Visual inventory miguel-soco

Post on 22-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Visual inventory miguel-soco

Visual InventoryMiguel Soco

Let me take this time to thank you for the opportunity to recreate your website!

In this presentation, I will be displaying several pieces of work that could be incorporated into the new design of your website. They will follow three design components which include concept, color, and tone.

So let’s get started! (NOTE: Some of the websites that will be presented are just concepts of big company names.


Websites with a very detailed-oriented con·cept is what captures the

user’s attention, making them intrigued into what the company has to

offer. A great concept keeps the audience on your website as well as

explore the many different areas that would hand them much more

information that you provide about the company.

For companies such as yours that create and build products, ideas, programs, etc. it is best to have a an interface that shows off an

example of what you would like to sell to your clients. Here we see a web-based finance service Mint’s homepage shows off just an

example of the what one of their graphs look like when users sign up with the service.

A well known concept that makes the website look very contemporary and more usable as well as fun for the user is the single-page interface, where most of the material lies within just one page (usually the homepage). Of course there is more material around the website but much of what the users want to know about your company or brand are placed in one single page.

In this web design portfolio site, the company has organized their material into sections on their homepage, with testimonials, samples of their work, contact information, prices, etc.


What type of col·or should your website carry? Seems like a very simple question but its importance is as vital as the functioning of a website.

Choosing the right color palette for a site is

essential to communicate your message, brand your product or service, and, if

you are an online business, sell your products.

It is best not to overemphasize the color of your website because it will defeat the whole purpose of why visitors have come on to your site. Rather we use a simplistic color palette just like these two examples.

Both of these companies above use only around 2-4 colors on their websites. WerkPress has a turquoise background with some light red emphasizing the major anchor points that leads to their request page. Books@Work uses the same kind of concept with their color. For this site however, they divide sections of the main page by changing the type of blue from light to dark to contrast them for better readibility.

Minimal colors does not mean you cannot be fun. It is also good to have some color related to the theme of what your company is promoting. The Tea Factory uses fun, simplistic colors which closely relate to the colors of tea.

One really trendy style of websites is the great use of white space. Not only does it help to reduce the cognitive load for the users, but it makes it possible to recognize the information presented to them.


Your Web site is often one of the first places where your prospects will form an impression of your company. What you say on your homepage is critical, but how you say it is equally important.

The tone of a company’s site often gives a user an idea of what kind of work they are able to do and how much their creative minds can carry depending on what services they provide.

So, how do you strike the right tone with web visitors? It starts with your web designer and early on establishing your understanding of common tone words.

You can have a fun and entertaining tone to make users feel comfortable using cheerful, exciting and cheerful.

You could even put in some sarcasm.Today, we take it to mean a dry, darkly comedic tone typical of Twitter posts and aloof teenagers. Make sure you match your tone to your audience so that web visitors understand when you’re joking.

Do you want to inspire others, and let the users know that you are passionate about what you do to let them know you mean serious business?

The websites you see here on this slide all have a very unique and passionate tone on their homepages. Rather than being playful and sarcastic, the words used in these sites are heartfelt and enthusiastic about their company.

So there you have it! Many of what you saw today are ideas and examples that can influence the outcome of the new design of your website. All dealing with Content, Color, and Tone. I would love to hear from you about what you consider. If you feel in anyway opposed to any of the ideas in this presentation or would like to get ahold of me, please feel free to give me a call whenever you are available and we will discuss further developments toward to building of your new and exciting website!

Thank You!