Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis Integrins in vasculature and KO phenotypes Growth Factor Receptors...

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis Integrins in vasculature and KO phenotypes Growth Factor Receptors...

Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis

Integrins in vasculature and KO phenotypes

Growth Factor Receptors signaling and vasculature phenotypesVEGFRTip cells VEGF, Notch

Vasculogesis and angiogenesis in vertebrates

Models Intussuseptive angiogenesis

(tissues as muscle, often blood flow dependent etc.)

Angiogenesis is a dynamic and context determined process

Examples of vascular defects

Integrins in the vasculature


A7 Lm 68% embryonic lethal hemorrgaged E10-14.5 SM cells

Integrin inhibitors and RTK agonistic interactions (Kaan)

Angiopoitins, Tie1 and Tie2 receptor

PDGF RTK signaling

VEGF RTK signaling

VEGFR3 at tips cells

Signaling in sprouting tip cells

Delta-Notch signaling

Sema3 inhibits integrin function. Normal angiogenesis…


Mouse models affecting TGFbeta signaling

Haemodynamics affect vascular remodelling


Pixt2 KO phenotypes in 6th BAAOcclusion of right BAAs results in Persistence of left 6 BAA