Vinci da Quiz - The Art Quiz

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Transcript of Vinci da Quiz - The Art Quiz


To create the image Fitzpatrick made a paper negative on a piece of equipment called a grant. They were then printed in one color black and

one color red, and he handpainted the star in yellow. Fitzpatrick "wanted the image to breed like rabbits" and hand printed

thousands of images to give away to anyone for free in London, in addition to getting friends to pass them out while encouraging others to make their own versions. He printed about a hundred copies at a time to

fulfill the demand of political groups in Ireland, France, and the Netherlands who began requesting the image.

Fitzpatrick never copyrighted the image because he wanted it to be mass produced.

What image?



Normally, X is formed by the aging of paints. It can be used to determine the age of paintings and to detect art forgery, because X is a hard-to-forge

signature of authenticity.

Different types of art can be distinguished on the basis of their Xs :Italian: usually perpendicular to the grain of the panel

Flemish: usually ordered networkDutch: usually connected network

French: usually curved cracksItalian: can have small to large islands

Give X/funda.




The powerful volcanic eruption of Krakatoa, deeply tinted sunset skies red in parts of the Western hemisphere for months during 1883 and

1884, as described her in this diary entry by X:"I was walking along the road with two friends -- then the sun set -- all at once the sky became blood red -- and I felt overcome with melancholy. I stood still and leaned against the railing, dead tired -- clouds like blood

and tongues of fire hung above the blue-black fjord and the city. My friends went on, and I stood alone, trembling with anxiety. I felt a great,

unending ______ piercing through nature."If you answer this, Steven Tyler would be proud.


The Scream, by Edvard Munch


Known as Jugendstil in Germany, Modern in Russia, Modernisme in Spain, Secession in Austria-Hungary and as Stile Liberty in Italy,

X is an international philosophy and style of art, architecture and applied art—especially the decorative arts—that was most popular during 1890–


The style has many names in different countries but it’s popular usage is the French name.

A reaction to academic art of the 19th century, it was inspired by natural forms and structures, not only in flowers and plants, but also in curved

lines. Architects tried to harmonize with the natural environment.

Id X.


Art Nouveau


Around 8 days before her death, heavily drugged, Y added the inscription "X" to one of her painting, as if signing off. The phrase "X" reflected the

artist's irony of acclaiming life while suffering physically.

This inspired the title of an album. When asked about it, the lead singer said: "She went through a lot of shit, of course, and then she started a big

painting in her house that said 'X', I just loved the boldness of it.", referring to Y's strength, enduring polio, a broken spine, and a decade of

chronic pain.

Give X and Y.


X – Viva la Vida!; Y – Frida Kahlo


‘For the Love of God ’by X consists of a platinum cast of an 18th-century human skull encrusted with 8,601 flawless diamonds, including a pear-

shaped pink diamond located in the forehead that is known as the Skull Star Diamond. The skull's teeth are original, and were purchased by X in London.

The artwork is a Memento mori, or reminder of the mortality of the viewer. In 2007, art historian Rudi Fuchs, observed: 'The skull is out of this world,

celestial almost. It proclaims victory over decay. At the same time it represents death as something infinitely more relentless. Compared to the

tearful sadness of a vanitas scene, the diamond skull is glory itself.‘

The Guardian writes about X: “X is a brand, because the art form of the 21st century is marketing. To develop so strong a brand on so conspicuously

threadbare a rationale is hugely creative - revolutionary even.”



X – Damien Hirst


During the Second World War, X remained in Paris while the Germans occupied the city. X's artistic style did not fit the Nazi ideal of art, so he did not exhibit during this time. He was often harassed by the Gestapo. During one search of his apartment, an officer saw a photograph of the painting Y. "Did you do that?" the German asked X. "No," he replied,

"You did".

Give X and Y.


X – Pablo Picasso; Y – Guernica


This painting ‘Lady with an Ermine’ by Leonardo da Vinci, when exhibited in The Museum

of Fine Arts, Houston, was described as "signaling a

breakthrough in the art of psychological portraiture".

It was one of the visual inspirations for Philip Pullman's concept of Y, appearing in the X

series of novels. Identify X and Y.


