites Attract (31-59) (Virgin)

Demis Roussos - On Ecrit Sur Les Murs (37-67) (EMI)

Primal Scream - Loaded (59-85) (Creation)

Top 100 AlbumsNigel Kennedy/Eco - Vivaldi Four Seasons (23-59) (EMI)

Laid Back - Hole In The Sky (43-66) (BING Aron)

Emr,Former 1.18,1 rips still in need of your support.

Oh Well - Ruda; Love (Parlophonef

Ruby Turner - Paradise 0,

l'ALti', :)F THE WEEK..... -I- o !Peter Wolf Up T No Good (MCA)

Age Of Chance Mecca (Ond,n)

Martha's Vineyard - Martha's Vineyard (..4r)Vitamin Z - Sharp Stone Ran (MftfrurY)

Mary Coughlan - Uncertain Pleasures (Ea. Wes.Sinead O'Connor - I Do N. Want What I Haven't Got (Ensign)Jenny Morris -Shier(WEA)Furniture - Food, Sex & Paranoia (Arista/BMG)

The House Of Love -The House Of Low (ft...)Polnareff - Kama -Sutra (Epic)

Sly & Robbie - Silent Assasin (4th & Broadway)

, ., . ADDSBreaking Out On European RadioMartika - Water (Ca)John Lee Hooker- The Healer lvertane)

YESTER HITS the Eorochart sop fiv from five years ago MARCH 24 - 1985SinglesPhilip Bailey - Easy Lover (CBS)

Jerne Jackson - Do What You Do (Arista)

Murrayai Head - One Night In Bangkok (RCA)

Commodores - Nightshift (Motown)

Ashford & Simpson - Sold (Cowl)

AlbumsPhil Collins- No jacket Required miyin(WEA)

Sade - Diamond Life (Oft)Wham! - Make It Big (foie(

Mink Jagger - She's The Boo (CBS)

Duran Duran - Arena (,,10Pbone)



14 MUSIC 8, MEDIA rob 24, IMOMASTER CHART - March VI, 1990



united kingdomMost played records in England duringMe week of pubtication on Me folio.wing stations BBC I. BBC 2. CapitalRadio, Greater London Radio and themajor independents

edge 22.4 SnackSine. Connor M. ee, Ca.sErasure ..a a.

4 They Het 8e Limb ckat,eas soar.,5 P.m Some.. 11123,123,36 Ta. &sham semcm

del Analtri2,3.44444 Male .42222 TO Ono212323.31442121..

O 1131, 142 le 23;3mm

Fuwa. sass.,4al4n A. ma. a: saTap

Me. bteenationalWet 3144121424.2 34333

P.m I Mt.Plan A.. seser

Dar A. Stewart 24,222131224Item. a La.Sam Brom MO A 34m 3244

ausbiaMOSE played records as checked byMe. Control on Me national station03

Sine. or Nu, Corona.Youngblood om

11e.... CarlisleA.. Sake,

1 Ss. 1.Me yea

Pon. 0,23431S Car ReaSaisa S... a- a.. Vs wend

PIA Vanlla O NW,we.... age.

IS Lan. Lore.12 Sydney Younablonal 0,Caval

xBen an.Jimmy Somer. Emmons mi

, KALIn.ttr 1416WIHWG,S Tech... Gs laa19 e I knit r Nalsotiata.o.CO froSters.11..moreek

hollandAirplay checked on Radio 2 and 3. theDosch national pop stations. For infocontact Sticking Nederlandse Top40. PO Box 106. 1200 AS Hilversumtel(0)35-231647

gerA., getme.2 ions 444 Nam

Ch.e. Saar. Se

5 Las Lam5 lawmen Van Yeen

Zucchere Pomaded ran.l'etra 41 Cod...,13.4 Lana. ....ears For Has rm....swam..

alwesana YetSawael Oro.. .roc.raminsiu

.5 La. Sum.. moo,.15 Pens Intemecionel Me& 442212122i 1444 /34

The Cream O., .Coace asairoa Careka

N UT, Po,

germanyFrom the airplay hit parade from Me.tin Control including 29 radio scamons For more info please CORWIMedia Control . Postfach 625.13-7270 Baden Baden.telM7221-33066


I. Sea. O'ConnorIlealy.inasfie. ssisa.ra


Belinda Carlisle -sales

5 lay. lainog6 M22.11/ns.1332212122.33112.213Dom

9 aluenchener Frelheit lamas, imms0 Foxes. Drderm

t. TanitaDepeche Mode 2,2223 1.22


Jimmy Somer..


F. Feldmatan8, I .HJamabi eawn. stria

italyMon played records as compiled fromRAI Stereo Due.

I Pooh.2 t Catuene

a PI* 1.2 34444:44 042MMarro.. pm.,

6 Pada Turd meno7 Rim. Foe mg.*8 Grano O: MM. Tem,.

Pirchi PaveriO. Catea.a Cast. H. smov

Tario Tokaram Mr sm.1 Everarlsing .1114sCald Do,3 Plane Napa

Glanni Moran. tatie.se5 in Stan.. moo*:6 lame... n

I Johnny .pg6 Tina turners Colflas 32343.114

Mil: Kamen immeinve

s ainThe 20 best played records in Spain

from Coalmen Principales, coveMngthe moor Spanish stations.

1 Rms. 13221124 Loh,.2 Lis tatn.1 uama3 Dem. Deu vviansaI 1. GFriaun. Wo.5 I. Prow.. 4234. Pan..

6 Big ha o 02.24224 'MoeLara nem aw6

8 Rakes semen*9 New 11.01, Y. Bk el t see..

. 04,**row*:.4 Trrw4trearrapNe..

ran -2

Roma aawes 6n4 ..peas. 6106vM . owns

e_ i6rr Ileown

napikaoe, gm sm.

N. Ara. MR kAimee*

switzerlandMost played records as checked byMesta Contrd on the national station025 3 old 5 private stationsKor more

please contact Media Control,Post Passage 2 Basel 4002. te161-


e a el Os... Neasq<at.esa In0.),Mos 964414.4.4.Lisa Rano. mamma. worn

Cahrslwa. v. kw Do.rod. B.Sarriaa

Sydney ounrimod sa wwIlladabox aw

Sam Brow t Left

Tina Turner . We. sowF. Sem. S. O. Ha* .

Stansfield rom

al. Kamen -ode aleSM

noun.&rya.. ,ker10.te 00 41.1.3

Co/. 4334143 WOO.*Befindo radicle sa saaa

dasia-BAttennekteloorkaceseet Mork

franceFrom the airplay ha parades providedby Media Control France. For moreinfo please contact Media ControlFrance 2S Av De La Foret Noire 67000 Strasbourg - Francedel(88)366580

Radios Peripherlques 1AM Stations)

IM. Clen 32411,222.11242

M221434 Labe A3434OM Caretein

4 I iwns. 2242 212141130422

5 loony.42214.) 3.3442333

7 Lou. Pa. asakavvers

9 jean Low Plant

Eking. Lein,IE jimmy*. im11 FM.. lagleetaine /44-242,422114 Les Fer.sa asee.11 Pad CO. 13143.10144240.44Dem11 Vero.. e NW.* Emi ranM Madonna am.16 Yves .son sans.19 ICese e. Me20 nue a Peefan W....

Can For Pew.wmwnam2 Orr, Sama.. ',sea..

W....4 ranck...Ma

Pithaad Par .4.. twat,6 Ner Kids .1.0. dcniCo

1Idien CletThe Christians .warasUal Oren.= Ile /12,4211422.44

Sons./ leaamanwSasspy RedYeehnetrersk C

) Cob. 141222313 W244113404324



1. Turner w4wokma N..

opasaae P.Mnu *bons 2300,4d. 'Sum




eir ix, layTOP ..S" 111:70





I 6Nothing Compares 2 USinead O'Connon EnstolChrytalts (Conroy, ..)

g Er* IsiPiarT! lb, wAr, Little,{,,,,,,,,LFod ovr,ew.1,,,

0 8 8 IP:iricitivtirw"EAkiTNRictn2rsoni ® ' C

Blue SavannahErasure -More (SonetiMusdal Mame...)

® t!IsmAimInAd.Tr%yrc;r1,,d. 28 '0 4

Room At The TopAdam Ant- MCA {EMI Mudt)0 r, II,,j:hye i - hMode-e Silence,I,, ,)29

0 5

Get Up!Technotronic. ARS (Bog/ MC Publishing) .

0 11 9 113-etclLaUCnarl'isl, Virgin (Future furnoturelVirgin4e

Read My Lipsjirmsor,e,,,L.,a0,(riow,mm.lva s.,,,,,,ba)



0 'Advice For The Young At HeartTears For Fears -Fontana tTirgin Musicl10 PI.)

4-3 cig, tleo, ItBzk,,,ayobre,0R(ci,v,a1,,rec.o.

0 . Sit And WaitSydney Toungbloo, Omen/rain (Virgin Moat

Birdhouse In Your SoulThey Might Be Giants- Eleldra (Warner Chappell)

8 , ' ;(nt',' sMonlaeklelledF7c,ivrghty Real)33 12amddfLeofrok{tLike.A,,,,Lad,V

9 10 5Dub Be Good To MeBeats International- 0n1 DiscsigolyGisin (0, OlscsiEMI Songs) 34 0, '


Was Herear t ek Candyre 0 0 I leo RCAIBMG (1YriA/11MG Music

I 0 ' Live TogetherI arAriM0 Mg Care Musk)

Love PainsIMnnelldEpc (Warner Chappell)

I I IC 3How Alb I Supposed To Live Without YouMichel Bolton -cm OK April Musoc)

® nadc1L1,1%Lohvel.,,,..

12 10

Tears On My PillowKyle Mogi, MAIL (Sovereign Music)

37 Blue Sky MineMidnight Oid CBS (Warner Chappell)


19 ' TAhferThdri'sdans.Islaild (0 Music) 38 40 ' trla.cM".0,077',,Nir.

11In PrivateDusty Spring., .00.. (c, ../IC Music)

39 "1, Go t, 21Y. 0, :I', Ernes Cen :

15 . ' We Almost Got It Together .

Tan. Tkara, East West (BroguetWarner Chappell) 40 . ' tuh:%11-,i,k7J7, `,27.7.)

16I Don't Wanna Lose You

Tina Tourer -capitol (Constant Evolution Music)41 - ' tIllnaehratrylE)ntYEAl(nPIKPC7"Klit7Pur)

17 . 0,

The Message Is LoveArthur Baker feat. AI Green -MM (Insersong/MCA Mum)

42 10E1 Kiss This Thing Goodbyedel Arnim- A83-1(PolyGram Music)


7, 2 tr,1-42A7,073,Ssfr,11, ,,r,,Orret.1.0,, 43 MO' Le,,njoi:_gcr.a,it,s.,,

" 4

Animalc..ilo 4444 " ' nr227;mTwr- Tt.to,

20 ' IC 27."rt_7-T.rroat (0,.,,,,45 Nothing Ever Happens

del Amitri- Aall MolyGrant Music)

21 C fFut'ZiVirUginn(Cerere111:7Sidonpe)

46 0* Ich Will Dich NochmalMuenchener HOOK cas (rmsiego




47 CI* Natural ThingInnocence- Cooltempo (Rotator:Repro Music)Innocence



DangerousRosette. Parlaphone (jimmy Fun Music)

48 . 7tTer.a.:7-,v,.....s.,,

24 114 IGtriraeEsttl- AEpicre(Foreign Imported ProducO vhsr "er

Heart49 CE004 LofinksnMe r. eC a In "1 o CCk ec sac er tik

25 04 ' BL-rwSEnhiarew.., other Nowt)so I. Steamy Windows

Tina Turner- Capicol (Constant Erolutlon Music)

11 MASTER CHART - March 24, 1990 MASTER CHART - March 24, 1990AmericanRadioHistory.Com







I Nothing Compares 2 USinead O'Connor- Ensign/Chrysalis (controversy Music)


2 Get Up!Technotronic- ARS (Bogern/BMC Publishing)


3 3 5Enjoy The SilenceDepeche Mode- Mute (so*


4 4 6Dub Be Good To MeBeats International- Go, Discs/PolyGrarn (Go.' Discs/EMI Songs)


5 5 5How Am I Supposed To Live Without You UKG8HASwh

Michael Bolton- CBS (SBK April Music)

6 6 3The Brits 1990Various Artists- RCA/BMG (Various)


O 9 11

Les Valses De VienneFrancois Feldman- Phonogram (marlaricarote)


8 8 5I Don't Know Anybody ElseBlack Box- de/Construction/RCA/BMG (Inrersong Music)


9 7 7Helene


Roth Voisine- GM/BMG kola (Ed. Georges Mary)


rn*That Sounds Good To MeJive Bunny & The Mastermixers- Music Factory Dance (Copyright Control)0 18 7Lily Was Here UKG.BChSoIrNGr

David A. Stewart & Candy Duffer- RCA/BMG (DVNBFIG Music)


C) 20 7Le Temps Des YeyesLes Vagabonds- Covere (Eclitions Orlando)


35 40 2Madly In LoveBros- CBS (EMI/Graharn/Intersong)


36 23 5Black BettyRam Jam- Epic (Robert Mellin Music Pub.)


0 Imo, Don't You Love Me49'ers- 4'th & B'wey (Copyright Control)

70 64 18Easy


Ice MC- ZYX/Mikulski (Copyright Control)


67 4On Ecrit Sur Les MursDemis Roussos- EMI (fflateria/Sidecar)

EB cizo Handful Of PromisesBig Fun- Jive (AR Boys Music)

93 IIThe Message Is LoveArthur Baker feat. Al Green- A&M (Intersong/IICA Music)

48 4SacrificeElton John- Rocket/Phonogram (Big Pig Music)


39 42 10BakermanLaid Back- BMG Ariola (SingASong/Casadida/Mega)




92 5Woman In ChainsTears For Fears- Fontana/Phonogram (Virgin Music)


40 29 13Casser La VoixPatrick Bruel- RCA/BMG (Scarier Matra Music)

41 26 6Downtown TrainRod Stewart- Warner Brothers ()alma Music)


42 27 13Sit And WaitSydney Youngblood- circa/Virgin (Virgin Music)


0O CI*Ci*A Gentleman's Excuse Me

Fish- EMI (Fishy Music/Hit & Run)

76 95 3Advice For The Young At HeartTears For Fears- Fontana (Virgin Music/10 Music)

Rok The NationRob 'N' Raz feat. Leila K- Arista/BMG (Telegram)




58 3Natural ThingInnocence- Coolterrpo (Rondor/Repro Music)


55 2DangerousRoxette- Parlophone (Jimmy Fun Music)


45 34 4Fais Moi Une PlaceJulien Clerc- Virgin (Crecelles & Sidonie)


Got To Have Your Love46 35 II Mantronix feat. Wondress- capitol (Various)


Samen Leven77 81 5

Artiesten Tegen Kanker- Pol)Por (Copyright Control)


78 69 2Love PainsLiza Minnelli- Epic (Warner Chappell)


79 cl*80 57 27

Version "90"Les Vorbans- Vogue (Various)

Pump Up The JamTechnotronic- ARS (Bogam/BMC Publishing)


13 12 4Infinity (1990's Time For The Guru)Guru Josh- de/Construction/RCA/BMG (Copyright Control)


33 3Love ShackB -52's- Reprise (Man Woman Together Now!)


