President’s Report - Northeastern Illinois University€¦ · President’s Report to the Board...

Thursday, November 15, 2018 President’s Report to the Board of Trustees

Transcript of President’s Report - Northeastern Illinois University€¦ · President’s Report to the Board...

Page 1: President’s Report - Northeastern Illinois University€¦ · President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 1 . November 15, 2018 ... lump sum

Thursday, November 15, 2018

President’s Report

to the Board of Trustees

Page 2: President’s Report - Northeastern Illinois University€¦ · President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 1 . November 15, 2018 ... lump sum

President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 1 November 15, 2018

Table of Contents


A. Update to Board Regulations Section II., Employees, Subsection C. Civil Service, 7. Employee Benefits, d. 3) a) – Sick Leave .................................................................................................... 2

B. Approval of FY2020 Tuition and Fees ........................................................................................ 3

C. Approval of FY2019 Strategic Planning Development Fund Report Recommendations ............. 5

D. Approval of the University Internal Auditing Charter ................................................................... 7

E. Approval of Board Committees ................................................................................................... 8


A. First Quarter Budget to Actual .................................................................................................... 9

B. First Quarter Audit Findings Progress Report ........................................................................... 11

C. Purchases $50,000 - $99,999.99.............................................................................................. 14

D. Construction Update................................................................................................................. 15

E. El Centro Signage Illumination ................................................................................................. 16

F. News and Events ..................................................................................................................... 17

Page 3: President’s Report - Northeastern Illinois University€¦ · President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 1 . November 15, 2018 ... lump sum

President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 2 November 15, 2018 I. A. ACTION ITEM: UPDATE TO BOARD REGULATIONS SECTION II., EMPLOYEES,


The purpose of this update is to fix inconsistent language in the Board Regulations regarding sick leave payout between the Faculty and Administrative classification and the Civil Service classification. The updated language will conform to Illinois Public Act 093-0448. Section II. Employees, Subsection B Faculty and Administrative, Sick Leave 5) a) Upon termination of employment, and provided the employee is not re-employed at the same place of employment within 30 calendar days, an employee, or such employee's estate, shall be entitled to a lump sum payment for accrued sick leave earned after December 31, 1983 and prior to January 1, 1998. The lump sum payment for accrued sick leave shall be computed as the product of the employee's daily rate of compensation and one-half of the lesser of the following: (i) the number of days, or fractions thereof, of cumulative sick leave earned by the employee, in accordance with paragraph 2) above, minus any days, or fractions thereof, of cumulative sick leave used by the employee; or (ii) the number of days, or fractions thereof, of cumulative sick leave earned by the employee in accordance with paragraph 2) above after December 31, 1983 and prior to January 1, 1998. Non-cumulative sick leave days shall be used first and cumulative sick leave days shall be used in the order in which they have been accrued. No lump sum payment shall be made for non-cumulative sick leave. Section II. Employees, Subsection C. Civil Service, 6) d) Sick Leave, 3) a) Current language: Upon termination of employment at the university, provided the employee is not re-employed at the university within 30 calendar days, an employee, or such employee's estate, shall be entitled to a lump sum payment for accrued sick leave earned on or after January 1, 1984. Recommended change: Upon termination of employment at the university, provided the employee is not re-employed at the university within 30 calendar days, an employee, or such employee's estate, shall be entitled to a lump sum payment for accrued sick leave earned after December 31, 1983 and prior to January 1, 1998. Recommended action I request that the Board approve this update to their Regulations to align it with Illinois Public Act 093-0448 addressing conditions under which earned employee sick leave is paid out upon an employee’s departure from the University.

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 3 November 15, 2018 I. B. ACTION ITEM: APPROVAL OF FISCAL YEAR 2020 TUITION AND FEES

Annually, the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University sets tuition and fee rates for the next academic year, and the University now requests approval for Fiscal Year 2020 (FY2020) tuition and fee rates. The Board Finance Committee met on October 18 and was presented with an overview of tuition and fees. That information has been provided to all members of the Board. The presentation and the information item included summaries on revenue sources, 10-year State appropriation history, tuition revenues, student financial aid, enrollment trends, base credit hours not impacted by a tuition increase due to the State guaranteed tuition program, and FY2020 budget requirements approved by the Board in September. The University provided information matrices demonstrating:

projected incremental revenues without a tuition increase;

estimated revenue shortfalls without a tuition increase and with varying assumptions regarding State appropriation and enrollment levels;

multiple scenarios with myriad State funding, credit hour enrollment, and tuition rate increases; and

the tuition increases required to meet projected budget shortfalls at differing levels of credit hour enrollment and State appropriation.

