Vecchia-Laplace Approximations for Generalized Gaussian ......4 Conclusions Matthias Katzfuss (Texas...

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Vecchia-Laplace Approximations for GeneralizedGaussian Processes

Matthias Katzfuss

Department of StatisticsTexas A&M University

Joint work with Daniel Zilber

September 28, 2018

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1 Gaussian processes

2 The general Vecchia frameworkOverview and basic ideaGaussian noise

3 Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

4 Conclusions

Matthias Katzfuss (Texas A&M) Vecchia-Laplace Approximations September 28, 2018 2 / 27

Gaussian processes


1 Gaussian processes

2 The general Vecchia frameworkOverview and basic ideaGaussian noise

3 Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

4 Conclusions

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Gaussian processes

Function estimation

Consider a function , observed incompletely , and with noise/error

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Gaussian processes

Function estimation



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Consider a function , observed incompletely , and with noise/error

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Gaussian processes

Function estimation






Consider a function , observed incompletely , and with noise/error

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Gaussian processes

Gaussian processes (GPs): Probabilistic function estimators






GPs provide an optimal function estimate under the assumption of aninfinite-dimensional normal distributionand quantify uncertainty in the form of a joint probability distribution

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Gaussian processes

Gaussian processes (GPs): Probabilistic function estimators






GPs provide an optimal function estimate under the assumption of aninfinite-dimensional normal distributionand quantify uncertainty in the form of a joint probability distribution

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Gaussian processes

Gaussian processes (GPs): Probabilistic function estimators



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GPs provide an optimal function estimate under the assumption of aninfinite-dimensional normal distributionand quantify uncertainty in the form of a joint probability distribution

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Gaussian processes

Challenge: GPs are not scalable

For n data points, need to work with n × n covariance matrix→ Direct inference has O(n3) time and O(n2) memory complexity

0 20 40 60 80 100




n (thousands)



Want methods/approximations that scale linearly in nMatthias Katzfuss (Texas A&M) Vecchia-Laplace Approximations September 28, 2018 6 / 27

Gaussian processes

Challenge: GPs are not scalable

For n data points, need to work with n × n covariance matrix→ Direct inference has O(n3) time and O(n2) memory complexity

0 20 40 60 80 100




n (thousands)



Want methods/approximations that scale linearly in nMatthias Katzfuss (Texas A&M) Vecchia-Laplace Approximations September 28, 2018 6 / 27

Gaussian processes

Existing approaches for computational feasibility

Let Σ be the n × n data covariance matrix.

Existing approaches include:

• Sparse Σ (e.g., Furrer et al., 2006; Kaufman et al., 2008)

• Sparse Σ−1 (e.g., Rue and Held, 2005; Lindgren et al., 2011; Nychkaet al., 2015)

• Low-rank Σ (e.g., Higdon, 1998; Wikle and Cressie, 1999;Quinonero-Candela and Rasmussen, 2005; Banerjee et al., 2008;Cressie and Johannesson, 2008)

• Sparse Cholesky factor of Σ−1: Vecchia

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The general Vecchia framework


1 Gaussian processes

2 The general Vecchia frameworkOverview and basic ideaGaussian noise

3 Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

4 Conclusions

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The general Vecchia framework Overview and basic idea


1 Gaussian processes

2 The general Vecchia frameworkOverview and basic ideaGaussian noise

3 Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

4 Conclusions

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The general Vecchia framework Overview and basic idea

Vecchia approximation

Assume x = (x1, . . . , xN) is multivariate Gaussian. Density function can befactorized as

f (x) =N∏i=1

f (xi |x1:i−1),

where x1:i−1 := (x1, . . . , xi−1).

This factorization motivates the Vecchia (1988) approximation:

f (x) =N∏i=1

f (xi |xg(i)),

where g(i) ⊂ {1, . . . , i − 1} is the conditioning set of size |g(i)| ≤ m.

If screening effect holds, can get good approximation for m� N, whichcan lead to enormous computational savings.

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The general Vecchia framework Overview and basic idea

Vecchia approximation

Assume x = (x1, . . . , xN) is multivariate Gaussian. Density function can befactorized as

f (x) =N∏i=1

f (xi |x1:i−1),

where x1:i−1 := (x1, . . . , xi−1).

This factorization motivates the Vecchia (1988) approximation:

f (x) =N∏i=1

f (xi |xg(i)),

where g(i) ⊂ {1, . . . , i − 1} is the conditioning set of size |g(i)| ≤ m.

If screening effect holds, can get good approximation for m� N, whichcan lead to enormous computational savings.

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The general Vecchia framework Overview and basic idea

Vecchia approximation

Assume x = (x1, . . . , xN) is multivariate Gaussian. Density function can befactorized as

f (x) =N∏i=1

f (xi |x1:i−1),

where x1:i−1 := (x1, . . . , xi−1).

