Volume 6 Issue 4 November 2012 - senh.org€¦ · President’s Letter Special Points of Interest/...

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Transcript of Volume 6 Issue 4 November 2012 - senh.org€¦ · President’s Letter Special Points of Interest/...

It is always a sure sign that fall has come when you can’t squeeze in 9 holes after work before it gets dark and the ‘leaf rule’ is rein-stated. Fall is also a typically busy time for Engineers and con-struction crews as everyone rushes to get building foundations in the ground and bridge projects prepared for paving before the cold weather sets in. I hope this fall finds your office busy. Mike Walker of GEI presented geotechnical case studies includ-ing Central Artery Tunnel, the US Capitol Visitors Center and the City creek Center in Salt Lake City. These projects all involved deep foundations, tight work zones, and adjacent buildings and facilities that could not be affected. I am sure that those who attended would agree that the presentation was very interesting and the projects impressive. Thanks Mike for a great presenta-tion.

The Code Advisory Committee (CAC) is off to a good start will people volunteering to join the committee. SENH is sponsoring a webinar for CAC members November 1 on I-Codes Struc-tural Provisions for Existing Building. For those interested in joining the CAC, see below and contact Peter Griem. Call for Newsletter articles! We are always looking for members to submit articles for print in the Newsletter. Article topics should be related to Structural Engineering, but could be about a recent seminar attended, Legislation, code topics, interesting projects, upcoming events, etc. If anyone is interested in submitting an article, please contact me or Deb Coon. It is election time! Although everyone is sick of the radio ads, TV ads, campaign calls, and roadside ads, the election is very important and gives everyone the chance to have a say. Elect-ed officials can have a significant impact on State and Federal funding for many of the projects that keep us busy. Regardless of who you are voting for, make time to get out and vote. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at (603) 225-2978 or President@senh.org. Happy Holidays!

President’s Letter

Special Points of Interest/Reminders:

The November Meeting is 11/13/12. See inside for details.

President’s Letter 1

November Meeting Announcement 4

September Meeting Minutes & Attendance List 5

UNH Page 6

Inside this issue:



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Volume 6 Issue 4

November 2012


The 20th Annual NCSEA Conference was held in St. Louis, MO on October 3-6, 2012. Delegate Bob Durfee attended the Conference on behalf of SENH. Members Alex Azodi and Fred Emanuel also attended. This year’s conference had a new format that extended the proceedings over 3-1/2 days. Day one consisted of Committee Meetings. Day two and day three was a full schedule of technical presentations on structural topics. Technical presentations covered a wide range of topics that included code provisions for wind, snow, seismic and mason-ry; seminars on diaphragms, wall anchorages and foundation systems. A complete report by Bob Durfee will be posted on the SENH website.

NCSEA Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, Submitted by Robert H. Durfee, P.E., SECB

The new “Make Your Mark” promotional posters are now available from NCSEA. This year’s poster highlights the 2012 Olympic Stadium in London. The poster appearance is shown below. The goal is to place these posters in places where they will be seen by students (Middle School & High School, College Campus, Libraries, Etc.). Volunteers are being sought to place a poster in your local community. Posters will be availa-ble and handed out to volunteers at the November 13, 2012 meeting. If you can not attend this meeting, but want to vol-unteer, contact Bob Durfee to obtain a poster and instructions on placement.

“Make Your Mark” Posters Now Available


SENH has formed a Building Code Advisory Committee. The committee is comprised of eleven structural engineers and one geotechnical engineer. Our current area of focus is a detailed review of the 2009 International Existing Building Code which was recently adopted as the governing code for existing buildings in the State of New Hampshire. The com-mittee will make proposed code modifications to the State Code Review Board that represent regional practice consider-ations. Our main goals are to ensure public safety, and to promote uniform enforcement and design practice - to the greatest extent possible.

