Village o重Hiram June 30, 2015

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Transcript of Village o重Hiram June 30, 2015

Ca量萱to Order:

Com血i請ee Members Present:

Com血i録ee Members Absent:

Hiram O飾lcials Present:


Village o重Hiram

Fi血ance Committee Meeting Minutes

June 30, 2015

Chaiman Tom Wadkins called the meeting to order如7‥22 pin immediately following

the Special Council meeting.

Tom Wadkins, Chaiman

Lou Be巾紬d, Mayor

Rob Dempsey, Councilman

Paul Spencer, Councilm紬

Frank Hemphil量, Councilman

Susan S血ovan, Fiscal O飾cer

Robe巾W○○d, Village Administrator

James McGee, Asst. Village Administrator

Bill Byers, Fire Chief

Mark Kozak, Fire Captain

Dave Smith, Councilman

Jennifer Syx & Jordan Warfield with Insite Advisory Group

Agenda: A motion to approve the agenda as submi償ed was made by Mayor Be巾rand with a second血om Mr.

Dempsey・ Motion passed un紬imously.

Minutes: A motion to approve the meeting minutes of May 26, 2015 as submi請ed was made by Mayor Bertrand

with a second丘om Mr・ Wadkins・ Motion passed unanimously・

Guests佃ublic: Ms. Syx thanked the Mayor and Chaiman for allowing them to speak, introduced Mr. Warfield and her

and passed out a packet for review by members・ The packet is an oveⅣiew of the seⅣices they o鴨r.

Their organization represents cities like New Franklin and Nofton. They develop tax incentives in order

for communities to create economic development. Their organization represents cities like New Franklin

and Norton as well as the City of Aurora and Bainbridge Township. In order to develop a business

co正dor, a community really needs the availabi砂ofw加er and sewer. Their organization has

comections with the State of ohio, Jobs Ohio and ODOT to help secure grant珊nds in order to improve

in鮒s巾cture needs・ They also work with the pla皿ing and zoning to help develop their community the

way the community wishes it to be developed・ Ifpeople狐e leaving your Village to dine, go to the

grocery store, the phamacy or the dry cleaners; you have a leakage of dollars going out of your Village.

Jordan Warfield spoke on House Bill 203 which is the Startup Ohio Initiative, if passed, it would provide

$ 1 00 million dollars to spur economic enrichment and create tax free zones surrounding college campuses

for entrepreneurs and businesses to grow. Mr. Spencer and Mr. Wadkins spoke about our community's

comprehensive pla皿・ Our Village simp量y宣acks紬y紬ancial tools to help someone. Chaiman Wadkins

spoke on the Vi‖age's assets including a large w如er and sewer鳥・cility as wel重as having money in the

bank; we are in fairly good shape. Finance asked Jennifer and Jordan how they get paid for their services.

Jem挽r said they are paid by a retainer and t肋would include甜ending meetings, in-house work and

conference calling. Jennifer went on to provide a brief overview of the services they could provide.

Mayor Be直rand noted our Village is very dependent on resources舟om Hiram Co=ege・ The Village ●

picked up the Hike & Bike prqiect which the College sta請ed in order to see it to completion. The Mayor


added we do have some opportunities here even though we do not oun the property; we have 35 acres in

an industrial area and there are 88 acres amexed to the Village which is ouned by Hiram College.

We, as a Village, should be looking into this for the next five years and beyond that into the future. Paul

wanted to talk dollars and cents; he asked Jemifer what their hourly rate would be. Jemifer said,

typically they do not have an hourly rate; it is by the project. Their range is between $175-225 per hour

for both Jemifer and Jordan. The Finance meetings would be the proper forum for this type of

interfacing with Insite Advisory Group or any others before any recommendation to Council.

Future Business :  None

Old Business:    None

Now Business:    None

Depa巾me皿t Updates:

PoⅡce De脚血e皿t: Po重i∞ Chief則S皿∞ was not preseⅡt皿s even血g・ Chai血劃Wadkins血fb血ed members he had

spoken with Chief Samec regarding the Reverse 91 1 ; there was no additional feedback from hin.

Fire Department: Fire chiefBill Byers reported there are write「)ffs tonight.

ChiefByers spoke on the Reverse 91 1 system. Bill forwarded an email he received from the

Director of Homeland Security; Poriage County has a program that you pay to play with no

contracts. Bill contacted 34 companies; the most economical one he found is the sane company

Mant脚Villnge is using. The Chief did not release that number until he knows what direction the

Cormittee would like to take on this. Chaiman Wadkius noted the Committee was merely

looking for infomation; he does not believe they are ready for any action at this tine. Hiram

Tounship is cunently with the Sheriffs o飾ce through the IT department at the County. Chief

Byers has been in contact with Mant脚Village's Service Direetor; she said most of the time it is

used for water/sewer outages and boil alerts. Bob Wood felt it would be a good tool but added that

it probal]ly would not be used often. Bill was asked to inquire at the College and Tounship.

Chief Byers brought up for discussion with regard to the passage of the two levies; the department

brought forward a new payroll structue which included overtine pay for holidays. The Village

handbook contradicts the SOG's of the Fire Department. Chaiman Wadkius questioned paying

holiday pay to part-tine employees. The Chief reminded everyone this was discussed as part of the

new payroll structue due to di締iculty filling holiday shifts. We may want to consider this type of

pay "incentive pay�&�F�"�F�����ニ芳����W'F蒙R���停�f匁��6R�ヨVヨ&W'2�vW&R�6�6W&觀B�v友�

setting precedence and asked about the Police Department? Chief Byers checked with our solicitor,

Mr. Reitz; he is not aware of anything that would prohibit this other than our Village handbook.