For FY2020, increases are proposed in three student fees: Student Activity, Computer Resource, and Academic Enhancement representing an overall recommended Student Fees increase of 3.2 percent. The Interim Chief Financial Officer and the Dean of Students discussed these tuition and fee issues and proposals with the Student Government Association on October 16. Information was also provided about differential tuition. Northeastern began this semester to charge differential tuition for courses provided by the College of Business and Management (COBM), as approved by the Board in September, 2016. Many variables must be considered when modelling future year tuition rate scenarios, including the continued uncertainty in State funding and the prolonged enrollment declines. The University will continue to work through its formal budget process over the next several months to address expense needs against estimated resources. The Board Finance Committee considered the tuition increases required to meet projected budget shortfalls at differing levels of credit hour enrollment and State appropriation, and recommended to the Board a 2 percent tuition increase and a 3.2 percent increase in mandatory Student Fees. Recommended action I request that the Board approve the Fiscal Year 2020 Tuition and Fees Recommendation as detailed in Table 1, and as recommended by the Board Finance Committee at its October 2018 meeting, providing for a 2 percent tuition increase for students not covered by the guaranteed tuition program, and a 3.2 percent increase in mandatory Student Fees.

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 4 November 15, 2018 I. B. ACTION ITEM: APPROVAL OF FISCAL YEAR 2020 TUITION AND FEES



Table 1


Schedule of Proposed Tuition and Fees


FY19 to FY20

FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 Dollar Percent

TUITION (per credit hour)

Undergraduate - post 6-year (enrolled prior to Fall 2014) $ 377.32 $ 396.19 $ 404.11 $ 7.92 2.0

Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2014 1 304.00 322.00 322.00 - -

Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2015 1 322.00 322.00 349.37 27.37 8.5

Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2016 1 349.37 349.37 349.37 - -

Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2017 1 377.32 377.32 377.32 - -

Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2018 1 - 396.19 396.19 - -

Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2019 1 - - 404.11 n/a n/a

Graduate 384.87 404.11 412.19 8.08 2.0

Non-resident Undergraduate - post 6-year * 754.64 792.38 808.22 15.84 2.0

Non-resident Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2014 1

608.00 644.00 644.00 - -

Non-resident Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2015 1 644.00 644.00 698.74 54.74 8.5

Non-resident Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2016 1 698.74 698.74 698.74 - -

Non-resident Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2017 1 754.64 754.64 754.64 - -

Non-resident Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2018 1 - 792.38 792.38 - -

Non-resident Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2019 1 808.22 n/a n/a

Non-resident Graduate 769.74 808.22 824.38 54.64 7.1

MANDATORY FEES $ 69.80 71.00 $ 73.25 2.25 3.2

Activity Fee 6.00 6.50 7.00 0.50 7.7

Student Union Fee 7.75 8.25 8.25 - -

Campus Recreation Fee 5.40 5.40 5.40 - -

Performing Arts Fee 1.20 1.20 1.20 - -

Student Health Service Fee 5.50 5.50 5.50 - -

Computer Resources Fee 19.95 19.95 20.95 1.00 5.0

Academic Enhancement Fee 8.50 8.50 9.25 0.75 8.8

Campus Improvement Fee 2.50 3.50 3.50 - -

Parking Fee (waivable) 10.00 9.00 9.00 - -

Library Fee 3.00 3.20 3.20 - -

Green Fee - rate per semester 3.00 3.00 3.00 - -

U-Pass (Full-time Students only) 128.00 155.00 155.00 - -

TUITION AND FEES (based on 15 credit hours, excludes health insurance fee)

Undergraduate - continuing * 6,837.80 7,165.85 7,318.40 152.55 2.1

Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2014 1 5,738.00 6,053.00 6,086.75 33.75 0.6

Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2015 1 6,008.00 6,053.00 6,497.30 444.30 7.3

Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2016 1 6,418.55 6,463.55 6,497.30 33.75 0.5

Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2017 1 6,837.80 6,882.80 6,916.55 33.75 0.5

Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2018 1 - 7,165.85 7,199.60 33.75 0.5

Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2019 1 - - 7,318.40 n/a n/a

Graduate 6,951.05 7,284.65 7,439.60 154.95 2.1

Non-resident Undergraduate - continuing * 12,497.60 13,108.70 13,380.05 271.35 2.1

Non-resident Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2014 1

10,298.00 10,883.00 10,916.75 33.75 0.3

Non-resident Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2015 1 10,838.00 10,883.00 11,737.85 854.85 7.9

Non-resident Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2016 1 11,659.10 11,704.10 11,737.85 33.75 0.3

Non-resident Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2017 1 12,497.60 12,542.60 12,576.35 33.75 0.3

Non-resident Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2018 1 - 13,108.70 13,142.45 33.75 0.3

Non-resident Undergraduate - newly enrolled Fall 2019 1 - - n/a n/a

Non-resident Graduate 12,724.10 13,346.30 13,622.45 276.15 2.1

* Post 6-year students in FY2020 are those enrolled prior to Fall 2014.

1 Per Public Act 93-0028 starting Fall 2004, Illinois undergraduate students newly enrolled will have their tuition held constant

for a period of four continuous academic years. This policy was extended at NEIU to non-resident undergraduate students.

Public Act 96-1293 effective Fall 2010, extended the tuition guarantee for two additional years at the rate of the following class.

Note: Health Insurance Fee became opt-in instead of mandatory beginning Fall 2017.

Note: Other than health insurance, the Green Fee, and UPass, tuition and fees are charged on a credit hour basis for

each credit hour enrolled per semester up to 16 credit hours. There will be no tuition and fee charges for credit hours

enrolled above 16 hours per semester.

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 5 November 15, 2018 I. C. ACTION ITEM: APPROVAL OF STRATEGIC PLANNING DEVELOPMENT FUND



The Illinois Legislative Audit Commission (LAC) University Guidelines, established in 1982 and amended in 1997, provide guidance for the University in meeting its financial obligations, including the requirement that all funds remaining in accounting entities at the end of the fiscal year shall be paid into the Income Fund. Such funds then reside as unrestricted net assets, or the “unrestricted net position” as stated in the University’s combined financial statement, Statement of Net Position. The colloquial phrase for such funds is financial reserves. The Guidelines permit the use of non-indentured Income Fund reserves for “equipment replacement, extraordinary maintenance, development, and similar purposes”. The use of indentured capital reserves that are required by a bond indenture, such as University reserve funds tied to debt payments on the parking facility, are specifically limited by the LAC University Guidelines. As approved by the Board at its meeting in September 2015, the University established a Strategic Planning Development Fund (SPDF) within its non-indentured Income Fund reserves. This fund is to be used for fostering growth, University improvements, and projects established as priorities by the University Planning and Budget Council (UPBC), expenses that are consistent with the LAC Guidelines. Each year, after the end-of-year operations fund balance becomes known, the Board has the opportunity to set aside for spending some or all of any operations fund positive balance, as outlined by the LAC Guidelines. The University requested and the Board approved in September 2015, that this SPDF be initially funded using $750,000 of the positive balance that remained at the end of FY2015. Additional funding may be approved by the Board from positive balances at the end of subsequent fiscal years, but inadequate State funding did not allow a positive balance in FY2016 and FY2017. The University reports annually to the Board all commitments made from the SPDF during the past fiscal year:

September, 2016 reported $400,824 in FY2016 September, 2017 reported $82,514 in FY2017 November, 2018 reporting a favorable net adjustment of $2,268 due to a refund

Given these expenses, a balance of $268,929 remained in the SPDF at the end of FY2018, available for expenses in FY2019 and onward. Within this amount, $250,000 was allocated to support the IT Modernization project at the end of FY2018; however, spending did not begin until FY2019. In the unrestricted operating budget, it is not uncommon for the University to end the year with a positive balance. There are varied reasons for this occurring. Higher than budgeted enrollment, whether generally or in specific categories with relatively higher tuition such as graduate students and first year students, can provide higher than expected revenues without planned expenses to match. On the expense side, salary funds accrue during position vacancies until new staff are hired, and remain unspent at the end of the fiscal year.