X – His Dark Materials; Y – Daemon


What is this self-portrait by Van Gogh (believed by some to be his last) titled? It is one of the most expensive paintings of all time, selling for

$71.5 million in 1998 in New York.

The title is a literal description of the most noticeable difference from most of his other self-portraits. (Please don’t say his ear).


Self-portrait Without Beard


X 's father was an art teacher and encouraged his son to express himself creatively. He showed a great fascination for klecksography, so much so

that his friends called him klecks.Upon graduating, he was torn between a career in arts and sciences but

ultimately chose science on the advise of German biologist Haeckel.

Give X.

Know that we aren't the only ones looking for instinctive answers in this question.


Hermann Rorschach






This poet, author and playwright liked to doodle on his corrections, so when he crossed out something he would make a doodle out of it.

He took up painting at sixty and had various exhibitions throughout Europe

He was also most probably red-green colour blind and so his works had strange colour schemes.

Identify him.


Rabindranath Tagore


Trivia: Anopheles is Greek for ‘useless,’ among other things.

Almost an antonym to the above term, the Greek name X derives from "helpful, aid, advantage.”

X is a painting by British artist Sir John Everett Millais depicting X, a character from a very famous literary piece.

The work was not widely regarded when first exhibited at the Royal Academy, but has since come to be admired for its beauty and its

accurate depiction of a natural landscape. The painting is presently held at Tate Britain, London, and is valued by

experts at least £30 million.

Give X. Also the name of a moon of Uranus.


Ophelia from Hamlet,singing before she drowns in a river in Denmark.


Ezio didn’t get it, but did you?


Leonardo da Vinci being gay(?)



Gian Giacomo Caprotti da Oreno, better known as X ("The Devil", lit. "The little

unclean one"), was an Italian artist and pupil of Leonardo da Vinci from 1490 to 1518. X entered Leonardo's household at the age of

10.He was described as one of Leonardo's

students and lifelong servant and is the presumed model for Leonardo's paintings St. John the Baptist (shown here) and Bacchus. Although Leonardo described him as "a liar, a thief, stubborn and a glutton" and he stole from Leonardo on at least five occasions, he kept him in his household for more than 25

years, in which he trained as an artist. It is widely speculated that X was Leonardo's




John Roffe Grand was an American portrait painter known for inventing X.

The invention of X revolutionized the world of painting as due to the invention, it became easier for artists to paint outdoors. Improvements in the

design of X led to several other types of inventions. X also helped improve the consistency of color that the artists used, as it was

better than what they could make.

Renoir said about the invention X ,“Without _____ __ _____, there would have been no Impressionism.”

Id the invention X.


Collapsible Zinc Tubesor

Paint Tubes

122Rahul Mehra, SSC

A X is a hallmark of French academic art. It refers to the process of smoothing the surface quality of a painting so that the presence of the artist's hand is no

longer visible. It was codified by the French Academy in the eighteenth century in order to distinguish 'professional' art from that produced by


Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres summed up the academic technique: "The brushstroke, as accomplished as it may be, should not be visible: otherwise, it

prevents the illusion, immobilizes everything. Instead of the object represented, it calls attention to the process: instead of the thought, it betrays

the hand.“

The rejection of the X in favor of visible brushstrokes is one of the hallmarks of Impressionism.

‘French’ might serve as a hint.


Licked Finish


X led a tumultuous life. He was notorious for brawling, even in a time and place when such behavior was commonplace, and the transcripts of his police

records and trial proceedings fill several pages.

On 29 May 1606, he killed, possibly unintentionally, a young man from Terni (Umbria). The circumstances of the brawl and the death of remain mysterious but it is said that X in an inebriated state challenged the young man to a duel

and killed him.Ultimately, a death warrant was issued for him by the Pope but X managed to

successfully flee to Palermo.

Three years later, in an attempt to get back to his homeland, X painted a self-portrait and was granted a pardon for his sins.

However, X died on the way in Naples (or murdered).What did X paint ?


Caravaggio painted David with the head of Goliath.As his plea for a pardon, his self portrait was in the form of Goliath’s head

which David is holding.


