Valicias Dinner Menu

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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...$12.9' . $Z.yS ....$10.95 -..(7t7tett:zer+r, y'ty'tt $ 2155 Long Pond Rd. . . .. . $11.95 . .. .$ 11..95 cup $2.00 Bowl $3.00 Penne, Spaghetti, Cappelini, Linguine or Bowtie ". $8.95 GNOCCHI - Honremad,e ltalian style dumplings made with ricotta cheese and potato. ...$4.75 RAVIOLI- Homemade pasta pockets fi I led .$9.95 .$9.95 CHBF S CHOICE CHOWDER - Friday only Sautedd mltshrooms, broccoli,, proscuitto ham, peas, and a lfredo sauce ouer fettucin e. .$ Sauces - tomato or marinara

Transcript of Valicias Dinner Menu

2155 Long Pond Rd. .

-..(7t7tett:zer+r,ANTrPAsro :.... ....$6.qtARTICHOKB FRBNCH . $I.YSCAJ/\MARTFRTTTO ... $7.95CAIAMART STCIrAN ". $8.95Fried calamari with calamata oliues, hot pepper ringsand scampi sauce.

crAMS CASTNO . $'Z.gSHOTANTTPASTOFORTWO. . ".. $13.95Clams casino, crab-stuffed musbrooms efried calamari.


aithsausage ., $7.95BGGPTANT FRBNCH. . $6.qrSHRTMP COCKTAI . $10.95TRrPr .. $5.95STUFFED ESCAROTE . $Z.ySSautedd & baked escarole with black oliues and romano cheese.


SOUP OF TIIE DAYcup $2.00 Bowl $3.00


,%'tso/ot rr (Ji,/rnrflcHrcKBN CADSAR . .$10.95Grilled marinated boneless chicken serued ouer romainelettuce witb grated romano cheese, croutons, and, our.[amous caesar dressi ng.

SHRTMPMEDTTTRRANEAN. .....$13.95Jumbo shrimp, marinated and grilled, serued ouer mixedgreens, and topped uith calamata oliaes, sliced hot pepperrings, roasted redpeppers,feta cheese and balsamicuittaigrette.

-Qore (SnvacflGARLIC BREAD .$S.loGART,TCCHBBSBBRDAD ....$4.00BRUCHETTA ...$4.75Garlic bread with diced tomatoes, roasted red peppers, spinachand proualone cheese.

srcrrrAN PANB .$r.toGarlic bread with calamata oliues, sliced hot pepper rings,escarole, roasted red peppers and asiago cbeese.

-&r,s tcr,%wc/t / t o rru 1o"Choose You,r Oton"

Penne, Spaghetti, Cappelini, Linguine or BowtieSauces - tomato or marinara

t @cotmDinnef Menu

Rochester, NY . 247-5930

-&t,stu -fieciofiTcrAll pasta entreds serued uith soup and salad.

rAsAcNA . .. .$ 11..95Ialtered uitb ricotta cbeese and seasoned ground beeJbaked in, tomqto sauce.

NAPOTTTANOLASAGNA ....$rr.glThree meat lasagna (groundpork, sausage andground beeflIqrered uith ricotta. musbrooms, peppers and mozzarellacheese. Baked in tomato sauce. Topped with shaued reggino-parmesan cheese.

wItD TASAGNA (VEGETARTAN). . . $11.95Roasted red peppers, porlabella. spinacb, egS11ilanl, marinarasauce, mozzarella and ricotta clteeses.

GNOCCHI - Honremad,e ltalian style dumplingsmade with ricotta cheese and potato.

NAPOTT .$9.95Serued in tomato sauce.

ATFORNO . ... $10.95Baked in, tomato sauce taitb mozzarella cbeese.

DrcAsA. $rr.gtTomato saltce, ground beef, mozzarella cbeese and sauteddmusbroottts.

MANICOTTI - Homemade tepesfilled,with ricotta oncl rontano clteeses.

NAPOTT $10.95Baked in, tomato sauce.

DICASA. $11.95Tomato sauce, ground beef, mozzarella cbeese arcd sauteddmushroom.s.

ITALIANOHalf tomato sauce, balf alfredo.


RAVIOLI- Homemade pasta pockets fi I ledwith ricotta clteese.

NAPOTT .$9.95Settted in tornato sauce.

ATFORNO ....$10.95Baked in tomato sauce uith mozzarella cheese.

DrcAsA. $11.95Tomato sauce, ground beef, mozzarella cbeese and sauteddmusbrooms,

FETTUCINB ATFREDO $10.95ITaditional cream sau,ce"

FBTTUCTNBANfiTONY .... $11.95Sautedd mltshrooms, broccoli,, proscuitto ham, peas, anda lfredo sauce ouer fettucin e.

TORTITINIPRIDIO .. $11"9'Cheese tortilinis baked in rnarinara sauce, fi.nisbed uithcbopped tomatoes, roasted red peppers, spinach, and meltedasiago cheese.

BGGPLANTpAR]}rrcrANA.. .. . .. . $11.95Breaded egsplant rounds, baked in tomato sauce witb moz-zarella cbeese. Serued ouer penne.