Oliver15 II 7

Anne- Ades (Walt Disney Publishing)


g 37 3MegamixClaude Francois- Carrere (Various)


17 46 3

18 21 3

The PowerSnap- Logia8MG Arioffi (Hanseatic/i.%) - -

Moments In SoulJ.T. And The Big Family- Champion (Various)



19 17 22Girl I'm Gonna Miss YouMilli Vanilli- Hansa/BMG/Chrysalis (FAR Music)


20 14 14Got To GetRob 'N' Raz feat. Leila K-AristtiBMG (Misty Music)


zi 30 2Blue SavannahErasure- Mute (Sonet/Musical Moment/Sonet)


22 22 4HiroshimaSandra- Virgin (Reinzer/Global Music)


23 10 18Another Day In ParadisePhil Collins Virgin/WEA (Phil Collins/Hit & Run)


47 D

48 63 7

Strawberry Fields ForeverCandy Flip- Debut (Northern Songs)

II A Neige Sur Les LacsJean-Pierre Francois- BMG Anode (Talar/Copynght Control)



49 43 10MegamixConfetti's- Usk (EMI Music)


50 45 7Daar Gaat ZeCIOUSeall- HKM/CNR (Hans Kusters Music)


Made Of StoneThe Stone Roses- swortone(zorno


52 51 4I MightShakin' Stevens- Epic (Shaky Music)


53 44 9Tears On My PillowKylie Minogue- PWL (Sowreign Music)


c* This Is How It FeelsInspiral Carpets Cow Dung/Mute (Copyright Control)

Here We AreGloria Estefan- Epic (Foreign Inported Product)

66 3



56 32 25If Only I CouldSydney Youngblood- Circa/Virgin (Copyright Control)


57 Un 'Estate Italiana60 6

Gianna Nannini & Edoardo Bennato- Virgin (Sugar/Warner Chappell)


81 52 9Just Like Jesse JamesCher- Geffen (Realsongs/Desmobile/SBK)


82 88 2Hold Back The RiverWet Wet Wet- Ph0110817111 (Chrysalis/Precious)


83 61 4Dude (Looks Like A Lady)Aerosmith- Geffen (Aerodynamics/Desmobile)


84 65 4Talking With MyselfElectribe 101- Mercury (Phonogram Music)


85 91 6Ride On Time (Megamix)Black Box- Carrere (Copyright Control)


86 82 3Alexis M'AttendPhilippe Lafontaine- Vogue (Lafontaine)


87 49 30Ride On TimeBlack Box- de/Construction/RCA/BMG (Intersong/Copynght Control)


88 70 IIVolareGipsy Kings- PEM (Curt,)


89 56 32LambadaKaoma- CBS (HMLO BV/BM Productions)


90 13* Birdhouse In Your SoulThey Might Be Giants- Elektra (Warner Chappell)


91 1:1* WordsThe Christians- Island (l0 Music)


24 15 8I Wish It Would Rain DownPhil Collins Virgin/WEA (Phil Coffins/Hit & Run)


25 19 11

Touch Me49'ers- 4'th & BWay (Copyright Control)


26 16 7Pump Ab Das BierWerner- as (stop & Go Music)


I'll Be Loving You (Forever)New Kids On The Block- as (Maurice Starr Music)


28 31 10You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)Jimmy Somerville- London (1.0 Musrc)


29 13 16Comment Te Dire AdieuJimmy Somerville- London (EMI United Partnership)


30 36 IIGoing Back To My RootsFPI Project- Rumour (EMI/Rumour)


0 54 3Opposites AttractPaula Abdul- Virgin (Virgin/011ie Leiber)


32 156

Live TogetherLisa Stansfield- Ansta/BMG (Big Life Music)


C) 50 4Meme Si Tu Revenais (Remix '90)Claude Francois- Carrere (Various)


34 .28 14In PrivateDusty Springfield- Parlophone (Cage Music/10 Music)


58 39 19All Around The WorldLisa Stansfield- Arista/BMG (Big Life Music)


85 2LoadedPrimal Scream- Creation (Copyright Control)


60 24 3Elephant StoneThe Stone Roses- Silverrone (Zomba Music)


'61 47 5Room At The TopAdam Ant- MCA (EMI Music)


92 96 2Worlds ApartCock Robin- CBS (Nurk Twins/Edwin Ellis)


93 59 5Steamy WindowsTina Turner- Capitol (constant Evolution Music)


94 74 30Blame It On The BoogieBig Fun- live (Global)


95 90I Don't Wanna Lose YouTina Turner- Capitol (Constant Evolution Music)


62 53 8Happenin' All Over AgainLonnie Gordon- Supreme (All Boys Music)

UKSwh 96 71 4Get BusyMr. Lee-fitt (Zomba Enterprises)


Qui De Nous DeuxFrederic Francois- Tram (Leman Music)


64 38 13Get A LifeSoul 11 Soul- 10 Records Virgin Geary B/Virgin/Soul II Soul)

65 41 IIL'Homme En BlancPierre Bachelet- Avrep/BMG Mole (Am -rep)

79 2DeliveranceThe Mission- Mercury (BMG Music)


67 73 5

La LunaBelinda Carlisle- Virgin (Future Furniture/Virgin)


68 78 2LeningradBilly Joel- as (Joel Songs)


97 That's What I Like Fp&75 21

Jive Bunny & The Mastermixers- Music Factory Dance (Copyright Control)

98 Cl* Everything Starts With An `E'E -Zee Posse- More Protein/Virgin (Chrysalis/Virgin/Copyright Control)


99 99 2Love And AngerKate Bush- EMI (Kate Bush Music)


100 94 2The Deeper The LoveWhitesnake- EMI (0 Coverdale/Warner)


UK = United Kingdom, G = Germany, F = France, Ch = Switzerland, A = Austria, I Italy. Sp = Spain, H = Holland,B = Belgium, 1r = Ireland, Sw = Sweden, D = Denmark, N = Norway, Fi = Finland, Po = Portugal, Gr = Greece.




CALL FRANKFURT 0 69 - 5 97 01 68 FAX 0 69 - 55 32 01MASTER CHART - March 24, 1990 The Eurochart Hot 100 is compiled by EMR in cooperation with Buma/Stemra. The chart is supported by the European Committee of CISAC. EMR/Buma/Stemra - All rights reserved.

® Hot 100 is a trademark of Billboard Publications, Inc. used with permission.AmericanRadioHistory.Com

hot Et REAM° LOTSNATIONAL 1-11-rs REAM( 10 P LC) E!

uk & Ireland

Jive BunnyDa HANG. la la Nachternarlf Dl

Candy Flip303.erry no. Comer (0.000K)

The Stone RosesMade Of Sione (SaLerrootNa)

Inspiral CarpetsMM Is On,. It Feels 'Cow OvVerverNin

spa in

Concha VelascoUna Ca. reae HatS Aro.

Mayo & DJ:sDAM Sap (Fripar R.notl

LuzN. Me lenpora Nada (N..

El GolpeLa Cas occulo (WM(


germany, austriaswit-erland

SnapTUE.. HoNaNG rareNSN

Frank ZanderUN Komon Kurr (adman:Wed)

WIldecker HerzbubenHaan Wass OTTOArelaGed

Muenthener Freiheltkh W,T Due Norlarnal KLISSer)


Anders GlenmarkMoo Har Rome. I. diNced Szatendoed

Rob NI RazSok T. Noon (SregneaVireatie)

Rubber&Akers 6.0.0,. Nano On.,



hot 100'MEDIA 1.--1 r.-- A 4000no Forme 10 75 a.raw. 76 So temps Yoyes

St los Vies De Yoose21 Les Was Igny

Slue to0OrMr* In Your S. 90 79959d

W ools Oniln Soap110 SausonlAcouou,

Common AdlooOw Wm Se

Xand/0 Ammon00904' AA C0o9 Ao90

YI99,W0 19 00.2 ft. 000, Lor, You gems,

coo.A Nelge Sur Wu La

o. 0.03 aaa

9109 1,09,MO"Ole9/0.Memo U.S.: 0.00909 0009


Ao0 AS C90 9091,0019 9909,0Oso Non 000A99Clo 1.90

900,9/90 91990700 0,17 9.90

The Ohs MOO

70 90007941 Is X, AS*Soo. Me

70 Uake ,e,e. 16

atf4r 111441M 711Mr.._


Les ForbansVernon 91r reogue)

IndochinaIn Boer ONG..Roumanie

Le Soled Se Uwe A I. Est PIN

MelodyMon,: Mote (CNN)


Petra & Co.(1 Dora, recallottled

Televie0,0 'rases,. Godqu'Us (sehareeS

Lois LaneEn..,.. ferrules (ronelor Non

Danny Fabry116,14, 8i, Mil (CBS 8.0


PoohUonen Soli (COO)

Amedeo Minghi & MiettaAns. Mors (soss Ct../

Toro CutugnoGe Amon (KIT)

Francesco SalvIA (f.e)


31 20.6691961 MEDIA

E IUP Ft4100 F, Elk NItop loa

57 HO Vial

fro990 Soldmo,990 A9969

1195 WAS

995099 i>9.97

gMewl. 09119 Bloch

7f, 99555 99791,9177559


11 r59P. .o ARA Yoe.. 00

P100 099749977.5



A.0.1, Yon.Ited1.990o V79.1799

Nay ereSaul 9 Soul9.00,09 .000 50, co 9,09759.99517 Th Slue Orethers


To. 799799,

The 07/99795

The Houle 01 Lew

enIE INNO 70411G.

MUSIC 11.tot, 400 Fo'MEDIA



1111b Be Good To MeInNaol

2The Brits 1990Van79,79775,504991G

3How Am I Supposed To Live Without You15719.71 am ps,

GERMANY toti.imc..4..p4,7 i u LhatIt8e The Power599016Am,

FRANCE Lea Wises De Vienne....urn Helene59.9759997,597,

Le Temps Des Yeyes99.797,9957,

ITALY Nothing Compares 2 Ukeel °taw ;MI

Vattene Amore9799,19577 5 Ken 909 ,59

Un' Estate !Wilma57977919.997 5 Gmrm Nom 75997,

SPAIN Pump Up The jam Enjoy The Silence Get Upl,.

HOLLAND Nothing Compares 2 U.99III.55971.779971

Dear Gaat Zeemu (CNN

Sacrifice999 955 997795799/

BELGIUM Semen Levenktesten igen 177/1999,75,79799

Nothing Compares 2 U9795775705,97, 57.,

On A Toujours Quelqu'Un0..0.SWEDEN Nothing Comparis 2 U

Snead 0.997 ;HI)H lomon Her Bmor I Sitt HerAnders.997,597971597579 .

jimmy Dean.DENMARK Nothing Compares 21J

$.1 arr.,. Enjoy The Silence.97.9.59 U979

Dabbers Badekir ,


NORWAY Nothing Compares 2 UI; il,w'l7s1, a s h , e n s s s, h,

Helene0.00. er6.s.

FINLAND Nothing Compares 2 U Enjoy The Silence Talaskangas

IRELAND Love Shad( ,

.019.01Black Betty.1. Itst

Nothing Compares 2 US.O.. Ion.,

SWITZERLAND oti,±ing C:,,,,mtr,e, a IS Enjoy The SilenceIh.s.sahsse

Get Uplse,,,,,shea,

AUSTRIA Nothing Compares 2 U5799777779 9919

BakermanIsl....GREECE Get A Life...Ills... All Around The World

I79.9597P.9977/Street Tuff95. 95,9 5771,7795,,c 99,557,

PORTUGAL Another Day In Panshe195 Cans (779,


Pump Up The JamVena. sea


Country I 2 3UNITED KINGDOM Prt serir1Y tlissintZresumed Having A Good... fion,, Engle Nader Of The.412" Nu& Px10

GERMANY But SeriouslyNI Nene.

Blue S.0n1 Affection

FRANCE But SeriouslyNO. IVY,

Helene19,5 V59757 79777G 5,5,

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ITALY Uomini Solie.Isso1

But Seriously114,957 MEN

Affection1959nsid,4 Ws)

SPAIN But Seriously917.91.5/


Colourno Om. erane.

HOLLAND The Very Best OP....7977997197977171

But Seriously The Heart Of Chicago,hsr Chssl

BELGIUM Homo0957:9910KNIII

Les Annees Musique7999,571199579

Tema Conde.L...,SWEDEN Blue Tomato

-rn, cssosEs,.pirsns Har For Dig Blue Sky Mining


DENMARK Vinterdagess kn. 1st*,

But Seriously..79919997

Muslk TII lesneskinotttlmetzet

NORWAY But SeriouslyIs us. Mu,

Blue Sky MiningsuasmorIcre

Tatt Ow Vinden.1 No..FINLAND '

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But Serlotnly...Mu)

IRELAND The Essential hwarotti97797,979757499,997/

Uncertain Pleasuresssrt.s.nwsl

The Heart Of Chicagonee°,

SWITZERLAND P,I,!",,',,:rhi Blue Sky Miningmks, ol ,csh

Sign In The Sky

AUSTRIA But SeriouslyNN' Affectionlea 57997917 717.79710

Loak Sbarpma,GREECE Pump Ugh:, jam But Seriously

NI C71177,7,090,5 9..,...PS

PORTUGAL Amazoniamcarboas,

But SeriouslyPr, LUCY.,


VI MASTER CHART - March 29, 1990 MASTER CHART - Harsh 29, 1990 VIIAmericanRadioHistory.Com

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MASTER CHART - March 29, 1990


cad. AAmericanRadioHistory.Com


SINGLE OF THE WEEKTitiyoAlter The Ram - Ansa 8friaTelegramAfter some strong and promisingsingles releases for Swedish in-dependent label Telegram, NenehCherry's half-sister is shaping upto be just as famous as Neneh.Titiyo looks similar and has amature, soulful voice which she

puts to good use on this Magnus Frykberg produced song. Aclassy, mid -tempo dance number with a distinctly Nordiccharacter getting airplay in the UK and Scandinavia.