X is the usual English rendering of a French slogan from the 19th century, and expresses a philosophy that the intrinsic value of art, an the only “true” art, is

divorced from any didactic, moral or utilitarian function.X was a bohemian creed in the nineteenth century, a slogan raised in defiance

of those who — from John Ruskin to the much later Communist advocates of socialist realism — thought that the value of art was to serve some moral

or didactic purpose.

James McNeill Whistler wrote : “Art should be independent of all claptrap —should stand alone [...] and appeal to the artistic sense of eye or ear, without confounding this with emotions entirely foreign to it, as devotion, pity, love,

patriotism and the like.”Ironically, the term is sometimes used commercially. A Latin version of this

phrase is used as a motto by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and appears in the circle around the roaring head of Leo the Lion in its motion picture logo.


Art for art’s sake


A mathematical set that typically displays self-similar patterns, Fractals are complex geometric shapes with fine structure at arbitrarily small scales.

Usually they have some degree of self-similarity. If we magnify a tiny part of a fractal, we will see features reminiscent of the whole.

One example of these self-repeating patterns in the world of art can be found in the works of Max Ernst which he demonstrated through Decalcomania, a technique which involves pressing paint between two surfaces and pulling

them apart.

In whose work would you find fractals or fractal like patterns ?

Think Modern Art.


Jackson Pollock


“For over eight years we spent our days working in adjoining rooms on the 3rd floor of The Times of India building in Bombay.

After watching my interests he designed my man-in-the-bulb logo.

I was shown scribbling on a sheet of paper with a pile of books on one side and a bottle of whisky on the other. Ever since, whenever my articles appear, editors use

the bulb logo designed by X over forty years ago. Believe it or not, on many occasions I have received letters simply addressed to: Man-in-the-bulb, New


Whose quote? Who was X?


Khushwant Singh on Mario Miranda


X’s artistic output reminds us that “no matter how naturalistically we depict an object, we never do catch the item itself”. Identify X, who is

seen in his passport photograph. (Hint: The Bigger Picture is important!)


Rene Magritte (The pipe is the clue!)


Invented in 1842 by Sir John Herschel, X is the result of photoreductionof paper sensitized with a mixture of ferric ammonium citrate and

potassium ferricyanide.Upon exposure to light a portion of the ferric (Fe+3) ions are reduced to

ferrous ions (Fe+2). The ferrous ions can then react with ferricyanideions to form ________ ____. After exposure to light the print is rinsed

with water and the insoluble ________ ____remains in the exposed areas of the paper, while the water soluble ferric salts are removed from

the unexposed areas.

Herschel considered it as mainly a means of reproducing notes and diagrams, but it was Anna Atkins who brought this to photography.

She created a limited series of X books that documented ferns and other plant life from her extensive seaweed collection.

Too chemical for an Art quiz? Nah, it’s all part of my masterplan.


Cyanotype, or Blueprint


Carl Barks was the most prolific writer and artist for the Disney _____ comics. He created multiple characters for Disney, including X which in

turn inspired the cartoon form anime. But possibly Bark's greatest contribution was the influence of X on one Osamu Tezuka.

Don't recognize the name? Well, Tezuka has a few nicknames, like "The Father of Manga," or "The

Godfather of Anime." Tezuka's work basically invented manga after World War II, and himself says that he owes absolutely all of this to none other than X. Tezuka's entire artistic style - including such trademarks as the overly large, cutesy eyes and small mouths - can still be seen today as

defining aspects of Japanese animation.


Scrooge McDuck


X is an 1888 oil-on-canvas painting by the English Pre-Raphaelite painter John William Waterhouse in Tate Britain in London, where it is

usually on display, in room 1840 in 2013.The work is a representation of a scene from an iconic eponymous work

of literature by Y. What am I looking for?


The Lady of Shalott


Give me the title of this cartoon which is a play on the title of the painting it is referencing. I also want the painter of the original painting.


The Rude descending a staircase, a play on Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2


This picture is from the video for Alt-J’s Tessellate. Where is it set?


Raphael’s ‘School of Athens’


The flag of Gran Colombia was based on a design by the revolutionary Francisco de Miranda and

served as the model for the current flags of Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela after the

breakup of Gran Colombia in 1830.

The inspiration for this design came to him from a late night conversation he had during a party in

Weimar in 1785.

With whom?