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 6 November 15, 2018 I. C. ACTION ITEM: APPROVAL OF STRATEGIC PLANNING DEVELOPMENT FUND


In the summer of 2017, the University planned to eliminate 164 positions with an associated savings of $8.8 million. After staff call backs and other plan revisions, the annual savings was revised to $4.6 million with $2.9 million within FY2018 year-end after noticing and other spending offsets. Based on unaudited figures, the University will end FY2018 with spending below its approved budget by $2.8 million. The University requests that $1.1 million of the unspent budget be approved by the Board to transfer into the SDPF. The SDPF is used to foster growth, and address University improvements and projects as established as priorities by the University Planning and Budget Council (UPBC), consistent with the LAC guidelines. Recommended action I request that the Board approve the transfer of $1.1 million of the unspent FY2018 budget to the Strategic Planning Development Fund as recommended by the University, and in accordance with the Illinois Legislative Audit Commission University Guidelines.

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 7 November 15, 2018 I. D. ACTION ITEM: APPROVAL OF UNIVERSITY INTERNAL AUDITING CHARTER

With the change in the president of the University, for compliance with the Institute of Internal Auditing International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (Standards), and the Illinois Fiscal Control and Internal Auditing Act (FCIAA), the Internal Audit Department Charter (Charter) is presented for your approval. The Charter is required to be presented to Executive Management and the Board of Trustees for their approval on an annual basis. The Charter presented has been updated to ensure it contains all elements required by the Standards including:

as clearly defined by and consistent with the Definition of Internal Auditing, the Code of Ethics, the Core Principles and the IIA Standards, the purpose, authority, and responsibility of the internal audit department;

the clearly defined nature of services provided;

the clearly defined lines of authority, and;

the unrestricted access to all records, personnel, and physical properties granted to the office of Internal Auditing.

Recommended action I request that the Board approve the University’s Internal Auditing Charter as presented.

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 8 November 15, 2018 I. E. ACTION ITEM: APPROVAL OF BOARD COMMITTEES

Northeastern Illinois University’s Board of Trustees established the following committees at its February 2000 meeting:

Academic and Student Affairs Committee: will review and analyze long range planning goals that impact directly on students and the academic mission of the university. Buildings and Grounds Committee: will analyze the proposed long range planning efforts of the University in light of the University's Physical Master Plan, and operational goals and priorities Finance Committee: will review the state-wide budgetary cycle for public universities and the development of the University's operating and capital budget requests through the process that begins in campus unit constituencies and ends in action by the General Assembly and the Governor's signature of the appropriation bills. The Finance Committee will also explore policies that are related to issues such as investment, affordability for students in tuition and fee setting, scholarship enhancement. The University President and the Chair of the Board of Trustees will each serve as ex-officio members of all committees. Each committee will have university personnel assigned to it.

Recommended action The Chair recommends reconfiguration of the existing committees; combining the Buildings and Grounds and Finance Committees, and establishment of an Audit Committee: Academic and Student Affairs Committee: Palos, Chair Finance, Buildings and Grounds Committee: Vukotich, Chair Audit Committee: Stein, Chair

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 9 November 15, 2018 II. A. INFORMATION ITEM: FIRST QUARTER BUDGET TO ACTUAL

The Northeastern Illinois University Board of Trustees at its June meeting approved the University preliminary operating budget, which represented preliminary spending plans for fiscal year 2019 (FY2019). The Board of Trustees approved the final FY2019 operating budget at its meeting in September 2018. The operating budget for FY2019 totals $151,085,600. Of that total, $88,444,200 is the University’s unrestricted general operating budget supported by State appropriation and student tuition. In addition, the University’s restricted funds budget amount of $62,641,400 is supported by student fee programs, auxiliary services, grants and contracts. At the Board’s request, quarterly reports are provided for the unrestricted operating budget, which supports most University departments and ongoing operations. This report provides an update on first quarter spending in the unrestricted budget and is summarized in Table 1 at the end of this report. Revenues The FY2019 budget includes State support of $33,873,200 for the University’s unrestricted general operating budget, or 38 percent of that budget. University Income Funds are comprised primarily of tuition revenues. The FY2018 budget includes estimated income funds of $54,571,000, or 62 percent of the general operating unrestricted budget. Through the first quarter, the University has vouchered a total of $14,503,082 against the FY2018 Education Assistance Fund (EAF). Of this amount, through the first quarter, $3,466,101 was received. Through the first quarter, 51.7 percent of estimated tuition and income fund revenue was recorded, after adjusting for anticipated waivers and bad debt. These amounts represent the second half of summer 2018 and fall 2018 enrollments. Because the summer term bridges two fiscal years, accruals are made to apportion the tuition revenues and operating expenses between those fiscal years. Enrollment projections and the resultant revenue projections for the FY2019 budget are based upon historical enrollment trends, the analysis of Enrollment Management Services, the advice of the Enrollment Planning Council, and available current registration data. This altogether resulted in total annual credit hour enrollment projected to decline by 9 percent from FY2018 levels. Fall 2018 credit hour enrollments fell slightly short of the budget targets, with final census date hours below last fall by 10 percent, instead of the projected 9 percent decline. It is important to note that for both the State appropriation and tuition income, revenues are recorded and reflected in this report as they are billed. Final revenue numbers will be available after the University makes all accounting adjustments during the year-end reconciliation period following June 30, 2019. These adjustments are required to account for activity such as class drop refunds, statutory waivers, bad debt allowances, and fees associated with outstanding account balances. Expenses Through the first quarter, the University spent 19.3 percent of the total $88,444,200 general operating unrestricted preliminary budget.