ALBUM OF THE WEEKPeter WolfUp To No Good ! MCAA straight -ahead, no-nonsenserock LP from this ex -singer of the

Geils Band. The material drawson a variety of influences in-cluding Motown, Rolling Stones,RAE and blues and this, combin-ed with a handful of excellent

songs, makes for a very strong 1...P. The sound is raw, energeticand inspired and it mig t be the best album the Stones nevermade If not a masterpiece, certainly a must.

Gary MooreOh Pretty Woman - Kr,Not the Roy Orbison song ofthe same name; this blues classichas been brought back to life byMoore and Albert King. Ex-cellent stuff.

Grace KairosI Don't Know What's Going On -RCA/BMG

Lively and rootsy. A piano -based, mid -tempo song withstrong vocal harmonies and aninspired harmonica break fromone of Germany's better newbands.

InnocenceNatural Thing -Fookeinpo

The commercial side of houseSparse, melodic dance musicfeaturing an excellent vocal per-formance.

Five StarTreat Me Like A lady -EweA strong return with a

Jam/Lewis style productionand one of the best tunes theyhave produced for a long time.Shaping up to be a big hit.

Elaine HudsonOn A Long And Winding Road -RCA/BMG

Hudson sang the backing vocalsfor Sydney Youngblood andnow he is doing the same forher. A strong debut with a housebeat and a good tune producedby Claus Zundel.

Lois LaneFortune Fairytales - Polvdot

A likeable pop song from agood Dutch pop group. A pro-grammable dance number.

Julien ClercFals-Moi Une Place - Vega

A ballad, produced by PhilRamone, featuring a duet withFrancoise Hardy. Smootherthan smooth.

The MissionDeliverance - Mercury

A big sing -along noise producedby Tim Palmer. The sort ofchorus that could sm the songadopted by football fans.Unusual but radio -friendly.

HorseThe Speed Of The Beat Of MyHeart - Capitol

The long-awaited second singleconfirms the impression left bytheir debut release You CouldBe Forgiven that they are one ofthe best British newcomers ofthe last six months.

Randy CrawfordWrap -U -Up - Miner Brothers

Definitively radio -friendly. Aslow number with a sparse butmelodic backing and sometastefully arranged strings.

Major Matt MasonMove - BMG/RCA

The debut single by this UKgroup is a first-rate slice ofpoprock. Stylistically some-where between Fleetwood Macand Texas, this is classic FM.

River City PeopleWalking On Ice - EMI

Jangly pop featuring the verytransatlantic voice of SiobhanMaher. Perhaps the only UKband that have managed to in -dude a hint of C&W withoutsounding ridiculous.

Martha's VineyardMartha's Aneyard - rowerThoughtful and intelligentfolkrock from this Australianfour -piece. Main songwriterPeggy van Zahn has a warm, ex-pressive voice that mixes wellwith the band's subtle playing.An easy-going record of somedepth. Best: 3 AM, Time WillFly, Shadow and Trying 7boHard.

Vitamin ZSharp Stone Rain - Mercury

Solid poprock somewhere bet-ween Ellis, Beggs & Howard andCutting Crew. They have anunusual and effective way ofcombining dance grooves with asymphonic edge without thesongs becoming messy. Occa-sionally though, the at-mospheric production effectsverge on the tacky. Ity Don'tWait For Me, Queensland andBurn For You.

Mary CoughlanUncertain Pleasures - for WestA mature and accomplished se-cond LP from this talented Irishsinger. Her silky smooth voiceswitches effortlessly betweenfolk, vaudeville and rock,helped by Pete Glenister's sym-pathetic production. Especially 'good are Whiskey Didn't KillThe Rain and Mart Of TheWorld; also well worth a listenare the covers of HeartbreakHotel and Mother's LittleHelper.

Jenny MorrisShiner - WEA

An album of driving poprockfrom yet another talentedAustralian. Produced by, andlargely co -written with AndrewFarriss of INXS, the material ismarked by some strikingmoments and adventurous ar-rangements. An artist with aunique and intense vocal style

Age Of ChanceMecca - *goWith a list of influencm that in-cludes Metalli., De La Souland everything in between(Scott Walker and PublicEnemy to name two) this is trulycosmopolitan music Rooted inthe Ft&B tradition of JamesBrown and featuring CharlesHutchinson's powerful voiceAge Of Chance make music forthe 90s. Check out 4 MoreYears Refu.se 7b Lose and Play-ing With Fire.

Sinead O'ConnorI Do Not Want What I Haven't Got .Fe'ev

By striking the perfect balancebetween compelling, hauntingtunes (Feel So Different, ThreeBabies) and more hard-hittingpop (I Am Stretched On YourGram Tice Emperor's NewClothes), this album will pro-bably already be a hot radiofavourite by the time you roadthis. European radio's embrac-ing of Nothing Compares 2 Ueven surprised the artist, butthis collection will attract the at-tention of more radio pro-grammers.

FurnitureFood, Sex & Paranoia - Arista/BMG

With a sound that combines thettuashy pop sensibility of JoyDivision, a dash of B.tnicpoetry and some tasteful ar-rangements, Furniture are neverless than interesting. Their firstLP for Arista/BMG is a wellput together collection of enfantterrible pop that occasionallybares a resemblance to theB -52's on vellum. Worthwhilestuff.

[Editor Gam SmithContributors Pierer w BodeKops and Machgiel Bakker


Michael Bolton - Hungry For SuccessAs a co -songwriter, with

Desmond Childs andDiane Warren, Michael

Bolton's songs have beencovered by Cher,

Starship, Joe Cocker,Kenny Rogers and Liza

Minnelli. As asinger/songwriter he has

put himself at the topof the AOR/AC playlistsfor the past seven years

in his native US.Now, with 'How Am

Supposed To LiveWithout You; taken from

his fourth LP for CBS,'The Hunger; he has

finally broken through inEurope.

Kjell Andersson, marketingmanager at CBS Europe,

says Bolton first made it inScandinavia. "Michael Boltonhas been a big name in Norwayfora long time now, it all startedoff there last year. After Norway,Sweden followed and we soldabout 109.000 copies of TheHunger in these two countries

alone. Michael did a TV show inNorway, where he sang live. Wetaped the show and sent it to arange of important TV peopleacross Europe, just to show themhow well he comes across. I can'tthink of too many artists

performing live in TV shows. Thetape went down well. It was veryimpressive and it had a hugeUnpack

"We arm lucky in that at aboutthe same time Michael had a no. 1hit in the US with How Am ISupposed 7b Live Without Talland some time later the song went

no. I in the UK. Europe is verykeen on what is happening in theUK and the US, so Michael livedoff the hit itself and the video. Ofcourse, the fact that Michael has alot of credits as a songwriter, hadits effect to.'

The sudden stardom forMichael Bolton comes afteralmost 20 years of successfullywriting songs for other artists.However, it is nM only his

songwriting abilities that makeBolton so special, but his voiceOtis Redding's widow wrote him aletter expr.sing her admiration

for the way he sang The Dock OfThe Bay.

Bolton did make an impression,performing live at several

European TV rock shows. Afterthese he went back to the US toreceive a Grammy for best malevocal performance. With the

release of his new single How CanWe Be Lovers Bolton will returnto Europe to do some more TV.He will appear on the WestGerman show 'Das AkeOperahauser', the programme

,that broke Billy Joel's We Didn'tStare The Fire them

At the same time Bolton willattend press conferences and dosome radio sessions. CBS plans to

release some limited promo--material in the form of T-shirtsand posters. "Whether Michael isgoing to tour Europe remains aquestion;' says Anderson."Nothing has been confirmed

yet. But late April or the

beginning of May he will tour theUS and there is a good chance hewill keep the band together toeventually tour Europe' 0

Candy Is Definitely HereWith 'Lily Was Here'

moving quickly up theEurochart Hot 100

Singles, Dutch saxophoneplayer Candy Duller is

beginning to develop intoan international star.

Duffer's first album willbe released on BMG

Ariola (Holland) betweenApril and May,

a European tour withher band Funky Stuff

will follow and shewill be appearing on

stage with Prince on hisforthcoming tour.

Lily Was Here was released asthe soundtrack of the Dutch

movie `De Kassiere. Although thelabel said "Dave A Stewartfeaturing Candy Dulfer", inHolland the record was receivedas a Candy Duffer song, Thanksmostly to her collaboration withPrince Dulfer is already a

celebrity in the Netherlands.The single became a huge

success in Holland, selling over125.000 copies and reachingplatinum status. Reluctant at first,RCA/BMG decided to release thesong all over Europe . MaartenStrinkamp, press officer at

RCA/BMG Holland: "At firstthere was no publicity at all in the

UK. RCA/BMG UK did notthink the song would do anythingthere They didn't have the film togo with the song and the UKaudience did not know Candy

"But, when it went platinum inHolland, they decided torelease it

anyway. It went straight into thecharts without any publicity ormarketing whatsoever. The songsells on its own merits..Not badfor a tune written in 15 minutes!

Much to the surprise of therecord company, which thoughtLily might be regarded as a

novelty song, it was well receivedin the UK. Paul Fairborn, head ofmusic at Red Rose Radio: "Idon't think it's a novelty hit.Novelty hits only sell because theyare silly or because someonefamous is playing on them. Lily

Was Here is a quality piece ofmusic, not a novelty. It's a bit ofan unusual record all right, butit's a good sang. We have areasonably broad format, and

quality always fits in, even aninstrumental!'

Duller made her first record in1981 when, aged 11, she

performed with her father Hans'group In 1984, she played withUS sax player Rosa King andbegan her own group Funky Stuffand the band toured the Dutchcircuit extensively. Since then

Duller has worked with Prince atPaisley Park, recording withseveral artists, including PattiLaBelle, Jill Jones and Time, Shealso appeared with Prince in theParty Man video.

RCA/BMG Holland had beenworried Duffer would be seenabroad as a good looking nobodyfrom Holland. Stijnkamp: "Butsoon everyone involved found outshe was not just a beautiful schoolof music girl, but a fully grownmusician. Candy dermitely hel-ped to break the single very much.I think she is going to be big!' o


16 MUSIC A MEDIA - March 24, 1940MUSIC a MEDIA - Marth.24, 1940




K iiica

Surun pyyhit silmistaniFrom best-selling album in Finland '89 (160.000 copies) a bereleased in English in 001 1990. irate and sub-pubidingfree torthe wold. Contact:K*03n lerterom, Flamingo Mink

Get, *358.0.8532177, k. +358.0-8532023

(*m/T.W.0 Pretty

JAMBOSALAThe most sensational girlsfrom Holland111. Hiphouse,

dance, rap and ska at it's best.


TIGERSrights worldwide available

please contact

Torsten Nobstat

CBS MUSIC PUBLISHING GERMANYBleichstr. 64, D-6000 Frankfurt 1Tel: 69-1305-238 Fax: 63285476



Italian ConnectionLa Doke Vie. (Step/Italy).Contact.Miriam Westerrappel/tet39.6.3251570/tax:3521901dx:616249

From the same production team that brought you the New Beat -km medley (Bonsanto, Pulga & Preti) comes a rather morestraightforward but no less excellent Italian dance track. Licenceand sub -publishing free except holy.

Norma LewisTake Me Down Easy (Gotham City/UK).ContactgT Management/Barry Tomes/te1:44.21.4601645Ifax:4532804The debut single from the ex-Shakatak singeris a well produced and catchy slice ofswingbeat. The song is about to take off in theUK where the dance floor response has beenvery strong. Licence and sub -publishing freefor all European territories.

Radio BonnWarrior Girl (Bubble/Italy).Contact:Bubble/Laura Hartwellte1,39.6.35227911.352190/dx:616241A track sung in English by an Italian bandwith a German name The result is, as youmight expect, very European. Best describedas Eurodisco/rock! Licence and sub -

publishing free except Italy.

Baby TigersBoys Here Comes The Flood(CBS Music/West Germany). Contact:CBS/Torsten Nobst/tek99.69.13050/lax:285476A very promising debut by a new Germanband with hints of Duranduran or ABC.Formed from the popular independent groupSet Fatale this track is a taster of their for-thcoming debut LP. Licence free for the worldand sub -publishing may be negotiable

Trolljimmy Dean (Sonet/Sweden).ContactSonet/Jonas Hoist/5et46.8.7670150/fax:7670851

The debut single by this seven -piece all -femalegroup has already sold 50.000 copies inSweden and is doing well in Finland. They willbe touring extensively this summer in Swedenand recording a new LP with producersHakansson, Hammon & Norell in September.Licence and sub -publishing free except Scan-dinavia, Benelux & GAS.

Radio TiranaWild Animals I Hare Known(Extraplatte/Austria). Contact:Michael Langoth/tet43.222.961193/lax:966020A band made up of established visual artistswho have successfully combined music andvideo on the LP and accompanying videoHarmonie & Forschung (Harmony &Research). The new Ydlo? Licence and sub -publishing free except Austria.

Precious WilsonI May Be Right For You (1rn Tam/UK).ContactSavagelSheyla Asian/teL44.1.9901210/1.1503186Wilson had a thriving career in the late 70swith the band Eruption. Her classic soul voicefits well with the thoroughly modem backingto provide a dance number with definite chartpotential. A well -produced slice of gospelhouse. Licence and sub -publishing free exceptUK.

TWO Prettylambosala (VC/Holland). ContactIMC/Peter Boertjeket31.1718.31615/fax:32639

The debut single from this teenage female duois very strong and has real international poten-tial. Hiphouse with a subtle ska feel takenfrom the very respectable debut LP CheckOut: Licence and sub -publishing free exceptBenelux.

ChaifRock From Russia (LAO/West Germany).Coma:LAO/Riff La Roche/te1:

Rock from Russia with a distinct 70s feelabout it. A good mid -tempo rock song that isalso somewhat moody, atmospheric and laid-back. Licence free for the world and sub -publishing free except West Germany.