This factorization motivates the Vecchia (1988) approximation:

f (x) =N∏i=1

f (xi |xg(i)),

where g(i) ⊂ {1, . . . , i − 1} is the conditioning set of size |g(i)| ≤ m.

If screening effect holds, can get good approximation for m� N, whichcan lead to enormous computational savings.

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The general Vecchia framework Overview and basic idea

General Vecchia framework (Katzfuss and Guinness, 2017)

If screening is weak for data/responses, might be able to includeunobserved (latent) variables in x for stronger screening effect.

Three choices for general Vecchia:

1. Which variables to include in x?

2. How to order the variables in x?

3. How to choose the conditioning sets g(i)?

Choices can result in tremendous differences in terms of approximationaccuracy and computational speed.

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The general Vecchia framework Overview and basic idea

Special cases

• Standard/response Vecchia: Noisy responses in x (e.g., Vecchia,1988; Stein et al., 2004)

• Nearest-neighbor GP: Latent GP in x (Datta et al., 2016)

• Multi-resolution approximation (Katzfuss, 2017):Ordering/conditioning based on iterative domain partitioning

• Special cases: Modified predictive process (Finley et al., 2009),FSA-block (Snelson and Ghahramani, 2007; Sang et al., 2011)

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The general Vecchia framework Overview and basic idea

Ordering and conditioning


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Max-min distance

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• Max-min distance ordering can be much more accurate thancoordinate ordering (Guinness, 2018)

• Conditioning usually on m nearest previously ordered locations, butmore complicated schemes possible

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The general Vecchia framework Gaussian noise


1 Gaussian processes

2 The general Vecchia frameworkOverview and basic ideaGaussian noise

3 Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

4 Conclusions

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The general Vecchia framework Gaussian noise

Response Vecchia (Vecchia, 1988)

Vecchia approximation is applied to data/responses directly

Exact GP vs. response Vecchia with m = 4



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Works well for data without noiseWorks very poorly if data are noisyMatthias Katzfuss (Texas A&M) Vecchia-Laplace Approximations September 28, 2018 15 / 27

The general Vecchia framework Gaussian noise

Response Vecchia (Vecchia, 1988)

Vecchia approximation is applied to data/responses directly

Exact GP vs. response Vecchia with m = 4



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Works well for data without noiseWorks very poorly if data are noisyMatthias Katzfuss (Texas A&M) Vecchia-Laplace Approximations September 28, 2018 15 / 27

The general Vecchia framework Gaussian noise

Response Vecchia (Vecchia, 1988)

Vecchia approximation is applied to data/responses directly

Exact GP vs. response Vecchia with m = 4






Works well for data without noiseWorks very poorly if data are noisyMatthias Katzfuss (Texas A&M) Vecchia-Laplace Approximations September 28, 2018 15 / 27

The general Vecchia framework Gaussian noise

General Vecchia (Katzfuss and Guinness, 2017)

x consists of noisy data and (unknown/latent) GP realizations






Works well even if data are noisy (m = 4)

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The general Vecchia framework Gaussian noise

Specific methods

• Sparse general Vecchia (SGV) approximations to the likelihood: xcontains noisy data and latent GP realizations (Katzfuss andGuinness, 2017)

• SGV predictions: x contains noisy data, latent GP realizations, andGP at prediction locations (Katzfuss et al., 2018)

• Multi-level Vecchia: Automatically tailors different approximations todifferent scales (Zhang & Katzfuss, in prep.)

Crucial details:

• Include variables and order them such that strong screening effectholds

• Integrate out latent/nuisance variables• Study sparsity and guarantee linear scaling using directed acyclic

graph (DAG) resultsMatthias Katzfuss (Texas A&M) Vecchia-Laplace Approximations September 28, 2018 17 / 27

The general Vecchia framework Gaussian noise

Specific methods

• Sparse general Vecchia (SGV) approximations to the likelihood: xcontains noisy data and latent GP realizations (Katzfuss andGuinness, 2017)

• SGV predictions: x contains noisy data, latent GP realizations, andGP at prediction locations (Katzfuss et al., 2018)

• Multi-level Vecchia: Automatically tailors different approximations todifferent scales (Zhang & Katzfuss, in prep.)

Crucial details:

• Include variables and order them such that strong screening effectholds

• Integrate out latent/nuisance variables• Study sparsity and guarantee linear scaling using directed acyclic

graph (DAG) resultsMatthias Katzfuss (Texas A&M) Vecchia-Laplace Approximations September 28, 2018 17 / 27

Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs


1 Gaussian processes

2 The general Vecchia frameworkOverview and basic ideaGaussian noise

3 Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

4 Conclusions

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Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

Non-Gaussian spatial data: Generalized GP (GGP)

Conditional on GP, data are independent from exponential family:binary, categorical, counts, . . .