Members include: David Dutil (Boreg Solar), Bob Champagne and Jeffrey Karam (Summit Engineering), Paul Sbacchi (TF Moran), Ed Bergeron (HEB Engineers), Jeff Tirey – (Tirey & Associates), Peter Griem (Hoyle, Tanner), Linda Perry (SFC Engineering Partnership), Alex Azodi (Omega Engineering), Ken Marshall (Foley, Buhl, Roberts), Miles Stetson (HL Turner Group), and Ken Milender (Miller Engineering & Testing, Inc.)

The committee recently reviewed the seismic provisions of the IEBC in relation to the October 16 Maine earth-quake. USGS estimated that the M4.0 earthquake produced ground accelerations of approximately 12%g, assuming Site Class B soils (areas with poorer soils saw greater accelerations). Those estimated ground motions near the epicenter represent only approximately 1/2 of the code design basis for new buildings located on Site Class B soils. In some cases the IEBC requires compliance with either 100% or 75% of the IBC design basis ground motions. In other cases, the IEBC triggers hazard mitigation of things like unreinforced masonry parapets and diaphragm to shear wall connections at certain thresholds of work area, for Seismic Design Category D and higher.

There appears to have been relatively few reports of damage from this earthquake, but the event served as a reminder that the code design criteria is realis-tic for the area. Historical data confirms earth-quakes as large as M5.5 in the Laconia area within the last 100 years. The committee is reviewing the three design methods specified by the IEBC for con-sistency in application, and expects to prepare pro-posals that follow code development trends in the IEBC 2012 and 2015 cycles.

The committee is very interested to hear of any ex-periences you or your firm may have had related to the Maine earthquake, and/or with any code-related issues in general. Those comments help SENH represent the New Hampshire structural engineering community as a whole – both locally with the State Code Review Board, and nationally via NCSEA. You are encouraged to contact Peter Griem (pgriem@hoyletanner.com) or any of the committee members listed above with any ques-tions or comments.

Code Advisory Committee Submitted by Peter Griem, P.E.


NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, November 13, 2012

PRESENTATIONS: Concrete Moisture Vapor Issues in Slabs on Grade and Elevated Slabs by, Scott Tarr of North Starr Concrete Consultants, Inc. ACI 318 Adhesive Anchor Installer Certification Program by, Ron Kozikowski of North Starr Concrete Consultants, Inc.

SPEAKERS: Scott Tarr, PE and Ron Kozikowski, PE– provide consulting support to the concrete in-

dustry. Both Scott and Ron have their Master’s degrees in Civil Engineering from the Uni-versity of New Hampshire and have worked for a subsidiary of the Portland Cement Asso-ciation (PCA). Scott is a member of ACI 301, 302, 325, 330, and 360. He is the director of the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) Moisture Testing Technician Certifica-tion Program.

PLACE: Sheraton Portsmouth Harborside Hotel 250 Market St.

Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 431-2300

DIRECTIONS: Take I-95 to Exit 7. Turn right off the exit and proceed for approximately ½ mile. Bear

right at blinking light and the hotel entrance is approximately 50 yards on left. Parking is on the right through the gate.

AGENDA: 5:30 pm-6:30 pm Registration/Social Hour

6:30 pm-7:15 pm Dinner 7:15 pm-7.45 pm Business Meeting 7:45 pm-9:00 pm Presentation DINNER: Buffet with choice of Apple, cranberry and leek stuffed chicken or Pecan crusted Canadi-

an pork loin. COST: SENH Member: $50.00 Non-Member: $60.00 Full Time Student: $15.00 - ‘no-shows’

will be billed at full amount. RSVP: by Wednesday, November 7, 2012. There will be a $5.00 late fee for anyone wishing to

RSVP past this date. Please send check payable to “Structural Engineers of New Hampshire” with list of at-

tendees to: Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc. Attn. Deb Coon 150 Dow Street Manchester, NH 03101 Contact: Deb Coon, Administrative Assistant


NOTE: 2.0 PDHs have been assigned for attendance to this program. Attendees are responsible for ensuring their check-in on the attendance list upon arrival at the meeting.