Recerels mentioned on this page are by pownisMg acts which hthe potentkl for breaking into the pan-European market The seleaon is done by me emend) mem of Music & Media. Radio & TV programmerswarning to play Or mate,. mentioned here should be aware that not all records are necessarily *easedSr they territory. International flab managers and music publUhers on the look am for new deals shouldcontact the anginal master/pubtishing owners. Connvy of origin and (0,1taft numbers are used m known.Those wthithg to submit mote./ to this section should send New records. biographies and photos to Music&Media, Gars Smith PO Bar 9027, 1006 AA nthrstetharn. Holland.













ROO - SA91,61

by Gay Smith

The reaction to the

track AM-az-fent,featured on the Talent

Of The 905 CD in issue 4 of Music & Media,has been very strong in and around Hamburg.The song, by US group Atmosfear, was put onheavy rotation by Radio Hamburg's head ofmusic Michael Missy. There was an immediateresponse by listeners and record dealers whowanted to get hold of the record. Import salesof the track have been very healthy and at themoment the band are being chased by severalcompanies including WEA and RCA.

Watch out for the Norman Cook remix ofBring Forth The Guillotine by Silver Bullet(Talent Tracks cassette no 23). Cook is the ex -

bass player of the now defunct Housemardasand is currently riding high in the UK chartswith Beals International and Dub Be Good ToMe. His skill as a producer/remixer is in in-creasing demand and he has really improvedwhat was already a strong hiphouse track byadding more musical muscle. After the UKchart success of 20 Seconds 7b Comply itcould mean more chart action for TamTam/Savage (Silver Bullet's record companyand suppliers of some of the best promotionalT-shirts ever seen in these offices).

lad Wio, one of France's hottest trash/popbands are releasing a new single next monthcalled //Amour A 14 Hate. The band will alsobe touring later in the year supported by theFrench ministry of culture's controversial at-tempt to encourage French groups by spon-sorship.

Simeess (cassette no. 20), one of a numberof extremely promising bands from Denmark.

Silkiness - an eases of talent

have just released The House, their secondalbum, after being signed by BMG Ariola inDenmark. The first single was God's Gardenwhich spent 10 weeks in Danish Radio'ssingly chart and they have now brought out afollow-up, the excellent The World Is Full OfLies. Worth a listen.

Top 1 0 KIndependent Singlesvaotim sea..

1 Male PI Stene liareFeees

trmYream iCres.



5 75666,67,

6 1156...7565,flq,Alne.trxian ep



Going Independent..by Jonathan Walborn

The Inspiral Carpets enjoy a good week withThis Is How It Feels, their debut single forMute, going straight in at no 2. They also havethree other singles in the indie top 50, all clim-bing this week, including Joe which enteredthe chart 11 months ago.

The second of the Stone Roses re-releases,Made Of Stone, on Silvertone enters at no. 3and like Elephant Stone should do well in the

UK national chart. The disappearance of theSugarenbes' Planet from the top 30 after onlythree weeks could mark the beginning of adisenchantment with the Icelandic group whohave enjoyed considerable indie success sincethek debut in 1986. Further down the chartSimon Harris & Daddy Freddy enter the top20 at no. lb with Beep House (All NightLangton the Living Beat label.

The Pale Saints stay at the top of the albums

chart with The Comforts Of Madness for thefourth week. Sonic Boom, who is one third ofSpacemen Three, makes his solo debut thisweek at no. 2 - Spectrum on Silvertone does,however, have the other two members ofSpacemen Three playing on certain tracks andthe sleeve boasts a special interactivepsychedelic pattern. At no. 15 Baby Fordenters the albums chart with 000... TheWorld Of Baby Ford on Rhythm King which iscurrently shaking the dance floors of the UK.Terminal City Ricochet, a various artists com-pilation from the Alternative lintacles label,charts at no 17 and Bristol band The Seersscrape into the top 20 at no 20 with PsycheOut on Cherry Red.

Anders Rolanef

Finn OW5son






Anti ,r5 8.4and 6th stmt olaf5so7


Poarupvej 44 - DK-3230 Groested - DenmarkPhone: +4542292259 -fax: +4542291629


MUSIC MEDIA Mara 2.1, 1990 MUSIC a MEDIA Myrrh NI, IMO 19




Smart-alec DJ Chris Morrishas been upsetting a few

people on his Sunday morningshow at GLR. Radio 1 DJ BmooBrookes was particularly annoyedat being cleverly -edited into saying"Hello, I'm Bruno Brookes andI'm stupid". So annoyed in factthat his agent complained and thedrop -in was dropped. But at leastthe Beeb have shown which sidethey're on. The men -in -suits havejust issued Chris with his fmalwarning for various transgres-sions and nod time they'll be ableto fire him and get in a replace-ment... like Bruno Brookes.

It would appear that Bmno

could do with the money. Accor-ding to the British actors unionEquity's Journal, a certain BrunoBrookes is in arrears with hissubscription and could fmd hismembership terminated if hedoesn't cough up the money. Justthink of all that TV and voice-over work hell lose!

Now have you got a sparestudio lying around? It's for KissFM, the new London dance sta-tion due on air in the summer,currently without a base and busygoing round estate agencies.

In fact it seems to be nothingbut problems for all these new UKstations. Jan FM had a difficultbeginning. I'm told its state-of-the-art Media ibuch computersystem went down the day beforeit was due on air. The station lostits data base and all programminghad to be done by hand. (I hopemy boss has taken note of thatone!)

Red faces at Radio Musa forPenni Teravainen after sayingFinland's Eurovision Song Con-test entry Fri would be a power -

play, totally against the rules. Itisn't available on record until nodmonth anyway. Pentti says he'svery very sorry and he meant tosay Fri was a TP, meaning tip, nota PP.

Radio Salo has just run a rathersuccessful competition, a treasurehunt, with a first prize of DM10.170. To win you had to listen tothe station for 13 consecutive daysto get all the dues. Good for theratings that one!

Loads of birthdays comingup...Nick Lowe will he 41, EltonJohn will be 43, and Arethahank& will be 48, all on March25. Then, the next day Diana Rosswill be 46, Steven Tyler will be 42and Teddy Pendergrass 40. Whata party!

Poor Patricia Kaas will have tobuy a new stage wardrobe aftersomeone stole five suitcases fromher car. The robbery is said to beworth Ffr 60.000 and she's offereda reward if someone brings herclothes back. She wants them forsentimental reasons.

Atlantic Records tells me it is

MAKING WAVESTuning In To City 103

Format, lop 40pOp/rakidance; 90% music,10% speech.

Core artists: recent powerplaysincluded Lisa Stansfield, Jimmy

Morgan, Richard Marx, WetWet true.

Up show Christer Mehrsafternoon show.Hours on air: Midnight to18.00, Monday to Friday.

Tenet audience, 15-45.O Audience: 150.000 daily

(estimated), out of a potential700.000(21.4%).

Founded, January, 1988.

City 103 is owned by InnerCity Broadcasting KB),which is sponsored by theSwedish Employes Federa.don (SAF). Sister station toSAF Stockholm, owned bytEL Media.

Address: Radio City 103, Box11335, 40427 Gothenberg,

Sweden. Tel: 46.31.158201, fax,

46.31.802754.II Frequencies: 101.6 FM, 101.1

FM, 103.1 FM (all carry sameprogramme, coveringGothenberg and sUbUrbal.

Programme director Rolflegefors "In my view the suc-cess of City 103 shows theSwedish people are crying outfor well -designed pop radio. Wehope the Social Democrats givethe go-ahead to national com-mercial TV in September andthis in turn leads to the legalisa-tion of commercial radio. We aregearing to becoming a commer-cial concern by 1992, though itmay take some time for themarket to respond and for us tobecome fully self-sufficient.

"City 103 was launched twoyears ago and within sin months

was attracting around 150.000listeners a day, with a 50% slice ofthe 15-35 age range, better thanSwedish Radio's national PIchannel (45%) and the regionalRadio Goteborg (20%). A newsurvey conducted by GothenbergUniversity is due in April when weexpect a further improvement.

"From the launch, peopleresponded readily to the format.We attracted a lot of media atten-tion and this, plus word of mouth,has built a good audience andmeans we have not had to marketthe station. Our approach wouldbe very different in a more com-

reissuing its soul back catalogue,including Ray Charles and Rober-ta Flack, on CD, perfect for thoselate -night smootchy playlists.

Talking of reissues, NCRV'sJaap de Groot has gone back intothe studio to re-record his 15 -year -old hit I'm Sorry Sir, then releas-ed by his alter -ego Mike Rondell.Will it feature on his playlist?

More Milli Vanilli news Theboys are now busy denyingmalicious rumours that they don'tsing on their records. FrankFarian says the rumours have beenstarted by disaffected members ofRoney M, but if you look doselyon video, they do seem to havetrouble lip-synching on Girl I'mGonna Miss You, (the "its atragedy for me to see" bit). One ofthem has also been quoted as say-ing he is going to be the neatElvis. Maybe he is, after all theyhave sold 6 million copies of theirdebut album. But then Elvis had amuch cooler haircut.

petitive situation."The staff (of 10) are all fans of

music and radio and the presenta-tion is upbeat and positive. Weoperate two playtists, the first is atop 40 of current singles, whichalso serves as our chart, revisedweekly in-house with reference tothe Billboard, Music & Media andSwedish charts plus local sales,with 10 new tracks added eachtime. Each single gets three plays aday, with a powerplay trackplayed four times per day at peaklanes after news bulletins.

"The second playlist consistsof oldies from the 50s, 60s and705, aimed at attracting 35-45 yearolds, Tracks are drawn from alibrary of 4.000 titles, with threeper hour played in the morning,four per hour around midday andtwo per hour in the afternoons.We are currently consideringwhether to adopt a computerisedselection system such as Selector.Our jingles are made in

Gothenberg by Peter Wieberg."The station's 18 -hour

transmissions are split betweenfour INK Affe Kilfelt (06.00 -

10.00), Margareta Anderberg(10.00 - 14.00), Christer Mehl

03(14.00 - 18.00) and Peter Eklund(midnight - 06.00). Under thepresent system, the weekends andevenings on all three frequenciesare divided between a dozen stu-dent and political organisations.Obviously we would film to havethe channels to ourselves andoperate 24 -hours a day, sevendays a week, but this is the waythe system operates in Sweden!

"For the future, we are lookingat broadcasting live dance partiesfrom Gothenberg clubs, likeRadio I is doing in Oslo, andthem is a possibility of us open-ing another frequency later in theyear.

"1 envisage a situation in a fewyears where six to eight commer-cial stations could be operatingin Gothenberg. Whether theysurvive or not depends on howwell they are managed and howlocal businesses react!' 0


The Stranglers

SWANSEA SOUND - WalesDavid Thomas - Prog. Contr.A List

AD Bros Madly In LoveB List:AD jive Bunny- That Sounds Good

Hugh Masekela- Don't Go LoseNew Kids 0/T Block- I'll Be

Dave Edmunds- King Of Lo.Icicle Works- MotorcycleHears All I Wanna DoInspiral Carpets- This Is HowGary Moore- Oh Pretty WomanDel Am.', Kiss This Thing

B List:AD Stone Roses- Made Of Stone

Oleta Adams- Rhythm Of LifeW. Wet Wet -Hold Back

AD Horse- Speed Of The BeatBrother Beyond- TrustRichard Mars Tao LateJimmy Somerville- My LipsMichelle Shocked- SisterPaul Carrick -Battlefield49ers Don't You Love Me

B ListAD Giant- I'm A Believer

Wet W. Wet- Hold Back

Updated reports and playlistsadditions from the major radio atv stations from 16 Europeancountries.

PP PowerplayAD: Additions to she playhstTP TipsLP t Album of the weekCL CI,ST Stud. BRMB Birmingham

Martika- WaterNew Kids 0/T Block- Be

Ed. Brickell- A Hard Rain...lames- Baby

IN Interview Robin Valk Head Of MuNcA List:

Randy Crawford- Wrap -U -UpAlannah Myles- Black Velvet

Cutting Craw- Everything ButSam Brown- With A Little Love

AD lT & The Big Family- MomentsInnocence -Natural Thing

C List:AD Stewart/Dulfer- Lily

Shakespear's Sister- DirtyLP The Singer Si The SongUN ITED KING DOM

BBC RADIO I LondonNew Kids OTT Block- IT BeThe Mission- Deliverance RADIO HALLAM - Sheffield RADIO BROADLAND - Norwich

Chris Lycett - Sen. Prod.A List

The Beloved- Your Love TakesCandy Flip -Strawberry Fields

Dean Papal! - Head Of MusicA List

Dave Brown Head Of MusicPP Chicago- What Kind Of Man

AD The Beloved- Your Love TakesCandy Flip- Strawberry Fields

Jive Bunny- That Sounds GoodTears For Fears Advice

AD Whitesnake- The DeeperJimmy Somerville- My Lips

Shakin' Stevens- I MightGloria Estefan- Here We Are

Janet Jackson -Escapade Depeche Mode- Enjoy B List Michael Bolton- How Am IMartika- Water

B List:Adam Ant- Room At The TopWhitesnake- The Deeper

AD Candy Flip- Strawberry FieldsSkin Games- Brilliant Shining

Rod Stewart- Downtown TrainLiza Minnell, Love Pains

AD The Four Of Us Drag49ers- Don't You Love Me

Shakin' Stevens I MightTechnotronlc- Get Up

Guru josh InfinityDel Arnie, Kiss This Thing

A list:AD New Kids orr Block- m Be

The Christians- WordsDan Reed Network- Rainbow

B List:AD Inspiral Carpets- This Is How

Primal Scream- LoadedInnocence -Natural Thing

Skipper Wise- StandingB List:

Stewart/Duffer-LilyGary Moore- 05 Pretty Woman

Everyday People- HeadlinePrimal Scream -loaded

Martika- WaterRichard Mars Too Late

AD Heart- All I Wanna DoJimmy Somerville- My Lips

Heart- All I Wanna DoRob Stewart- Downtown Tr.

Martika- WaterStone Roses- Elephant Stone

Heart- All I Wanna DoJT & The Big Family- Moments

Martika- WaterC List:

Sinead O'Connor- NothingTears For Fears- Advice

Icicle Works- MotorcycleRailway Children- Every Beat RED ROSE RADIO .Prestondllackpool

AD Five Star -Treat MeMichael Penn- No Myth

UB40- Here I Am Wolfs Bane- I Like It HotRiver City People- Walking

Paul Fairborn - Head Of MusicB List

Louisa Miller- Share The LoveRichard Marx- Too Late

CAPITAL RADIO - LondonRichard Park - Prog. Contr.

