Venerable Sister Maria Troncatti

Post on 07-Jan-2016

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Venerable Sister Maria Troncatti. Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, Missionary in Morona Santiago - Ecuador. Italy 1883 – Ecuador 1969. Maria Troncatti, follows the footsteps of Mother Mazzarello. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Venerable Sister Maria Troncatti

Venerable Sister Maria Troncatti

Italy 1883 – Ecuador 1969

Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, Missionary in Morona Santiago - Ecuador

Maria Troncatti, follows the footsteps of Mother Mazzarello.

Maria Troncatti, enters the Institute of the Daughter of Mary Help of

Christians, where spread of missionary fervor left by Mother Mazzarello and get going as a missionary to Ecuador.

“Go into the world and preach the Gospel to

all peoples.” Mt. 28, 20

Sister Mary Troncatti, Italian missionary, is ready to fulfill the mandate of Jesus to

evangelize and will heal the pain of suffering, as a skilled nurse.

Sister Maria Troncatti, born in Brescia, Italy Corteno- On February 16, 1883, arrived in Ecuador in 1922. (at 50 years of the founding of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians)

remains little time in Guayaquil, and Cuenca Chunchi, serving as a catechist and nurse; definitely traveling East Missions.

Father Albino del CurtoSalesian Missionary, directs the expedition

Trusting that Father Albino knows the way they should go and they leave. In his first trip to the East, Sister Maria

Troncatti, is exposed to risks of all kinds, including animals of the forest and

rivers. She should go through a ford or on bridges or fragile backs of the Shuar.

Since then began the spreadingthe word that she was a powerful

healer, and that she has opening doors.

During her trip she encounter a gravely ill person. There she won

the passport to enter. She used the few materials she had,

disinfected with alcohol a scalpel-like instrument for cutting and

curing. The person is healed and this fact opened the way, her

and the missionaries.

“Here is your field”Sister Maria Troncatti,reached Macas in 1925.

She is sent to work among the Shuar, Macas y

Sucua, where other Sistersbegins a difficult work

of evangelizationand medical care.

Sister Maria Troncatti, fulfills her dream to be a Missionary, she is presented with a

Field very broad, she is the nurse,surgeon, dentist and anesthetist, but overall

CATECHIST, a rich resource of faith,Patience adn brotherly love.

Sister Troncatti, performed her missionary apostolate with the Shuar in Macas and Sevilla, there her work of promoting women,

flowers hundreds of Christian families formed by choice and not by decision of the parents.

Phrases wrote by Sister Maria Troncatti in her personal notebook.

“Every day I am happier in my religious and missionary vocation”

“One glace at the crucifix renews my courage and gives me wings with which

to work”

Her heart, full of love for God and souls, gave value toCross and cross again the Upano river at anytime.

Shuar PEOPLE recognizes the goodness of Sister Maria Troncatti, and expresses gratitude diferently.

Here are some quotes from “Beloved Jungle”:

Sr. Troncatti was there, with her rosary in hand, always ready to say”Yes”, “soon”,

“gladly”. And she was so good. (Testimony of Mamach)

Sr. Troncatti and praising God: “Behold, the people of the jungle become God’s people.”(Taken from the Chronicle)

For me, Sister Troncatti had been father and mother and she cured my disease and

helped me to have a house and land. (Testimony of Blanca )

In the Hospital at SucuaSr. Maria Troncatti; was a physician, for the body and the spirit, while healing,

distributed medicines, advised and evangelized.

Mary Help of Christians,Pray for us.

(She pray while she heal the sick).

Her remains rest in Sucua, her missionary zeal remain forever, Interceding for the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Ecuador,

and of the world and for the salvation of his beloved Shuar.

Here lies Sister Maria Troncatti, faithful interpreter of God’s love.

His remains rest in Sucúa, his missionary zealremain forever, interceding for the Daughters of Mary Help of Ecuador, the world and for the salvation of his beloved Shuar.

09/10/2008 - Roma (Italia).

Sister Giuliana Accornero, a professor of canon law and vice-postulator for the

causes of saints in our Institute, announced that on October 7, has made

an imporntan step on the way to the altar of Sister Maria Troncatti: official

recognition has been by the Congregation of Saints, of the heroic

virtues of the Servant of God our, missionary of the first hour in the

Amazon jungle.

Sr. Maria Troncatti to the altars

With this act Sister Maria has been declared by the Church: Venerable, after several sessions that witnesses have been examined and the evidence of the life she led for eighty-six

years, always working well and placing her eyes only in God and the salvation of all who approached her. At this time, in the Archdiocese of Portoviejo has known a case considered miraculous healing, obtained through the intercession of Sister Maria Troncatti, in favor of

a woman affected by an infection, degeneration in multiple complications, affecting vital organs and thus, was diagnosed, a few hours of life. Invoking entrusted tot he Servant of

God, has been effectiveness of getting the sick began to recover to get the cure.

If we want to get the Beatification of Sister Troncatti, all are called to collaborate with prayer and with the commitment to imitate the virtues which

she practiced in life.

The memory of her heart "ardent charity" is an invitation to overcome the challenges presented daily with courage for consistently living our


Sister Giuliana Accornero.Vice postulator

Miracle! Miracle!

Finally we get the news that the miracle has been approved. Very soon we will know the date of the


A beautiful news!

Sr. Maria Troncatti, will be Beatified on 2012

Sr. María Troncatti

She will beatified at MacasOn November 24, 2012

Let us give thanks to God!

To know more about Sr. Maria Troncatti read:BELOVED JUNGLE.

Life of Sr. Troncatti

Written by Sr. Maria Dominga Grassiano

Sacred Heart Province - ECUAuthor: Sr. Rosario López, fma