GORGANZOTA FORMAGTO . $12.95Portabello m.ushrooms sautedd in spinacb and artichokebearts in a crea.m! gorganzola sauce ouer penne topped witbromano cheese and bread crumbs.


Gatrre (gJ"tAll beef entreds serued witb soup and salad

and choice ofpasta, potatoes or uegetable.

FTLETMTGNON. .... $19.95Choice tenderloin steak"

BTSTBCCAVALTCTA .. $20.95Two petite fibts sautedd in madeira uine sauce, serued ouer

breaded eggplant rounds, topped uith sliced tomato, spinach

and asiago cheese.

FTTLBTTOPORTABETLA.. .$20.95Two petitefi,lets sautedd with portabella musbroorns androasted red peppers in a butter nwrsala sauce.

PRIME RIB OF BEEF . 8 oz. $12.95Fridajt a774 SoturdaY onty. 12 oz. $15.95

2A oz. $22.95NEW YORK STRIP STTAK . . $17.95Witb mushrooms and au jus

@//o (6fi'L'Ae4All chicken. entretis serued with soup and salad

and choice ofpasta, potatoes or uegetable.

PARITTGTANA . $ 12.95Italian-style breaded boneless breast ofchicken baked intomato sauce with mozzarella cheese.

PBPPBRONT.... ...$13.95Chicken tenders sautedd with madeira uine, mushrooms andtomato sauce. Topped uitb mozzarella cbeese and pepperoni.

Served oaer penne.

ANGELO $13.95Boneless breast ofchicken saute4d in sherry wine and butterwith fresb broccoli, artichoke bearts, mushrooms, roasted redpeppers and black oliues.

MARSATA .. ". $13.95Boneless breast of chicken sautedd in marsala uine andbutter uith fresh mushrooms.

FRENCH $1,3.9'Boneless breast ofchicken dipped in egg batter and sautedd insherry wine, lemon and butter

Fr,oRENTrM.. ....$14.95Boneless breast ofchicken dipped in egg batter and sautedd insherry uine, Iemon and butter. Serued ouer escarole.

SATTTMBOCCA. ....$14.95Boneless breast ofcbicken sautedd in red wine witb prosciut-

to, mushrooms and calamata oliues. Sertted ouer escarole.

POMADOROATFRDDO... .$14.95Chicken tenders sautedd uith mu,shrooms, broccoli, freshtomato strips in a cream! alfredo sauce ouerfettucine.


-Qtvci (f"1y6or,All seafood entreds serued with soup and salad

and cboice ofpasta, potatoes or uegetable.

TINGUINBCTAMSAUCB ...$ 13.95Red or white, with chopped clams and six littleneck clam,s.

CAI,AMARI &CIAMS .$13.95Steamed in marinara sauce. Serued, ouer linguine.

sorB FroRENTrNE... ....$13.95Di.pped in egg batter and saute6d in sberrlt wine, lemon andbutter. Seraed ouer escarole.

ZUPPADI CLAMS ...$1.3.95One dozen littleneck clams steamed in marinara sauce.

Serued ouer linguine.

sHRrMp AND CL\DI FRA DTAVOTO . . . . . $17.95Jumbo sbrimp and littleneck clams sautedd in a spicybrandy marinara sauce. Serued ouer cappelini,

SHRTMPSCAMFI ...$16.95jurnbo shrimp sautetid in sherry uine, butter, gailic andlemon. Serued ouer linguine.

SEAFOOD ATFRBDO . $16.95lumbo shrimp, sea scallops, saute4d with musbrooms,qrtichoke hearts. Serued ouer.fettucine.

SEAFOODBIANCO ..$16.95Jumbo shrimp, sea scallops, crabmeat, littleneck and chopped

clams, sautedd uith oliue oil, garlic, andfresh herbs. Serued

ouer cappelini.

SAUTf FRUTTI DI MARB . . $17.95Jumbo sbrimp, sea scallops, sautedd scampi style uitb freshbasil, tomatoes and broccoli ouer linguine"

croPPrNo ...$19.951/2 lobster tail, shrimp, scallops and whole clarns sautedd ina brandjt marinara sauce ouer linguine.

BROITBD 7 OZ. TOBSTTR TAIL . . . *Iarket Price

DOUBTB 7 OZ. TOBSTER TAIIS. . . Market Price

SURF & TURF . Market PriceA 6 oz. f,let and 7 oz. broiled lobster tail.

FRIDAY ONIYFTSHFRY ....$10.95Serued uithfrencbfries, cole slaw and tartar sauce - only.

HADDOCK FRENCH . $I3.9'Haddockfilerc sautedd French-style, seraed ouer linguine.

With soup and salad.

BROITED IIADDOCK . $I2.9'With choice of side, soup and sa,lad.

%?e/ft> ('/eaQAll ueal entreds serued with soup and sala.d

and choice ofpasta, potatoes or uegetable.

ASTAGO $14.95Veal scaloppini sautedd with articboke hearts, stewed tornatoes

and spinach in a wbite ruine gailic sauce ouer penne. Finisheduitb asiago cheese.