That Petrol Emotion- AbandonJoan jets Dirty Deeds

AD Brother Beyond- TrustThe Beloved- Your Love Takes

A List:AD Snap The Power RADIO CLYDE Glasgow

New Kids 0, Block -1'11 BeDel Amitri- Kiss This Thing HE=

Janet Jackson- EscapadeSydney Youngblood- I'd Rather

Alex Dickson - Prog. Dir.A List:

C ListAD Five Star- Treat Me 2 FM - Dublin

Cheralle- Saturday LoveShooting Party- Let's Hang On

AD Candy Flip- Strawberry FieldsDel Amitri- Kiss This Thing

Fish- A Gentleman's Excuse Me John Clarke DI/Prod.Top 5 Playllat

UB40- Kingston TownLP David Bowie

Everyday People. HeadlineHalo fames -Baby

GWR SwindonAndy Westgate - Head Of Music

Rad Stewart- Downtown TrainNotting Hillbillies- Your Own

RADIO CITY LiverpoolRichard Marx- Too LateMichelle Shocked- Sister

A List:AD Erasure- Blue Savannah

Del Amitri- Kiss This ThingGloria Estefan- Hera We Are

Tony McKenzie - Head Of MusicAD Giant -1'm A Believer

Liza Minnelli- Love PRnsMight Be Giants- Birdhouse

8 ListAD Whitesnalre- The Deeper

Stewart/Duffer-LilyAD Kirsty McColl- Don't Come

Skipper Wise -StandingDel Am., Kiss This Thing DOWNTOWN RADIO . Belfast

Brother Beyond- TrustBros- Madly In Love

Bee Gees- Body GuardBrian Kennedy -Captured

Erasure- Blue SavannahCutting Crew. Everything But

John Rosborough Head Of ProgAD Randy Crawford- Wrap -U -Up

Wet Wet Wet- Hold BackNew Kids 0, Block- IN Re

Cherelle- Saturday La.LP Notting Hillbillies

jermaine Stewart- Every WomanHorse- The Speed Of The Boat

Tola Tol- ElenaMichael Penn- No Myth

Halo James-Jive Bunny- That Sounds Good

Kicking Back- DevotionKate Bush- Love And Anger

Halo James- Baby16 Tambourines- How Green

This Other Eden- FacePrimal Scream- Loaded

Rob's-' Raz- Rok The Nation Paul Carrick -BattlefieldMarc Almond- A Lover Spurned

METRO FM NewcastleATLANTIC 252 . County MeathPaul Kavanagh Head Of Music

BAYERN 3 - MunichClaus -Erich &nukes Head Ent Pains.

PICCADILLY RADIO ManchesterDavid Donne - Head Of Music

Giles Squire Prog. Contr.A List:

Playllst Top 10:Beats International- Dub

A ListAD Avalanche- Riding On A Storm

B List:AD Inspiral Carpets- This Is How

AD Heart- All I Wanna DoRichard Marx- Too La.

Technotronic- Get UpMadonna -Keep It Together

Bonfire- Who's Foolin' WhoTony Carey- No Man's Land

Mr Fingers- What AboutOleta Adams Rhythm Of Life

Dave Edmunds- King Of LoveKiss- Forever

jive Bunny- That Sounds GoodSinead O'Connor- Nothing

Koreans- Living For LoveKam.- Larnbamor

C ListAD Fish- A Gentleman's Excuse Me

Kate Bush- Love And Angerloan lets Dirty Deeds

Paula Abdul- OppositesIT St The Big Family- Moments

Notting Hillbillies- Your OwnPercewood- Dancin'

jaymondr- All Night Long Michael Penn- No Myth Matthias Reim- VerdammtMartika- WaterDel Amitri- Kiss This Thing

HORIZON RADIO Milton KeynesClive Dickens - Head Of Music

Erasure- Blue SavannahBlack Box- I Don't Know

RtinstadaNeville- All My LifeHans Theessink- Johnny

16 Tambourines- How GreenWhitesnake- The Deeper

AD A Way Of Life- Trippin'Snap- The Power

AD Bros- Madly In LoveBelinda Carlisle- Runaway

B List:AD Muench. Freiheit- I<h Will

Shakespear's Sister- DirtyGiant- I'm A Believer

Obbital- ChimePause For Thought- Gonna Get

Stewart/Duffer- LrlyWDR -Cologne

Ems Posses- EverythingMight Be Giants- Birdhouse CHILTERN RADIO & NORTHAM RADIO

RTL 208 - LondonJeff Graham - Prog. Dir.

Wolfgang Roth - DJ/Prod.AD Corey Hart- A Lrele Lo.

A'Me Lorain- Whole Wide World Paul Robinson - Prog. Contr.AD That Petrol Emotion- Abandon

PP Richard Mars Too LateDel Amitri- Kiss This Thing

Opus- When The Night ComesEat- Summer In The City

GREATER LONDON RADIO - LondonTrevor Dann - Head Of Music

Kirsty McColl- Don't ComeSomme u-Don't Let It Die

Inspiral Carpets This Is HowGiant- I'm A Believer

Fury In The Slaughterhouse -Won't Forget These Days

A List:AD Michael Bolton -Soul Provider

The Beloved- Your Lo. TakesJanet Jackson- Escapade

AD Alexander O'Neal- SaturdayLuther Vandross- Treat You Right

Bonfire- Who's Foolin' WhoGlona-Estefan- On Your Feet

Michael Bolton- How Am IMichael Bolton- How Can We Be RADIO TRENT GROUP- Nottingham

49ers- Don't You Love MeHeart- All I Wanna Do

Sandra- Hiroshima

Kinks. Down As The DaysEdie Brickell- A Hard Rain

Len Groat - Deputy Prog.Dir.A List:

LP Michael BoltonMidnight Oil continued on page 22

20 MUSIC A MEDIA - March SA 1990 MUSIC A MEDIA - March 14, 1990 21



MEDIANOR - HamburgVolker Thormaehlen DJ/Prod.Playlist Top B:

Micky Rainck, ValerieSinead O'Connor- NothingCrosby Stills&Nash- Chippin.By All Means- Leis Get It OnBronx Neonillusionen

AD Noting Hillbillies- Your OwnSam Brown- Wth A Little LoreEverything BIT Girl- My BabyPur- FreundePhil Collins- That's The Way

TP Wendy MaHarry- A, ThatWop Bop Torredo- Jungle Fever

LP PurRoth VoisinNick KamenDave Edmunds

HR 3 FrankfurtMarkus Nettle - DJ/Prod.Powerplay:AD Arthur Bake, Last Thing

Innocence- Natural ThingBeats International- Dub

Alannah Myles- Black VelvetIN Tears For Fears

RB 4 . BremenBurghard Rauuh - DI/Prod.AD Jungle Brothers- What U

Dave Edmunds- CloserKate Bush- Love And Anger

Shakespeare's Sister- DueyPaul Hyde- America Is SexyGrapes Of Wrath- All TheRiver City People- WalkingThe Church- MetropolisStone Roses- Elephant StoneE -Zee Possee- Love On Love

LP Oingo Bongo

BIAS 2 . BerlinHenry Gross - Head Of MusicA List:

Londe Gordon- Hap,nin'Tracy Chapman- SubcityKatrina A The Waves- RSA GirlMichael Bolton- How Am IDepeche Mode- EnjoyTaylor Dayne- Your ShelterDusty Springfield- In PrivatePhil Collins- I WishSinead O'Connor -NothingTina Turner- I Don't WannaSam Brown- With A L.. LoveRod Stewart- Downtown TrainChicago- What Kind Of ManLisa Stanfield- LiveCher -Just Like Jesse lamesJimmy Somerville- Mighty RedRoxette- DangerousKylie Minogue- TearsSoul II Souk Get A LifeHalo James- Could Have ToldNona- Du Bist UeberallFTC- I'm Not Satisfied

B IAS 3 - BerlinRlk De Lisle - DJ/Prod.TP Notting Hillbillies- Your Own

Michael Bolton- How Can We BeLP Udo Lindenberg

FFN - lsernhagenUlli Kniep DJ/Prod.B use:

AD Erasure- Blue SavannahC Lind:AD Richard Barone- River

Kate Bush- Lore And AngerThe Creatures- Fury Eyes

Janet Jackson- Esc,adeAlannah Myles- Black VelvetPeter Murphy- Cuts You UpWet Wet Wet- Hold Back

RADIO GONG 2000 Munich

STATION REPORTSWalter Freiwald - Music Dir.

Top 10:Phil Collins- I WishSinead O'Connor- NothingPhil Collins- ParadisePaula Abdul- OppoffiesWesternhagen- Well Ich OctWerner- Pump Ab Das BierEkon John -SacrificeMilli Vent,- All Or NothingRoxette- DangerousTechnotronic- Get Up

PP MC B A Daisy Dee- This BeatRichard Mane Too Late

AD Francois Feldman -fore PasMichael Bolton- How Am IMuench. Freiheit- Ich Lull

RADIO GONG NurembergArno Mueller - Music Dir.Top 10:

Sinead O'Connor NothingWeiner- Pump Ab Das BierTechnotron. Get UpD,eche Mode- EnjoyBilly ffiel- LeningradSnap- The Power0.-y Springfield- In Private49ers- Touch MePaul McCartney- Put It TherePhil Collins I Wish

AD Rcsrette- Danger,.Sandra- HiroshimaRichard Marv- Too LateFrancois Feldman -fore PasMichael Bokon- One More TimeTears For Fears- Advice

RADIO CHARIVARI NurembergMathias Hofmann - Music Dir.PP Sinead O'Connor- Nothing

Depeche Mode- EnjoyBilly Joel- Leningrad

AD Rosette- DangerousLiza Minnelli- Love PainsFrancois Feldman -fosse Pas

RADIO REGENBOGEN - MannheimMarkus Wahl - Musk Dir.PP Alannah Myles- Black VelvetAD Schweizer- !eh Hobe Dich Nur

Paula Abdul- Opp.tesBig Fun- Handful Of Promises

RADIO NI NurembergCetin Yemen - Head Of MusicPP MC B A Daisy Dee. This Beat

Snead O'Connor- NothingDepeche Mod, Enjoy

AD Michell, Na More Liesfornarda- Don't You WantIce MC- Scream

RADIO DONAU I BellenbergRkhard Roth Head Of MuskAD The Stranglers- 96 Tears

Erasure- Blue SavannahRobin Beck- Don't LoseGerard foling- In Your EyesNene- UeberallCher- Heart Of StoneEric Clayton- Bad Love

OK RADIO - HamburgJohn De Graaf - DJ/ProdPP The Cross Power To LoveAD Midnight Oil -Blue Sky Mine

Doobie Brothers- One ChainCompany Of Wolves- DistanceEnergy Orchard- Belfast

LP Alannah Myles

RADIO 7 TAN. - Bad MergekheimThanks Tkheschner- Had Of MinkPP Peter Richter- ffich Moth WashAD Green On Red- You Couldn't

Sheens Easton- RainbowAngie Layne- Don't RapeHalo James- Could Have Told

Wendy MaHarry- All That

RADIO SALU SaarbrueckenAdam Hahne - Prog. Dir.PP Mona Liza Oven eve-Wandrin

Kevin Paige- Anything I WantSinead O'Connor- NothingJohnny Clegg- Cruel, CraryBilly Joel- !Go To Extremes

AD Erasure -Blue SavannahAerosmiffi- Janie's Got A GunSabine Sabine- Can't Tell YouTaylor Dayne- Your Shelter

LP Fish

RTUGerrnany - LuxembourgErnst Greinert Prod.P P Notting Hillbillies Your Own

Gary Moore- Oh Pretty WomanBonfire- Who's Foolin' Who

LP Smokry RobinsonJulien Clem

RTL/Germany LuxembourgHoney Bee Benson . DJ/Prod.TP Wet Wet We, Hold Back

Bruce Willis Turn It UpMidnight Oil- Blue Sky Mine

LP The ZombiesThe FallBonfire

RTL/Germany LuxembourgL ilian UcIechowski - Prod.TP Opus- When The Night Comes

Temptations- Soul To SoulGary Moor, Oh Pretty Woman

LP Bonfire

CFN - LahrPhil Mosskan/Alke Young Music DMPP The 9-52A- Roam

Bo, Carry OnCowboy junkies- Sun Comes UpTears For Fears- AdviceAdam An, Room At The Top

RTL - ParisMonique Le Marcia Head Of Prog.TP Bros -Sister

La Compagre Creole- BonFrancois Feldman- C'est Tor

LP David Bowe

RMC ParisNathalle Andre - Head Of MusicAD Eddy Mitchell- Baby Blues

forge Be, Miss XBrian Kennedy- CapturedNotting Hillbillies -Your OwnFlorent Pagny- J'te Jure

LP Midnight Oil

BUD RADIO - ToulouseMarie Ange Reig Prog. Dir.AD Eddy Mitchell- Baby Blues

Milli Varyli- NI Or NothingFrancois Valery- Meme ChansonDavid Bowie- Let's DanceCarlos- Cocoriffi

LP House Of LoveDepeche Mode

NRJ - NetworkMax Guamini Dir.Hkparade:AD Phil Collins- I With

Elton John- SacrificeNick Kamen- I Promised MyselfLes Forbes. Version 90

SKYROCK - ParisLaurent Bouneau Prog. Dlr.AD Duey Springfield- In Private

Roxette- listen To Your HeartClaude Francois- Meme Si Tu

Technotronic- Get UpPetri, Bruer- Je Te DisMartika-1 Feel The Earth

RFM La Radio FM - ParisJean -Bruno Michaud Prog. Dir.Playlist Top 1:

The Eurythmic, Don't Ask MeFrancis Cabre- AnimalJohn, Clegg- Cruel, CraryMien Clue- F. MoiTears For Fears- Woman

AD Notting Hillbillies- Your OwnRoth Voisin- Pourtant

METROPOLYB Mucci En BaroeulBruno Allele - Prog. Dir.PP Technotronic- Get Up

Sydney Youngblood- AtJimmy Somerville- Mighty RealJulien Cie. Fes MoiTears For Fears- WomanDusty Springfield- In PrivateBlack Be, I Don't KnowClaude Prancer, MegamixMadonna- Keep It Together

AD jimmy Somerville- My LipsJive Bunny- That Sounds GoodStewart/Duller LilyTears For Fears- Advice

RADIO NANTESPascal Amlaud Prog. DinPP Midnight Oil- Blue Sky MineAD Wet Wet Wet -Hold Back