Example: Binary classification using logistic GGP:• Take GP function• Transform into probability using logistic link, then draw from

Bernoulli distribution

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Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

Non-Gaussian spatial data: Generalized GP (GGP)

Conditional on GP, data are independent from exponential family:binary, categorical, counts, . . .

Example: Binary classification using logistic GGP:• Take GP function• Transform into probability using logistic link, then draw from

Bernoulli distribution





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Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

Non-Gaussian spatial data: Generalized GP (GGP)

Conditional on GP, data are independent from exponential family:binary, categorical, counts, . . .

Example: Binary classification using logistic GGP:• Take GP function• Transform into probability using logistic link, then draw from

Bernoulli distribution












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Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

Log-Gaussian Cox process (LGCP) as a GGP

• Poisson process with random intensity function λ(·) = ey(·), wherey(·) ∼ GP(µ,C )

• Approximation as GGP with Poisson likelihood:• Partition domain into grid cells A1, . . . ,An with center points a1, . . . , an• Data zi = z(Ai ): number of observed points in Ai

• Then, z1, . . . , zn|y(·) ind.∼ Poisson(µ(Ai )), where µ(Ai ) ≈ |Ai | ey(ai )













Observed Down−Sampled


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Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

Laplace for non-Gaussian data

For generalized GP, posterior is intractable → 2nd-order Taylor expansionat the mode (Laplace approximation).

Laplace algorithm: Iterative GP prediction using Gaussian pseudo-data








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But still O(n3) → infeasible for large n

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Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

Laplace for non-Gaussian data

For generalized GP, posterior is intractable → 2nd-order Taylor expansionat the mode (Laplace approximation).

Laplace algorithm: Iterative GP prediction using Gaussian pseudo-data








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But still O(n3) → infeasible for large n

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Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

Laplace for non-Gaussian data

For generalized GP, posterior is intractable → 2nd-order Taylor expansionat the mode (Laplace approximation).

Laplace algorithm: Iterative GP prediction using Gaussian pseudo-data








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But still O(n3) → infeasible for large n

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Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

Vecchia-Laplace (Katzfuss & Zilber, in prep.)

Based on pseudo-data t, apply Vecchia to x = (t1, . . . , tn, y1, . . . , yn)

Comparison of MSE relative to Laplace:

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Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

Vecchia-Laplace (Katzfuss & Zilber, in prep.)

Based on pseudo-data t, apply Vecchia to x = (t1, . . . , tn, y1, . . . , yn)

Comparison of MSE relative to Laplace:

0 5 10 15 20 25 30






ν = 0.5 (Logistic)

Conditioning Set Size



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0 5 10 15 20 25 30






ν = 0.5 (Poisson)

Conditioning Set Size



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0 5 10 15 20 25 30







ν = 0.5 (Gamma)

Conditioning Set Size



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● VL Laplace Low Rank

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Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

Comparison for simulated LGCP

Matern covariance with range 2.5 and smoothness ν on domainD = [0, 50]2, discretized to n = 2,500 = 50× 50 grid


ν = 0.5 ν = 1.5

0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60













Algorithm Laplace LowRank VL

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Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

Comparison for simulated LGCP

Matern covariance with range 2.5 and smoothness ν on domainD = [0, 50]2, discretized to n = 2,500 = 50× 50 grid

KL divergence

ν = 0.5 ν = 1.5

0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60












Algorithm Laplace LowRank VLMatthias Katzfuss (Texas A&M) Vecchia-Laplace Approximations September 28, 2018 24 / 27

Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

Vecchia-Laplace algorithm

• Complexity is linear in n

• Typically converges in < 10 iterations

• Unknown hyperparameters: Approximate the integrated likelihood

• Predictions at unobserved locations

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1 Gaussian processes

2 The general Vecchia frameworkOverview and basic ideaGaussian noise

3 Vecchia-Laplace approximations for generalized GPs

4 Conclusions

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• General Vecchia framework for GP approximations:• Accurate• Choice of x, ordering, and conditioning all important• Can guarantee linear scalability• Extension to GGPs and LGCPs

• R package:

• Papers:• Katzfuss, M. and Guinness, J. (2017). A general framework for Vecchia

approximations of Gaussian processes. arXiv:1708.06302.• Katzfuss, M., Guinness, J., and Gong, W. (2018). Vecchia

approximations of Gaussian-process predictions. arXiv:1805.03309.• Zilber, D. and Katzfuss, M. (in prep.) A Vecchia-Laplace

approximation for generalized Gaussian processes.

• Partially supported by NSF Grants DMS–1654083 and DMS–1521676

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