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 10 November 15, 2018 II. A. INFORMATION ITEM: FIRST QUARTER BUDGET TO ACTUAL

The following table provides an outline the actual University revenues and expenses compared to budget through the first quarter of FY2019.



Budget Actual

% of Current



State Appropriations 33,873,200$ 33,873,200$ 14,503,082$ 42.8%

Net Tuition Revenue 53,718,000 53,718,000 27,778,130 51.7

Net Differential Tuition Revenue 403,000 403,000 161,106 40.0

All other sources 450,000 450,000 360,337 80.1

Total Revenue 88,444,200$ 88,444,200$ 42,802,654$ 48.4%


Personal Services 71,258,077$ 71,417,233$ 14,119,402$ 19.8%

Contractual Services 10,774,771 10,643,901 1,957,467 18.4

Equipment 1,006,490 1,009,290 11,590 1.1

Commodities 884,199 838,037 47,355 5.7

Telecommunications 614,441 614,441 33,887 5.5

Travel 208,207 210,783 6,588 3.1

Permanent Improvements 200,000 190,500 - -

Operation of Auto Equip 19,015 28,015 4,613 16.5

Tuition Scholarships 1,347,000 1,360,000 373,820 27.5

Debt Service 2,132,000 2,132,000 533,486 25.0

Total Expenditures 88,444,200$ 88,444,200$ 17,088,207$ 19.3%


1. Original Budget column reflects the FY019 budget approved by the Board of Trustees in September, 2018.

2. Year-to-date expense activity does not include encumbrances.

3. The Current Budget reflects budget transfers processed between organizations and accounts.

General Operating Budget

Table 1



FOR THE PERIOD ENDING September 30, 2018


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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 11 November 15, 2018 II. B. INFORMATION ITEM: FIRST QUARTER AUDIT FINDINGS PROGRESS REPORT

As requested by the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees at its May 2018 meeting, the University will periodically report to Trustees the management of all outstanding audit findings from previous fiscal cycles. As of November 6, 2018, this report is presented as a status update of the material findings from the FY2017 external audit. The summary provides the status of each individual finding and denotes whether it is a recurring finding from prior audits. While action plans for new or repeat findings as a result of the FY2017 audit may have been completely implemented by the University, the nature of the audit cycle does not guarantee there will be no recurring findings reported in the next audit cycle (FY2018). In many instances, an issue is not identified until 6 months or more into the following fiscal year; therefore, the University is considered non-compliant prior to an issue having been identified. Since the last report, corrective action has been taken to resolve 7 more findings, leaving 5 in process. The current status of the audit findings is detailed below.

13 of 18 findings have been reported as resolved; 5 findings are in process

10 of 18 findings were repeated findings

Technology improvements, training, and accountability were recurring themes during discussions with the external auditors.