Chris Rea- That's WhatFlorent Pagny- Jurefire Bunny- That Sounds Good

LP Sinead O'ConnorThe Stranglers

RADIO VIBRATION - OrleansBruno Witek - Prog. Dir.PP Tears For Fears- Woman

Raul Orellana- Wld HousePhilippe LaFontaine- Alexis

Julien Clerc- Fais MoiFrancis Cabrel- AnimalNew Kids Orr Block- Got It

Claude Franco, MegamixCock Robin- Worlds ApartTina Turner- Look Me

RMC COTE D'AZURCatherine Costa Music Pros.PP Tears For Fears- Woman

Raul Orrellana- Wild HouseCock Robin- Worlds ApartJulien Clore F. Moi

AD Eric Berns Dark Side Of TimeChris Re, That's WhatMilli Vanilli- All Or Nothing

Westbam- Cold Train

HOLLANDVERONICA . HilversumHans Van Der Veen - Prog. Dir.PP Guru josh- Infinity

AD Norrnaal- Vulgaris MagistralisCry Six,- Afro Diet ActRob .n. Raz- Rok The NationDe Vrtbuiters- Rode RosenThe Creeps- Ooh -1 Like ItNancy Boyd -Just A Little NtHerman Van Veen- BlameThe Nits- Home Before DarkMaarten Peters- Bring Out

NOS . HilversumTom Blomberg - DJ/Prod.PP jack Of Hearts- School Da,AD Juniata R Mary- Take Me

Grace ffiiros- CarolinaDaniel Len°. jolie LouiseMight Be Glarus- Birdhouse

TP UB40- Kingston Town

Paul Carrack- BattlefieldShakespeare's Sister -DirtyClouseau- LouiseMartilce- WaterDel

At,Kiss This Thing

VARA - HilversumLouis Verschuur Head Of MusicPP The B -52's- Roam

De Kreuners- lk Wil jeAD jungle Brothers- What U

GueNh Patti- Flours

AVRO - HilversumJan Steeman Head Of MusicPP Alannah Myles- Black VelvetAD Shakespeare's Sister Dirty

Kid Creole- For The Sex Of ItNotting Hillbillies- Your OwnQuadrophenia- ParadiseSiberia- Heaven Can WetGary Moore- Oh Pretty Woman

TROD . HilversumPeter de elooli - Prod.PP Herman Van Veen- Blauwe

KRO HilversumPaul van der Lugt Head Of MuskPP Daniel lances -fore Louise

NCRV HilversumJeep De Grimellenli Mouwe DJ/ProdPP Rucchero Fornaciar, Diemen.AD Patrick Bruer- Caster La Voix

Erasure- Blue SavannahBeats International- DubThe Nits- Home Before Dark

SKY RADIO - BussumTon Lathouwers Operations Mgr.A List:

Snead O'Connor- NothingClouetto- Dear Gaat ZeElton John- SacrificeRonstadttNeville- All My Life

C List:AD Doors- Riders On The Storm

Marc Almond- A Lover SpurnedTP Barbra Streisand- Someone

Tears For Fears- AdvicePhil Collins- Father And SonAnne Murray- If I Ever FallThe Temptation, Soul To SoulRandy Crawford- Wraptt-Up

RADIO 10 - AmsterdamFerry Mast - Head Of MusicAD Heart -All I Wanna Do

Wet Wet Wes- Hold BackFish- A Gentleman's Excuse MePaul Carrack- BattlefieldLuther Vandross- Stop To LoveAlannah Myles- Black VelvetHerman Van Veer BlumeNancy Boyd -Jun A Little Bitfustian A Mandy- Take Me

CFN Brunson,.Lou Rowland - Music Dir.PP Sam Brown. With A Little LoveTP Daniel Lanois- Joie LouiseLP Notting Hillbillies

BRT - Studio BrusselsJan Hautekiet/Mark Coenen Prod.Top 10 playlist:

golfing Stones- TerrifyingDe Kreuners- lk WI fieMight Be Gents- BirdhouseMidnight Oil- Blue Sky MineThe B -52's- RoamThe Creeps- 0,4 Like ItScabs- Hard TimesFTC- I'm Not Satisfied

STATION REPORTSDave Edmunds- Closer

LP Sinead O'Connor

BRT - East FlandersRudi Sinia - Prod.AD The Christians- Words

Michael Bolton- How Am INick Kamen -1 Promised Myself

Janet Jackson- EscapadeClaude Francois- MegamixMantronix Got To HaveEurythmics- King And QueenSteeno/Kim- Bel Me

LP Clouse.Luis CobosTechnotronicPhil CollinsDiverse Uitvoerders

RTISF RADIO 2 - HainautA. Birenne/Ph. kamiauxTop 0:

Technotronic- Get UpDusty Springfield- In Priva.Rosh Voisin- HeleneStewart/Duffer-Uly

Somerville- Mighty RealAD Sinead O'Connor Nothing

Black Kiss -Jump On The FloorLP Mecano

RADIO ANTIGOON AntwerpPlet Kelsey - Dir.PP Tears For Fears -AdviceTop 10 Playlist:

Skipper Wise -StandingEton John- SacrificeTechnotronic- Get UpSinead O'Connor- NothingArtiesten Tegen Banker- SemenCouseau- Dam Gaat ZeThe Stone Roses- Fools GoldPaula Abdul- OppositesThe Christians- WordsSoul II Soul- Get A Life

RADIO ROYAAL HarnonbAchelTom Holland Prog.Dir.PP Beats International- DubAD Depeche Mode- Enjoy

Twin Hype- For ThoseWhite Lion- Cry For FreedomZucchero Fornaciari- DiamanteDaniel lanes -folio LouiseThe B -52's- RoamKaorna- Melodie D'amourRandy Crawford- Wrap -U -UpThe Nits- Horne Before DarkKate Busk Love And Anger

DRS 3 - BaselCM. Alispach - Music Co -Ord.

The Adventures- WashingtonThe Beloved- HelloLuke Rescue MissionMod -On- Too MuchRaindogs- Too Many StarsSundays- Where The Story Ends

AD Blue Aeroplane, Jacket HangsThe Fall -1'n. FrankThe jellyfish Kiss- Meana MeMarsha's Vineyard- Beach Road

LP Cowboy JunkiesThe Grapes Of WrathJohn Wesley HardingThe HavaliansThe Lightning SeedsNotting HillbilliesTexana Dam.

RSR La Premiere - GenevaCatherine Colombara - Prod.AD Veror que Riviere- Tout Court

Mien Clerc- EchafaudagesNotting Hillbillies- Your Own

BJH- Welcome To The ShowJohnny Clegg- Dela

RADIO FORDERBAND BernRes Hassenstein DJ/Co-Ord.PP Jaen Clerc- Fais MAAD Notting Hillbillies Your Own

Pooh- Uomini SotFrancesco Sal, AGreen On Red- You Couldn'tMartha's Vineyard- Beach RoadPaul McCartney- Put It ThereMod On- PrayerDave Edmunds- Got Your NumberTont Russel Band- Walkingfenny Morris. Has To Be LovedThe Adventures- Don't BlameJohn Wesley Harding- Cowgirl

RADIO BASILISK - BaselNick Schulz - DJ/Prod.AD Cover Girls- Can't Go Wrong

Foolhouse- American SailorJanet Jackson- Escapade

TP Depeche Mode- EnjoyRonne- DangerousPaula Abdul- OpposTes

RADIO L - LausaneFrancois Vautier - Heed Of MusicPlaylist Top 10:

Claude Francois- Men. Si TuClaude Franco,- MegamixMarc Lavoine- Mes ExcusesJeanne Mas- Bebe RockSnead O'Connor- NothingMax- Don't Move The Red ChairRob In' Raz- Got To GetFronde Conway -Stole My Girl

Sydney Youngblood -SitPhil Collins- I Wish

RADIO ZURISEE StaefaUeli Frey - Head Of MusicAD BJH- Welcome To The Show

Terry Blair A Anouchka- UltraCarmel- I'm Over YouPate Austin- The GirlDe La Soul- Ere Know

EMEMEIMOE 3 ViennaGuenther Lesjak Head Of MusicAD Boris Bukowski- Fandango

Black Bo, I Don't KnowAlannah Myles- Black VelvetWhitesnake- The DeeperNick Kamen- I Promised Myself

ANTENNE AUSTRIA - ViennaThomas Klock - Prog. Dir.

PP Etta Scollo- TemptationWhitesnake- The DeeperMuench. Freiheit- Ich Will

fenny Morris- Has To Be LovedTechnotronic- Get UpHalo James- Could Have Told

Squeeze- If Its LoveLloyd Col, No Blue SkiesOpus- When The Night ComesQuincy Jones- Be Good

VisroniCher -)rust Like Jesse mesEuryth

Nics- King And Queen

Cock Robin- Worlds ApartFTC- I'm Not Satisfied

11111110=11111==RETE IRS . MilanAlex Peronl Prog. Dir.Top 1:

Sinead O'Connor- NothingTanis Tearam- We Almost

LP Lisa StanfieldAD MC Miker G- Show 'm The Bass

Phil Edwards- MysteriousFlesh For Lulu- Every LittleBiz Markle -Just A Friend

RETE 105 - MilanGrant Benson DI/Prod.PP Xymox- ImaginationAD Olen Adams- Rhythm Of Li.

Brian Spence- Travel.' ManNotting Hillbillies- Your Own

LP Sinead O'ConnorDepeche Mode

RADIO DIMENSIONE SUONOCarlo Mancini Music DirectorPP JT A The Big Family- Moments

Tears For Fears- AdviceColin Hay- Into My Li.Beats International -Dub

AD Sinead O'Connor- The EmperorDavid Bowie- Fame AOInnocence -Natural ThingMichael Bolton- How Can We

. RADIO MILANO INT. 101Luca Dondoni Pr.ManagerGigie D'Arnbrosio Prog. Dir.PP MCJ-,Be FreeAD Ole. Adams- Rhythm Of Life

Arthur Baker- Last ThingBabyface- Whip AppealDJ Jazzy Jeff- The GrooveInnocence -Natural ThingJimmy Somerville- My lips

TP Phil Collins- I WishJanet Jackson- EscapadeSnap- The Power

IN Depeche Mode

RADIO KISS KISS - NaplesLuck Niespolo - Prog. Dlr.PP Marc Almond- A Lover SpurnedAD I World- Down On Love

Redhead Kingpin- TonightSinead O'Connor -The EmperorRob 'n' Raz- Rok The NationMarcia Griffis. BoogieGrace Jones- Amado MioThe Church- MegalopolisBasis- Cruising For Bruising

LP Marcia GriffithsMichael Penn

ANTENNA DELLO STRETTO N.sinaFilippo Pedeli - DJPP Michael Penn- No MythAD Midnight Oil- Blue Sky Mine

Belinda Carlisle- La LunaSandra- Hiroshima

TP Sans Brown- Wth A Little LoreAlarm- Love Don't Come EasyBeal Milani- Together

LP De Novo

RADIO STAR VicenzaMaurizio Maressi Prog. Dir.PP The Beloved- Time After TimeTP Lisa Stansfield- The Love

Phil Collins- I WishThe Adventures- Shade Of LoveInnocence -Natural Thinglttrs For Fears- AdviceRod Stewart- Downtown TrainEvery., BIT Girl- Get BackMietta/Minghi- Vattene AmoreFrancesco Salvi- A


PP I World- Down On LoveAD Sinead O'Connor The Emperor

Michael Bolton- Soul ProviderPajama Petty- Hide And Seek

. Princess Ivory- WantedCurtis Mayfield- HomelessIggy Pop- Livin' On The Edge

continued on page 24



22 MUSIC A MEDIA - Much 29, IWO MUSIC A MEDIA - Herd, 14, 1990 23



Sam Brown- With A Little LoveLiza Minnelli- So Sorry

Rob 'A Raz- Rok The NationMC Miker G- Show M The Bass

Lonnie Gordon- Happenin.Bad English- Price Of LO.

RADIO MADRID - SER LP Johnny Clegg PP Jermaine Stem. Every WomanRafael Revert Music Mgr.Playlist Top 10:

RADIO LIDINGO - StockholmMikael Orjansberg DJ/Prod

Sybie Walk On ByDan Reed Network- Rainbow

Gabinete Caligari- Cha-Cha .2= Playlist Top 10: LP Sinead O'ConnorBig Fun- Handful Of PromisesJC Valenciaga- La Luna RIKSRADION - Norrkoping

Lisa Mansfield- LivePhil Collett- I Wish

Notting Hillbillies

Tears For Fears- AdviceLos Inhuman°, No Problem

Kaj Kindvall DI/Prod.AD Christer Sander.- VI Aer

Sydney Youngblood- StDusty Springfield- In Private

RADIO VEST - StavangerBjarte Tjostheim Head Of Muac

Lucas al Los Patosos- BorrachoNo Lo Se- Milegros De Amor

Lonnie Gordon- Happenin'Dan Reed Network- Rainbow

Jimmy Somerville- Mighty RealBears International- Dub

PP The B-525- Love ShackAD Sybil- Walk On By

Seguridad Social- ActionLa Frontera- Nacido

Richard Marx- Too LateMagoria- Mutoid Waste

Michel Bolton- How Arn49ers- Touch Me

Mart Almond- A Lover SpurnedJamie J Morgan- Wild Side

Rod Stewart- Downtown Train All Th. Jam PartyRoth Voisin- Helene

Laid Back- BakermanJanet Jackson- Escapade

Oh Well- Radar LoveRam Jam- Black Betty

RNE ROCK 3 - MadridRafael Abitbol. Muac Mgr.