1. SENH President Josh Lund, PE opened the membership meeting.

2. President Josh Lund introduced the current board of directors to the membership. Current board members for 2012-2013 fiscal year are Josh Lund (President), Adam Stockin (Vice -President), Bob Champagne (Treasurer), Norm Cote (Secretary) and Sean James (Director at Large).

3. Linda McNair Perry gave a brief overview of the Building Code Advisory Committee initiative and called for interested members to participate.

Business Portion of the Meeting

Name Organization Name Organization

September Meeting Attendance List & Meeting Minutes Geotechnical Case Histories

Manchester, New Hampshire (2.0 PDH’s)

September 25, 2012

Geotechnical Case Histories - Modeling, Merging and Managing – Manchester NH – September 25, 2012 Presented by Mike Walker, PE – Principal and GeoStructural Practice Leader, GEI Consultants, Inc., Woburn, MA Review of a refined and proactive observational approach to large excavation design for three case histories including US Capitol Visi-tors Center, Boston Central Artery/Tunnel Project and City Creek Center in Salt Lake City. 2.0 PDH’s for the technical presentation was earned by attendees. Respectfully submitted, Norm Cote, PE, Secretary


UNH News


UNH October 2012 Career & Internship Fair: Well Attended & Informative

Submitted by Linda McNair-Perry, P.E., SECB

The UNH Fall 2012 Career & Internship Fair was held on October 25th. I am not sure how many of these job fairs I have attended now, but can say without a doubt this was the best attended fall event ever. If this is any indication, I will need help at the spring event and UNH will need a bigger venue. I am never ceased to be amazed by the optimism and enthusiasm that the students bring to their education process and in their search for that illusive internship that could be the start of something big or to the even more coveted zero to two year experience career launching full-time job. I went hoarse mentoring the students, scrutinizing resumes and making suggestions for how to improve those resumes and where to search for jobs. The advice clearly varies whether talking with Freshmen who want an internship or to Graduate students – several of whom will be graduating in Decem-ber. I was so busy this year from start to finish that I did not get to make the rounds of the firms that attended. I did get to visit briefly with Professors Henry and Cook who stopped by. By the way, Professor Cook gets the nod for steering so many students to the SENH table. This year I shared the donated table with the Seacoast Human Resources Associa-tion and got to pull them in some of our discussions. One had to do with when it is appropriate to have a two page re-sume and how long the average HR person spends reviewing a resume before passing on for further review or (circular) filing it. Any guesses? If you guessed 30 seconds, you’d be winner! One informative conversation took place over the idea of putting a photo on your resume, which occurred for the first time this year. However, apparently it is common place in Europe and must have appeared on a job search tip list somewhere. The recommendation (by some, clearly not all) is photos on resumes is appropriate for job fairs where it might help a firm place a name to face or vice versa. I won’t tell you which side of this photo/no-photo argument I came down on, but leave you to ponder it and request that you shoot me an e-mail if you have a yeah or nay position on the matter. FYI, before you jump on the band wagon yourself (or advise you children to do it), I learned some firms will toss the resumes that come in with photos, due to non-discrimination requirements. As always, if you know of any positions that you are looking to fill with energetic recent grads or in-terns, please let me know in advance so that I can share the dozens of resumes that were collected with you. And guess what, a start-up firm is also collecting resumes (so to speak) so that employers can search their resume data base for prospective student hires with the background they are looking for as opposed to the typical job posting websites. After the career fair, I had a very long conversation with the young men launching this venture. If you want to learn more, give me a shout, but for now I will serve as human search engine that culls the resumes for the students interested in Structural Engineering jobs and internships. Respectfully submitted by Linda K. McNair-Perry, P.E., SECB (SENH/UNH Liaison) lperry@sfceng.com or 603-647-8700 x 232


Our Sponsors

Employment Opportunities

Member of

Board of Directors

President Josh Lund, P.E., SECB

Vice President Adam Stockin, P.E.

Secretary Normand Cote, P.E., SECB

Treasurer Robert Champagne, P.E., SECB

Director at Large Sean James, P.E.

P.O. BOX 226 MANCHESTER, NH 03105-0226