Responsible Office # of findings In process Resolved

Controller’s Office 4 1 3

Human Resources 1 1

Human Resources & Academic Affairs

2 1 1

Information Technology 4 2 2

Purchasing 1 1

Internal Auditing 1 1

Financial Aid 3 3

Legal Affairs 2 2

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 12 November 15, 2018 II. B. INFORMATION ITEM: FIRST QUARTER AUDIT FINDINGS PROGRESS REPORT

2017 Report


Prior Years

Findings Finding Status

Responsible Office


Material Findings

001 None

Inadequate controls over financial close & reporting In Process Controller

Engaging a consultant to correct remaining Banner workflow items

002 2


Inaccurate FISAP reporting for federal Perkin Loan program

Resolved Controller

003 2


Reporting to National Student Loan Data System

Resolved Financial Aid

004 None Untimely notification of disbursement of loan and TEACH grants

Resolved Financial Aid

005 None Inaccurate calculation of return of Title IV funds

Resolved Financial Aid

006 None Time and Effort Reports not submitted or timely submitted

Resolved Controller

007 4


Noncompliance with the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act

Resolved HR & Academic


008 4


Noncompliance with the Campus Security Enhancement Act of 2008 (background checks)

Resolved HR

009 1


Noncompliance with the Freedom of Information Act

Resolved Legal Affairs

010 1

2016 Noncompliance with the Open Meetings Act

Resolved Legal Affairs

011 11


Time sheets not required and not timely completed and approved

In Process HR & Academic


Adjuncts & instructors are completing time sheets. Process being finalized for grad. assistants

012 1


Noncompliance with the Fiscal Control and Internal Auditing Act

In Process Internal Auditing

Online training completed; outside reviewer selected

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 13 November 15, 2018 II. B. INFORMATION ITEM: FIRST QUARTER AUDIT FINDINGS PROGRESS REPORT

2017 Report


Prior Years

Findings Finding Status

Responsible Office


013 None Inadequate controls over contractual agreements

Resolved Purchasing

014 None

Noncompliance with the university guidelines on excess funds

Resolved Controller

015 4

2013-16 Lack of disaster contingency plan

In Process Information Technology

Engaged a vendor: Server Central

016 2


Noncompliance with Payment Card Industry security standards

Resolved Information Technology

017 None Weaknesses over system access

Resolved Information Technology

018 None

Computer security weaknesses

In Process Information Technology

Securities Training to be developed in FY2019; other improvements have been implemented

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 14 November 15, 2018 II. C. INFORMATION ITEM: PURCHASES $50,000 – 99,999.99

Board of Trustees’ Regulations require that the President report to the Board purchases of at least $50,000 but less than $100,000 other than those exempt from Board approval (e.g., utilities). The following lists those purchases since the last Board meeting.



Collegiate Enterprise Solutions, LLC d/b/a

The Registry Temporary Employment Services $53,460.00

MRXI Corporation Instructors & curriculum for CAPE’s non-credit courses in healthcare, pharmacy, dental, and

veterinary services $62,700.00

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 15 November 15, 2018 II. D. INFORMATION ITEM: CONSTRUCTION UPDATE

The Capital Development Board (CDB) Building H (Steam Plant) and BBH (Bernard Brommel Hall) exterior façade projects were substantially completed on November 1st. Punch list items will be completed by November 19, 2018. Construction of the BBH Environmental Science Lab Renovation Project has been completed. Punch list items will be completed by the end of November. Options are being investigated to illuminate the existing wall mounted signage at the El Centro location, which faces the Kennedy Expressway. As of this writing, the following project is on hold pending release of State funding for the Education Building by the Capital Development Board:

Completion of Education Building construction documents, bid process, and then construction.

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 16 November 15, 2018 II. E. INFORMATION ITEM: EL CENTRO SIGNAGE ILLUMINATION

El Centro is one of Northeastern’s four locations in the Chicago area. Founded in the 1960s, it has evolved into a comprehensive center serving NEIU students and the community. Opened in the fall of 2014 adjacent to the Kennedy Expressway, the El Centro location at 3390 N. Avondale Avenue offers an array of academic courses, academic support and co-curricular programs for students, and outreach initiatives for the neighboring community. Since its opening, several options for an illuminated marquee have been discussed for the El Centro location. The most recent lighting solution has been provided by d5 Design & Metal Fabrication, LLC. Highly visible from the Kennedy Expressway, the plan is to use LED lights to illuminate the existing sign. Illumination will provide added visibility for El Centro, and enhance the presence of the University. d5 Design & Metal Fabrication, LLC Base $63,750 2439 N. Pulaski Contingency $ 6,375 Chicago, Illinois 60639 Mobilization $ 4,000