Fingerprints- Stay The NightDan Myren., Mitt I Livet

Lenny Kravitz- I BuildLP Sinead O'Connor

PP Horse- The Spead Of The Beat The Beloved- Hello EZIKIENEWEEMAlmon Wiliam, !NeedBeats International- Dub RIKSRADION - Stockholm NRK - Oslo

RADIO 102 HaugesundEgil Houeland - Head Of Music

Oingo Boingo- SkinRico- Rico

Maths Broborg DJ/Prod.AD Beats International- Dub

Vidar Lonn-Arnesen Prod.Playlist Top 10:

TP Alannah Myles- Black VelvetAD Gary Moore- Oh Pretty Woman

Brian Kennedy. CapturedThe Church- Tem No. Cain

Marc Almond. A Laver SpurnedShakespeare's Sister- Dirty

Paula Abdul- OppositesNew Kids 0/T Block- Hvgin'

Billy Joel- I Go To E.remesErasure- Blue Savannah

LP The Beloved Black Box- I Don't KnowLenny Kravitz- I Build

Return- Can You Forgive MeAlice Cooper- House Of Fire

Wendy MaHarry- All ThatThe B-52', Roam

Popular EM/CADENA COPE. MadridCarlos Finely - Music Director

LP Martha's VineyardAll That Jaw

Billy Joel- We Didn't StartPhil Collins- I Wish

Edie Brickell- A Hard RainGuru Josh. Infinity

Playlist Top 10:El Gulp, Cara Oculta

Dave EdmundsNotting Hillbillies

Afire Cooper- Bed Of NailsMichael Bolton- How Am

LP Notting HillbilliesSinead O'Connor

La Frontera- NacidoPhil Collins- I Wish

Peter Wolf Rosh Voisin- HeleneChrister Sandelin, Det Hon

Bloom EidsvagShawn Colvin

Tanita Tharam- We AlmostTT D'Arby- To Know Someone

SAF RADIO - StockholmMartin Loogna Head Of Music

AD Law The Rhythm Of LoveNeck Box- I Don't Know

The Blue AeroplanesMidnight Oil

Presuntos Implicadoss- CadaLojos De Alli- Un Dia Mas

Playlist Top 3:Sinead O'Connor- Nothing

Pact Austin- The Girl IN Sam Broom

Lonnie GordonJimmy Somerville- Mighty RealRam. -Listen

Technotronic- Get UpRob Raz- Rok The Nation

NRK - OsloSteiner Field Prod.

Gloria Este., Here We AreAD Snead O'Connor- Nothing

AD Beats International -DubJam Tronik- Paradise

AD Ram Jan, Black BettyJamie] Morgan- Wild Side

El=La Guardia. Cuando BrineTina Turner- I Don't Wanna

Paul Carrack- BattlefieldWill Downing -Come Together

Lonnie Gordon- Happenin'Oh Well- Radar Love

DANMARKS RADIO - ArhusLeif Wivelsted - Heed Of Prog.

RADIO BILBAO SERKayo- Change Of AttitudeMagnus Uggla- Dum Dum

Notting Habil., Your OwnSybil- Wilk On By

Tops:Sinead O'Connor- Nothing

Carlos Arco Music Mgr.Top 10 Playlist

AM.- Belly DanceTears For Fears- Advice

Bernya Hamilton- Min ArmIN Lonnie Gordon

Technotronic- Get UpDepeche Mode- Enjoy

Cabinet, CMigari- La Culpa Stookey Robinson- Everything RADIO 1 - Oslo Phil Collins- I WishBig Fun- Handful Of Promises

JC Valenciaga- La LunaTears For Fears- Advice

Regina Belle- Make It LikeTommy Page -111 Be Your

Bjoern Faarlund DJLP Notting Hillttaies

Sydney Youngblood- Sit

RADIO VOICELos behumanos- No Problem RADIO CITY 103 - Gothenburg Nazareth

McClintonBo Be, - Prog. Dir.

Lucas Y Los Patosos- BorrachoNo Lo Se- Milagrns De AmorSeguridad Social- Accion

Lars Bodin Music Dir.PP Moti Special -In LoveAD James Taylor- Master

Money Talks

Jan Thessa

PP Alannah Myles- Black VelvetBeats International- DubDaniel Lanais -Joie Louise

Loquillo- Rock And Roll Bobby Brown. Every Little Hit P3 . Bergen Nu SmelterRosendo- El Asa Paul Carrack- Battlefield

Oh Well- Radar LoveLeif Morten Synnevag - Music DirPP Guesch Patti- Flours

DiDixon- Cheap

Airplay Top 11CANAL SUR RADIO - AndaluciaPaco Sanchez Music Mgr.

larriel Morgan- Wild SideBeats imemational- Dub

Zeiss. Hamilton- Min ArmDepeche Mode -Enjoy

Lonnie Gordon- Happenin'Black Box- I Don't Know

PP Soul II Soul- Get A LifeTyler Collins- Girls Night Out

Rolling Stones- TerrifyingWill Downing- Come Together

And Why No. The FaceWendy MaHarry- All that I'.

Sam Brown- With A Little LoveJanet Jackson- Escapade

Luther V.dross- Treat YouNatalie Cole- Wild Woman Do RADIO GOTHENBURG

Safire. I Will SLIM.AD Beats International- Dub

News- Alle Andre SFrEarth, Wind & Fire- Heritage

Randy & The Gipsies- Love YouAD Depeche Mode- Enjoy

Leif Wivatt - DJ/Prod.AD Anders Genmark- Blornmor

Technotronic- Get UpEdie Brickell- A Hard Rain

Quincy Jones- Secret GardenTears For Fears- Advice

Peter Murphy- DeepIce MC- Easy

Sato, WorldRob 'n' Rap Sok The Nation

Rockers By Choice- Den SkinSheens Easton- Rainbow

Lisa Stansfield- LiveAdam Ant- Room At The Top

Lonnie Gordon- Happenin'Notting Hillbillies- Your Own

Papa Dee- Ain't No StoppingPaul Carrack- Battlefield

LP Sinead O'ConnorEarth, Wind & Fire AALBORG NAERRAGIO- Aalborg

No Lo Se- Milagros De AmorLos Confident°, Cielo Azul

Brian Kennedy- CapturedMidnight Oil- Blue Sky Mine

Cowboy Junkies16 Tambourines

Olaf Medina,- DJ/Prod.PP Guru Josh- Infinity

BM. Pwiones- DejameRico- Rico HIT FM - Stockholm

BapThe Beloved

AD Sinead O'Connor- NothingMichael Penn- No Myth

LP Midnight OilJohnny Clegg & Savuka

Johan Bring - Prog. Dir.Top 3: RADIO OST . Rade

LW Back- Hole In The SkyRolland & Boland- The Wall

The BibleSinead O'Connor

Expose- Tell Me WhyMame- On The Strength

Kai Roger Ottesen Head Of MusicAirplay Top 10:

TP Jamie J Morgan- Wld NdeMark Sigt Heartbeat

The House Of LoveTarik Y La Fabrics De Colorer

Ankie Bagger- Without YouAD Stenmarck- En Bomb!

Lava- The Rhythm Of LoveRoch Voisine- Helene

Grace Jones- Amado MioCorey Hatt- A Little Love

RADIO IS - Madrid49ers- Don't You Love MeBobby Brown- Don't Be Cruel

Sinead O'Connor- NothingTears For Fears- Advice

The B -STS- RoamSarah Hickman- Lam Night

Ana Blanco - Prog. Dir.PP Sinead O'Connor- Nothing

James Taylor- MasterSo DeliciOLIS. One In A

Lenny Kravitz. I BuildBelinda Carlisle- Runaway

LP Nick KamenIN Richard Herrey

Rico- RicoLi. Stanfield- All Around

Isabel- I Can't WaitPapa Dee. Ain't No Stopping

White House Ltd- HurricaneNotting Hillbillies- Your Own RADIO VIBORG

Notting Hillbillies- Your OwnTennessee Siempre Luchare

Capper.- Get Out Of My CaseTP Jermaine Stewart- Every Woman

Sam Brown- W. A Little LoveGuru Josh -Infinity

Henning Kristensen/Poul Foged -Head Of Music

Tina Turner- I Don't Wanna Christer Sandelin- Vi Aer AD Black Box- I Don't Know PP Henning Staerk- Sweetheart

Albert Hammond -Where werePaul McCartney- Put It ThemGnag, Inde Bag En HaekArthur Baker- Last ThingMaend I Bleat- DroennenErasure- Blue SavannahLollipops -SuzanneFranklin- Heaven Can CryDaniel Lanois- Jolie LouiseVikingarna- Blue HawaiiMichael Penn- No Myth

AD The Hooters 500 MilesNotting Hillbillies- NMI YouMarcia Griffiths- BoogieThe Stranglers. 96 TearsMilli Vanilli- All Or NothingThe 0-52., RoamThe &5T, Love ShackSuzzies Orkesten Dina OgonLove Shop- En Nat BliverBarbra Streisand- SomeoneSheens Easton- Rainbow

AARHUS NAERRADIO - AarhusFrankie Fever - Head Of MusicPP Sheena Easton -Rainbow

Beats International -DubBonney /1- StoriesMartika- More Than You KnowSafire- I Will SurviveDepeche Mode- EnjoySandra -HiroshimaArthur Baker- Last ThingThe B -S2', Love Shack

UPTOWN FM - CopenhagenNiels Pedersen - Head Of MusicPP Pour Krebs- Fri Som Et Forar

Barbra Streisand- SomeoneAD David Byrne- Dirty Old IS,,,

Moonjam- Hor SusetSheens Easton- RainbowTears For Fears- AdviceColin Hay- Into My LifeLou Gramm True Blue LoveBeats International- DubKiss -Forever

TP Daniel Lanais -Jake Louise

SLR - Siegel.Michael Hansen - Head Of MusicPP Barbra Streisand- Someone

Notting Hillbillies- Your OwnAD Sheens Easton -Rainbow

Lou Gramm -True Blue LowJody Watley- EverythingDaniel Lanois- Jolie Louise

EMIZMEMIEMDISCOPRESS - TampereAlla Teravainen Prog. Dir.Top 10:

Phil Collins- ParadiseRainer Friman- LinnutTroll -Jimmy DeanTan. Tikaram- We AlmostRiki Sorsa- Ofitinpa HanMarkku Aro- Kaksi RakkaiffiSinead O'Connor- NothingPHI Collins- I WishKai Hyttinen- VolareSolistiyhtye- Njet Mttotoff

RADIO MUSA - TamperePentti Teraminen - ProducerAD Brian Kennedy- Captured

CC. Cat, Midnight- HourRob V. Rat- Rok The NationNotting Hillbillies- Your OwnPepe Ahlerist- Before I Fall

Lonnie Gordon- Happenin'TP Beat- Fri

EMMENELIMRFM - LisbonLuis Loureiro - Head Of MusicPlaylist Top 5:

STATION REPORTSTechnotronic- Get UpSine. O'Connor- NothingPrince- ScandalousPhil Collins- I WishLloyd Cole- No Blue Skies

NEEMZEMEMIESEVEN X, 90.7 FM. AthensVassilis Louleas -Prog. Dir.Airplay Top IS:

iggy Pop. Lain' On The EdgeRita Mitsouko- Le Petit Train

Seduction- To Make It RightMidnight Oil- Blue Sky MineMan, Negro- King Kong FMThe Stranglers- 96 TearsIzit. StoriesJohnny Clegg- Cruel, CrazyHalo James- Could Have ToldKiss- ForeverThe Christian, WordsGloria Estefan- Here We AreBon lovi- Living In Sin

Quireboys- Hey YouSinead O'Connor- Nothing

Dance Airplay Top 0:Raul Orellana- Wild HouseJanet Jackson- EscapadeDusty Springfield- In PrivateMantronix- Got To HaveElectronic- Gettin' Away

VOA EuropeJune Brown -DirectorA List:

The B-525- RoamTaylor Dayne- Love Will Lead

Janet jacks.- EscapadeAlannah Myles- Black VelvetBilly Joel- I Go To ExtremesRoxette- DangerousPaula Abdul- OppositesGloria Estefan- Here We AreBad English- Price Of Love

C UseAD Jane Child- Don't Wawa Fall

Michael Bolton How Can We


Powerplug:CL Hugh Harris- Mr WomanHeavy Rotation:CL Mano Negra- King Kong Five

Technotronic- Get UpPNI Collins- I WishUB40- Here I AmPaula Abdul- OppositesElton John- SacrificeSinead O'Connor- NothingTina Turner- I Don't Wan.Midnight Oil- Blue Sky Mine



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Publication date June 2nd 1990Street date May 29th 1990

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SUZANNE MELTZER, 4-31 (20) 6691961



MEDIAThe European Trade paper forthe music & media industries


04 MUSIC 0 MEDIA Merck 24. 19M MUSIC & MEDIA - March 24. 1990 25



MEDIADepeche Mode- EnjoyMantronix- Got To HaveL. StansfieId- LiveTears For Fears- AdviceBlack Box- I Don't KnowTan. Tatar.- Little SitterJanet Jackson- EscapadeBilly Joel- I Go To Extremes

Burs Bin:CL The Beloved- Hello

The House Of Love- Shine OnThe Cramps- Bikini GirlsMight Be Giants- Birdhouse

The Creatures- fur, Eyes

COUNTDOWNCL Sinead O'Connor- Nothing

Midnight Oil- Blue Sky MineNew Kids Offf Block- I'll Be

ST Lois We- Fortune FairytalesUB40- Here I Am



Paul Clani - Prod.The Mission -DeliveranceNew Kids 0/T Block- Di BeCandy Flip- Strawberry FieldsPrimal Scream- loadedInspire! Carpets- This Is HowJive Bunny- That Sounds GoodBeats International- Dub

Breakers:Big Fun- Handful Of PromisesFish- A Gentleman's Excuse MeWet Wet Wet- Hold Back

Playout:49ers- Don't You Love Me


ataGilbert Foucault Music Co -Ord.Clip Des Clips:CL Pauline Este, Oui Je LahoreFarce 12:CL Atlantique- Poussee

Louis Chedid- Zap ZapJoh. Les VautoursReno Isaac-Js Ne Veux PlusEkon John- SacrificeMarc Laraine- Mes ExcusesMidnight Oil- Blue Sky MineSnead O'Connor- NothingGues. Patti- FloursMichel Polnareff- Toi Et Moi

EuromusiqueAnnie Amsellern - Prod.CL Sylvie Marechad he Vie Lola

Roe- SoledadJulien Clerc- Fais MAFYC- I'm Not SatisfiedIndochine- Le BakerVeronique Riviere- Tout CourtMylene Farmer- AllanTechnotronic- Get UpPhilippe LaFontaine -AlexisTears For Fears- WomanCock Robin- Worlds Apart


o-Ancy-Andreas Thiemneyer - Prod.CL Gloria Estefan- On Your Feet

Frank Zander- Hier Kommt KurtLin Minnelli- Love PainsTina Turner- I Don't WannaQuincy Jones- I'll Be GoodLisa Stansfield- LiveMC B & Daisy Dee- This BeatJamie J Morgan- Wild SideBilly Joel- I Go To ExtremesVoodoo X- What Can I DoMan Go Fish- Sentimental MeSinew! O'Connor- NothingTears For Fears- AdviceErasure- Blue Savannah