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


The artist X produced several triptychs. Among his most famous is The Garden of Earthly Delights. This painting, for which the original title has not survived, depicts paradise with Adam and Eve and many wondrous animals on the left

panel, the earthly delights with numerous nude figures and tremendous fruit and birds on the middle panel, and hell with depictions of fantastic punishments of

the various types of sinners on the right panel.

Name the artist, please, whose work is known for its use of fantastic imagery to illustrate moral and religious concepts and narratives.



What you see in pic is a work of art by Marcel Duchamp first conceived in 1919. The work is

one of what Duchamp referred to as readymades, or more specifically, an assisted

ready-made. Pioneered by him, the readymade involves taking mundane, often

utilitarian objects not generally considered to be art and transforming them, by adding to them, changing them, or simply renaming them and placing them in a gallery setting. Here, the objet trouvé ("found object") is a

cheap postcard reproduction of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa onto which Duchamp drew

a moustache and beard in pencil and appended the title.

The title of the piece is at least as irreverent as the piece itself, and relies on a French

double entendre.

Question: what was the title? 1216


L.H.O.O.Q.Pronounced "Elle a chaud au cul” in French,

it sounds like "She is hot in the arse."

A putto (plural: putti) is a commonly recurring figure in art. They are commonly confused with, yet are completely unrelated to, cherubim, in that they are secular and represent a non-religious passion. However, in the Baroque period of art, the putto came to represent the omnipresence

of God.Putti, in the ancient classical world of art, were ______ _______ that were believed to influence human lives. In Renaissance art, the form of

the putto was derived in various ways including the Greek Eros or Roman Amor, the god of love and companion of Aphrodite or Venus; the

Roman, genius, a type of guardian spirit; or sometimes the Greek, daemon, a type of messenger spirit, being halfway between the realms of

the human and the divine. They have also been associated with peace, prosperity, mirth, and leisure.

What do they look like?



X, which means "she who is milk-white" is a

name popularly applied to the statue carved of ivory by

Pygmalion of Cyprus, which then came to life, in Greek mythology.

X of the Spheres is a painting by Y made in 1952. It depicts ____, his wife and muse, as composed of a matrix of spheres seemingly suspended in space. It represents

a synthesis of Renaissance art and atomic theory and illustrates

the ultimate discontinuity of matter, the spheres themselves representing atomic particles.


X – Galatea; Y – Salvador Dali


An X (from the Italian/Dutch, meaning strong, heavy paper or pasteboard) was originally a full-size drawing made on sturdy paper as a

study or modello (preparatory drawing )for a painting, stained glass or tapestry. X were typically used in the production of frescoes, to

accurately link the component parts of the composition when painted on damp plaster over a series of days.

Xs by painters, such as the Raphael Xs in London and examples by Leonardo da Vinci, are highly prized in their own right. Tapestry Xs, usually coloured, were followed by eye by the weavers on the loom.

The term X is familiar to us in a very different context. Give X.

(Image on next slide)





In 1875 X, a French painter, made a series of lithographs for a translation of Y’s work Z. Give all.


X – Édouard Manet;Y – Edgar Allan Poe; Z – Raven


Identify this famous American artist and social activist who paved the way for HIV/AIDS activism, whose art-style has been copied below.


Keith Haring


Flaming Star is a 1960 Western film starring X. In a work titled Double _____ by Andy Warhol, two images were overlapped with the use of a

strobe effect sourced from a publicity still from the movie. The piece (silkscreen ink and spray paint on canvas) shows _____

______ in a gunslinger pose.Warhol made 22 versions of the "Double ____,” nine of which are held

in museums.

Just fill in the blank to give me the name of the person painted by Warhol.




He initially started out with watercolours, painting Biblical themes, but later changed his style, basing it on a painting style which had evolved

around a temple in Western India.It is this style, named after its place of origin, which is most identified with the artist. This style involves the use of natural bold colours and

thick black outlines.

Give the artist and the style he is famous for.


Jamini Roy, Kalighat Pat


What is this list about?

24(Contd. on next slide)


Locations of the Thinker sculptures.


The given Monty Python sketch is based on an insanely famous painting X by Y. Though in the video, Y is replaced by Michaelangelo, the story

concerned is about Y’s painting X.


‘Feast in the House of Levi’ by Paolo Veronese