Total Costs $74,125

Sample Photometric Calculation provided by Lumenpulse Group

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 17 November 15, 2018 II. F. INFORMATION ITEM: NEWS AND EVENTS

September 21 - November 15, 2018 Immunization Compliance Campaign – Fall 2018 The introduction of a new Immunization Compliance Campaign by Health Services has collected student immunization records and provided immunization services to all students. Los Profesores Reception and Exhibit - September 24 - October 5 As part of the Latinx Heritage Month celebrations the Pedroso Center for Diversity and Intercultural Affairs highlighted the work and accomplishments of a number of Northeastern Latinx faculty in a showcase of their photographs and biographies on the first floor of the Ronald Williams Library. Queer Talk Discussion #1: Unpacking Queerness - September 27 Queer Talk is a monthly discussion group open to LGBTQ+ students and those identifying along the spectrum of queerness to share lived experiences and thoughts on societal issues relating to gender, sexuality and other intersecting identities. NEIU Alumni and Family Night @ Chicago Fire – September 29 The NEIU Alumni Association hosted over 70 NEIU students, staff, faculty and families at an NEIU Alumni and Family Night @ Chicago Fire in September. The game highlighted the winning team of NEIU’s “La Copa” soccer tournament that was held prior to NEIU Weekend’s Golden Eagle Family Picnic. Players were recognized during halftime, and the group took a post-match photo on the field. Pedroso Center 101 to Round Lake High School - October 2 As a request from the Admissions office, a staff member of the Center presented an information session focused on the programs and services offered at Pedroso, to a group of Round Lake High School student visitors. Rainbow Reception / LGBTQ+ History Month Kick-off - October 2 The Pedroso Center hosted a kick-off gathering open to students, faculty and staff as part of LGBTQ+ History Month. LGBTQ+ Transfer Student Resource Fair - October 9 As a request from the Transfer Center, the assistant director for gender and sexuality visited Joliet Junior College to provide a presentation on the support that NEIU provides to LGBTQ+ NEIU students. Processing the Kavanaugh Decision and the Laquan McDonald Case - October 10 The Pedroso Center provided safe spaces for students interested in discussing and processing how they felt about these two very important local and federal events. National Coming Out Day - October 11 In observance of National Coming Out Day, the Pedroso Center offered a series of events and activities for students, faculty and staff through a resource fair, HIV/HCV Testing, and Coming Out Support Group.

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 18 November 15, 2018 II. F. INFORMATION ITEM: NEWS AND EVENTS

CCICS Alumni Breakfast Mixer – October 13 The Jacob H. Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies (CCICS) hosted its annual Inner City Studies Alumni Breakfast Mixer. Nearly eighty alumni attended the event, including Mary Ann Braun (M.A. ’68 ICS) who was enrolled in one of the first cohorts of students at CCICS. Alumni keynote speakers were Sarudzayi Sevanhu (MA ‘81 Inner City Studies) and Charles Grantham (MA ‘93 Inner City Studies). Latinx Heritage Month Closing Ceremony: Latino Dance Showcase - October 16 A signature program of Pedroso Center, the Latino Dance Showcase was done in partnership with fraternities and sororities, as well as with Gear Up and other Campus partners. Spirit Day - October 18 The Pedroso Center along with the Campus Community observed this annual LGBTQ+ national day of awareness of bullying-related suicides of LGBTQ+ students. Students, faculty, and staff wore purple color shirts in support of LGBTQ Youth. Healthy Relationship and Wellness Presentations – October 11 and 24 Student Health Services collaborated with the Angelina Pedroso Center for Diversity and Intercultural Affairs to present Healthy Relationship and Wellness information for National Coming Out Day on October 11 and the Open Mic event on October 24. #EarlyFAFSA Fiesta - October 23 The Pedroso Center hosted an early FAFSA session where students filled out their FAFSA application aided by one of NEIU’s financial aid advisors. Laptops were provided to those who needed one. Annual Meeting of the NEIU Foundation – October 23 The eleventh anniversary of the Annual Meeting of the NEIU Foundation was held October 23 in Alumni Hall to update University donors, alumni and friends on outcomes of philanthropy over the last fiscal year and the fiscal health of the Foundation. The event featured Earth Science professor Ken Voglesonger, who highlighted his recent study tour to the Yucatan, and two Student Travel Award recipients Yadira Alonzo and Gabriela Martinez-Ramirez, who received student travel awards to present their research at academic conferences. Also speaking were students Gabriel Redd and Micha’e Avery, recipients of the Lawrence Frank Housing scholarship, Ashlei Ross and Eric Winslow of the Student Government Association; and Shawn Woods BS ’94, an alum who recently chose to establish a scholarship at NEIU. Fall 2018 Diversity Community Internship, Volunteer, and Career Fair – October 25 The Fall 2018 Diversity & Community Career Fair was held on Thursday, October 25, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Alumni Hall. There were 55 employers registered for the fair. Organizations were looking for interns, volunteers, and full-time and part-time employees. Over 190 students, alumni, and community members attended the career fair. Peace Circle - October 25 The Pedroso Center provided a space and facilitated a peace circle with NEIU students to share issues on race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality.