Heise Sasse Head Of NudeHeavy Rotation:CL Midnight Oil- Blue Sky Mine

John Lee Hooker- The HealerDe La Soul- Magic NumberSinead O'Connor- NothingSnap- The Power

Medium Rotation:CL De Amitri- Nothing Ever

Eurythmics- King And QueenBeautiful South- I'll Sail

TechnotroAc- Get UpOliver Cheatham- Get Down


Giancarlo Trombetti - Prod.CL Alannah Myles- Black Velvet

Del Arra, Nothing EverFaith No More- Epic

Jenny Morris- H. To Be LovedEnuff Enuff- Fly HighAerosmith- What It TakesChili Peppers Taste The PainTears For Fears- AdviceTesla- The Way It IsBad English- Price Of Love

Rolling Stones- TerrifyingST Urban Dance Squad- No Kid

Go Stanfield- LiveBeats International -DubBilly Joel- I Go To Extremes

otefitRob de Boer- Prod.CL Snead O'Connor- Nothing

Michael Bolton- How Am IPetra & Co. Ti Daar

Janet Jackson- Escapade49ers- Touch MeLois Lane- Fortune FairytalesTears For Fears- AdviceMidnight Oil- Blue Sky MineDepedss Mode- Enjoy

-AVR.Q)Toppop Go GoJan Steeman - Prod.CL Chili Peppers- Taste The Pain

Snead O'Connor- NothingJohn Lee Hooker- The HealerCry Siscod Afro Dieei ActRob X' Ras- Rok The NationLos Lane- Dirty MindLaid Back- Bakerman

RTVTlp:Alonnah Myles- Black Velvet

BELGIUMVTM - Super SOJos van Oostenvilck Prod.CL Janet Jackson- Escapade

Depeche Mode- EnjoyMono Negra- King Kong FiveMichael Bolton- How Am IPaula Abdul- OppositesTears For Fears- Advice

ST Beats International- DubDe Kreuners- lk Wil JeArtiesten Tegen Kanker- Samen&Tunes- Stone Cold WomanBlack Box- I Don't Know



Claudio Cecchetto - Prod.CL Jenny Morris- Has To Be Loved

The Creeps- Oohd Li. ItThe Beloved- HelloEnuff Nuff- Fly HighJanet Jackson -EscapadeBelinda Carlisle- RunawaySinead O'Connor- NothingDepeche Mode- EnjoyMaro Negra- King Kong FivePaula Abdul- Opposites


Rob de Boer Prod.CL Guru Josh -Infinity

John Lee Hooker- The HealerSinew] O'Connor- Nothing

Top GearLeif Gothlund Prod.ST Tina Moe

Ingo & FloydMara SwifingHep Stars


Jou. Konteinen - Prod.CL [lifters- Angelica

Phil Collins- ParadiseSolistiyhtye Suomi- Jasjuhamatti- Suudel0 i1Sorsakositi/Agents- LyhdynBilly Joel- We Didn't StartIrwin Goodman- HurraaGloria Potshot- Oye Mi Canto

Scorpions- Can't ExplainB.A.- ListenPhil Collins- I WishKirks- Yon LapsiEurooppa Kolme- Ala UnohdaMartika- I Feel The Earth

MUSIC & MEDIApubletkoel floapee.011w. 115. an

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26 MUSIC 6 MEOLA 7.4, 1990









les editions confidentielles





IVININ RECORDS are proud to represent PIASin Scandinavia since the start, and we hope tocontinue increase business through the 90:s.By the way Kenny, Michel, Phillipe, Thierry, Jean -Luc and Wally, we have a greatrecord out by a great band and it's available for Benelux (surprise, surprise) andthe rest of the world! We have sent you a copy by mail! See you in Brussells!All the best from Jonas, Lasse, Ann -Marie, Chris, Lena, Curt -Ake!


The new album by the band that spent 7 weeks on heavy rotation on MTV withtheir latest single. Produced by Michael llbert in Polar Studios.Available for all territories. Contact: Jonas Sjostrom.

MNVV RECORDS Box 71, S-13500 Vaxholm Sweden ViSiting address: Rad6usgatan 12, VaxholmTelephone: office 46-764-334 50, fax 46-764-300 60









P8 MUSIC A MEDIA March 24, 1990 MUSIC.. MEDIA -March 24. 1990 PI



I*s (41








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Worldwide References

The Making Of Play It Again SamThe story of Play It Again Sam(PIAS) is pretty much the story ofits founders, 30 -year -old MichelLambot and Kenny Gates, 27,who ran in to each other in 1982when Gates, then a student,visited Lambot's CasablancaMoon record shop.

Music was their initial tie andsoon they decided to launch arecord import company together.The ambitions were realised in1983 when a limited company,called PIAS, with an initialcapital of E 3.000, began opera-ting with only one telephone linefrom the cellar of Gates' parents'house.

"We used to take the Wednes-

we dealt with': remembers Gates.For two years neither of the twodirectors received any salary.

As the operation developed, theyoung company wanted tobecome a recognised distributorand it began setting up exclusivedeals, adding some promotionalactivities to the records. Recordswere shipped from London moreand mom frequently and PIASstarted to establish itself properlywhen it employed three represen-tatives to work on the road inBelgium.

At this stage only about 25retailers made up the wholedistribution network, but thosespecialised shops were hungry fo

Michel Lambot (left) and Kenny Gates

day night boat to London wherewe would spend the day buyingrecords and filling the car trunk.We used to return on the Thurs-day night boat and immediatelystart selling the records inBrussels, to the 10 or so shops that

UK independent product and

other imports. PIAS tried hard torespond to the needs of itsretailers.

At that time only the momestablished Himalaya was seen asa competitor. "Himalaya had 10

Play A Again Sam s

times mom money than us:' saysGates. "It had good connectionswith labels like Factory andRough Trade and was a strongcompetitor. But three years afterits launch it was forced to close"

In 1984, Lambot and Gatesdecided to found their own label,Play It Again Sam records. Thename had to do with the Hum-phrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergmanfilm, 'Casablanca', just as the

Casablanca store did.The font band to sign were the

Legendary Pink Dots and at thattime no real contracts were drawnup, only a vague agreement. Gatesremembers how he and Michel sattogether with their financial direc-tor Phil Saussus to see whetherthey could afford the f 500 fee forthe recording: "It seems bizarrenow when recordings of f 5.000are considered as normal('

But everything turned out welland the Pink Data album sold3.000 copies thanks to PIAS'foreign contacts. It was then thecompany decided that, in order togrow, it had to approach othermarkets. Exploiting product inBelgium alone would he insuffi-cient to guarantee future success.

The company deployed an inter-national distribution system for'the label with 80-80 exportcustomers and now, thanks to thebands and their music, PIAS'records are sold all over the world.

Together with the launch of apublishing company, Confiden-tial Publishing - Les EditionsConfidentielles, the label also

progressed to signing am bandsfrom 1985, and breaking them inforeign territories.

A first interesting deal came upwhen independent promoterFabrice Absd offered to push thelabel in France, a deal which isstill in operation to this day. Whensimilar agreements were conclud-ed in West Germany and the UK,the aggressiveness and intelligenceof the people involved managedto create a market for PIAS' newsignings and have helped toestablish PIAS as a pan-Europeanlabel.

At that time PIAS was doingwell abroad with increased salesand an increased internationalprofile, In 1987 Play It Again Sam

Play A again Samconcinoes on page Pt 19 -

NA/ E L 4:::0 V E V 0 1JSincere congratulations to Play It Again Sam on a truly magnificent seven


Both Les Disques du Crepuscule and Druco are proud to complete the bizarrelove triangle that marries Belgium's cutest record label and smoothest

pressing plant to the prettiest, most elegible distributor in Benelux.

DRUCOTEL: 02(360 01 90

FAX:32 (02) 3600335

CREPUSCULE - DRUCO - PLAY IT AGAIN SAMhappy, smiling independents walking hand in hand downthe aisle towards major success in 1990 and far beyond.


TEL 02,511 84 24FAX; 52/51188 24

MUSIC 8 MEDIA - March 54. 1990 MUSIC MEDIA - March 24, P3




Congratulations and Good LuckFrom



Pea q <-4,7 ,rt ant


bauhausthe birthday par,colin newman

modern e.g.,

costeau twinscalourbox

ultra vivid sconev.23


the breeders


Play it again Samcontinued from page P3

records was launched in the US inassociation with Wax Rex, theleading independent them Thelaunch of PIAS Deutschland, acompany managed by the WestGerman publisher Freibank andheaded by Mark Chung, was thenext step on the ladder of success.

PIAS began working withassociated labels such as 3rd Mindand Fundamental. It has alsolaunched sub -labels like Who'sThat Beat, started 18 months agoand on the charts with acts likeTragic Error and Black Kiss, andG Rox P - a rock label.

Acts signed to the label includeMeat Beat Manifesto and Belgianact Front 242; signed in 1986,

Front 242 have sold 250.000albums worldwide These,together with Bill Pritchard,Adrian Borland (ex-frontman ofThe Sound) and the Neon Judge-ment are considered as coreartists.

The label's Brussels operationis run by Jean Marc Dehoul andPIAS employs at the label fourpeople in the Belgian capital,three in West Germany, two inFrance and the UK, plus staff inthe US.

DistributionRecord buying and selling tospecialised shops developed

Rom' 242

through picking up on crossovermusic It progressed with theestablishing of a privileged rela-tionship with independent UKlabels, which allowed PIAS topromote, license and marketthem.

PIAS' distribution depart-ment, now headed in Brussels by


distribution manager OlivierMarette, developed whenwholesalers were approached andpersuaded to stock PIAS product.At first the company was con-sidered an underground

distributor but this all changedwhen chart successes began tohappen. Are Friends Electric? byGary Numan (1987) and the debutsingle from MARRS, Pump UpThe Volume (55.000 units sold)soon showed PEAS could alsosupply hit material.

As distributor of the Antler

catalogue PIAS achieved goldand platinum with the new beatTake 124 compilations. Wellbefore the new beat boom, PIASstruck top 20 with hits fromBomb The Bass, S'Express andBeatmasters.

The company's progress, tur-nover in 1989 was Bfr 240 million(app. £ 4.2 million), 25% momthan the previous year, is the resultof steady sales and adequatemanagement.

A recent move by PIASdistribution was the aquisition ofAPT, the UK distributor born outof the ashes of Red Rhino. PIASbought out Red Rhino and nowAPT, managed by Tony K, is

'handling the UK distribution forPIAS,

Early this year PIAS alsodecided to launch a separateDutch distribution organisationwith its own sales force headed byWally van Middendorp, formerlywith Megadisc "This move, innlike the UK set-up, was not plann-ed but it had become necessaryfor the company. We had tobecome a Benelux operation in-stead of a Belgian operator. Wewere too dependent on Dutch

Play k again Sarncortinues on page P7 R.





JAPANTEL 03 455 1794FAX 03-452-5763

MUSIC A MEDIA - March 24, 1990 MUSIC A MEDIA - March 24, 1990 P5










PLANTINSTRAAT 11 RUE PLANTIN BRUSSEL 1070 BRUXELLESst 02/5223069 02/5225458 fax 02/S200370

5 T DI


Play It Again Sam Recordssever,rearsolroclerlul work




COLUMBUSROCKDIVISIONAmsterdam, (31)20-1137 018/180 565 (fax)

DAnagem. acts Adnan Bonancla ineallens,,Scabs,, Para*

PLAY IT VERY LOUD!The rock'n'roll heart of Europe greets its neighbours!

The Ancienne Belgique, Brussels most headstrong

venue, has fallen on 7 good years with Front 242, Les

Negresses Vertes, Alex Chilton, The Residents, Dead

Can Dance, Bill Pritchard, Cassandra Complex, The

Scabs, The Young Gods, The Paranoiacs, Wim Mertens,

Pale Saints and Lush.

0-"'NHappy Days!<-\

AB, Anspachlaan 114, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium,phone: (32) 2.512.59.86, telefax: (32) 2.511.86.09



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Play It Again Samon their 7th anniversary

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Play Is again Samcontinued

from page PS Po.

companies who were holding therights for the Benelux using PIASas a sub -distributor. We were in-secure and the Dutch had to bewilling to give us turnovee,' ex-plains Gates.

"Now we can approach labelsdirectly and we are in a position tooffer a Benelux deal. We are theonly independent offering such anoperation and we are shipping

Gary Numan

labels such as Factory, 4AD,Crepuscule, New Row andSteamhammer directly toHolland!' Gates sees the Dutchoperation as being part of thecompany's natural growth anddevelopment and says PIAS iswell prepared for the opening upof the European market in 1992.

Having successfully built up atwo -man operation into a32 -strong unit in Brussels, Gatesand Lambot are confident ofdeveloping both the Dutch and

the UK distribution operations.This will be done, they say, bysticking to a never -changingpolicy of offering a personalisedservice and maintaining a closeworking relationship with thedistributed and licensed labels.

On the label side they plan tobring Front 242's sales above theone million unit mark with BillPritchard, Meat Beat Manifestoand the Young Gods as target actsfor further development

"The only thing that concerns

me is what I would call the rainforest problem of the musicbusiness!' concludes Gates. "It isthe public less keen to be on thelookout for new bands, added toindependent record shops sadlydying to be replaced by recordchains which do not allow anylistening in the stores, keeping

valuable material away frompotential buyers who woulddecide to buy it if only they couldhear iti`

Bomb The Bass

PIAS Records DirectorKenny Gates DirectorMichel Lambot67 Rue De Cureghem1000 Brussels Belgiumtet 321.514E3.00far 32.2.511.80.39

PIAS 13V GMWally van MiddendorpVaartweg 1291217 SN Hilversum Holland

APT Distribution Ltd GMTony K The Grain Store74 Eldon Street YorkYO3 7NE United Kingdomlei 44.904.61L656far 44.904644.190

PIAS FranceDirector Fabrice Absil Failplay2 Rue Flechier 75009 Paris Francetet3314285.0L28

PIAS DeutschlandDirector Mark ChungContact Frank Lutke FreibankSillemstrasse 76a 2000 HamburgWest Germanytel: 4940491.0E55far 49.40.491.10.86

PIAS USA c/o WAX TRAXContact Scott Burlingham1659 North Damen AvenueChicago 60647 USAtek1312.252,1000far L3I2252.1007

P6 MUSIC 8 MEDIA March 24, 1990 MUSIC 6 MEDIA Kw. 21, 1990 P7
