VidenDanmark + Sam Kondo Steffensen

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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VidenDanmark holdt den 23. marts 2010 møde hos MillionBrains om åben innovation og videndeling. Sam Kondo Steffensen fra MillionBrains fortalte deltagerne fra VidenDanmark om baggrunden for MillionBrains-projektet - og om hvad idéen er med platformen. MillionBrains er rigtig åben innovation - man kan lægge Challenges ud - og alle kan melde sig ind som Brains. På sigt vil man nok være lidt kritiske ift. hvilke challenges, der kan lægges ud. MillionBrains bygger på en teknoligi - der arbejder semantisk - i stedet for søgeteknologi ønskes det modsatte - at informationen kommer til dig - på baggrund af opsamlede data.

Transcript of VidenDanmark + Sam Kondo Steffensen





Kondo Steffensen, March 2010

Silicon Valley presentation April, 2009

Today`s agenda : Open Innovation Trends & The MillionBrains Concept

• Personal Intro

• Background social dynamics

• The Open Innovation Agenda - discussion

• MillionBrains – the basic concept

• MillionBrains – application examples

• Wrap-up


1980s: Industrial globalization unfolding – integrating production ► Production networks, regional relocations, flexible specialization, high-tech era, new industrial spaces, EU92, China/East Europe into the capitalist loop, spatial economics. New company breeds: Intel, Microsoft, Softbank, Nintendo, Cisco, Sun, Apple, Oracle … Lead actor: companies

1990s: Economic/Technological integration► Turbo on global trading systems, craze, Moores law in reality, unified software, transaction & communication standards, e-commerce, portals, personal computers, mobile & wireless, Linux, ERP, Windows 95, digitization …… Lead actor: technology

21+: Social integration of global forces ► Dynamic sourcing, every-ware, virtual communities/teams, Web. 2.0, APIs, social software/ technology, global gaming communities, CSR, collaboration, online translation, search & share, prosumers. New social network businesses: You-Tube, MySpace, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Jobui, Mixi … Lead actor: people

© MillionBrains A/S

Globalization: dynamics

The Talents - From bureaucratic mindsets to new types of interactives - Increasingly fostered in newly industrialized environments - Committing and loyal to meaningful projects, not to the companies

The Companies - None will command all the right resources internally to survive competition - Will have to demonstrate their interesting projects to attract the best talent - Must swiftly tap into global talent pools and master open processes

The Worldis changing fast and evidence of increased globalization and flat world dynamics are everywhere.

The Workplacerelationships are changing, with more demands being placed on employers to be able to attract and retain best talent anywhere/anytime.

The Technology social networks, wiki’s, blogs, open innovation, and crowd wisdom lead to new principles of openness, peering, sharing and acting globally.


Innovation• How are innovation teams composed• How are they being benchmarked• How are they measured and evaluated

?Talent• How do we describe present-day talent• How do we uncover, assure, and retain the right talent• How do deal with the newest pool of global talents: “The N-Gen”

?Value • What structured data exist on value creation• What do we know about value creation processes• How do we attain insights into specific value creating capabilities ?

What do we know ?

Sam Kondo Steffensen : ” Innovation Management”, 2010

Trends & rationale

From a management perspective, the main recommendations from this year`s Open Innovation Summit are the following:

•Don’t waste time on best practice; invest your brain capacity in next practice. Spending time searching for best practice and examining bench-marking exercises will never guarantee the business lead. You must concentrate on analyzing what will be the ‘next’ practice and organize strategically to fit this framework.

• The practical impact of having in place proper performance and benefit metrics. Open Innovation is widely under estimated, and internal performance metrics need to be defined and implemented. What gets measured gets done !

• The important strategic principle of never involving legal departments in negotiations. Understand the importance – from a results oriented perspective – of never engaging formal legal competencies into the negotiation phase. Only involve them when negotiations have been concluded and frameworks established.

• Organizational requirements for allocating dedicated resources and clearly defined areas of responsibility. Seek out people with the right social mindsets and appoint them formally to drive and facilitate the processes of open innovation and internal development. They should have the full support of top management, which should demonstrate active interest.

Key takeaways

Value propositions


Attraction Tool ™



Patent discrepancies :


Patent Commercializor :


a dynamic manageable open innovation community decisively enhancing

project & talent development processes


” ...talent becomes something companies must define in their own terms, according to their own circumstances and is something their recruitment and development processes should be able to uncover in unexpected places. ” ” We live in an ’open source’ society creating a new model for how people interrelate across geographies, organizational and economic boundaries and where creativity, speed of response and energy drive radically improved cycle times and reinvented cost bases. ... The ’wiki world’ is changing the context in which commercial entities operate in ways they can no longer control. ”

” The company`s definition of talent will depend on the changing opportunities and challenges it faces. It is defined as much by the nature of the demand for it as by the nature of supply. ”

” ... Tomorrow´s talent are working, learning, communicating and collaborating in entirely new ways. ... Nurturing new styles of leadership, and inspiring talent to perform in a business context will require different cultures and new approaches that provide rapid feedback, game-like work practices, and close attention to cultural differences and the influence of family and friends. ”

Tomorrow`s global talent

Intelligent Recruiting :


a dynamic manageable open innovation community decisively enhancing

project & talent development processes


”Most companies have it all wrong.They don´t have to motivate their employees.They have to stop de-motivating them!”– Harvard Management Update Vol. 11

Who to motivate ? To motivate (and to lead) your employees, you have to know who they are, where they come from, and what triggers their interest.  Do you know the demography of your company ?

• How many employees in different life-phases?• What are their competencies and (in what way) do they contribute to the culture and transmission of knowledge?• How many are we to loose – for instance due to retirement?• What does all this mean to the competitiveness of the company today – and when markets upturn starts to happen? • How do we most efficiently create motivation to retain and recruit talents?

Motivation – know what you know Organizational Memory : Dynamic leadership tool



Tuning into the global BrainBeat

” As change accelerates,

investing in diversity is not a luxury; it`s a survival strategy ”

Gary Hamel

Together you make a difference !

Million Brains