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 19 November 15, 2018 II. F. INFORMATION ITEM: NEWS AND EVENTS

Welcome Black - October 26 Pedroso Center collaborated with Black Student Caucus on a welcoming event for Black students on Campus. The program seek to foster community, provide resources, engage allies and celebrate members of the Black, African American and African Diasporas Dia de Muertos Altar - October 30-November 2 Pedroso provided a space for CHIMexLa to put together an altar in observance of this Latin American tradition. All NEIU communities were invited to take part of this tradition and bring placed their memories on the altar. Faculty & Staff Appeal The Faculty-Staff Campaign was sent to nearly 1,800 Northeastern faculty and staff in early November. This year, the appeal’s signatories were Michelle Morrow, Director of Scholarships, and Maureen Amos, Director of Financial Aid. The appeal encouraged new and continued contributions to the Foundation in support of students, departments and programs through payroll deductions, one-time gifts, and in-kind donations. Native & Indigenous Heritage Month Kick-off - November 1 The Pedroso Center hosted its annual Peace Fire Story and Peace Fire Ceremony where students, faculty, and staff joined. Salute to Graduates – November 7-8 The Office of Alumni Relations hosted an Alumni Association table at this semester’s Salute to Graduates event. Attended by more than 500 students who will graduate in December 2018, the bi-annual event offers students multiple services and programs, including commencement ticket pickup, job search advice, graduation announcements and jewelry orders, cap and gown purchase, career and graduation portrait photos. Graduates and alumni staff promoted the 2018 Class Gift at the event, encouraging each graduate to donate $20.18. Queer Talk Discussion #3: Queer Love - November 13 Queer Talk is a monthly discussion group open to LGBT+ students and those identifying along the spectrum of queerness to share lived experiences and thoughts on societal issues relating to gender, sexuality and other intersecting identities. QueerGiving - November 15 This Thanksgiving celebration was a collaborative event between the Pedroso Center and the Pride Alliance student organization. Delivery of free food to El Centro and CCICS from the NEIU Student Pantry Student Health Services facilitated the delivery of free food from the NEIU Student Pantry to El Centro and Carruthers Center for Inner City Studies (CCICS) students at their respective sites. Student Health Services expand services to El Centro and CCICS Student Health Services now has regularly scheduled clinic hours on site at El Centro and CCICS.

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President’s Report to the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University 20 November 15, 2018 II. F. INFORMATION ITEM: NEWS AND EVENTS

Student Philanthropy Initiative The Student Philanthropy Initiative engages students in fundraising from beginning of academic career to instill a culture of giving. Managed by Assistant Director of Alumni Relations Ashley Agron. Fall 2018 semester events included the Piggy Bank Savings Challenge, Student Philanthropy Survey, co-sponsoring Paint & Sip with the Pedroso Center, a webinar on Engaging Students in Philanthropy During All 4 Years hosted by Annual Giving Network and preparing for Spring 2019 annual events such as Penny Wars, March Mania Philanthropy Month, and Pie-lanthropy Bake. Class of 2018 Class Gift Campaign In Fall 2018, three students were selected for the Class Gift Scholarship. These students, along with Student Philanthropy Committee members have raised more than $3,500 for the Class Gift this year. The final amount for the year will be presented to the President at December Commencement. In Common Magazine The Division of Institutional Advancement and Division of Public Relations and Marketing published In Common magazine for alumni and donors in late August. The cover story highlighted Northeastern’s research and development, including how the University is preparing the next generation of scientists.