VDS Approach V4

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Transcript of VDS Approach V4

The Value Driven Approach

By Value Driven Solutions

The Resource for the Lean Enterprisew w w . v d s c o n s u l t i n g g r o u p . c o m

© 2015 | Value Driven Solutions 2

The World Class Enterprise

The Value Driven Approach

Features of a World Class Enterprise Culture of Continuous Improvement focused on customer satisfaction

Decisions revolve around Voice Of Process & Voice Of Customer

Strategic and operational excellence Hoshin Kanri

Lean Operating System

Clear roadmap to excellence

Best in Class Industry leader

Benchmarked by peers

Through the Value Driven Approach

© 2015 | Value Driven Solutions 3

World Class Performance Cycle

The Value Driven Approach

The Value Driven Approach

Define Value

Devise Strategy

Develop Appropriate


Maximize Flow

Improve Quality

Eliminate Variation

Analyze Results

Share Successes & Lessons Learned


© 2015 | Value Driven Solutions 4

Through the eyes of the customer

Define Value

The Value Driven Approach

A product or service provided to a customer at the right time, quantity

and at an appropriate price, as defined in each case by the customer.

Anything the customer is willing to pay for

Satisfies the following:

It changes the product

The customer pays for it

It’s done right the first time

Everything else is WASTE!


© 2015 | Value Driven Solutions 5

Maximize value

ransformation Strategy

The Value Driven Approach

Based on Lean Six Sigma Principles Flows to all levels of the organization Prioritizes projects based on their value adding capacity and

ROIC Links projects directly to organizational goals Integrates suppliers in value adding effort LSS must be the way everyone does business Revise accordingly, remember…

The Voice Of the Customer is a moving target


© 2015 | Value Driven Solutions 6

Collect relevant data

Develop Metrics

The Value Driven Approach

A good measurement: Is critical to the internal & external customer (CTQ) Provides quick feedback and motivates the team to act Is a source of information, not punishment Consider all collection points

Leading metrics Process metrics Lagging metrics


© 2015 | Value Driven Solutions 7

Value Stream Management

Maximize Flow

The Value Driven Approach

Value Stream Mapping Provides a visual representation of the flow of materials

and information Highlights waste, work stoppages, and their sources 5 steps

Define Family

Map Current


Map Future State

Implement Plan

Monitor & repeat as necessary


© 2015 | Value Driven Solutions 8

Introduce Six Sigma

Improve Quality

The Value Driven Approach

A highly disciplined methodology to deliver near-perfect quality consistently

Focused on eliminating variation, the main cause of defects A six sigma process produces less than 3.4 defects per million

opportunities, considered World Class Follows the DMAIC methodology


© 2015 | Value Driven Solutions 9

Standardize all processes

Eliminate Variation

The Value Driven Approach

Simplify and structure work for maximum efficiency, quality, and consistency through policies, procedures, and instructions Preserves know-how and expertise, provides a basis for training Three types of Standard Work



Corporate policyRoadmapStrategic planSIPOCImpact maturity chartValue stream map


Process at a glance PQ analysisProcess matrixSpaghetti chartTime observationProcess capacity sheetSWIPStandard work sheet


Work instructionOperating procedureSwim-lane mapElectronic file standardChecklistVisual control


© 2015 | Value Driven Solutions 10

Compare to goals

Analyze Results

The Value Driven Approach

Adjust periodically according to changes in VOC and market conditions

Business Metrics Improvement (2-3 yrs)Revenue ($) 20% Increase

EBIT ($) 50% Increase

Market Feedback World Class (> 6/7)

Employee Satisfaction 45% Increase

Quality Escapes World Class (zero)

Inventory Turn 15% Increase

On Time Delivery 25% Increase

Turn Around Time (Days) World Class


Table 1. Typical metrics

© 2015 | Value Driven Solutions 11

Share success and challenges

Lessons Learned

The Value Driven Approach


Gemba Walks Reflection Meetings Andon Response Accountability Process Mentoring

Leadership Standard Work

© 2015 | Value Driven Solutions 12

The Resource for the Lean Enterprise

Value Driven Solutions

The Value Driven Approach

Value Driven Solutions (VDS) is a management consulting firm dedicated to

continuous process improvement. Our Value Driven Approach is based on the

Lean Principles for manufacturing and service organizations, and the Six

Sigma methodology for near-perfect quality.

Our goal is to provide clients with…• a true baseline from which to grow • identify opportunities for improvement

of critical processes• a comprehensive road map to World

Class performance

Value Driven Solutions, LLC @Lean_VDSwww.facebook.com/VDSConsulting

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