Susan asked Bill whether that would be an 8 hour holiday pay at overtime or the 24 shift they are

scheduled on? The Chiefsaid this would be 24 hous at time and a half. There was discussion

regarding the Fire Department wanting to pay an individual for 24 hours at overtime pay for

working a holiday; others felt it could not be more than 8 hours. Dave Smith understood Bill's

concems over血e di飾cu吋血釧血g血e sh脇s du血g holidays; it is incen血e, Dave劇t maybe

伽s should be c○鵬idered血∞n鉦e pay・ Chaim紬Wadkins asked if it has been budgeted・ Chief

Byers said that Mark Kozak put the numbers together following the levies; it was plamed for.

Finance wondered whether our Police Department has the sane problem of filling shifts during

holidays. We promised 24 hour coverage to the electorate if the levies passed for Fire and EMS.

The Mayor did not want to treat the two departments differently; they are both safety forces.


Chaiman Wadkins said he would like to take a look at the Standard Operating Guidelines; SOG's

for the Fire Department and review the Police SOP's. Typically, your SOG's would trump because

they are your safety forees. The Mayor added that our handbook is by ordinance. The Finance

Co皿i請∞劇t the Mayor should make a detem誼ation on∞ he has a ch紬∞ to坤eak w肌仙e

Polioo Ch癌Once a detemi咄ion is made, we c細山en up抽e our h紬dbook.

The Fire Department received a "Thank You" card.

My Life Plan has reached out to the College and the Mayor; in the past they had been a飾liated with

many other fne d印artments; Bill is not aware of any departments they are affiliated with right now.

Ma庇said仙ey w針e誼Stow for a sho部血e;仙ey had issues w地心e正bus誼ess pmcti∞s紬d

misrepresenting themselves. My Life Plan has a biometric reader to display the medical history of

an individ脚l. This is a fee based service. Whether or not to participate in this program would be

oompletely up to each血divid肋1 depa巾ment.

Vilぬge Ad血相tilitie±: Bob Wood reported hiring his new Assistant Village Administrator, James McGee. James

provided some background on hinself.

There is no change in the status of the Hike & Bike Trall project.

Regarding the building expansion; Bob contacted the engineering fim of Manfress. Bob suggests

sticking with our original plan to have two new bays, keep it simple and to go with a block

structure, 30'x 60'. We will need engineering and arohitectural work. We are looking at

approximately $8,000 for engineering, which would be paid out of our Capital Improvement funds.

We also need to put together a 3-5 year capital plan for our vehicles/equipment. Bob added he is

looking to squeeze out of our budget for a new skag mower. Susan will work on reports for the

Depa血ents on仙e正Capital Funds.

Fiscal O飾cer/Adl垂E: !聖n Sh叩p wanted to ask Chief Byers about a call from Airgas regarding a lease renewal for a

cylinder and if he knows anything about it. Bob Wood said we do not have any leased bottles for

acetylene. This bill is a non-issue and Bob said he would take care of it.

Regarding the new copier; we did receive infomation about our current copies. We average 2,900

copies a month. Our contract was for 6,700 copies. Susan will be getting more infomation for

quo調ions・ She should have皿ee quotes total・ D00s F血紬∞ w紬t鵬FO to ch紬ge o皿c○p宣er

early and pay the buyrout of our cunent machine, or wait until our lease is up? Finance members

felt Susan should bring the cost options for both to their next meeting for a decision.

The Village Administrator and she are still looking at rates for our electric and gas suppliers.

蓋u.S:eirs鵠曇豊:eetx?uc::n:]葦霊e,#4thTy changes from the deparment heeds

Mayo r: Mayor Be巾and repo巾ed on the le請er sent to Marilane Spencer regarding the possibi均of her

donating property to expand our cemetery along Ryder Road. She wrote back to the Mayor

t抽she was not interested血don如ing the血nd; she was looking at餓r market value. Finance

Committee members reviewed the County property tax appraisals and suggested offering her

$30,000 for 10 acres of her property and see if we can get her a tax credit for the rest of the value.

The Mayor provided members with details about the upcoming 4th of July festivities.


Bills List:

Regarding the Park Board; the Mayor felt the position of Village Administrator should be

considered a full voting member on this board. Paul Spencer does not feel "employees" should be

voting members; he does not think it is proper・珊e VA can ce血inly a鵬nd the meetings,

pa血cip如e and have input, but with no voting rights・ Bob W○○d commented th加he is鯛ne with

having input on bo仙the P紬k Board and Beau佃c加ion meetings without voting rights・

A motion to approve the bills list was made by Mr・ Spencer with a second by Mr・ Hemphi‖・ Finance

members questioned the CT Consultant invoice on the bill's list and asked Sus紬whether we have been

reimbursed fbr叩′ments we have made on the Hike & Bike prqiect. Susan said she has not yet received

a珂hing back缶om ODOT紬d would look into when we miかbe reimbursed缶om the grant. Doug

McGee infbmed her th如ODOT has not yet鯖nalized血e fbm to be submi請ed for reimbursement,

Finance discussed further what projects are 80/20 payments and what projects are 1 00% up front and then

reimbursed・ Motion passed 5-1 with紬abstention血om Mr・ Dempsey・

HMS Collections: Reviewed and signed off on with no further corments.

Any Other Business:

The next Finance Committee meeting will be Tuesday, July 28, 2015 beginning at 6:00 pin.

Adjournment: A Motion to adjoun the meeting was made by Mr. Hemphill with a second by Mr. Spencer. Motion

passed unanimously. Meeting adjouned at 9: 17 pin. There was no Safety meeting.

Respect血Ily Sub血i筒ed by:

Susan J. S血ovan, Fiscal O飾cer

Attest :

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