Visual Trends Guide 2017

Post on 16-Jan-2017

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Visual Trends Guide2017

Visual Trends Guide2017

Visual Trends Guide2017

Visual Trends2017

With the new iPhone and Google's Pixel cameras, it appears 2016 will mark the final shift of photography to smartphones. How will technology and social media change photography in 2017?

WeWe have analyzed data from Depositphotos's search algorithms and collaborated with top designers and photographers in the industry to discover what's in demand. As a result, let's explore the significant trends that have emerged and trends that will continue to dominate visual communications in the coming year.

In 2016, according to Deloitte, 2.5 trillion photos were shared and stored online, and 90% of them were taken with a smartphone.

90s are back — for real


90s nostalgia will remain on trend in visual communications; it is another step towards more sincere, candid and close-to-life images. Polaroid-like snapshots, flash photos and a bold, colorful style will all emerge from this trend. Film filters associated with the 90s add a personal touch to photographs, deliveringdelivering a storytelling effect that digital photos often lack.

Emotions and movement


When everyone is somewhat of a photographer, the demand for original, candid and authentic images continues to grow. Highly visual consumers don't react the same way to polished photos with posed models; they want emotions, flaws, the grit of life, and real people in action. Relatable photos that personalize a story and capture a moment (like a Snapchat story) continue to trend heavily.

“We create and like our content in a specific way for Snapchat, a different way for Instagram and a whole other way for Twitter. The nature of each platform allows our creativity to be triggered in various ways to make the best and most optimum use of them. It challenges us as creatives and it's an exciting time indeed.”

Samuel Carter Mensah

Designer at AKQALondon/ NIKE

“People are still wanting well composed (or at least interestingly composed) images, but don't want the sterile stock photos that we have seen so often. The challenge is to capture real life looking images - images that don't appear set up. Captured in a way that appears natural and candid, yet has refinement enough to make the image interesting.”

Tyler Olson

Professional photographer,one of the top contributors at Depositphotos

Connected world


We trust our smart devices with our health and security, we use our chatbots to read news and share our everyday moments through social media. We haven't reached singularity yet and content simply can't keep pace with rapid technological advancements. It makes it more challenging, yet also more rewarding for designers and creatives.

The demand for "internet of things" images on Depositphotos has doubled in 2016, and will continue to rise.

“I think the development in this field will be insane as devices are interacting with each other more smoothly each year. It makes it more challenging, yet also more rewarding for designers and creatives.”

Mart Biemans

Illustrator and DigitalArtist

[Still] challenging stereotypes


Authentic photography showcases a reflection of the world we live in, with an accent on diversity through representations of different ethnicities, genders, cultures, ages, sexual orientations and appearances. Images of the unconventional, the different personalities in the workplace, leisure and exercise activities are in great demand in microstock and are trending with media.

Video domination


360 degree, 4K and aerial video are some of the hottest trends this year, as a result of new gear that allows to shoot in these formats. GIFs are also popular with social media and news feeds as a perfect preview format for video content.

According to Syndacast, by 2017 as much as 74% of all internet traffic will be video content.



With the latest Elon Musk claims and NASA project successes, the Moon, Mars and the rest of the cosmos seems now closer than ever before. Images of galaxies and nebulae are trending in social media and commercial photography, illustrating the latest discoveries and showing the beauty of outer space.

Bold and bright still life


Sometimes, the picture of everyday objects can tell a story better than an action shot. Through vivid colors and contrast, an eye-catching photo of an object makes quite the statement; photos of gadgets, food, accessories and utilities will turn into bright pop-art images.

Moody, minimalistic landscapes


Imagine austere Scandinavian panoramas and mid-season monochrome scenery. This is what is trending now: deserted nature, unusual patterns, mist, rain and quiet stillness. The secret here should be on leaving a few elements in the shot and removing any other distractions as well as mastering minimalism through color manipulation.

Drone photography


Drones bring limitless possibilities in playing with new angles and illuminating ordinary objects in a never before seen perspective. From impressive cityscapes and coastlines to new angles on architecture and travel pictures.

“Drones are becoming a mainstream tool for photography. I expect to see more photography from a drone's high altitude view throughout 2017. Photos taken from high in the sky are powerful and captivating; they offer unique aerial perspectives with a sense of adventure. The prices of drones are dropping and the quality and functionality rising — now, drones are more accessible than ever.”

Antony Kitson

Digital Designer,Founder of OneTenEleven Media

Simple patterns


Like any other piece in visual content trends in background patterns are authentic, bold and unique. There is demand for photos that capture ordinary objects revealing patterns in nature, textiles or graphic design. On the other hand, there is a need for simple lines and bold color patterns that help to create clear interfaces for smartphones and devices.

Technology-driven Generation Z


Tough to capture but trending heavily are images of teenagers and youth that embody the essence of the technology-driven Generation Z. They can be described as open minded, socially conscious, social media savvy and are experts at multitasking on multiple devices simultaneously as they have never seen a world without them.

“To me, technology is the new power tool. As with any of the tools we have, it could be used for better or for worse. We have to be vigilant that human beings are the main concern in this evolution, and not be overwhelmed by the infinite possibilities of technology. This is especially true with the young people that are born into a world that is already technology-driven.”

Xavier Bourdil

Art director,Illustrator

DIY stories


We admire entrepreneurs and artists, adore personalized, handmade things and crowdfund audacious projects. While mass production and consumerism culture still dominates the world, small businesses and the do-it-yourself philosophy have won the hearts of millions.

We noticed that search inquiries for "patchwork" photos have increased on 98% and for "entrepreneur" stock images — on 124% during 2016.


To read the full feature on the Visual Trends of 2017,